Response to S5 Suppl

LETTER submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Response to Spectrum Five LLC


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080321-00077 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         January 6, 2012


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20060908-00100, SAT-AMD-20080114-00014, and
               SAT-AMD-20080321-00077 (Call Sign S2712)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On July 27, 2009, the International Bureau adopted an order granting DIRECTV
Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”) authority to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz BSS
space station at 102.825° W.L. 1 Spectrum Five LLC, which had opposed DIRECTV’s
application, filed a petition for reconsideration of that decision based upon the contention that
DIRECTV’s calculation of the power flux-density (“PFD”) of its system did not comply with
Section 25.208(w) because it included minute amounts of atmospheric attenuation. This issue
had been heavily litigated, and authoritatively resolved in DIRECTV’s favor, in the proceeding
below. 2

        In order to avoid a similarly belabored exchange of filings with Spectrum Five over an
ultimately inconsequential issue, DIRECTV did not include any atmospheric attenuation in the
PFD calculation submitted in a subsequent application to modify its 17/24 GHz BSS
authorization at 102.825° W.L. 3 Although that application was filed over five months ago,
Spectrum Five just last week filed a Supplement to its petition for reconsideration, arguing that
DIRECTV’s decision not to include atmospheric attenuation in its more recent PFD calculation
is a concession that the use of such attenuation in the original application did not comply with
Section 25.208(w). 4 Of course, DIRECTV has conceded no such thing.

    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 24 FCC Rcd. 9393 (Int’l Bur. 2009).
    See generally id., ¶¶ 10-25.
    See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20110727-00136 (filed July 27, 2011).
    Supplement to Petition for Reconsideration at 2 (filed Dec. 27, 2011). Unless otherwise
    noted, all filings referred to herein were filed in the instant proceeding.


Marlene H. Dortch
January 6, 2012
Page 2 of 2

       This is not the first time Spectrum Five has made this argument. Indeed, its petition for
reconsideration noted an earlier application in which DIRECTV similarly did not include
atmospheric attenuation in its PFD calculation. 5 The response is the same now as it was then:

         This is not a concession by DIRECTV that such losses should not be considered
         in the PFD analysis, as speculated by Spectrum Five. Simply put, DIRECTV
         concluded that it would be preferable to forego any insignificant increase in PFD
         that would result by including atmospheric losses rather than invite the inevitable
         further opposition from Spectrum Five. . . . DIRECTV chose to avoid the issue
         and the attendant delay and expense arising from further filings by Spectrum Five.
         The change in approach reflects a preference for expedited processing, not any
         implicit concession about the PFD methodology used in prior applications. 6

Spectrum Five’s desire to divine a more substantive meaning is understandable, but erroneous as
a matter of both fact and logic.

        Spectrum Five’s filing does force DIRECTV to concede one fact: unfortunately, it
appears that there is no way for DIRECTV to prevent Spectrum Five from submitting yet another
frivolous filing. The only hope is that a firm rejection of its pending petition for reconsideration
will take at least one issue off the table for further briefing. Accordingly, DIRECTV urges the
Commission to deny the petition expeditiously.

                                               Respectfully submitted,


                                               William M. Wiltshire
                                               Counsel to DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

cc:      David Wilson (President, Spectrum Five LLC)
         Robert Nelson
         Kathyrn Medley
         Chip Fleming

      Petition for Reconsideration of Spectrum Five LLC at 10 (filed Aug. 27, 2009) (citing IBFS
      File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085).
      Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration at 21 (filed Sep. 10, 2009).

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 6th day of January, 2012, a copy of the foregoing was served

by first class mail, postage prepaid, upon:

               David Wilson
               Spectrum Five LLC
               1776 K Street, N.W.
               Suite 200
               Washington, DC 20006

                                                    Laura Merkey

Document Created: 2012-01-06 14:53:19
Document Modified: 2012-01-06 14:53:19

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