Ex Parte Presentatio


Ex Parte Presentation on DirecTV's Application to


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080114-00014 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                       MAY ER + BROW N
                                                                                                                                   Mayer Brown LLP
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                                                                                                                             Main Tel (202) 263—3000
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January 12, 2009                                                                                                                 www.mayerbrown.com

                                                                                                                           Howard W. Waitzman
                                                                                                                            Direct Tel (202) 263—3848
Via U.S. Mail and Electronic Filing                                                                                        Direct Fax (202) 762—4238
Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                                          hwaltzman@mayerbrown.com
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         DIRECTV Enterprises LLC
         FCC File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080321—00077; SAT—AMD—20080114—00014;
         SAT—LOA—2006—0908—00100 (Call Sign S$2712)
         Spectrum Five LLC
         ECC File No. SAT—LOI—20081113—00216 (Call Sign $2777)
         FCC File No. SAT—LOI—20081119—00217 (Call Sign $2778)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       This is to inform you that David Wilson and Tom Sharon of Spectrum Five, LLC
("Spectrum Five"), and undersigned counsel representing Spectrum Five, met on January 9,
2009, with Helen Domenici, Robert Nelson, and Cassandra Thomas of the Commission‘s
International Bureau to discuss the above—referenced 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service
("BSS") application of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC ("DIRECTV"). The content of Spectrum
Five‘s presentation is set forth in the attached materials, of which two copies are hereby
submitted for each referenced file number. Spectrum Five‘s representatives also inquired as to
the status of Spectrum Five‘s petition for a declaratory ruling that it be permitted to provide
service to the U.S. market from the 118.8° W.L. orbital location using the 17/24 GHz BSS band.‘

Respectfully submitte

Counsel to Spectrum Five LLC

‘ Petition for Declaratory Ruling To Serve the U.S. Market from the 118.8° W.L. Orbital Location in the 17/24
Broadcasting Satellite Service Band, In re Spectrum Five LLC, FCC File No. SAT—LOI—20081113—00216 (Nov. 13,

                    Mayer Brown LLP operates in combination with our associated English limited liability partnership
                                    and Liana Unaa nachamhin /nnd its nanaainted antfiticn in Aniah

Mayer Brown LLP

    Marlene H. Dortch
    January 12, 2009
    Page 2

    ce:   Helen Domenici
          Robert Nelson
          Cassandra Thomas

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      Marlene H. Dortch
      January 12, 2009
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          On January 14, 2008, DIRECTV submitted an amended application to operate a 17/24
GHz BSS space station at the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location." The amendment specified
that "[blecause DIRECTYV RB—2 will be placed at 102.825° W.L. rather than the Appendix F slot
at 103° W.L., there will be 0.1735° less spacing between DIRECTV RB—2 and the next closest on—
grid location." This offset "results in 0.5 dB less discrimination from this adjacent location."
Commission rules thus require that the maximum power flux density ("PFD") created by this
space stati?n on the Earth‘s surface not exceed —115.5 dBW/m"/MHz (the maximum PFD limit
for RB—2).

        DIRECTV‘s amended application was fatally defective under the Commission‘s rules,
which require that the application "demonstrate that its proposed operations will not cause more
interference to any current or future 17/24 GHz BSS satellite networks operating in compliance
with the technical requirements of this part, than if the applicant were located at the precise
Appendix F orbital location from which it seeks to offset."" In fact, DIRECTV‘s amended
application exceeds the maximum PFD limit by more than 0.3 dB a significant fraction of the
time, and certainly does not meet the maximum PFD limit for all conditions as required by
Commission rules.‘

* Application ofDIRECTY Enterprises, LLC To Amend Its Application for Authorization To Launch and Operate
DIRECTV RB—2, a Satellite in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service at 103° W.L., FCC File No. SAT—AMD—
20080114—00014 (Jan. 14, 2008) ("DIRECTV 103° W.L. Amendment"), acceptedfor filing, Public Notice, Satellite
Space Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Rpt. No. SAT—00535, 2008 WL 2627669, at *3 (rel. July 2, 2008).
* Id. Ex. B, at 12 (emphasis added).
* Id. Ex. B, at 13 (emphasis added).
° See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.140(b)(4)(iii), 25.208(w); DIRECTV 103° W.L. Amendment Ex. B, at 12—13. Spectrum Five
agrees with DIRECTV that the maximum PFD limit for RB—2 is —115.5 dBW/m"/MHz for RB—2. We also agree that
the maximum PFD would be —115.67 dBW/m*/MHz if the atmospheric losses were 0.74 dB 100% the time.
However, DIRECTV‘s use of 0.74 dB as the atmospheric loss value for the maximum PFD determination "for all
conditions" is inappropriate. Using the same ITU—R P.618—9 procedures as DIRECTV, Spectrum Five calculates
that the actual value can be less than 0.25 dB, which would cause the PFD to exceed —115.13 dBW/m"*/MHz and
produce excessive interference of 0.37 dB (~7.5%). Cf. Int‘l Telecomm. Union, Recommendation ITU—R P.618—9,
Propagation Data and Prediction Methods Required for the Design of Earth—Space Telecommunications Systems
(2007) ("ITU—R P.618—9").
° § 25.140(b)(4)(iii).
‘ "[A]l1 conditions, including clear sky"—as described in § 25.208(w)—must include the lowest—temperature,
lowest—humidity conditions which could be experienced. For example, on Dec. 2, 2008, the National Weather
Service reported that humidity in Miami reached a low of 42%, and temperatures ranged between 55° and 67° F.
See Nat‘l Weather Serv. Forecast Office, Miami—South Florida, http:/www.nws.noaa.gov/climate/index.php?
wfo=mfl (Archived Data / Dec. 2) (last viewed Jan. 12, 2009). In these conditions, the ITU—R P.618—9 procedures
indicate that the atmospheric loss would have varied between 0.21 and 0.25 dB, far less than DIRECTV‘s link
budget value of 0.74 dB, and also lower than the minimum level which DIRECTV recognizes as necessary for
compliance. See ITU—R P.618—9; see also infra note 26 and accompanying text. DIRECTV‘s space station would
produce excessive interference at that location and at that humidity and temperature, and thus would not comply
with § 25.208(w) "for all conditions."

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      January 12, 2009
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       In an ex parte submission dated December 8, 2008,° presented after Spectrum Five first
reported this fatal defect," DIRECTV concedes that its amended application employed a flawed
methodology to demonstrate compliance. This flawed methodology rendered the application
defective under the Commission‘s rules, which now mandate its dismissal. Moreover, the
modified calculations DIRECTV offers in the hopes of salvaging its application continue to use
link budget limit values for atmospheric losses to determine maximum PFD limits, an "apples to
oranges" comparison not consistent with the Commission‘s rules. DIRECTV‘s link budget
calculations, even with its recent modifications, do not—because they cannot—demonstrate
compliance with the PFD limits "for all conditions," as required by Commission rules.

        Because the Commission‘s rules are "unambiguous" and "directly address the issue"
presented here, the Commiussion is bound to follow the "clear meaning" of "its own
regulations.""" Where a "rule‘s meaning is clear on its face," that meaning controls;‘‘ courts will
not accept an agency‘s interpretation that is "plainly . . . inconsistent with the regulation.""" The
regulations cited here require DIRECTV to demonstrate compliance "for all conditions," and as
numerous courts have stated, ""all‘ means all.""" If any atmospheric conditions would leave
DIRECTV‘s signal too strong, its proposed space station would violate the rule. Because
DIRECTV‘s amended application failed to demonstrate compliance under the meaning
"compelled by the regulation‘s plain language,""* the application was defective when submitted
and must be dismissed.

® Letter from William M. Wiltshire, Counsel for DIRECTV Enters., LLC, to Marlene H. Dortch, Sec‘y of the FCC,
FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080114—00014 (Dec. 8, 2008) ("DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter").
° See Petition for Declaratory Ruling To Serve the U.S. Market from the 103.15° W.L. Orbital Location in the 17/24
Broadcasting Satellite Service Band, /n re Spectrum Five LLC, FCC File No. SAT—LOI—20081119—00217, at 6—11
{(Nov. 19, 2008) ("Spectrum Five 103.15° W.L. Petition"); see also Letter from Howard W. Waltzman, Counsel for
Spectrum Five, LLC, to Marlene H. Dortch, Sec‘y of the FFC, FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080114—00014 (Dec. 19,
2008) ("Spectrum Five Letter").
* In re Sealed Case, 237 F.3d 657, 667 (D.C. Cir. 2001).
‘ Nat‘l Family Planning & Reprod. Health Ass‘n v. Sullivan, 979 F.24 227 (D.C. Cir. 1992); accord CSX Transp.,
Inc. v. Surface Transp. Bd., 75 F.3d 696, 702 (D.C. Cir. 1996); Am. Train Dispatchers Ass‘n v. ICC, 54 F.3d 842,
848 (D.C. Cir. 1995); Exportal Ltda v. United States, 902 F.24 45, 50 (D.C. Cir. 1990); Pfizer, Inc. v. Heckler, 735
F.2d 1502, 1509 (D.C. Cir. 1984).
* Devon Energy Corp. v. Kempthorne, ——— F.3d ———, 2008 WL 5335583, at *5 (D.C. Cir. Dec. 23, 2008) (quoting
Thomas Jefferson Univ. v. Shalala, 512 U.S. 504, 512 (1994)); accord Long Island Care at Home, Ltd. v. Coke, 127
S. Ct. 2339, 2349 (2007); Sterra Club v. EPA, 536 F.3d 673, 679 (D.C. Cir. 2008); PPL Mont., LLC v. Surface
Transp. Bd., 437 F.3d 1240, 1245 (D.C. Cir. 2006); High Plains Wireless, L.P. v. FCC, 276 F.3d 599, 606 (D.C. Cir.
2002); Office of Communication, Inc., of the United Church of Christ v. FCC, 327 F.3d 1222 (D.C. Cir. 2003);
Envt‘l Def. Fund v. EPA, 210 F.34 396 (D.C. Cir. 2000).
° Sander v. Alexander Richardson Invs., 334 F.34 712 (8th Cit. 2003); see also Knott v. McDonald‘s Corp., 147
F.3d 1065, 1067 (9th Cir. 1998); Appalachian States Low—Level Radioactive Waste Comm‘n v. O‘Leary, 93 F.3d
103, 109 n.6 (3d Cir. 1996); Trs. ofIron Workers Local 473 Pension Trust v. Allied Prods. Corp., 872 F.2d 208,
210, 213 (7th Cir. 1989); Morison v. Gen. Motors Corp., 428 F.24 952, 953 (5th Cir. 1970).
" Gardebring v. Jenkins, 485 U.S. 415, 429 (1988).

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1.      Commission rules require DIRECTV to demonstrate compliance with maximum
        PFD limits under all atmospheric conditions.

         As Spectrum Five has previously described, the Commission has established a careful
first—come, first—served procedure for 17/24 GHz BSS licensing."" This procedure is designed
"to attract all competitive applications for a particular license within a fixed and reasonably short
time frame,""° and to serve important public interests in "finality and prompt issuance of
licenses.""" To assist the Commission in its review, 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(15) requires each
applicant to "provide a demonstration that the proposed space station will comply with the power
 flux density limits set forth in § 25.208(w) of this part.”18 Section 25.208(w), in turn, restricts
each space station‘s signal strength to avoid excessive interference, requiring that "power flux
density at the Earth‘s surface" not exceed certain levels "for all conditions, including clear sky,
and for all methods of modulation,""" and § 25.140(b)(4)(iii) requires that DIRECTV‘s space
station not produce more interference to neighboring satellites than if it were located at an
Appendix F grid location. These requirements serve an important protective function, ensuring
that regardless of atmospheric conditions, proposed space stations will not provide interference
to other satellite systems in excess of the values specified by Commission rules. DIRECTV was
required, therefore, to demonstrate in its application that the proposed RB—2 space station at
 102.825° W.L. would not produce PFD levels in excess of the maximum (—115.5 dBW/m*/MHz)
for all conditions.

        DIRECTV, however, chose to push the PFD envelope beyond defendable maximums by
relying on atmospheric losses (which, in its amended application, consisted of three terms
representing "gaseous [absorption], cloud [effects], and scintillation [fading]")"" to cause further
reduction of the resulting PFD on the Earth‘s surface. DIRECTV made a fundamental technical
flaw in assuming that, by using the atmospheric loss values that were calculated in its link
budget, it could accurately predict the resulting PFD "for all conditions." As such, DIRECTV
accordingly shouldered a greater burden of determining what the appropriate values for these
losses should be "for all conditions, including clear sky." However, DIRECTV failed to carry
this burden, instead inserting the same values it had used in the link budget calculation.

       DIRECTV now concedes that its amended application improperly adjusted for clouds in
determining the interference in "clear sky" conditions, but continues to insist that its
methodology "still provides 0.18 dB of margin" based on the remaining two atmospheric loss

5 See Spectrum Five Letter at 2—4.
* Northpoint Tech., Ltd. v.FCC, 414 F.3d 61, 74 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (quoting Oregon v. FCC, 102 F.3d 583, 584 (D.C.
Cir. 1996)).
  McElroy Elecs. Corp. v. FCC, 86 F.3d4 248, 257 (D.C. Cir. 1996).
® § 25.114(d)(15).
* § 25.208(w) (emphasis added).
* See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 2.

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       January 12, 2009
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terms."‘ This demonstration, however, is limited to the conditions that are described by the link
budget calculations. In its link budget calculations, DIRECTV uses the same values for the
atmospheric loss terms under conditions of both "Clear Sky" and "Rain.""" As described in the
International Telecommunications Union ("ITU®") documents referenced by DIRECTV that
provide the methodology for these calculations,"" both gaseous and scintillation losses are highly
dependent on humidity and temperature. As explained below, these terms were calculated for
high humidity and high temperature conditions (such as those in late summer in Miami, where
the link budget is calculated)."" During the winter, temperatures and humidity levels can be
much lower, creating total atmospheric loss as low as ~ 0.2 dB instead of the 0.74 dB used by
DIRECTV in its maximum PFD calculations."" In fact, as DIRECTV admits, if the total
atmospheric loss drops below 0.56 dB, then the maximum PFD limit will be exceeded."" To
determine the maximum PFD levels, the calculation must be done when atmospheric losses are at
their lowest (low humidity and temperature conditions). Instead, DIRECTV‘s link budget
calculation shows only that, assuming the highest atmospheric losses (high temperature and
humidity), the received signal at the earth‘s surface will attain certain minimum PFD levels.
Having sought to reap the benefits of a riskier strategy, DIRECTV must also suffer the losses,
including dismissal of an application based on this erroneous methodology.*‘

IJ.       Because it adjusted "clear sky" calculations for the effect of clouds, DIRECTV‘s
          application is fatally defective.

        DIRECTV‘s estimates of signal strength in its amended application incorporated three
components of "atmospheric attenuation": clouds, gaseous loss (caused by atmospheric oxygen
and water vapor), and scintillation fading (caused by rapid fluctuations in the atmosphere‘s
refractive index). In its ex parte letter, DIRECTV belatedly conceded the obvious, that cloud
interference "would not be appropriate for use in a calculation based on ‘clear sky‘ conditions. »»28
This concession dooms its application. In the first—come, first—served licensing system,
DIRECTV must get it right the first time or not at all. A calculation of signal strength that is
only accurate during cloudy weather does not "provide a demonstration" of compliance "for all
conditions, including clear sky."

*‘ See id. at 2—3.
* See DIRECTV 103° W.L. Amendment, Ex. B, app. A, at A—1.
* See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 2 & n.10 (citing ITU—R P.618—9).
** See DIRECTV 103° W.L. Amendment, Ex. B, app. A, at A—1 ("Downlink to Miami").
* See notes 40—41 and accompanying text; DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 3.
* See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 3 (claiming that a 0.74 dB atmospheric loss leaves a margin of 0.18 dB, implying
that 0.56 dB is the minimum loss required).
*‘ DIRECTV‘s extended argument that "clear sky" means something different from "free space" is thus a red
herring, since it cannot show in any case that it complies with § 25.208(w) "for all conditions, including clear sky."
See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 1—2.
* DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 2.

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        DIRECTV now attempts to rescue its application with a paragraph of new and detailed
calculations, based on estimates presented in the appendix to its amended application."" These
calculations are also inappropriate to determine PFD levels, as discussed below. But even if this
methodology were accepted, DIRECTV‘s amended application of January 14, 2008 still would
not have "demonstrat[{ed]" compliance with maximum PFD levels. The Commission has no
obligation to do DIRECTV‘s own work, hunting through a haystack of appendices for needles of
data which might, once laboriously analyzed, support DIRECTV‘s proposal."" Instead, the
Commission placed the burden on DIRECTV to show its compliance from the outset, so that
review could be completed as quickly as possible. If DIRECTV‘s amended application rested on
a fundamentally flawed methodology (the inclusion of clouds) as well as inappropriate numbers
for atmospheric losses, then DIRECTV did not meet the burden imposed by § 25.114(d)(15), and
the application cannot be salvaged by new calculations offered eleven months later. Not only is
the International Bureau bound to reject applications that are not substantially complete,"‘ the
Commission has no reason to set a new precedent favoring applications with visible defects and
hard—to—find cures.

        The entire purpose of the "first—come, first—served" system is to enable rapid and accurate
Commission review of license applications. That purpose was frustrated by DIRECTV‘s initial
submission of a defective application, and is further frustrated by its current attempt to cure the
defect almost a year too late. As Spectrum Five noted in its previous letter on this topic,
Commission rules do not allow defective applications to be cured by formal amendment,"" let
alone informal letters and ex parte contacts. DIRECTV‘s application was defective when
submitted and must be dismissed.

II.      DIRECTV‘s new calculations fail to demonstrate compliance with Commission

        DIRECTV now claims that, even without the losses due to clouds, its maximum PFD
limits fall within Commission rules as a result of two other atmospheric factors, gaseous loss and
scintillation fading. Yet DIRECTV supports this claim only by comparing "apples to oranges,"

* DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 3 & n.13.
* Cf New Eng. Pub. Comme‘ns Council, Inc. v. FCC, 334 F.3d 69, 79 (D.C. Cir. 2003) ("[T}he Commission need
not sift pleadings and documents to identify arguments that are not stated with clarity by a petitioner." (internal
quotation marks omitted) (quoting Bartholdi Cable Co. v. FCC, 114 F.3d 274, 279 (D.C. Cir. 1997))).
* See Order on Reconsideration, The Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting—Satellite
Service at the 17.3—17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7—17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and at the
24.75—25.25 GHz Frequency Bandfor Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to the Broadcasting—Satellite
Service andfor the Satellite Services Operating Bi—directionally in the 17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Band, IB Dkt. No.
06—123, FCC 07—174, 22 F.C.CR. 17,951, para. 37 (rel. Sept. 28, 2007) ("Reconsideration Order") ("The Bureau
will dismiss as defective any amended applications that are not substantially complete." (emphasis added)); see also
Spectrum Five Letter 6—8.
* See Spectrum Five Letter 2—3, 6—7; see also § 25.116(b)(5) ("Amendments to ‘defective‘ space station applications
. . . will not be considered.").

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citing loss estimates drawn from its link budgets."" This is a fundamental logical error. Link
budgets establish afZoor for signal strength rather than a ceiling: they show that under
conditions of greatest losses, the signal will still be strong enough for adequate reception at the
earth‘s surface. The maximum PFD limits, however, establish a ceffing on signal strength rather
than a floor; the Commission‘s rules require that, under conditions of Zowest losses (i.e. weakest
interference), the signal will not be so strong as to exceed the maximum PFD allowed. In
addition, the maximum PFD limits must be met for a// conditions, especially when losses are at
their minimum values. These latter conditions will produce the maximum interference to
adjacent satellites and are the conditions against which the PFD limits are designed to protect.
DIRECTV‘s calculations, however, reflect only a best—case scenario of high losses, which are
present only a small percentage of the time. For example, under conditions of low temperature
and low humidity in Miami (typical during the winter season), its proposed space station would
exceed the PFD limits and violate Commission rules.

         A.     When satellite signals pass through the atmosphere, they are weakened by
gaseous loss, especially when temperatures and humidity levels are high. DIRECTV‘s link
budgets establish that its signal is strong enough to remain available 99.6% of the time—i.e., for
all but 35 hours of the year—by estimating the gaseous loss during the small time period (~0.4%
of the year) with the hottest and most humid conditions."" Having introduced this estimate in its
link budget to argue that the signal would not be too weak, DIRECTV now incorrectly invokes
the same number to claim that the signal would not be too strong."" But to demonstrate
compliance, DIRECTV cannot assume that the 0.4% of highest loss conditions will last 100% of
the year. Instead, it was also required to show that under conditions of minimum atmospheric
losses, the PFD levels would remain below the limits ("for all conditions," hot or cold, wet or
dry). Showing that its space station would meet PFD limits under the friendliest possible
cirecumstances for compliance does not even hint, much less "provide a demonstration," that it
would do so "for all conditions."

        B.      Scintillation fading results from rapid fluctuations in the earth‘s atmosphere (like
the twinkling of a star). Because link budgets are designed to ensure the availability of a strong
signal over time, they calculate scintillation fading on the basis of long—term averages, for
"periods of a month or longer.”3© On a shorter time—scale, however, these fluctuations are
naturally greater or lesser, and may even for short periods produce an "enhancement" or
increased signal level.""‘ Thus, DIRECTV‘s calculations do not guarantee that its space station
would meet those limits at a// times and "for all conditions." The ITU calculation methodology
used by DIRECTV is also based on the size and efficiency of the DIRECTV earth—based antenna

* DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 2—3.
* See ITU—R P.618—9 § 2.1 ; see also DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter at 2 & n.10, 3 (employing the ITU—R P.618—9
* See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter 3 & n.14.
° ITU—R P.618—9 § 2.4.
* See P. Garcia del Pino et al., Tropospheric Scintillation Measurements on a Ka—Band Satellite Link in Madrid, 29
URSI Gen. Assembly (URS1I2008/paper, Aug. 2008).

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receiving the signal."" This factor is obviously irrelevant in calculating the actual signal strength
from a space station at the earth‘s surface that may interfere with another satellite system‘s
ground terminals, as § 25.208(w) requires. DIRECTV‘s methodology suggests that it could, by
changing the size of its own ground antenna, reduce the interference to the ground stations of
other providers—an absurd conclusion."" Given that DIRECTV has offered no viable technical
means of calculating scintillation fading appropriately, its estimates of scintillation fading lack
any rational basis and should be excluded from the analysis. With this factor excluded,
DIRECTV‘s proposed space station would violate the relevant PFD limits 100% of the time.

         C.        Both gaseous loss and scintillation fading are at their height when the air is warm
and humid. When the air is cool and dry, however, both factors are reduced, and the signal is
correspondingly stronger. As a result, even on DIRECTV‘s own calculation method, its
proposed space station would routinely violate the PFD limits under perfectly normal weather
conditions in the winter (December—February). For example, in Miami, where DIRECTV‘s
satellite signal would be strongest, a 90° September day with 99% humidity would produce the
large degree of loss DIRECTV expects. But on a cool, dry February day, with humidity routinely
below 60%,"° the atmospheric losses would always be low enough (at any temperature less than
100° F) to cause the maximum PFD to exceed the limit. Spectrum Five estimates that during
these three months, the atmospheric loss would be low enough to create a PFD excess at least
50% of the time.*‘ Because DIRECTV‘s proposed space station would violate Commission rules
in cool, dry weather, it clearly does not obey them "for all conditions, including clear sky," as
§ 25.208(w) requires. Nor do the estimates in DIRECTV‘s amended application, even when re—
analyzed, "provide a demonstration" of compliance under § 25.114(d)(15).

IV.      Conclusion

        The Commission has directed the International Bureau to dismiss as defective under
§ 25.112(a)(2) any amended 17/24 GHz BSS application that is not substantially complete,""
even if such an application has already been accepted for filing.*" This category includes
applications missing any of the information required by § 25.1 14(d)." To comply with that rule,

* See ITU—R P.618—9 § 2.4.1.
* More fundamentally, the ITU—R P.618—9 methodology is mathematically incapable of calculating a ceiling on
signal strength (i.e., a floor on loss due to scintillation). It can help determine the PFD for the weakest—signal 0.4%
of conditions, or even the weakest—signal 50% of conditions, but it cannot identify the maximum signal strength that
would apply 100% of the time (i.e., "for all conditions"). See ITU—R P.618—9 § 2.4.1.
* See CityRating.com, Miami Relative Humidity (2002), http://www.cityrating.com/cityhumidity.asp?City=Miami.
* Calculations based on ITU—R P.618—9 § 2.5.
* See Reconsideration Order para. 37.
* Reconsideration Order para. 37 n.69; see also Public Notice, International Bureau Establishes Deadline for
Amendments to Pending 17/24 GHz BSS Applications, DA 07—4895, 22 F.C.C.R. 20,991, 20,992 n.1 1 (rel. Dec. 5,
* See Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, The Establishment ofPolicies and Service
Rules for the Broadcasting—Satellite Service at the 17.3—17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7—17.8 GHz
Frequency Band Internationally, and at the 24.75—25.25 GHz Frequency Bandfor Fixed Satellite Services Providing

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DIRECTV was obliged to "provide a demonstration" that its proposed space station would meet
the PFD limits "for all conditions." Instead, the analysis in its application relied on prohibited
factors (such as clouds) and misapplied gaseous and scintillation effects, thereby assuming only
those conditions most favorable to compliance. "All conditions," however, means all conditions,
not just some.

        These specific flaws in DIRECTV‘s application could not have been detected until
recently. DIRECTV‘s amended application of January 14, 2008 adjusted its maximum PFD
estimates for "atmospheric attenuation" but did not explain the methodology by which that figure
was calculated.*" On September 26, 2008, Pegasus Development DBS Corporation questioned
the size of the attenuation figure in a letter regarding a separate DIRECTV license application,""
but Pegasus did not discuss (as DIRECTV had not yet revealed) the error of using link budget
values to determine maximum PFD. DIRECTV responded to this letter in an ex parte
submission that explained its general reliance on the ITU calculation methodology without
providing precise details.""

         After Spectrum Five further criticized DIRECTV‘s calculations in its November 19, 2008
petition to offer service from the 103.15° W.L orbital location,"" DIRECTV submitted its
December ex parte letter, conceding its error in incorporating cloud effects and for the first time
explaining the exact composition of its "atmospheric attenuation" adjustment."" The subtle and
concealed nature of the technical flaws in the original application, and the lack of openness on
DIRECTV‘s part in providing the details of its methodology, have made an adequate response
more difficult. Now that the true nature of the procedure has been fully exposed, however, it is
clear that DIRECTV used a fundamentally inappropriate methodology to determine maximum
PFD levels.

        The Commission‘s decision whether to grant DIRECTV‘s application must be judged in
light of "the whole record.""" The Commission routinely considers arguments submitted
informally—like those submitted ex parte—‘""in the interest of having a full and complete

(... cont‘d)

Feeder Links to the Broadcasting—Satellite Service andfor the Satellite Services Operating Bi—directionally in the
17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Band, IB Dkt. No. 06—123, FCC 07—76, 22 F.C.C.R. 8842, para. 16 & n.63 (rel. May 4,
2007); Order on Reconsideration, In re Applications ofPanAmSat Licensee Corp. for Authority To Construct,
Launch, and Operate a Hybrid Satellite in its Separate International Communications Satellite System, DA 03—
3633, 18 F.C.C.R. 23,916, para. 6 n.12 (rel. Nov. 13, 2003).
* See DIRECTV 103° W.L. Amendment, Ex. B, at 12.
* Letter from Bruce D. Jacobs, Counsel to Pegasus Development DBS Corp., to Marlene H. Dortch, Sec‘y of the
FCC, at 3 n.10, FCC File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166 et al. (Sept. 26, 2008).
* Letter from William M. Wiltshire, Counsel to DIRECTV Enters. LLC, to Marlene H. Dortch, Sec‘y of the FCC, at
3, FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166 (Oct. 6, 2008) (generally indicating a reliance on ITU—R P.618—9,
without indicating the particular steps taken).
* See Spectrum Five 103.15° W.L. Petition at 6—7.
* See DIRECTV Ex Parte Letter.
* AT&T Info. Sys., Inc. v. GSA4, 810 F.2d 1233, 1236 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (internal quotation marks omitted).

Mayer Brown LLP

     Marlene H. Dortch
     January 12, 2009
     Page 11

record.""‘ The D.C. Circuit has explicitly approved of this practice,"" for "[i}t is neither arbitrary
nor capricious for the Commission to consider any evidence that is properly before it for any
purpose as to which it is probative;""" the court has even remanded decisions to the Commission
for failure to address arguments raised in informal ex parte submissions.""

        DIRECTV‘s submission violated the plain language of the Commission‘s rules. The
Commission should reject DIRECTV‘s application and expeditiously approve Spectrum Five‘s
petition to provide service from the 103.15° W.L. orbital location.""

*‘ Memorandum Opinion and Order, In re Application for Consent to Assignment ofPCS Licenses KNLHG6S1 and
KNLH653 from Northstar Tech., LLC to Banana Comme‘ns, LLC, 23 F.C.C.R. 9122, 9124 n.19 (2008); ef. §§ 1.41,
25.154(b); Memorandum Opinion and Order and Report and Order, In re Applications for Consent to the Transfer of
Control ofLicenses XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Transferor to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Transferee, 23
F.C.C.R. 12,348, 12,379 & n.199 (2008).
* See Sprint Comme‘ns Co. L.P. v. FCC, 274 F.3d 549, 562 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (approving the Commission‘s reliance
on ex parte materials as "additional support" for its position); see also Cal. Ass‘n of the Physically Handicapped,
Inc. v. FCC, 840 F.2d 88, 95 n.13 (D.C. Cir. 1988); Wash. Ass‘n for Television & Children v. FCC, 665 F.2d 1264,
1266 (D.C. Cir. 1981); Cmty. Coal. for Media Change v. FCC, 646 F.24 613, 614 (1980).
* 7—Tel Comme‘ns, Inc. v. FCC, 333 F.3d 262, 267 (D.C. Cir. 2003)
* See AT&T Corp. v. FCC, 86 F.3d 242, 247 (remanding to the Commission on the ground that it had "completely
failed to address" an argument raised in an ex parte letter); see also lowa v. FCC, 218 F.3d 756, 759 (D.C. Cir.
2000); of. Frizelle v. Slater, 111 F.3d 172, 177 (D.C. Cir. 1997) (reasoning that because an agency "did not respond
to two of [the appellant‘s] arguments, which do not appear frivolous on their face and could affect the [agency‘s]
ultimate disposition, we conclude that the Board‘s decision was arbitrary").
5 See Spectrum Five 103.15° W.L. Petition.

Mayer Brown LLP

    Marlene H. Dortch
    January 12, 2009
    Page 11

                                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           I, Howard W. Waltzman, hereby certify that on this 12th day of January, 2009, I caused
    to be delivered a true copy of the foregoing by first—class United States mail, postage prepaid,
    upon the following:

    Helen Domenici                                    William M. Wiltshire
    Federal Communications Commission                 Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
    445 12th Street, S.W.                             1200 18th Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554                            Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                      Counselfor DIRECTYVY Enterprises LLC

    Robert Nelson                                     Cassandra Thomas
    Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Cormmunications Commission
    445 12th Street, S.W.                             445 12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554                            Washington, D.C. 20554


                                                      Howard W. Waltzm

Document Created: 2019-04-09 00:14:16
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 00:14:16

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