Ex Parte Letter 17-2


Ex Parte Notification


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080114-00014 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


HARR'S,                                                                    1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                           WASHINGTON, DC 20036

WILTSHIRE &                                                                Tel 202.730,1300 rAx202.730.1301

                                                                           ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                        December 8, 2008


   Marlene H. Dortch
   Office of the Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12" Street, S.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:   DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC, FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080114—00014

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

          This is to inform you that Stacy Fuller, David Pattillo, and undersigned counsel
   representing DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") met on December 5, 2008 with
   Robert Nelson, Cassandra Thomas, Fern Jarmulnek, Andrea Kelly, Kathyrn Medley,
   Chip Fleming, and Rockie Patterson of the Commission‘s International Bureau to discuss
   the above referenced 17/24 GHz BSS application. The content of DIRECTYV‘s
   presentation is set forth in the attached materials, which were provided to the staff at the

                                                  Sincerely yours,              .

                                                  William M. Wiltshire
                                                  Counselfor DIRECTVY Enterprises, LLC


   ce:    Robert Nelson
          Cassandra Thomas
          Fern Jarmulnek
          Andrea Kelly
          Kathyrn Medley
          Chip Fleming
          Rockie Patterson

        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") is currently seeking authority to
launch and operate 17/24 GHz BSS satellite systems at five orbital locations, including
the DIRECTV RB—2 satellite at the nominal 103° W.L. location.‘ In each of those
applications, DIRECTV has demonstrated that its proposed system will comply with the
limitations on power flux—density ("PFD") at the Earth‘s surface imposed in Section
25.208(w) of the Commission‘s rules, as adjusted for any offset from the "on—grid"
locations established by the Commission. In a recent application for authority to serve
the U.S. market from a 17/24 GHz BSS system licensed by the Netherlands at 103.15°
W.L.," Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum Five") has criticized DIRECTV‘s methodology
for calculating PFD levels. Although Spectrum Five failed to file timely comments in
connection with DIRECTV‘s actual license application to raise this issue, we nonetheless
wish to address its arguments to ensure that the Commission is not misled by them.

        Spectrum Five asserts that, because Section 25.208(w) specifies that PFD limits
are to be calculated under "clear sky" conditions, such a calculation is limited to free
space conditions and "without doubt, do[es] not include weather variable effects due to
cloud cover and increased humidity levels in the atmosphere."" Because DIRECTV
included not only free space path losses but also other factors in its PFD calculation,
Spectrum Five argues that DIRECTV has resorted to "impermissible reliance on
atmospheric losses to bring its proposed PFD within prescribed limits.""

         While Spectrum Five may have no doubt that the term "clear sky" means the
same thing as "Free space," it cites no Commission rule or precedent for this proposition.
In fact, neither term is specifically defined in the Commission‘s rules." More
importantly, the structure of Section 25.208 itself demonstrates that the two terms must
be read to have different meanings.

        Section 25.208 establishes PFD limits for satellite systems operating in a number
of bands. The rule has 22 subsections, denoted as (a) through (w). Of those 22
subsections, 19 specifically state that the limits relate to the PFD that would be obtained
under free space propagation conditions. In other words, subsections (a), (b), (d), (g), (h),
). ) (K), (1, (m), (n), (0), (p). (q), (1). (s), (t), (u), and (v) specifically call for the
assumption of free space conditions — while subsection (w) is the only subsection that

\    See FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080114—00014 ("DIRECTV RB—2 Application").

*    See FCC File No. SAT—LOI—20081119—00217 ("$5 103W LOT").

3    Id. at 9.
*    Id. at 8.
°_   Arguably, the term "free space" could be understood to be "defined" in Section 25.208(q)(1), which
     provides that a particular PFD limit is to be determined with reference to "assumed free space
     conditions (that is, when no allowance is made for propagation impairments such as rain fade)." There
     is no similar provision related to the term "clear sky."

refers only to "clear sky" conditions." It is well established that "[wJhen Congress uses
explicit language in one part of a statute to cover a particular situation and then uses
different language in another part of the same statute, a strong inference arises that the
two provisions do not mean the same thing.”7 This is especially true where the disparate
terms "are only lines away from each other.""* Applying the same principle of
construction here, one can only conclude that the Commission intended that "clear sky"
should mean something other than "free space."

         Accordingly, the only question is what additional factors are appropriate for
inclusion in a clear sky calculation in addition to those inherent in free space conditions.
In its applications, DIRECTV used figures from its link budgets to calculate PFD levels.
The "clear sky" figures in those link budgets include line items for free space loss,
gaseous, cloud, and scintillation." The use of these factors reflects a conservative
approach to link budgets, recognizing the critical importance of assessing atmospheric
losses in evaluating satellite system performance.‘" Signal absorption in atmospheric gas
affects transmissions to the Earth‘s surface for frequencies above 10 GHz" —a
phenomenon that occurs under all weather conditions, including "clear sky." Similarly,
scintillation is a clear—air phenomenon — and one that even Spectrum Five does not appear
to contest. However, upon further consideration, DIRECTV has concluded that one of
the three additional factors used in its link budgets — clouds — would not be appropriate
for use in a calculation based on "clear sky" conditions.

    Two other twosubsections ((c) and (¢)) are silent on this issue, while a third (subsection (f)) has been

    Persinger v. Islamic Republic ofIran, 729 F.2d 835, 843 (D.C. Cir. 1984). See also KP Permanent
    Make—Up, Inc. v. Lasting Impression 1, Inc., 543 U.S. 111, 118 (2004) ("[WJhere Congress includes
    particular language in one section ofa statute but omits it in another section of the same Act, it is
    generally presumed that Congress acts intentionally and purposely in the disparate inclusion or
    exclusion.‘" (citation omitted)).

8   Board of Trustees v. BES Services, Inc., 469 F.3d 369, 372—73 (4" Cir. 2006).

    DIRECTV RB—2 Application, Narrative, App. A. The link budgets also include a column showing the
    effects of losses due to rain.

_   The importance of these factors is reflected by the adoption of a series of International
    Telecommunication Union Recommendations on the subject. See, e.g., Rec. ITU—R P.618—9
    ("Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of Earth—space telecommunication
    systems") (citing related and supporting ITU—R Recommendations). As highlighted in these ITU—R
    Recommendations, accounting for propagation impairments (including absorption in atmospheric
    gases) is particularly important for systems operating at frequencies above 10 GHz, which are more
    susceptible to such impairments.

4   See, e.g, id., Seo. 2.1 (discussing attenuation due to atmospheric gases).

*   See, e.g., id Sec. 2.3 (discussing other "clear—air effects," including scintillation); $5 103W LOI at 8—9
    (discussing DIRECTV‘s use oflosses for gaseous effects and cloud effects, but not scintillation

         Yet, even adjusting the PFD calculation in this manner, DIRECTV RB—2 would
still comply with the limitations established in Section 25.208(w). The maximum PFD
allowed under that rule is —115 dBW/m*/MHz. Since DIRECTV proposes to operate at a
0.175° offset from the "on grid" 103.0° W.L. location, it must decrease power by 0.49 dB
to account for the decreased discrimination from the nearest adjacent "on grid" location —
establishing a new maximum of —115.49 dBW/m*/MHz. In its application, DIRECTV
calculated the maximum PFD on the Earth‘s surface from DIRECTV RB—2 as: Max
EIRP/channel minus spreading loss in direction of max gain minus atmospheric
attenuation (at 17.5 GHz) minus bandwidth correction factor, or 63.0 dBW/36MHz —
162.4 (dB—m‘)—1.1 dB (atmospheric) — 1010g(36)=—116.1 dBW/m"/MHz." Adjusting
the atmospheric attenuation to account only for gaseous and scintillation effects (and not
clouds) reduces that input from 1.1 dB to 0.74 dB."" Using this slightly reduced value in
the formula yields a PFD of 63.0 dBW/36MHz — 162.37 (dB-mz) —0.74 dB
(atmospheric) — 1010g(36) =—115.67 dBW/m®/MHz. This is still 0.18 dB less than the
maximum allowable PFD under Section 25.208, and therefore complies with the
Commission‘s rules.""

        Spectrum Five has not filed any objection or otherwise participated in any of
DIRECTV‘s currently pending 17/24 GHz BSS application proceedings. Nonetheless, as
demonstrated by the analysis set forth above, the Commission need not be concerned
about the PFD calculation issue Spectrum Five has raised elsewhere, and should grant
DIRECTV‘s applications as amended.

®—   DIRECTV RB—2 Application, Narrative at 12.

4    Id., App. A (showing losses from gaseous effects as 0.44 dB and from scintillation as 0.3 dB).
     Atmospheric losses do not necessarily add linearly. In the absence of rain, such losses can be
     calculated as gaseous loss plus the square root of cloud loss squared plus scintillation loss squared.
     When clouds are not considered, however, the calculation reverts to a linear formula (%.2., gaseous loss
     plus scintillation loss).

"    Spectrum Five also notes that Section 25.138(a)(6) of the Commission‘s rules establishes PFD limits
     for Ka—band satellites for all conditions, including clear sky, and notes that DIRECT V‘s calculations in
     two recent Ka—band applications did not include gaseous and scintillation effects. See SS 103W LOI at
     11—12. However, the fact that DIRECTV could demonstrate compliance with a PFD limitation in one
     context without reference to these factors does not mean that it should be precluded from including
     those factors in another context. Moreover, Section 25.138(a)(6) incorporates "the limits specified in
     Section 25.208(d)," which explicitly calls for "assumed free—space propagation conditions."

§25.207                                                    47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)

with the exception of satellite uplinks          4 kHz band for angles of arrival be—
carrying broadband video information             tween 25 and 90 degrees above the hori—
which are required to incorporate ATIS           zontal plane; or
in accordance with the provisions set              (2) —126 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band
forth under §25.308 of these rules.              for angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
[55 FR 21551, May 25, 1990]
                                                 grees above the horizontal plane; —126
                                                 + (6—5)/2 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band
§25.207 Cessation of emissions.                  for angles of arrival (8) (in degrees) be—
                                                 tween 5 and 25 degrees above the hori—
  Space stations shall be made capable
                                                 zontal plane; and —116 dB(W/m?) in any
of ceasing radio emissions by the use of
                                                 1 MHz band for angles of arrival be—
appropriate devices (battery life, tim—
                                                 tween 25 and 90 degrees above the hori—
ing   devices,   ground       command,   etc.)
                                                 zontal plane.
that will ensure definite cessation of
emissions.                                         NOTE To PARAGRAPH (b):
§25.208 Power flux density limits.
   (a) In the band 3650—4200 MHz, the
power flux density at the Earth‘s sur—             (c) In the 17.7—17.8 GHz, 18.3—18.8 GHz,
face produced by emissions from a                19.3—19.7 GHz, 22.55—23.00 CHz, 23.00—23.55
space station for all conditions and for         GHz, and 24.45—24.75 CGHz frequency
all methods of modulation shall not ex—          bands, the power flux density at the
ceed the following values:                       Earth‘s surface produced by emissions
—152 dB(W/m?) in any 4 kHz band for angles
                                                 from a space station for all conditions
 of arrival between 0 and 5 degrees above        for all methods of modulation shall not
 the horizontal plane;                           exceed the following values:
—152+(@—5)/2 dB(W/m?) in any 4 kHz band for        (1) —115 dB (W/m?) in any 1 MHz band
  angles of arrival 8 (in degrees) between 5     for angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane;      grees above the horizontal plane.
 and                                               (2) —115 + 0.5 @—5) dB (W/m?) in any 1
—142 dB(W/m?) in any 4 kHz band for angles
                                                 MHz band for angles of arrival d (in de—
 of arrival between 25 and 90 degrees above
 the horizontal plane
                                                 grees) between 5 and 25 degrees above
                                                 the horizontal plane.
                                                   (3) —105 dB (W/m?) in any 1 MHz band
                                                 for angles of arrival between 25 and 90
                                                 degrees above the horizontal plane.
                                                   (d) In addition to the limits specified
  (b) In the bands 10.95—11.2 and 11.45—         in paragraph (c) of this section, the
11.7 GHz for GSO FSS space stations              power flux—density across the 200 MHz
and 10.7—11.7 GHz for NGSO FSS space             band 18.6—18.8 GHz produced at the
stations, the power flux—density at the          Earth‘s surface by emissions from a
Earth‘s surface produced by emissions
from a space station for all conditions                                    shall not ex—
and for all methods of modulation shall          ceed —95 dB (W/m?) for all angles of ar—
not exceed the lower of the following            rival. This limit may be exceeded by up
values:                                          to 3 dB for no more than 5% of the
  (1) —150 dB(W/m?) in any 4 kHz band            time.
for angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—          (e) In the 18.8—19.3 GHz frequency
grees above the horizontal plane; —150           band, the power flux—density at the
+ (@—9)/2 dB(W/m? in any 4 kHz band              Earth‘s surface produced by emissions
for angles of arrival (8) (in degrees) be—       from a space station for all conditions
tween 5 and 25 degrees above the hori—           and for all methods of modulation shall
zontal plane; and —140 dB(W/m?) in any           not exceed the following values:

—115—X dB(W/me:MHz)                                                  for 0° <8 < 5°
—115—X+((10+X)/20) (6—5)dB (W/im@MH2)                                for 5 48 < 15
—105 dB (W/AM##MHEZ) ...                                             for 25° < 8 < 90°


Federal Communications Commission                                                                                   §25.208
Where:                                                            equivalent power—flux density in the
5: is the angle of arrival above the horizontal                   space—to—Earth direction (EPFDss,,), at
   plane; and                                                     any point on the Earth‘s surface, pro—
X is defined as a function of the number of
                                                                  duced by emissions from all co—fre—
   satellites in the non—GSO FSS constella—
   tion, n, as follows:                                           quency space stations of a single non—
                                                                  geostationary—satellite orbit (NGSO)
for n €50 ... X=0 (dB)
for 50 < n <288  X = (§/119) (n — 50) (dB)                        system operating in the fixed—satellite
for n > 288 ... X = (1/69) (n + 402) (dB)                         service (FSS) shall not exceed the fol—
                                                                  lowing limits for the given percentages
  (f) [Reserved]
                                                                  of time. Tables 1G and 2G follow:
  (g) In the frequency bands 10.7—11.7
GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz, the single—entry
 TasLe 1G—SingLe—ENTRY EPFD;,.,, LiMiTs FoR PROTEcTION oF 0.6, 1.2, 3 AND 10 Meter GSO
                           FSS EARTH STATION AnTenNas ! 2
                                                         Percentage of
  Frequency band   (GNz) for Inter—
             national                    engeety
                                              e           "Tovidh~          Bsengh
                                                                             andwi              Reference antenna diameter and
           Allacations                    haths          ‘egngfi%t             (iiz)               reference radiation patten
                                                         be exceeded
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—12.2              1154                  o                   60 om, Recommendation MU—R
  in Region 2; 12.2=12.5 in Region                 174                co                     s.1428
  3; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1                 170.8                co
  and 3                                          185.3            ca 73
                                                 1604            aa .001
                                                   160           09 .c07
                                                   160              100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—12.2              1819                  o                   1.2. m, Recommendation TUR
  in Region 2; 12.2=12.5 in Region               es                 cas                       s.1428
  3; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1                 ta4              co 74
  and 3                                            173           ca.as7
                                                   164           ca 95e
                                                 161.6           ca 08e
                                                 1614            aa.c01
                                                 160.8           09 .ca7
                                                 160.5           09 ca7
                                                   160          ca ccos
                                                   160               100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—12.2             10045                 o                    3.     m, Recommendation       ITUR
  in Region 2; 12.2—12.5 in Region              18045                co                         s.1428
  3; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1                18745              cas
  and 3                                          1824              co.7
                                                   182           ca.ass
                                                   168           eg o7
                                                   164           ca.oss
                                                   162           a9.c05
                                                   160           09.000
                                                   160              100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—12.2             19545                 o                    10 m, Recommendation           TUR
  in Region 2; 12.2—12.5 in Region              19545                co                      s.1428
  3; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1                   180            ca.es
  and 3                                            180            ca.71
                                                 1725             ca c
                                                   160           ca.c08
                                                   160              100
   *n addition to the limits shown in Table 1G, the limits shown in Table 2G shall apply to all antenna sizes greater than 60 cm
in the frequency bands lited in Table 1G
  2For each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the complete curve on a plot which is linear in decibels for the
EPFD levels and loganthmic for the time percentages, with straight lines joining the data points
  "The earth station antenna reference radiation pattems are to be used only for the calculation of interference from NGSO FSS
systems into GSO FSS systems


§25.208                                                                          47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)

        100% of the time EPFDs.... dB(WI(m2/40 kiz})                             Latitude (North or South in degrees)
160                                                               0 < | Latitude | <57.5
~160 + 34 (57.5     |Latitude | )4                                57.5 <| Lattude | £63.75
1853                                                              63.75 <| Latitude |

  NOTE TO PARAGRAPH                                                any point on the Earth‘s surface, pro—
                                                                   duced by emissions from all co—fre—
                for all conditions and for all
                                                                   quency space stations of all non—geo—
methods of modulation.                                             stationary—satellite orbit systems oper—
                                                                   ating in the fixed—satellite service
  (h) In the frequency bands 10.7—11.7                             (FSS) shall not exceed the following
GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz, the aggregate                               limits for the given percentages of
equivalent power—flux density in the
                                                                   time. Tables 1H and 2H follow:
space—to—Earth direction (EPFDss»»), at
  TasLe 1H—Acerecate EPFDs»,» LIMiTs FOR PROTECTION oF 0.6, 1.2, 3 AND 10 Meter GSO
                          FSS EartH STATION ANTeNNAs !
                                                         Percentage o
                                                          time dunin:
  Frequency band (GHz) for Inter—         fagecet            Thich °         SoF               Reference antenna diameter and
         national Alocations                   d
                                          da(Wins)       EPFDacen
                                                            "32, May            (Wiz)            reterance radiaton pattom *
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—122                170                   o                    60_ om, Recommendation MUR
  in Region 2, 122125 in Region                  1626                  so                       51425
  3; and 125—12.75 in Regions 1                  1653                  so
  and 3                                          1604             e
                                                  160             so ce
                                                  160                 100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—122               Nee                    o                    12 m, Recommendation TUR
  in Region 2, 12.2=12.5 in Reaion                i73               so5                        s.1425
  3; and 1251275 in Regions 1                     164             co s1
  and 3                                          1615            sa 95
                                                 1644             so 07
                                                 1608             sa c
                                                 1605             so c
                                                  160          sa co7s
                                                  160                 100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—122                 185                  o                    3. m, Recommendation          NTUR
  in Region 2, 122125 in Region                    181                 so                      s.428
  3; and 125—12.75 in Regions 1                    182              so5
  and 3                                            16               so 0
                                                   164            so.0
                                                   162           sa 982
                                                   160           sa co7
                                                   160                100
10.7—11.7 in all Regions; 11.7—122                 190                  o                    10 m, Recommendation TUR
  in Region 2, 12.2=12.5 in Region                 180                 so                      s.1428
  3; and 1251275 in Regions 1                      166            so. c
  and 3                                            160           sa o8
                                                   160                100
   *In addtion to the imits shown in Table 1H, the agareaate EPFD..... limits shown in Table 2H shall apply to all antenna sizes
greater than 60 cm in the frequency bands listed in Table 1H
  2The earth station antenna reference pattems are to be used only for the calculation of interference from NGSO FSS systems
into GSO FSS systems


Federal Communications Commission                                                                             §25.208

       100% of the time EPFDs.... dB(WI(m2/40 kiz})                    Latitude (North or South in degrees)
160                                                     0 < | Latitude | <57.5
—160 + 34 (57.5   | Lattude |Y4                         57.5 <| Lattude | £63.75
—165 3                                                  63.75 <| Latitude |

  NOTE To PARAGRAPH (h):                                    {additional      operational           EPFD,,)           at
                                                         any point on the Earth‘s surface, pro—
                                                         duced by actual operational emissions
                          for all conditions
                                                         from all co—frequency space stations of
and for all methods of modulation.
                                                         a    non—geostationary—satellite   orbit
   ) In the frequency bands 10.7—11.7                    (NGSO) system operating in the fixed—
GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz, the additional                    satellite service (FSS) shall not exceed
operational equivalent power—flux den—                   the following operational limits for the
sity, in the space—to—Earth direction,                      given percentages of time:

                     M AND 10 m GSO FSS EartH STATION ANTeNNas

              EPFDa.,,. 0B(W(m2/40 Wiz))                 es
                                                        which         e ind
                                                              EPED..,..may not be            Receive
                                                                                               PEA   GSO earth station

  182                                                  so. 0
  179                                                  co o
  176                                                  so o7
  im                                                   sa as
  168                                                  co ass                            &
  165                                                  es
  163                                                  so ase
  16125                                                sa cca7s
  16125                                                100
  185                                                  so o7
  183                                                  so as
  179                                                  sa ce
  175                                                  so 006
  im                                                   so ces                            10
  168                                                  sa aco
  156                                                  co cces
  166                                                  100

  NOTE TO PARAGRAPH           (1):                       EPFDa»») at any point on the Earth‘s
                                                         surface, produced by actual operational
            for all conditions and for all
                                                         emissions from the in—line co—frequency
methods of modulation.                                   space station of a non—geostationary—
                                                         satellite orbit (NGSO) system oper—
   () In the frequency bands 10.7—11.7                   ating in the fixed—satellite service
GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz, the operational
                                                         (FSS) shall not exceed the following
equivalent power—flux density, in the
                                                         operational limits for 100% of the time:
space—to—Earth direction, (operational


§25.208                                                                            47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)

                                      FRequeNcy Banps!
                                                                    of time dur—                   Receive
 Frequency band (GHz) for International alloca—      EPFD»...        ingwhion       [féiefce      G50seth       Optalincifeto®
                      tions                          dB(Wis)         EPFDacem         (Wiz)        tenna di—        (degrees)
                                                                    may  not be
                                                                     exceeded                    ameter> (m)

Prior to 31 December 2006: 10.7—11.7 in all Re—
  gions; 11.7—12.2 in Regions 2; 122—125 in
  Region 3; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1 and 3               t3                3
                                                            18e               s
                                                           1875               a
                                                           1805             18
                                                            100             25
Prior to 31 December 2006: 10.7—11.7 in all Re—
  gions; 11.7—12.2 in Region 2; 12.2—125 in Re—
  gion ; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1 and 3                  180              3
                                                            163              s
                                                           1815              a
                                                           1885            »18
                                                            100        >25 and
                                                             40           a5
From 31 December 2005; 10.7—11.7. in all Re—
  gions; 11.7—12.2 in Reion 2; 12.2—125 in Re—
  gion ; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1 and 3                16125               3
                                                            164               s
                                                           1855               a
                                                           1875             18
                                                            100             25
From 31 December 2005: 10.7—11.7 in all Re—
  gions; 11.7—12.2 in Region 2; 12.2—125 in Re—
  gion ; and 12.5—12.75 in Regions 1 and 3                15825              3
                                                            161              s
                                                           1825              a
                                                           185             18
                                                            100        >25 and
                                                             40           a5
   ‘The operational limits on the EPFDa..., radiated by nan—GSO FSS systems shall be the values given in Table 2G or this
table, whichever are the more stingent
  2For antenna diameters between the values given in this table, the limits are given by linear interpolation using a linear scale
for EPFD..... in decibels and a logarithmic scale for antenna diameter in meters

  NOTE TO PARAGRAPH                                                (EPFD,,) produced at any point on the
                                                                   geostationary satellite orbit (GSO) by
                                                                   the emissions from all co—frequency
                               for all condi—                      earth stations in a non—geostationary
tions, for all methods of modulation and for
the specified inclined GSO FSS operations.
                                                                   satellite orbit fixed—satellite service
                                                                   (NGSO FSS) system, for all conditions
  (k) In the frequency bands 12.75—13.15                           and      for    all   methods         of modulation,
GHz, 13.2125—13.25 CGHz and 13.75—14.5                             shall not exceed the following limits
GHz, the equivalent power flux—density,                            for the specified percentages of time
in      the       Earth—to—space               direction,          limits:


Federal Communications Commission                                                                                §25.208

      Limits To THe EPFD,,, RapiateD ey NGSO FSS Systems in CeRtain FRequeNcy Banps
                                                         soep            CMiMeuan|    Reference.   Reference antenna beam—
  Frequency band (GHz) for International Alocations     (BfhGkey      "ZB             bandwidth     width and reference radi—
                                                                    maynothe            (42)              ation pattem
125—12.075; 12.75—1825; 18.75—14.5                              160        100                «0 a*
                                                                                                 uk se72—4,
                                                                                                 Ls= 20
   *For the case of L. =   10, the values a = 1.83 and b = 6.32 should be used in the equations in the Annex of Recommenda—
tion [TU—R $.672—4 for single—feed circular beams, In all cases of L., the parabolic main beam equation should start at zero

  NOTE To PARAGRAPH (k):                                        space—to—Earth            direction,        (EPFDa—),
                                                                at any point on the Earth‘s surface,
                                for all condi—
                                                                produced by emissions from all co—fre—
tions and for all methods of modulation.                        quency space stations of a single non—
                                                                geostationary—satellite orbit (NGSO)
   (1) In the frequency bands 11.7—12.2                         system operating in the fixed—satellite
GHz and         12.5—12.75 GHz in Region 3,
                                                                service (FSS) shall not exceed the fol—
11.7—12.5 GHz in Region 1 and 12.2—12.7
                                                                lowing limits in Tables 1IL and 2L for
GHz in Region 2, the single—entry
                                                                the given percentages of time:
equivalent power—flux density, in the
 Taste 1L—SincLe—Entry EPFD Down Limits For Protecnion or 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240
                  AND 300 CM GSO BSS EartH STaTION AnTennas
                                                       Percentage of
                                                        time durin:
  Exemenee ceiOe teriies.                EPDF ie           Ts _             ET             Reference antenna diameter and
             ids                         dB(Wine)        EPFDawm               m              reference radiaton pattern*
                                                       level may not
                                                       be exceeded
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and           165841                  o                40 30 om
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7           165541                 25                   Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                164.041                os                   B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                               1526            os asr
                                               1526            a9 420
                                              15e3             a9.420
                                              15e3             09 420
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and           175441                  o                40 45 om
  125—12.75 in Region 5; 12.2—12.7           172441                 ss                   Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                160441             ar 75                    B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                                 164           ca 357
                                              180.75           aa.a00
                                                 160           ca.ose
                                                 160               100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and           176441                  o                40 60 om
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7           ar3 ie               or e                   Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                 18775            ea ar                     B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                                 162           ca.ase
                                                 161           cg acs
                                               160.2           ag o7
                                                 160           o9 ca7
                                                 160               100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and            1780                   o                40 90 om
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7            17844                 as                   Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                 17644                 os                   B0.1443 Anniex 1
                                                 im            e9.420
                                               1855            carie
                                                 162           ca.as7
                                                 161           cg oc3
                                                 160           aa .001
                                                 160               100


§25.208                                                                         47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)

 Taste 1L—Sincte—Entry EPFD Down Limits For Protecnion or 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240
             AND 300 CM GSO BSS EarTH STATION ANTeNNas ‘.25.5—Continued
                                                         Percentage of
                                                          time durin:
  Frequency band(GHe) for inter—         EPDF uo             virich ~       foabin            Reference antenna diameter and
             oc                          dB(Wine)          EPFDawem            NE               reference radiaton pattern*
                                                         level may not
                                                         be exceeded
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and             18244                    o              40 120 om
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7             180.60                  co                 Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                  1r9.19               e                     B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                               17844                os e
                                               174.0                cas
                                               17375              ca.ce
                                                   i73            cace
                                                 1605             ca as
                                                 1678            eg 015
                                                   164            ca.04
                                                 1619             ca 07
                                                   161            ca c
                                                 1604            ca.c08
                                                   160                100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and            184041                    o              40 180 ome
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7            186. 101                 as                 Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                 181601                os5                   B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                               17525             ea 571
                                               16325             ca as
                                                 1615            ca o7e
                                               150.35            aa .003
                                                   160           09.000
                                                   160                100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and            187 441                   o              40 240 om2
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7            188 341                  as                 Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                 188441              0025                    B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                                   17e           ca.ree
                                                 1614            cg.osr
                                                 1619            cg.oss
                                                 1805            ca.004
                                                   160           09.000
                                                   160               100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 1.7—12.2 and            19104                     o              40 300 om
  125—12.75 in Region 3; 12.2—12.7            180441                   as                 Recommendation TU—R
  in Region 2                                 185.041               ca5                   B0. 1443 Annex 1
                                                 180.5           ca.a57
                                                   173           caore
                                                   167           agast
                                                   162           cg.oss
                                                   160           aa .001
                                                   160               100
  "For BSS antenna diameters 180 cm, 240 m and 300 om, in addition to the single—entry limits shown in Table 1L, the limits in
Table 2L shall also apply in the frequency band listed in Table 1L
  2For 240 cm GSO 899 earth staton antennas located in Alaska, communicating with GSO B9 satelites at the 91° WIL..
1019 WL., 110° WL., 1199 WL. and 148° WL. nominal orbital locations with elevation angles greater than 5°, 167 dB(W/(m*/
40 Wiz)) single—entry 100% of the time operational EPFDa..., limit also applies to receive antennas
  "For 180 cm GSO BS8 earth station antennas located in Hawall communicating wth GSO BSS satelites that are operational
as of December 30, 1999 at the 110° W.L.. 119° WL. and 148° WL. nominal ortital positions, 162.5 dB(W(m240 Wiz)) sin—
gle—entry 100% of the time operational EPFD..... limit also applies
  *Under the section reference patten of Annex 1 to Recommendation TU—R B0.1443 shall be used only for the calculation of
interference from non—GSO FSS systems into BSS systems
  SFor each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the complete curve on a plat which is linear in decibels for the
EPFD levels and loganthmic for the time percentages, with straight line joining the data points
  TasLe 2L—SiNcLE—ENnTRy EPFD,.... Livits RapiaTeD Bv Non—GSO FSS Systems AT CeRTAIN
        100% of the time EPFDs.... dB(WI(m2/40 kiz))                          Latitude (North or South in degrees)
  160.0                                                          0 <| Latitude | < 57.5
  160.0+ 34 (575...   | Latitude J¥                              57.5 <| Latitude | < 63.75
  1653                                                           63.75 <| Latitude |


Federal Communications Commission                                                                             §25.208
  NoTE To PARAGRAPH (1):                                     to—Earth direction,              (EPFD;,,,) at any
                                                             point on the Earth‘s surface, produced
                for all conditions and for all
                                                             by emissions from all co—frequency
methods of modulation.                                       space stations of all non—geostationary—
                                                             satellite orbit systems operating in the
  (m) In the frequency bands 11.7—12.2                       fixed—satellite service (FSS) shall not
GHz and        12.5—12.75 CGHz in Region 3,
                                                             exceed the following limits in Tables
11.7—12.5 GHz in Region 1 and 12.2—12.7
                                                             1M and 2M for the given percentages of
GHz in Region 2, the aggregate equiva—
lent power—flux density, in the space—
TasLe 1M—Accrecate EPFDa»,. LIMITS FOR PROTECTION or 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 N
                 300 cm GSO BSS EartH StATION AnTeNNAs !23.5
                                                                  of time dur—
                                                      EPFD..       ing which     Reference      Reference antenna diame—
 Frequency band (GHz) for international allocations   5 yfi:®)     EPFDa»»       bandiwidth    ter, and reference radiation
                                                                   level may       (Wiz)                 pattem*
                                                                   not be ex—
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in          1804               o              30 em
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Reion 2                          160.1             25           40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                          1586              0s              Bo.1443
                                                          1586              os              Annex 1
                                                         15833              os
                                                         15833             100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in            170             o               45 om
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Reion 2                            167            se            40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                            164         a7.5                Bo.1443
                                                         160.75         co.33               Annex 1
                                                            160         ca.05
                                                            160           100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in           im               o               60 em
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Region 2                        16875             co            40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                         16775           or s               Bo. 1443
                                                           162           cas                Annex 1
                                                           161           ca s
                                                          1602           ca o
                                                           160          ca c
                                                           160            100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in         17375              o               90 em
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Region 2                          173             as            40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                           im              os               Bo.1443
                                                          1855           c0.1               Annex 1
                                                           163           cas
                                                           161           co s
                                                           160          c0 07
                                                           160            100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in           177              o               120 cm
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Reion 2                         17525             co            40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                         17375           as o               Bo.1443
                                                           173           as o               Annex 1
                                                          1805           cas
                                                          1878           co 7
                                                           164          co 82
                                                          1819           ca 0
                                                           161         ca.085
                                                          1604         ca 002
                                                           160            100


§25.208                                                                         47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)

TasLe 1M—Accrecate EPFD;..,, LIMITS FOR PROTECTION or 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 AND
             300 om GSO BSS EARrtTH STATION ANTENNAS ‘25.5—Continued
                                                                      of time dur—
                                                        wen            ing which      Reference     Reference antenna diame=
 Frequency band (GHz) for international allocations     5 yyfét®       EPFDa»»        bandiidth    ter, and reference radiation
                                                                       level may        (Wiz)                pattem#
                                                                       not be ex—
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 125—12.75 in             1795                 o              180 cm
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Reion 2                            1356                 as           40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                            17625              os 5              Bo.1443
                                                            16325             cae1               Annex 1
                                                             1815             ca 01
                                                            16035           ca. 075
                                                              160           c0.005
                                                              160               100
11.7—125 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 126—12.75 in                 182                o              240 em
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Reion 2                               180.0               as           40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                                 178           c0.25               Bo.1443
                                                               184             ca.as               Annex 1
                                                               1819            co.4
                                                               1605            co.08
                                                                 160          ca.005
                                                                 160              100
11.7—12.5 in Region 1; 11.7—12.2 and 126—12.75 in              1855                 o              300 em
  Region 3; 12.2—12.7 in Region 2                                184               as           40 Recommendation MU—R
                                                               1805              cas               Bo 1443
                                                                 173             co 7              Annex 1
                                                                 167           ca es
                                                                 162           co.04
                                                                 160           c0 07
                                                                 160              100
  ‘For BSS antenna diameters 180 cm, 240 cm and 300 om, in additon to the aggregate limit shown in Table 1M, the limits in
Table 2M shall also apply
  2For 240 cm GSO BS9 earth station antennas located in Alaska, communicating with GSO B9 satelites at the 91° WIL..
1019 WL., 110° WL., 119° WL. and 148° WL. naminal orbital locations with elevation angles greater than 5°, 167 dB(W/(m2/
40 Wiz)) aggreaate 100% of the time operational EPFD..... imit also applies to receive antennas
  "For 180 om GSO BS8 earth station antennas located in Hawali communicating wth GSO B5S satelites that are operational
as of December30, 1999 at the 110° WL.. 119° WL. and 148° W.L. nominal orbital postions, 162.5 dB(Wi(m240 kiz}) ag—
gregate 100% of the time operational EPFDs... limit also applies
  *Under the section reference patten of Annex 1 to Recommendation TU—R B0.1443 shall be used only for the calculation of
interference from non—GSO FSS systems into GSO BSS systems
  SFor each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the complete curve on a plot which is linear in decibels for the
EPFD levels and loganthmic for the time percentages, with straight line joining the data points
   TasLe 2M—Acerecate EPFD;,.,, LiMiTs RADIATED 8y Non—GSO FSS Systems AT CeRTAIN
        00% of the time EPFDa.... dB(Wm2/40 kiz))                             Latitude (North or South in degrees)
160.0                                                           0 <| Latitude | < 57.5
160.0 + 24 (67.5 | Latitude | )4                                57.5 <| Latitude | < 63.75
1653                                                            63.75 <| Latitude |

  NoTE TO PARAGRAPH (m):                                         ellite service (space—to—Earth), for all
                                                                 conditions and for all methods of mod—
                                                                 ulation,       shall     not     exceed      the    limits
                          for all conditions
and for all methods of modulation.                               given in Table N. These limits relate to
                                                                 the power flux—densit:
  (n) The powerflux density at the
Earth‘s surface produced by emissions
from a space station in the fixed—sat—


Federal Communications Commission                                                                          §25.208

 TasLe N—Limits or Power—FLux Density FRom Space Stations in The Banp 6700—7075 MHz

                                   Limit in dB(Wim2) for angle of aival (8) above the horizontal
          Frequency band                                       plane                                 Reference
                                                                                                          s band—
                                         co—50                so—250                250—900
8700—6825 MHiz                      187                   187 + 05(6 5)         127                1 Mz
6825—7075 MHz                       154                   154 + 05(6 5) 144                        4 Wiz
                                  and                  and                    and                  1 Mz
                                    134                   134 + 05(6 5)         12

  (0) In the band 12.2—12.7 GHz, for
NGSO FSS space stations, the specified
low—angle power flux—density at the
Earth‘s surface produced by emissions                    (that is, when no allowance is made for
from a space station shall not be ex—                    propogation impairments such as rain—
ceeded into an operational MVDDS re—                     fade):
ceiver:                                                     —139 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
  (1) —158 dB(W/m?) in any 4 kHz band                    angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
for angles of arrival between 0 and 2 de—                grees above the horizontal plane;
grees above the horizontal plane; and                       —139 + 43 (G—5) dB(W/im?) in any 1
  (2) —158 + 3.33(@—2) dB(W/m?) in any 4                 MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
kHz band for angles of arrival §) (in                    grees) between 5 and 20 degrees above
degrees) between 2 and 5 degrees above                   the horizontal plane; and
the horizontal plane.                                       —119 + 0.4 (6—20) dB(W/m?) in any 1
                                                         MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
  NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (0):                                 grees) between 20 and 25 degrees above
                                                         the horizontal plane;
                                                            —117 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
                                                         angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
  (p) The power flux—density at the                      grees above the horizontal plane;
Earth‘s surface produced by emissions                      (2) This limit relates to the max—
from a space station in either the                       imum power flux—density which would
Earth exploration—satellite service in                   be obtained anywhere on the surface of
the band 25.5—27 GHz or the inter—sat—                   the Earth during periods when FSS
ellite service in the band 25.25—27.5 GHz                system raises power to compensate for
for all conditions and for all methods                   rain—fade conditions at the FSS Earth
of modulation shall not exceed the fol—                  station:
lowing values:                                             —127 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
   —115 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for                   angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—                    grees above the horizontal plane;
grees above the horizontal plane;                          —127 + 43 (G—$) dB(W/m?) in any 1
   —115 + 0.5(— 5) dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz                 MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
band for angles of arrival between 5                     grees) between 5 and 20 degrees above
and 25 degrees above the horizontal                      the horizontal plane; and
plane;                                                     —107 + 0.4 (6—20) dB(W/m?) in any 1
                                                         MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
   —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
                                                         grees) between 20 and 25 degrees above
angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
                                                         the horizontal plane;
grees above the horizontal plane.
                                                           —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
                                                         angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
                                                         grees above the horizontal plane.
                                                            NOTE TO PARAGRAPH               (q):   The   conditions
  (q)   In   the   band    37.5—40.0   GHz,     the      under which satellites may exceed the power
                                                         flux—density limits for normal free space
power flux—density at the Earth‘s sur—                   propagation described in paragraph (p)(1) to
face produced by emissions from a geo—                   compensate for the effects of rain fading are
stationary space station for all meth—                   under study and have therefore not yet been
ods of modulation shall not exceed the                   defined. Such conditions and the extent to
following values.                                        which these limits can be exceeded will be


§25.208                                                      47 CFR Ch. | (10—1—07 Edition)
the subject of a further rulemaking by the           —115 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
Commission on the satellite service rules.         angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
  (r) In the band 37.5—40.0 GHz, the               grees above the horizontal plane;
power flux—density at the Earth‘s sur—               —115 + 0.5 @—S5) dB(W/m?) in any 1
face produced by emissions from a non—             MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
geostationary space station for all                grees) between 5 and 25 degrees above
methods of modulation shall not ex—                the horizontal plane; and
ceed the following values:                           —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
                                                   angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
   1                                               grees above the horizontal plane;
                                                     NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (s):
(that is, when no allowance is made for
propogation impairments such as rain—
   —132 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for               (t) In the band 40.5—42.0 GHz, the
angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—              power flux density at the Earth‘s sur—
grees above the horizontal plane;                  face produced by emissions from a non—
   —132 + 0.75 G—5) dB(W/m?) in any 1              geostationary space station for all con—
MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—           ditions and for all methods of modula—
grees) between 5 and 25 degrees above              tion shall not exceed the following val—
the horizontal plane; and                          ues:
   —117 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for               —115 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—            angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
grees above the horizontal plane;                  grees above the horizontal plane;
                                                     —115 + 0.5 @—S5) dB(W/m?) in any 1
  (2) This limit relates to the max—
                                                   MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
imum power flux—density which would
                                                   grees) between 5 and 25 degrees above
be obtained anywhere on the surface of
                                                   the horizontal plane; and
the Earth during periods when FSS
                                                     —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
system raises power to compensate for
                                                   angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
rain—fade conditions at the FSS Earth
                                                   grees above the horizontal plane;
  —120 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for                NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (t):
angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
grees above the horizontal plane;
  —120 + 0.75 G—5) dB(W/m?) in any 1
MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—             (u) In the band 40.5—42.0 CHz, the
grees) between 5 and 25 degrees above              power flux—density at the Earth‘s sur—
the horizontal plane; and                          face produced by emissions from a geo—
  —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for              stationary space station for all condi—
angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—            tions and for all methods of modula—
grees above the horizontal plane.                  tion shall not exceed the following val—
 NOTE TO    PARAGRAPH    (r);   The   conditions     —120 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
under which satellites may exceed these            angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
power flux—density limits for normal free
                                                   grees above the horizontal plane;
space propagation described in paragraph
(q)(1) to compensate for the effects of rain
                                                     —120 + (6—5) dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz
fading are under study and have therefore          band for angles of arrival 8 (in degrees)
not yet been defined. Such conditions and          between 5 and 15 degrees above the hor—
the extent to which these limits can be ex—        izontal plane;
ceeded will be the subject of a further rule—        —110 + 0.5 (6—15) dB(W/m?) in any 1
making by the Commission on the satellite          MHz band for angles of arrival 5 (in de—
service rules.                                     grees) between 15 and 25 degrees above
   (s) In the band 40.04 0.5 GHz, the              the horizontal plane; and
power flux—density at the Earth‘s sur—               —105 dB(W/m?) in any 1 MHz band for
face produced by emissions from a                  angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—
space station for all conditions and for           grees above the horizontal plane;
all methods of modulation shall not ex—              NOTE TO PARAGRAPH    (u): m
ceed the following values:


Federal Communications Commission                                                    §25.209

P                                               (4) For all regions outside of the con—
                                              tiguous United States including Alaska
  (v) In the band 2496—2500 MHz, the          and Hawaii: —115 dBW/m#/MHz.
power flux—density at the Earth‘s sur—        [48 FR 40255, Sept. 6, 1983, as amended at 52
face produced by emissions from non—          FR 45636, Dec. 1, 1987; 59 FR 53329, Oct. 21,
geostationary space stations for all          1994; 6 FR 54171, Sept. 7, 2000; 66 FR 10623,
                                              Feb. 16, 2001; 66 FR 63515, Dec. 7, 2001; 67 FR
conditions and all methods of modula—
                                              17299, Apr. 10, 2002; 67 FR 46911, July 17, 2002;
tion shall not exceed the following val—      68 FR 16448, Apr. 4, 2003; 68 FR 43946, July 25,
                                              2003; 69 FR 31745, June 7, 2004 69 FR 52207,
                                              Aug. 25, 2004; 70 FR 24725, May 11, 2005; 70 FR
                                              46675, Aug. 10, 2005; 71 FR 35188, June 19, 2006;
  (1) —144 dB (W/ima2) in 4 kHz for all       72 FR 50029, Aug. 29, 2007]
angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—
                                              §25.209 Antenna performance              stand—
grees above the horizontal plane; —144            ards.
dB (W/ima2) + 0.65(6 —5) in 4 kHz for all
                                                (a) The gain of any antenna to be em—
angles of arrival between 5 and 25 de—
                                              ployed in transmission from an earth
grees above the horizontal plane; and
                                              station in the geostationary satellite
  —131 dB (W/im*2) in 4 kHz and for all       orbit fixed—satellite service (GSO FSS)
angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—       shall lie below the envelope defined as
grees above the horizontal plane.             follows:
  (2) —126 dB (W/im«2) in 1 MHz for all         (1) In the plane of the geostationary
angles of arrival between 0 and 5 de—         satellite orbit as it appears at the par—
grees above the horizontal plane; —126        ticular earth station location:
dB (W/im*2) + 0.65(6 —5) in 1 MHz for all
angles of arrival between 5 and 25 de—          2925 log;, (Theta) dBi 1°</= Theta </= 7°
grees above the horizontal plane; and
                                                        +8 dBi 7°< Theta </= 9.2°
  —113 dB (W/im«2) in 1 MHz and for all
angles of arrival between 25 and 90 de—         3225 log,, (Theta) dBi 9.2°< Theta </= 48°
grees above the horizontal plane.
                                                       —10 dBi 48°< Theta </— 180°
  (w) The power flux density at the
Earth‘s surface produced by emissions         where Theta is the angle in degrees from the
                                                axis of the main lobe, and dBt refers to dB
from a 17/24 GHz BSS space station op—          relative to an isotropic radiator. For the
erating in the 17.3—17.7 GHz band for all       purposes of this section, the peak gain of
conditions, including clear sky, and for        an individual sidelobe may not exceed the
all methods of modulation shall not ex—         envelope defined above for Theta between
ceed the regional power flux density            1.0 and 7.0 degrees. For Theta greater than
levels defined below.                           7.0 degrees, the envelope may be exceeded
                                                by no more than 10% of the sidelobes, pro—
   (1) In the region of the contiguous          vided no individual sidelobe exceeds the
United   States,   located   south   of 38°     gain envelope given above by more than 3
North Latitude and east of 100 West              dB.
Longitude: —115 dBW/m#MHz.                      (2) In all other directions, or in the
  (2) In the region of the contiguous         plane of the horizon including any out—
United   States,   located   north   of 38°   of—plane potential terrestrial inter—
North Latitude and east of 100° West          ference paths:
Longitude: —118 dBW/m#/MHz.                      Outside the main beam, the gain of
  (3) In the region of the contiguous         the antenna shall lie below the enve—
United States, located west of 100 West       lope defined by:
Longitude: —121 dBW/m#/MHz.
                                                32—25 log,, (Theta) dBi 1°</= Theta </= 48°
                                                       —10 dBi 48°< Theta </— 180°
                                              where Theta and dBi are defined above. For
                                                the purposes of this section, the envelope
                                                may be exceeded by no more than 10% of
                                                the sidelobes     provided   no individual
                                                sidelobe exceeds the gain envelope given
                                                above by more than 6 dB. The region of the


Document Created: 2008-12-08 11:49:03
Document Modified: 2008-12-08 11:49:03

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