Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by New ICO

Request to withdraw modification application SAT-MOD-20071130-00167.


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20071130-00167 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Before the
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                               APN - 3 2008
                                                                                        Federal Communications Commission
In the Matter of                                                                               Office of the Secretary

New I C 0 Satellite Services G.P.                              )   File Nos. SAT-AMD-2007 1 130-00 167
                                                               )             SAT-MOD-2007 1 130-00 167
Application for Modification of Authority for                  )
Use of the 2 GHz Bands to Provide Mobile                       1
Satellite Service                                              )   Call Sign S2651


            Pursuant to Section 1.8 of the Commission’s rules,’ New I C 0 Satellite Services G.P.

(“ICO”) requests permission to withdraw its application to modify its letter of intent

authorization (“Application”) filed in the above-captioned proceeding on November 30,2007. In

its Application, I C 0 sought to modify it letter of intent authorization to add blanket authority to

construct and operate base station facilities for an ancillary terrestrial component (“ATC”) for its

mobile satellite service (“MSS”) system. For purposes of administrative convenience and

efficiency and at the request of Commission staff, I C 0 is withdrawing its Application to

facilitate the Commission’s consideration of a similar application filed on December 3, 2008,2

and placed on public notice on March 5 , 200K3

    47 C.F.R. tj 1.8.
 See I C 0 Modification Application, File No. SES-LIC-20071203-01646 (Dec. 3,2007), as amended by, File No.
SES-AMD-2008118-00075 (Jan. 18,2008) and File No. SES-AMD-20080219-00172 (Feb. 19,2008).
    See FCC Public Notice, Report No. 00-01012 (Ma. 5,2008).


                                 Respectful1y submitted,

Cheryl A. Tritt                  Suzanne Mtchings Malloy         4

Phuong N. Pham                   Senior Regulatory Counsel
Morrison & Foerster LLP          8 15 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.   Suite 610
Suite 5500                       Washington, D.C. 20006
Washington, D.C. 20006

Its Attorneys

April 3,2008


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that on April 3,2008, a copy of the foregoing Request to Withdraw
Modification Application was served by electronic mail upon the following:

John Giusti                                         Roderick Porter
Deputy Bureau Chief                                 Deputy Bureau Chief
Int em ati onal Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federa1 Communi cations Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw                               445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

 Email:                         Email: Roderick.Porter@fcc. gov

 Robert Nelson                                      Cassandra Thomas
 Chief, Satellite Division                          Deputy Chief, Satellite Division
 International Bureau                               International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
 445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw                              445 lzthStreet, sw
 Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

 Email:                       Email:

Karl Kensinger                                      G ardner Foster
Associate Division Chief, Satellite Division        Legal Advisor
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw                               445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

 Email:                      Email:

 Scott Kotler
 Chief, System Analysis Branch
 International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 lYh Street, sw
 Washington, DC 20554

 Email :

                                           kheresa L. Rollin;


Document Created: 2008-04-09 14:14:08
Document Modified: 2008-04-09 14:14:08

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