Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by TerreStar



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20061127-00143 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 LAW OFFICES
                            GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT
                                        1229 NINETEENTH STREET, N.W.
                                                                                                      -   r r l
                                         WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036-2413

HENRY GOLDBERG                                                                                (202) 429-g900
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                              TELECO~IER:
JONATHAN L. WIENER                                                                            (202) 429-4912
DEVENDRA (“DAVE”)KUMAR                                                                              e-mail:
HENRIETTA WRIGHT                                                                            general@ 92
THOMAS G. GHERARDI, F?C.                                                                   website:
SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR                       September 7,2007

      BY HAND

      Marlene H. Dortcki
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th St., S.W.
      Washington, DC 20554

               Re:      ‘hrreStar Networks Inc.
                        Letter of Intent Authorization
                        File Nos. SAT-T,(SI-19970926-C0161, SAT-ASG-20023 21140238, SA.‘I’-
                        A MD-20Q)613  27-00143, and SAT-MOP)-20070529-C0075
                        Call Sign S2633

                TerreStar Networks Inc. (“‘TerreStar”j,by its iindersigned coiinsel an,:! pur iLj.,?nt
       to Section 25.1430) o f the Commission’s rules,l hereby notifies the Commissior? r h t it
       I ritei?Js t.0 c m ~ tLrI C ~and test ancillary terrestrial component (” ATC”) f acilitics.
       ~mistructionand testing will Eegjn on or after September 25,2007.

Marlene H. Dortch
September 7,2007
Page 2

TerreStar’s predecessor-Llq-interestas the holder of a letter of intent authorization for the
2 GHz MSS satellite now known as TerreStar-1, certified to the Commission that it had
met the milestone for commencing physical construction of its satellite.2 The second
condition is satisfied by the notice provided in this letter.

       TerreStar’s build-out and equipment tests will be in conformance with the
requirements of Section 25.143(j),including the requirements for complying with
Sections 5.83,5.85(c),5.111, and 5.117 of the rules and for refraining from offering ATC
service to the public for compensation during pre-operational testing. TerreStar will
use the 2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz bands for its pre-operational testing. The
contact information for TerreStar’s representative for purposes of the reporting and
mitigation of any interference that may occur as a result of TerreStar’s pre-operational
testing and build-out is as follows:

       Douglas Brandon
       Vice President for Regulatory Affairs
       TerreStar Networks Inc.
       12010 Sunset Hills Road, 9th Floor
       Reston, VA 20191
       (202) 255-5011
       d ou gr;_..brand oncc7!t ewes tar.coin

       Please direct any questions concerning this filing to the undersigned.


2See letter, dated April 11,2005, from Gregory C. Staple, counsel for TMI, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC,
concerning the above-referenced letter of intent authorization.

                                              G O L D B ~ GG
                                                           , ODICIES,                       & WRIGHT

Document Created: 2007-09-18 15:02:40
Document Modified: 2007-09-18 15:02:40

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