Attachment DA 07 2028

DA 07 2028

ORDER submitted by IB,FCC

DA 07 2028


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20061127-00143 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                DA 07—2028

                                                Before the
                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                         )
TMI Communications and Company, Limited                  )    File Nos. SAT—ASG—20021211—00238
Partnership, and TerreStar Networks, LLC                 )                 SAT—AMD—20061127—00143
Application for Modification of Spectrum                 )   Call Sign: LOI—TMI
Reservation for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service           )
System                                                   )


Adopted: May 10, 2007                                                         Released: May 10, 2007

By the Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau:


          1. This Order grants a request filed by TMI Communications and Company, Limited
Partnership ("TMI"), and TerreStar Networks, LLC ("TerreStar"). In their request, TMI and TerreStar
seek approval in connection with revised ownership and business arrangements for TMI‘s 2 GHz mobile
satellite service ("MSS") system. The Commission has reserved a total of 20 MHz of spectrum for use
by TMI‘s system,‘ which is licensed by Canada. We find that the revised ownership and business
arrangements do not alter our previous determination that reserving this spectrum is in the public interest,
and grant TMI and TerreStar‘s request. Based upon the revised ownership and business arrangements,
and the substantial progress in system construction, we modify the spectrum reservation to list it in
TerreStar‘s name, and remove a requirement that TMI guarantee system construction costs.


        2. In 2001, the Commission granted a request from TMI to reserve spectrum in the 2 GHz
frequency bands for use, in the United States, by TMI‘s proposed MSS system."          The spectrum
reservation was declared null and void by the International Bureau in 2003, but was reinstated, with

‘ TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership, Letter of Intent to Provide Mobile—Satellite Service in
the 2 GHz Bands, Order, 16 FCC Red 13808 (Int‘l Bur., 2001) (TMI Order), declared null and void, TMI
Communications and Company, Limited Partnership, Order, 18 FCC Red 1725 (Int‘l Bur. 2003) (TMI Milestone
Order), reinstated, TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership and TerreStar Networks Inc.,
Application for Review and Request for Stay, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Red 12603 (2004) (TMI
Reinstatement Order), modified, Use of Returned Spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service Frequency
Bands, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Red 19696 (2005)(2 GHz Returned Spectrum Order).

> TMI Order, 16 FCC Red at 13816 (para. 23).

                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 07—2028

conditions, by the Commission in 2004           In 2005, the Commission increased the amount of spectrum
reserved for TMI‘s system, using spectrum made available when other 2 GHz MSS systems surrendered
their claims.*

          3. TML, a Canadian company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCE, Inc., a publicly traded
Canadian corporation. Industry Canada issued TMI an approval—in—principle for a 2 GHz MSS system in
May 2002 TMI also entered into business arrangements with TerreStar,° a Delaware corporation in
which TMI had an indirect, non—controlling ownership interest. Based on these arrangements, TerreStar
entered into a satellite manufacturing agreement, with Space Systems/Loral, Inc., for a 2 GHz MSS
satellite, on July 14, 2002.‘ In connection with the TMI Reinstatement Order, TMI provided a guarantee
for construction costs of the satellite.

         4. TMI, TerreStar, and the parties having ownership interests in TerreStar have continued to
refine their business arrangements in the ensuing years. The parties reported a number of changes in the
ownership of TerreStar in recent years.© As a result, TerreStar is currently owned approximately 70
percent by Motient Ventures Holding, Inc., a U.S. company, approximately 15 percent by SkyTerra
Communications, Inc., also a U.S. company, and approximately 15 percent by TMI. In a request filed
November 27 of this year, TMI and TerreStar also reported plans for changes to the business
arrangements for the Canadian companies involved in the venture. Under the revised arrangement, TMI
will assign its Canadian approval—in—principal to TerreStar Networks (Canada), Inc. ("Terrestar
Canada"). TerreStar owns 20 percent of TerreStar Canada directly, and a 33—1/3 percent interest in
TerreStar‘s 80 percent shareholder, TerreStar Network Holdings (Canada) Inc ("TerreStar Canada").
These interests represent the maximum ownership by non—Canadian interests currently permitted under
Canadian law. TMI owns the remaining 66—2/3 percent interest in TerreStar Canada. Industry Canada
approved the assignment of the approval—in—principal to TerreStar Canada on April 5, 2007.°

 TMI Reinstatement Order.

* 2 GHz Returned Spectrum Order.

° Letter of Jan Skora, Director General, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch, Industry
Canada, to Ted H. Ignacy, Vice—President, Finance, TMI Communications Inc. dated May 6, 2002, submitted to
the Commission as attachment to Letter of Gregory C. Staple, Counsel, TMI to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary,
FCC, filed August 27, 2002.

° The agreement was with TerreStar Networks Inc., TerreStar‘s predecessor in interest.

‘ These arrangements are more fully described in the TMI Reinstatement Order, 19 FCC Red at 12610—12611
(paras. 17—21).

° See letter from Gregory C. Staple, counsel for TMI, and Henry Goldberg, counsel for TerreStar, to Marlene H.
Dortch, Secretary, FCC (October 25, 2006); letter from Gregory C. Staple, counsel for TMI, and Henry Goldberg,
counsel for TerreStar, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC (June 15, 2005); letter from Gregory C. Staple, counsel
for TMI, and Matthew S. DelNero, counsel for TerreStar, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC (April 18, 2005);
letter from Gregory C. Staple, counsel for TMI, and Matthew S. DelNero, counsel for TerreStar, to Marlene H.
Dortch, Secretary, FCC (March 11, 2005); letter from Gregory C. Staple, counsel for TMI, and Matthew S. DelNero,
counsel for TerreStar, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC (Dec. 13, 2004).

° Letter from Michael D. Connolly, A/Director General, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory
Branch, Industry Canada, to Steven Nichols, Executive Vice—President, Operations, TerreStar Canada, dated April

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 07—2028

        5. TMI and TerreStar seek approval for these revised arrangements, and ask that the spectrum
reservation now be listed in TerreStar‘s name. This request was placed on public notice on January 19,
2007.‘" No comments were filed.


       6. We have reviewed the revised ownership and business arrangements for the proposed
Canadian 2 GHz MSS system, and conclude that reserving spectrum for its operations in the United
States continues to serve the public interest. Furthermore, given the close affiliation between TerreStar
and TerreStar Canada, listing the spectrum reservation in TerreStar‘s name presents no significant issues.
The material submitted by TMI and TerreStar indicates that TerreStar is in a position to speak
definitively for the various companies involved in the Canadian 2 GHz satellite venture. The
Commission‘s records will be revised accordingly.

         7.   We will also relieve TMI and its successor—in—interest, TerreStar Canada, from the
requirement, imposed in the TMIT Reinstatement Order, that TMI obligate itself to cover future satellite
construction contract expenditures. At the time this condition was imposed, the Canadian 2 GHz satellite
venture was at a relatively early stage. Moreover, the somewhat unusual arrangements involved, with
TMI not being a party to the satellite manufacturing agreement, and holding a substantial but less than
controlling interest in TerreStar, necessitated the additional assurance that construction costs would be
covered by the holder of the Canadian approval—in—principal. With substantial progress in satellite
construction and system implementation having occurred‘‘ and based on the revisions to the associated
ownership and business arrangements, this guarantee is no longer necessary.


        8. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 303(r) of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 303(r), and Sections 1.2 and 25.137 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
CFR. §§ 1.2, 25.137, this Order IS ADOPTED.

       9. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the action taken in paragraph 23 of the TMI Order," as
modified by the TMI Reinstatement Order," and the 2 GHz Returned Spectrum Order,"" IS FURTHER
MODIFIED to read as follows:

(Continued from previous page)
27, 2007, submitted to the Commission as an attachment to a letter from Joseph Godles, counsel for TerreStar, to
Marlene Dortch, Secretary, FCC, dated May 1, 2007.

‘ Report No. SAT—00414 (January 19, 2007).
‘ See TMI and TerreStar comments filed April 2, 2007, in WT Docket No. 02—55, at 5 (satellite is 85 percent

" TMI Order, 16 FCC Red at 13816 (para. 23).

} TMI Reinstatement Order, 19 FCC Red at 12623 (para. 60).

" 2 GHz Returned Spectrum Order, 20 FCC Red 19696 at 19726 (para. 67).

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                     DA 07—2028

      * * * TerreStar Networks, LLC, IS RESERVED radio—frequency spectrum to operate its proposed
     mobile—satellite system to provide service in the United States in the 2000—2020 MHz and 2180—2200
     MHz frequency bands, in accordance with the technical specifications set forth in its Letter of
     Intent, as amended, and the conditions set forth in the preceding paragraphs [of the TMI
     Authorization] and consistent with our rules, unless specifically waived herein, and subject to the
     following conditions:
     (a) TerreStar Networks, LLC shall choose a Selected Assignment in each of the 2000—2020 MHz
         and 2180—2200 MHz frequency bands upon commencing operation of a 2 GHz MSS satellite in
         its authorized orbit location;
     (b) The Selected Assignments will give TerreStar Networks, LLC access to 10 megahertz of
        contiguous spectrum in each direction of transmission on a primary basis;"
     (c) Each Selected Assignment shall be chosen so that a band edge of the assignment coincides with
         an edge of the encompassing 2 GHz MSS band or is an integer multiple of 10 megahertz from an
         edge of the 2 GHz MSS band; and
     (d)Operation in frequencies in these bands outside the Selected Assignments shall be on a
         secondary basis to operations of other 2 GHz MSS systems.
       10. This Order is effective upon release. Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the release of this
Order. (See 47 C.F.R. § 1.4(b)(2).)

                                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       Robert G. Nelson
                                                       Chief, Satellite Division
                                                       International Bureau

" This specification of service—link spectrum may be subject to adjustment after disposition of pending
petitions for reconsideration and judicial review, and is without prejudice to resolution of further milestone
issues or disposition of pending applications.

Document Created: 2007-05-10 15:28:21
Document Modified: 2007-05-10 15:28:21

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