Attachment Schedule S document

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20060727-00083 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


              Table 8 – Link Budget for Voice-Rate Return Link from
                       Handheld User Terminal using CDMA

Representative Return Link Budget
UT Type                                                   Handheld Terminal
Carrier Type                                                  CDMA
General Parameters                             Unit
E/S elevation angle                            deg               28.0
Minimum user elevation angle                   deg               20.0
Uplink range                                   km              39554
Downlink range                                 km              38792
Uplink frequency                               GHz              2.020
Downlink frequency                             GHz             19.700
Bandwidth/carrier                              kHz             1,250.0
Uplink EIRP                                    dBW               -1.0
Free space loss                                 dB              190.5
Atmospheric loss                                dB                0.1
Uplink propagation margin                       dB                7.5
Effective satellite antenna gain                dBi             43.0
Satellite receive system noise temperature     dB-K             26.0
Effective satellite antenna G/T                dB/K             17.0
Uplink C/No                                    dBHz             46.5
Uplink C/Io Intra-system                       dBHz             44.4
Uplink C/Io ext                                dBHz             56.5
Aggregate uplink C/Io                          dBHz             44.1
Satellite EIRP                                 dBW              11.9
Free space loss                                 dB              210.1
Atmospheric attenuation                         dB                0.5
Rain attenuation                                dB                8.1
E/S antenna gain                                dB               64.5
E/S antenna pointing error                      dB                0.3
Nominal system noise temperature               dB-K              23.9
Nominal E/S G/T                                dB/K              40.3
System noise temperature degradation in rain    dB                2.6
Rain-degraded system noise temperature         dB-K             26.5
Rain-degraded E/S G/T                          dB/K             37.7
Downlink C/No                                  dBHz             59.5
Downlink C/IMo                                 dBHz             62.8
Downlink C/Io Intra-system                     dBHz             69.3
Downlink C/Io ASI                              dBHz             66.1
Aggregate downlink C/Io                        dBHz             64.4
End-to-End Performance
End-to-end C/No                                dBHz              46.3
End-to-end aggregate C/Io                      dBHz              44.1
End-to-end C/IMo                               dBHz              62.8
Total aggregate C/(No+Io+IMo)                  dBHz              42.0
Total aggregate C/(N+I+IM)                      dB              -18.9
Required C/N                                    dB              -18.9
System Margin                                   dB                0.0

Document Created: 2006-07-31 14:44:34
Document Modified: 2006-07-31 14:44:34

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