Attachment certification





This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20060505-00054 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


July 18,2006                                                                          Writer's Direct Contact

                                              JUL 1 8 2006
By Hand Delivery                        wml Communications  Commlssor.
                                             Mice of S e C r W            ~~~~~~~~~

Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                                JUL            I
Federal Communications Commission
445 12'h Street, S.W., Room TW-A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:         New I C 0 Satellite Services G.P.
            File No. SAT-MOD-200501 10-00004, SAT-MOD-20050926-00 182, SAT-AMD-
            20050927-001 86, and SAT-AMD-20060505-00054
            Call Sign S2561

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant to Section 25.143(e)(3) of the Commission's rules,' New I C 0 Satellite Services
G.P. ("ICO") submits the attached certification of completion of the milestone to "complete
coordination of physical operations of the satellite, and file any modification applications
necessitated thereby.''2 This certification is based upon ICO's completion of physical
coordination of its satellite at the proposed orbital location of 92.85" W.L. As stated below,
IC0 has determined that its proposal to operate at 92.85" W.L., a 0.15" offset from 93" W.L.,
will avoid the need for further physical coordination with other satellites.

By way of background, I C 0 is authorized to operate a geostationary satellite orbit ("GSO")
satellite at 91" W.L., but has pending before the Commission a modification application, as
amended, to provide for satellite operation at 92.85" W.L. in lieu of 91" W.L. As initially
filed on September 26, 2005, the modification application ("Application") proposed to
provide for satellite operation at 93" W.L. in lieu of 91" W.L. In that Application, I C 0
concluded that it would be necessary to coordinate with Intelsat, one of whose satellites is
located at 93" W.L., in order to mitigate the possibility of collision with the I C 0 ~ a t e l l i t e . ~

     * 47 C.F.R. Q 25.143(e)(3).
      See I C 0 Satellite Services, G.P., 20 FCC Rcd 9797,IT 32, 38 (IB 2005).
      See Application, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20050926-00182, at I8 (Sept. 26,2005).

         MORRISON             FOERSTER

         Marlene H. Dortch
         July 18,2006
         Page Two

         Subsequently, I C 0 conducted physical coordination discussions with Intelsat and determined
         that operation at a 0.15" offset from 93' W.L. (Le., at 92.85" W.L.) will avoid the need for
         further physical coordination with other satellites. Accordingly, on May 5,2006, I C 0 filed
         an amendment ("Amendment") to its modification application to provide for satellite
         operation at 92.85" W.L. in lieu of 93" W.L.4

         As I C 0 stated in its Amendment, an offset of 0.15" between the nominal orbital positions of
         the Intelsat and I C 0 satellites is more than sufficient to ensure that no physical collision
         between the two satellites is possible.' Consequently, I C 0 believes that it has completed
         coordination of the physical operations of its satellite at the proposed 92.85" W.L. orbital
         location6 and that it has filed the necessary modification application^.^

           Intelsat filed a petition to deny the amendment, opposing ICO's request to use C-band
         frequencies at 92.85" W.L., but it did not state a basis for opposing ICO's request to use non-
         C-band frequencies at 92.85' W.L. or to the requested change from 93" W.L. to 92.85' W.L.
         for physical coordination purposes. See Intelsat Petition to Deny at 1, 4 (May 22,2006).

         ' See I C 0 Amendment, IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20060505-00054, at 2 (May 5,2006).
          I C 0 acknowledges that Commission confirmation of ICO's milestone compliance does not
         constitute authorization to operate at the 92.85' W.L. orbital location requested in the
         pending Application, as amended. Any such authorization would be effective only upon
         grant of the Application.

           ICO's completion of coordination of the physical operations of its satellite at the proposed
         92.85" W.L. orbital location is sufficient for milestone purposes. See The Boeing Company,
         18 FCC Rcd 12317,y 28, n.56 (IB & OET 2003) ("That Boeing arranged for construction of
         the GSO satellite proposed in its license-modification application, rather than the NGSO
         satellites for which it had license authority as of the milestone deadline date, is not a material
         deficiency, given our favorable disposition of the application for modification.. ..Had we
         denied the request for license modification, on the other hand, we could not have found that
         Boeing's arrangements for construction of a GSO system satisfied the first milestone
         requirement."). In the event that the Commission determines that I C 0 is required to
         complete coordination of the physical operations of its satellite at its currently authorized 91"
         W.L. orbital location, rather than at the proposed 92.85" W.L. orbital location, I C 0 requests a
         waiver or an extension of time to meet the milestone. The Commission may waive its rules
         upon a showing of "good cause." See 47 C.F.R. 3 1.3. Specifically, the Commission may
         waive a rule if the relief requested would not undermine the policy objective of the rule and
         otherwise would serve the public interest. See WAIT Radio v. FCC, 41 8 F.2d 1153, 1157
         (D.C. Cir. 1969), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 1027 (1972). Grant of a waiver would serve the
         public interest by simplifying ICO's coordination efforts with other satellites and allowing


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Marlene H. Dortch
July 18,2006
Page Three

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                             Cheryl h.Tritt


cc:         Cassandra Thomas
            Karl Kensinger
            Andrea Kelly

I C 0 to implement its 2 GHz mobile satellite service system and provide service to the public
in a timely manner.


                                                                       JUL 18 ‘06          13:19 No.007 P . 0 1

 RMPBELLS RESORT SFlLES        ID:509-682-3441                                             IIV.   vi>   1.   1


                   Pursuant to Section 25,143(~)(3)of the Ccmmissian’s roles, I, Dennis Schmltt,

           cedfy under penalty of perjury hat:

              1. 1 MI a Senior Vice. Frcsidont of IC0 Ulobal Conm~nicatione(IIoldiirign) Lindted,

                   the ultimate pmnt of Ne.w IC0 Setcllite Serviks 0,P. (“ICO”).

              2.   To the best.of my knowlcdgc, irlformation, and bdief, IC0 has completed
                   coordinatioh of the physical operations of its satdllte and hap filed th6
                   modification applications necessitated thereby,

                                                                 Dennis Schmitt

Document Created: 2006-07-25 16:21:25
Document Modified: 2006-07-25 16:21:25

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