Attachment petition to deny

petition to deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by Intelsat

petition to deny


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20060505-00054 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the                                 RECEIVE
                          Federal Communication Commission                        way 2 3 2006
                                  Washington, DC 20554
                                                                              Fedeal Communcaton Comninon
                                                                                     oftes o Secvary
In the Matter of                              ) File Nos. SAT—AMD—20060505—00054
                                              )           SAT—MOD—20050926—00182
New 1CO Satellite Services G.P.               )
Amendment to Application to Modify            )
2 GHz MSS License                             )

        Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat"),by it attomeys and purstant to Section
25.154(a)of the Commission‘s rules, petitions to deny the above—captioned amendment
(*Amendment®) of New 1CO Satellite Services G.P. ("1CO®)." In its Amendment, ICO
secks to operate an MSS satellte at 92.85° W.L.. and requests deferral ofits request made
in the underlying modification application (*Modification®) to conduct launch and early
orbit phase ("LEOP®) and emergency telemetry, tracking and command ("TT&C")
operations in the conventional C—band.. As the Commission is aware, Intelsat opposed
1CO‘s earlier request to operate ts satellte at 93° W.L.. because ICO‘s emergency TT&C
operations in the conventional C—band will cause harmfulinterference into Intelsat‘s 1A—6
satellte, which currently operates at 93° W.L. in the conventional C— and Ku—bands."
1CO‘s amended requestto operate instead at 92.85° W.L..—— which was made without any
co—location discussions with Intelsat —— does nothing to eliminate the risk of harmful

‘ See Policy Branch Information Satellite Space Applications Acceptedfor Filing, File
No. SAT—AMD—20060505—00054, Public Notice, Rept. No. SAT—00362 (May 19, 2006).

* Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC from J. Hindiin, Wiley Rein & Fielding
LLP, Counsel to Intelsat North America LLC, File No. SAT—MOD—20050926—00182
(Mar. 27, 2006).

interference into 1A—6‘s operations.. As such, Intelsatrespectfully requests that the
Commission deny ICO‘s Amendment and underlying Modification.
        As Intelsat noted in its earlier opposition, the C—band frequencies that ICO seeks
are not available for assignment to 1CO under the Commission‘s frst—come, firs—served

procedures." Rather than repeat that argument in its entirety, Intelsatincorporates it
herein by reference.
        Intelsatfurther argued in ts earlier opposition that even assuming the frequencies
were available under the Commission‘s first—come, first—served procedures, they could
not be assigned to ICO under Commission precedent.* That precedent holds that waivers
of Section 25.202(g), which requires TT&C operations to be conducted atthe edge of the
allocated service band, are not warranted unless the applicant has coordinated use of the
non—service band frequencies with affected parties In apporent response, ICO asks the
Commission to defer action on its Section 25.202(g) waiver request "pending completion
of frequency coordination with other satellite operators."*
       1CO‘s request to defer action assumes that "fregquency coordination with other
satellte operators"" is simply a work in progress that will be completed ata later date, at
which point ICO‘s waiver request could be granted. 1CO‘s deferzal request, however,

°1. at 1—2.
*1d. ar2.
5 WB Holdings 1 LLC; Applications to Modify the KaStar System Authorization to
Include C—Band Tracking, Telemetry, and Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 17
FCC Red 8217 (2002).
® Amendment ofNew ICO Satellite Services G.P. to Application to Modify License, File
No. SAT—AMD—20060505—00054, t 3 (filed May 5, 2006) ("ICO Amendment).

misses the point of Intelsat‘s opposition. As Intelsat has explained in a face—to—face
meeting with ICO engineers and in a meeting with FCC staff," ICO‘s use of C:—band
frequencies will not be coordinated with Intelsat, because they carnor be coordinated.
Put simply, co—frequency (or nearly co—frequency), co—pol coordination under co—
coverage conditions of any two co—located satellites is not possible. Moreover, as
explained to ICO and to FCC staff in the above—referenced mectings, given the high
power used for telecommand transmissions, harmful interference into Intelsat‘s co—
located satellite may occur even if ICO‘s emergency telecommand transmissions take
place in the bands immediately adjacent to the conventional C—band.
       In its Amendment, ICO notes that the change in location for ICO‘s satellte from

93° W.L. to 92.85° W.L. will ‘simplifyf] stationkeeping operations, and minimize] the
Hikelihood of in—orbit collsion with other satelltes."" This statement ignores the larger,
more fundamental, issue at hand —— that ICO‘s satellite cannot operate at ither 93° W.L.
or.92.85° W.L. in conventional C—band frequencies or in frequencies immediately
adjacent to the conventional C—band without causing harmful interference into the
telecommand and service operations of the 1A—6 satellite."
       1CO‘attemptto simply sweep this threshold interference issue under the rug by
asking the Commission to defer action on the waiver request should not be allowed. This

" Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from Susan H. Crandall, Asst. General
Counsel, Intelsat Global Service Corp., File No. SAT—MOD—20050926—00182, at 1 (Apr.
20, 2006).

*1CO Amendment at 1.
* in addition to power level,the polarization of ICO‘s telecommand carrier will influence
the required frequency separation of that carrier from the 1A—6 telecommand carrier and
the edge of the IA—6 communications band.

is particularly true where, as here, a satelliteis in the process of being buit. Should the
Commission defer action on the waiver request,as ICO requests, ICO might proceed to
build the satellite with only conventional C—band frequencies for LEOP and emergency
TT&C, which frequencies it cannot use at either the 93° W.L. or 92.85° W.L. orbital
location without causing harmful interference into TA—6. The public interest would not be
served by construction of a satellitethat does not comply with the FCC‘s rules and thus
cannot operate in its requested orbital location without causing harmful interference to an
existing satellte.""
        For these reasons, the Commission should deny ICO‘s request to defer action on
its request for a waiver of Section 25.202(8) ofthe Commission‘s rules and should deny
the waiver request, consistent with precedent. No reasonable amount of time is going to
resolve the harmfulinterference that will be caused by ICO‘s satellite in conventional C—
band at either the 93° W.L. or 92.85° W.L. orbital location.""

                                              Respectfully submitted,
                                            QD Hoda=
                                                   er D. Hindin
                                              Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                                              1776 K Street NW
                                              Washington, DC 20006

                                              Counselfor Intelsat North America LLC
May 22, 2006

* 1CO‘s proposed operations in the conventional C—band also would cause harmful
interference into the currently available potential replacement satellites for 1A—6.
"* s the Commission is aware, Intelsat has identified to ICO potential center frequencies
for 1CO‘s telecommand carriers i the extended C:—band, which, depending on the sense
of polarization used, might ensure technical compatibility with collocated Intelsat

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, Christopher E. Ryan, do hereby certify that on May 22, 2006 I served a copy of the
first class mail, postage pre—paid upon the following:
Chery! A. Trit
Morrison & Foerster LLP
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
Suite 550
Washington, DC 20006—1888
Counsel to New ICO Satellite Services G.P.

Document Created: 2006-06-01 09:50:46
Document Modified: 2006-06-01 09:50:46

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