Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20060120-00006 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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    HOHAGA                                                                    Washington, DC 20004
                                   DEC 1 5 2006                               +1.202,637.5600 Te
                                                                              +1,202,637.5910 Fax
                            Federal Communication Commission
                                     Bureav / Office                 

December 15, 2006                                                              Karis A. Hastings

BYHAND DELIVERY                                        rue STAMP coP¥f
Mr. Robert Nelson
Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Re: Request for Extension of Time to Resubmit Petition for Declaratory Ruling
    File Nos. SAT—PDR—20020425—00071; SAT—AMD—20051116—00219;
    SAT—AMD—20060120—00006, Call Sign $2619; DA 06—2438

Dear Mr. Nelson:

SES Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom"), by its attorneys, respectfully requests a thirty—day
extension of time until January 29, 2007, to resubmit its above—referenced request for authority to
serve the U.S. market using BSS spectrum from 105.5° W.L. (the "105.5 Petition"). Grant of the
requested extension will allow SES Americom sufficient time to prepare technical materials in
support of the 105.5 Petition and will not prejudice any other party.

SES Americom originally filed the 105.5 Petition in 2002 and subsequently amendedit in 2005
to provide a showing relating to orbital debris mitigation and in 2006 to respond to a
Commission request for additional information. On November 29, 2006, the 105.5 Petition was
dismissed without prejudice to refiling because the International Bureau found it had a technical
defect.‘ The dismissal letter stated that SES Americom could refile the 105.5 Petition to correct
the defect, and waived the current DBS freeze for that purpose provided SES Americom
resubmitted the petition within thirty days (%.2., by December 29, 2006), Id. at p.3.

SES Americom intends to resubmit the 105.5 Petition, but requests that it be permitted additional
time to prepare and file the required documents. Since the time the dismissal letter was received,
the engineering and legal personnel who are responsible for preparing materials in support of the
105.5 Petition have been occupied with drafting and reviewing submissions in other pending
Commission proceedings. Furthermore, these personnel have long—scheduled vacation plans
between now and the end of the year. In addition, because of the upcoming holidays, SES

!      See Letter of Robert G. Nelson to Nancy J. Eskenazi, DA 06—2438, dated Nov. 29, 2006.

Mr. Robert Nelson
December 15, 2006
Page 2

Americom personnel who will need to review the petition and supporting documentation prior to
submission will also be unavailable over the next two weeks.

Accordingly, SES Americom requests that the Commission extend the date by which SES
Americom may refile the 105.5 Petition pursuant to waiver of the DBS freeze from December
29, 2006, to January 29, 2007. This extension will allow SES Americom sufficient time to —
prepare and review the necessary materials in advance of filing. Furthermore, no other party will
be adversely affected by grant of the requested extension.

Please address any questions concerning this matter to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Karis A. Hastings

cc:    Cassandra Thomas

                                              SAT— PDR— 20020425— 00071 ;
                                              SAt— amib— 2005 li1 G— 00 219;
                                      lils = _SAT—AMD—200GOIZ0~— 00006 __

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Document Created: 2006-12-21 14:40:31
Document Modified: 2006-12-21 14:40:31

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