Attachment DA 06-2440

DA 06-2440


DA 06-2440


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20051118-00244 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 06—2440

                                                  Before the
                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                                Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the matter of

 EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.

 Application to Construct, Launch, and Operate                      File No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113
 a Direct Broadcast Satellite at the
 86.5° W.L. Orbital Location                                        Call Sign $2454

                                       ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

   Adopted: November 29, 2006                                           Released: November 29, 2006

 By the Acting Chief, International Bureau:

                                           1.        INTRODUCTION

         1. By this Order, we grant EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. (EchoStar) authority to construct a new
Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service satellite, EchoStar—86.5W, to be located at the 86.5° W.L. orbital
location. This satellite should allow EchoStar to offer its customers more local—into—local channels,
expand its programming options, and more efficiently use the orbital resources and spectrum allocated for
DBS service. This could, in turn, provide consumers with more satellite programming choices, more
alternatives in subscription video providers and services at reduced prices, and encourage technological
innovation. At this time, we do not authorize EchoStar to launch or operate EchoStar—86.5W, pending
EchoStar‘s development of additional information regarding the end—of—life disposal plans for this
satellite.‘ We address issues relating to EchoStar‘s proposed operations in this Order so we will be in a
position to act expeditiously upon its request for launch and operation authority.

                                           II.       BACKGROUND

        2. DBS Regulatory History. DBS satellites serving the United States are governed by
Commission policies and rules. Their operation is also governed by international regulations
administered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)‘ The ITU Radio Regulations
apportion spectrum and orbit locations for the broadcasting—satellite service (BSS)® among all nations in

‘ See paragraphs 20—21, infra.
* The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is an international
organization within the United Nations System where administrations coordinate global telecommunication
networks and services.
* BSS is the international term used for a radiocommunication service in which signals transmitted or retransmitted
by space stations are intended for direct reception by the general public. See 47 C.F.R. § 2.1. DBS is the term used
in the United States to describe the domestic implementation of the BSS international service in the 12.2—12.7 GHz

                                     Federal Communications Commission                              DA 06—2440

 various geographic regions in certain planned frequency bands* on a regional basis through agreements
 reached at Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences." This differs from the process in most
 fixed—satellite service ("FSS") bands where orbital locations are selected by administrations on a first—
 come, first—served basis, subject to resolving interference issues through satellite coordinations. In the
 early 1980‘s, ITU members reached agreement on assigning BSS spectrum at specific orbit locations
 among the ITU‘s Region 2 member countries.© Under the terms of the Region 2 BSS and feeder link
 Plans, the United States is assigned eight orbital locations for providing broadcasting—satellite service.‘
 The eight U.S. orbital positions, proceeding from east to west (all West Longitude), are 61.5°, 101°, 110°,
 119°, 148°, 157°, 166°, and 175°. Three of these orbital locations, 101° W.L., 110° W.L., and 119° W.L.,
 can provide coverage of the 48 contiguous United States ("CONUS"). Each of the eight orbital locations
 is capable of providing 32 channels, each using 24 megahertz of bandwidth.‘ Currently, U.S. DBS orbit
 assignments are separated by at least nine degrees. The nine—degree orbital spacing in the DBS service
 enables subscribers to use earth station antennas that are smaller than those generally employed for C— and
               +     9
 Ku—band services.

         3.   The orbital spacing between satellites serving the same geographic area, combined with both
 the satellite transmit characteristics and receive earth station antenna performance, determines the amount
 of interference a DBS system will receive.‘" The Commission took notice of the possibility of reduced—
 spacing DBS satellites in 2002. In the Part 100 Order, the Commission stated that provision of service
 "into the United States from future entrants such as non—U.S. DBS satellites could result in smaller
satellite spacing than the current nine—degree separation between U.S. DBS orbital locations.""‘ Also in
the Part 100 Order, the Commission adopted Section 25.114(c)(22)(i), which required that applicants
provide sufficient technical showings that their proposed systems could operate satisfactorily if all

* The provisions of Appendices 30 and 30A of the International Radio Regulations are applicable to the BSS in the
frequency bands 11.7—12.2 GHz (Region 3), 11.7—12.5 GHz (Region 1) and 12.2—12.7 GHz (Region 2), and to their
associated feeder links in the bands 14.5—14.8 GHz and 17.3—18.1 GHz (Regions 1 and 3) and 17.3—17.8 GHz
(Region 2). Other BSS allocations are not subject to the provisions of these Plans.
* The Regional Administrative Radio Conference in 1983 ("RARC—83") developed and adopted the Region 2 BSS
and feeder link Plans. It was not until 1985, at the World Administrative Radio Conference ("WARC Orb—85"), that
the Region 2 Plans were adopted internationally worldwide and became a part of the ITU‘s Radio Regulations. The
Regions 1 (Europe and Affica) and 3 (Asia—Pacific) BSS Plan became a part of the ITU Radio Regulations in 1977
at the World Broadcasting—Satellite Administrative Radio Conference ("WARC—77"). The Regions 1 and 3 feeder
link Plan became a part of the ITU Radio Regulations in 1988 at the World Administrative Radio Conference
("WARC Orb—88").
° ITU Region 2 includes North, Central, and South America and Greenland. See Article 5, Section I of the ITU
Radio Regulations. The ITU Region 2 BSS Plan is comprised of the Plan for BSS in the band 12.2—12.7 GHz in
ITU Region 2, as contained in Appendix 30 of the ITU Radio Regulations, and the associated Plan for the feeder
links in the frequency band 17.3—17.8 GHz for the broadcasting—satellite service in Region 2, as contained in
Appendix 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations.
" See Appendix 30 of the ITU‘s Radio Regulations.
5 Digital compression enables operators to carry multiple video—programming services per 24 megahertz DBS
channel. Current technology permits up to 12 digital channels per 24 megahertz DBS channel. See eg. (visited on October 18, 2006) showing a large percentage of the
transponders (24 MHz DBS channels) carrying 12 channels or more oftelevision programming.
° Earth station antennas with a diameter of 45 cm (18 inches) are commonly employed in the DBS service, whereas
earth station antennas employed in the Ku—band direct—to—home (DTH)—FSS are generally on the order of 0.84 to 1
meter (about 36 inches) in diameter.

‘° Policies and Rules for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service, Report and Order, IB Docket No. 98—21, 17 FCC
Red 11331, 11391 at para. 129 (2002) ("Part 100 Order").

‘ Part 100 Order, 17 FCC Red. at 11391, para. 129 (2002).

                                      Federal Communications Commission                                    DA 06—2440

 assignments in the BSS and feeder link Plans are implemented," and Section 25.114(c)(22)(ii)," which
 required that applicants provide analyses of the proposed system with respect to the limits in Annex 1 to
 Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations." The Commission also adopted Section
 25.148(f), which states that operation of DBS systems with characteristics differing from those in the
 Appendix 30 and 30A plans may be permitted with adequate technical showing, and if a request has been
 made to the ITU to modify the appropriate Plans to include the system‘s technical parameters." The
 Commission also stated that in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations, other countries wishing to
 serve the United States will normally have to modify their assignments in the ITU BSS and feeder link
 Plans to allow them to provide service in the United States. The ITU modification process will identify
 the U.S. DBS systems that are affected by the proposed Plan modification of another administration,
 giving the United States an opportunity to work with the subject administration to ensure that no
 modification is made that will cause harmful interference to U.S. DBS systems.‘"" Considering these
 factors, the Commission found it unnecessary to adopt DBS receive earth station antenna performance
      :          17

        4. EchoStar Application. EchoStar already provides DBS service to U.S. consumers from the
 61.5° W.L., 110° W.L., 119° W.L., and 148° W.L. orbital locations, and says that an expansion in
 programming will enable it to compete more effectively with cable operators in the multichannel video
 programming distribution ("MVPD") market. During the period from June 5 through June 9, 2003,
 EchoStar Satellite Corporation (EchoStar) filed applications to construct, launch, and operate DBS space
 stations at the 86.5° W.L., 96.5° W.L., 114.5° W.L., and 123.5° W.L. orbital locations, none of which are
part of the original Region 2 Plans." It later withdrew all applications except for the one pertaining to the

  This rule section has since been renumbered as 25.114(d)(13)(i).
" This rule section has since been renumbered as 25.114(d)(13)(ii).
* Annex 1 contains technical criteria for determining whether a proposed BSS system will affect radiocom—
munications systems of other administrations.
" The modification procedures for the Region 2 Plans are stipulated in Section 4.2 of Article 4 of Appendices 30
and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations. Administrations start the process by filing the information required by
Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations to request a modification to the Plan.           For U.S. Plan modifications, the
Appendix 4 information is prepared by the satellite operators and submitted to the Commission, which reviews the
information and forwards it to the ITU/BR. The Appendix 4 information includes such BSS satellite parameters as
antenna beam footprint, transmitted power, modulation techniques, forward—error—correction techniques, earth
station antenna characteristics (including typical subscriber terminal characteristics), and satellite orbital location.

‘® As used in this order, the term "affected" or "affected operator" has the meaning given in the Annex 1 of
Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations. Carrier—to—interference ratio is a measure at a reference
point—typically, the input to the receiver—of the amount of power in the wanted signal, the "carrier" (C), compared to
the amount of power in the interfering signal (I). The assessment of interference between ITU Region 2 Plan
assignments is based on the concept of overall equivalent protection margin ("OEPM"). The OEPM is the overall
margin relative to a predefined level of aggregate C/I ratio. The C/I ratio takes account of the interference from the
co—channel operation of the interfering satellite as well as the nearest and next nearest neighboring channels both
above and below the wanted channel in frequency. The interference is summed for all the beams of every
assignment in the plan and every plan modification request preceding the proposed plan modification. This
calculation is done for a number of earth station locations defined as downlink test points for each potentially
affected plan assignment or preceding plan modification request. According to Annex 1 of Appendices 30 and 30A,
if the effect of the proposed network is to reduce the OEPM of any channel and test point of any network in the plan
or pending plan modification below —0.25 db, or if already negative, by 0.25 dB or more, that network is considered
to be "affected" and the new network can only be added to the plan with the agreement of all the administrations
whose networks are affected.

"_Part 100 Order,17 FCC Red 11331, 11391—92 at para. 130.
* EchoStar Satellite Corporation, Application of EchoStar Satellite Corporation for Authority to Construct, Launch
and Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite in the 12.2—12.7 GHz and 17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Bands at the 86.5°

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                DA 06—2440

 86.5° W.L. orbital location." In support of the proposed 86.5° W.L. satellite ("EchoStar—86.5W"),"°
 EchoStar explains that this satellite will increase DBS consumers‘ programming choices, including
 HDTV offerings and international programming, improve EchoStar‘s spectrum efficiency, and enhance
 the system‘s capacity to provide local broadcasting."‘ Although the proposed EchoStar—86.5W satellite is
 not a reduced spacing satellite relative to U.S. DBS operators, it would be located less than nine degrees
 from two Canadian DBS satellites for which Canada filed Region 2 Plan modifications requesting to add
 U.S. coverage. The two Canadian satellites are Nimiq 1 at 91° W.L. and Nimiq 2 at 82° W.L., which
 operate under the ITU network names CAN—BSS2 at 91° W.L. and CAN—BSS1 at 82° W.L.

        5. In the DBS Reduced Spacing Public Notice" issued in December 2003, the Commission
 sought comment generically on the technical issues raised by the EchoStar applications and other
proposals regarding provision of DBS service from non—nine degree spaced orbital locations." On
January 28, 2004, the International Bureau released a Public Notice that clarified the DBS space station
application processing rules,"" noting that in order to be complete, space station applications, including
those for DBS, must contain all information specified in Section 25.114 of the Commission‘s rules."
This Public Notice also said:

                  . . . we place DBS applicants on notice that, as of the date of this Public Notice, if a DBS
                  application fails to include any of the required information . . . the Bureau will return the
                  application without prejudice to refiling as being unacceptable for filing. . . . Applications
                  filed prior to this Public Notice that do not meet these requirements may be subject to a
                  Commission letter requesting that the applicant provide the required information.""

W.L. Orbital Location, File No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113 (filed June 9, 2003) (EchoStar—86.5W Application);
Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite in the 12.2—12.7 GHz and
17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Bands at the 96.5° W.L. Orbital Location, File No. SAT—LOA—20030605—00109 (filed
June 5, 2003); Application of EchoStar Satellite Corporation for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a
Direct Broadcast Satellite in the 12.2—12.7 GHz and 17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Bands at the 114.5° W.L. Orbital
Location, File No. SAT—LOA—20030604—00108 (filed June 4, 2003); and Application of EchoStar Satellite
Corporation for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite in the 12.2—12.7 GHz and
17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Bands at the 123.5° W.L. Orbital Location, File No. SAT—LOA—20030606—00107 (filed
June 6, 2003).
" The Commission granted EchoStar‘s request to dismiss its applications for DBS space stations at the 114.5°,
123.5°, and 96.5° W.L., orbital locations. See Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, Report No. SAT—
00171 (rel. October 10, 2003) (Int‘l Bur. 2003), Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, Report No.
SAT—00283 (rel. April 8, 2005) (Int‘l Bur. 2003).
* EchoStar proposes to use a "single North American shaped antenna beam" to cover CONUS, Puerto Rico, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, and Mexico. EchoStar—86.5W Application, Technical Annex at 1.
*‘ EchoStar Application at 12—13.
* International Bureau Seeks Comments on Proposals to Permit Reduced Orbital Spacings Between U.S. Direct
Broadcast Satellites, Public Notice, Report No. SPB—196, 18 FCC Red 25683 (2003) ("DBS Reduced Spacing Public
* At the time the DBS Reduced Spacing Public Notice was released, the Commission had not yet accepted for filing
the EchoStar applications, including the application for the 86.5° W.L. orbital location.
** International Bureau Clarifies Direct Broadcast Satellite Space Station Application Processing Rules, Public
Notice, Report No. SPB—198, 19 FCC Red 1346 (2004) ("2004 DBS Application Processing Public Notice").
* Id. See also 47 CFR. § 25.114.
* 2004 DBS Application Processing Public Notice, 19 FCC Red 1346, 1347.

                                      Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06—2440

 On February 12, 2004, and in accordance with the procedure just described, the Satellite Division of the
 International Bureau sent a letter"‘ to EchoStar requesting information required by Section 25.114(c) of
 the Commission‘s Rules."" On February 27, 2004, EchoStar filed an amendment to its 86.5° W.L.
 application supplying the requested information." This information included a detailed analysis of
 interference from the new DBS space station requested by EchoStar into existing DBS systems."" The
 analysis for EchoStar at 86.5° W.L. showed that the 0.25 dB change in overall equivalent protection
 margin ("delta—OEPM") that triggers the requirement to seek agreement of potentially—affected
 administrations under Annex 1 of Appendix 30 of the ITU Radio Regulations was exceeded for several
 non—U.S. Region 2 administrations. The Bureau placed EchoStar‘s application on Public Notice on April
 15, 2005"‘ and received comments from SES Americom and oppositions from Telesat Canada ("Telesat")
 and Bell ExpressVu L.P. ("Bell ExpressVu").

          6. Telesat is the Canadian—licensed satellite operator of the Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 DBS satellites,
 each located 4.5 degrees from the 86.5° W.L. orbital location that EchoStar seeks."" The Commission
 authorized DIRECTV Inc. to move its DIRECTV 3 DBS satellite to the 82° W.L. orbital location
pursuant to an agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat under which the DIRECTV 3 satellite would
provide back—up capacity to the Nimiq 2 satellite, which experienced a solar power array malfunction and
transponder shutdown."" Telesat opposes EchoStar‘s application, asserting that its 1.5 million Canadian
customers would experience service disruptions if the Commission were to permit EchoStar‘s proposed

*" Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite Division, FCC, to David K. Moskowitz, Senior Vice President and
General Counsel, EchoStar Satellite Corporation (February 12, 2004).
* 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(c).
* EchoStar Satellite LL.C. Amendment to File No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113, filed Feb. 27, 2004 (EchoStar
* The Commission subsequently granted EchoStar‘s request to dismiss its applications for DBS space stations at the
114.5%, 123.5°, and 96.5° W.L., orbital locations. See Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, Report
No. SAT—00171 (rel. October 10, 2003) (Int‘l Bur. 2003), Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, Report
No. SAT—00283 (rel. April 8, 2005) (Int‘l Bur. 2005).
3\ See Policy Branch Information: Applications Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No. SAT—00284 (rel.
April 15, 2005).
* Opposition of Telesat Canada re EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., Application File No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113
("Telesat Opposition") at 1—2. We observe that all co—channel and co—coverage orbital location assignments in the
Region 2 Plans were spaced a minimum of nine degrees apart. Therefore, DBS locations assigned to different
nations may be less than nine degrees apart if their original plan assignments were not co—coverage. However, as
previously mentioned, Canada requested and received approval from the ITU to modify the Region 2 Band Plan for
the 91° W.L. and 82° W.L. orbital locations to expand the Nimiq satellites‘ coverage areas into the United States.
iSee Digital Broadband Applications Corp., Consolidated Application for Authority to Operate U.S. Earth Stations
with a U.S.—Licensed Ku—Band FSS Satellite and Canadian—Licensed Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 Satellites to Offer
Integrated Two—Way Broadband Video and Data Service Throughout the United States (Call Sign EQ20010), Order,
18 FCC Red 9455 at n. 9 (2003) ("DBAC Order"). Thus, the 86.5° W.L. location that EchoStar seeks is a reduced
spacing location relative to Canadian locations.
* See Telesat Opposition at 1—2. The DIRECTV 3 satellite is now known as Nimiq 3. Id. See also Application of
DIRECTV, Inc. Request For Special Temporary Authority for the DIRECTV 3 Satellite, Order, 19 FCC Red 11055
(2004). DIRECTV moved the DIRECTV 2 satellite from the 100.6° W.L. to the 91° W.L. orbital location
(designated orbital location) pursuant to grant of IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20051018—00201, and renamed the
satellite Nimiq 4i. Under DIRECTV‘s contract with Telesat, Telesat has the exclusive right to use the capacity, and
direct and control DIRECTV 2 at the 82° W.L. and 91° W.L. orbital locations. The agreement contemplates that
Telesat will use the satellite to provide back up capacity for any of its NIMIQ1, NIMIQ 2, or NIMIQ 3 satellites at
the 82° W.L. or 91° W.L. orbital locations for use solely in Canada.


                                       Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06—2440

 operations."* Bell ExpressVu, which owns the transponders on the Nimiq satellites,"" "fully supports" the
 Telesat Opposition and notes that "the financial consequences of a change from 9 degree satellite spacing
 to 4.5 degree spacing would undermine billions of dollars of satellite—based infrastructure investment by
 ExpressVu and its customers.""" In response, EchoStar said that Telesat‘s and Bell ExpressVu‘s concerns
 can be addressed by a coordination condition as long as their plans "do not implicate use of ‘triple—feed‘
 antennas.""" EchoStar also states that Telesat‘s and Bell ExpressVu‘s concerns "underscore the need for
the Commission to initiate a rulemaking on the [reduced spacing] satellite issues to determine, among
other things, whether the interference that may be caused by [reduced spacing] satellites into existing
DBS networks would be acceptable and if so, whether technical rules can be established to ensure that
these satellites do not limit the ability of existing DBS providers to take advantage of such innovations as
triple—feed antennas.""* Telesat replied that a triple—feed antenna is a distinct possibility given its current
operations at 82° W.L. and 91° W.L. and its planned future operations at 72.5° W.L.*" Telesat also argues
that the EchoStar Application should be dismissed as defective and unacceptable for filing because
EchoStar has not provided an adequate showing that its system could operate satisfactorily if all
assignments in the BSS and feeder link Plans were implemented."

                                                III.      DISCUSSION

         7. We find that granting EchoStar‘s application subject to certain conditions is in the public
interest. Notably we condition EchoStar‘s authorization subject to submission of a detailed orbital debris
mitigation plan‘“ and subject to the condition that EchoStar not exceed certain interference limits until it
has successfully coordinated its operations with operators of adjacent and affected DBS satellites." As
explained below, we grant EchoStar‘s application pursuant to our statutory authority to grant
authorizations where the applicant is legally, technically, and financially qualified and the public interest
will be served. Although the Commission is contemporaneously seeking comment on procedures for

* See Telesat Opposition at 2—3 and Bell ExpressVu L.P. Opposition re: EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., Application File
No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113 at 5. Bell ExpressVu Opposition.
* Bell ExpressVu Opposition at 1.
* Bell ExpressVu Opposition at 2.
"" EchoStar Satellite L.L.C, Consolidated Reply to Oppositions and Comments re: Application File No. SAT—LOA—
20030609—00113 at 2.
* Id. at 2—3. In its comments on the Petition of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC for a Rulemaking on the Feasibility of
Reduced Orbital Spacing in the U.S. Direct Broadcast Satellite Service (filed September 5, 2003), EchoStar said that
the "Commission‘s DBS technical rules do not prohibit consideration and grant" of the EchoStar and SES
Americom reduced spacing proposals. EchoStar comments on DIRECTV Petition at 6.

* Telesat Reply to EchoStar Satellite L.L.C, Consolidated Reply to Oppositions and Comments re: Application File
No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113, at 2—3.
* Telesat Reply at 3—4.
* See orbital debris mitigation discussion in section III. D, infra.
* In this context, an "affected" operator is one that is deemed affected in Annex 1 of Appendix 30 and 30A of the
ITU Regulations. See supra n. 16.

                                     Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06—2440

 processing new DBS applications," grant of this application is consistent with our past practice of
 resolving pending applications during a period of transition to a new licensing scheme."*

          A.       Processing Procedures for Reduced Spacing DBS Applications

          8. We grant the EchoStar Application pursuant to our statutory authority to grant authorizations
 where the applicant is legally, technically, and financially qualified and the public interest will be
 served."     Although the Commission is seeking comment on rules for processing applications and
 petitions for the provision of DBS service,"" the pendency of that proceeding does not prevent us from
 acting on the EchoStar Application."‘ Specifically, given the Commission‘s general statutory authority
 under Sections 308 and 309 of the Communications Act, coupled with the application filing requirements
 and rules regarding non—interference showings, we find that we can process the EchoStar Application
 consistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity."*

          9. We find that current Commission rules can accommodate DBS applications filed prior to the
 freeze that specify operations at locations other than the eight orbital slots assigned to the United States in
 the ITU Region 2 Plan (as specified in Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations). The
 Commission‘s Part 25 rules refer to and incorporate provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations for purposes
 of analyzing applications for DBS with technical parameters that differ from those in the Region 2 Plans.
 Specifically, Section 25.114(d)(13)(i) requires that for satellites in the DBS service, applicants must
submit a "sufficient technical showing that the proposed system could operate satisfactorily if all
assignments in the BSS and feeder link Plans were implemented.""" This showing is intended to
demonstrate that the proposed system will meet its performance objectives given the Region 2 Plan

* Amendment of the Commission‘s Policies and Rules for Processing Applications in the Direct Broadcast Satellite
Service; Feasibility of Reduced Orbital Spacing for Provision of Direct Broadcast Satellite Service in the United
States, IB Docket No. 06—160, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, FCC 06—120, rel. August 18, 2006. ("DBS Notice").
* Although the Commission is considering applying the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Reform first—come,
first—served satellite processing rules to DBS, we may continue to consider pending applications under the existing
Part 25 framework. See Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report
and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 02—34, 18 FCC Red 10760 (2003) ("First
Space Station Reform Order").
* See, eg., PANAMSAT LICENSEE CORP., Application for authority to construct, launch and operate a hybrid
international communications satellite, Order and Authorization, 14 FCC Red. 2719 (1998).
* Amendment of the Commission‘s Policies and Rules for Processing Applications in the Direct Broadcast Satellite
Service; Feasibility of Reduced Orbital Spacing for Provision of Direct Broadcast Satellite Service in the United
States, IB Docket No. 06—160, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, FCC 06—120, rel. August 18, 2006. (DBS Notice).
*‘ Although the Commission has adopted a freeze on applications for new DBS service, EchoStar filed its
application prior to the imposition of the freeze, which was limited to "applications for licenses for new space
stations or for new requests for market access by foreign—licensed space stations." See Direct Broadcast Satellite
Service Auction Nullified: Commission Sets Forth Refund Procedures for Auction No. 52 Winning Bidders and
Adopts a Freeze on All New DBS Service Applications, Public Notice, 20 FCC Red 20618, 20619 (2005).
Accordingly, the EchoStar Application is not subject to the freeze.
* See 47 C.FR. §§ 25.114(d)(13), 25.156(a); 47 U.S.C. § 308(a) (stating that "the Commission may grant
construction permits and station licenses . . . only upon written application therefore received by it"); § 308(b)
(requiring that Section 308(a) applications set forth "such facts as the Commission by regulation may prescribe," but
not requiring the Commission to prescribe such regulations) (emphasis added); § 309(a) (stating that "the
Commission shall determine . . . whether the public interest, convenience, and necessity will be served by the
granting of [a Section 308] application," and, if so, the Commission "shall grant such application"). 47 U.S.C. §§
308, 309. See also DBS Notice, FCC 06—120, para. 21.
4° 25 C.FR. § 25.114(d)(13)(i).

                                     Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 06—2440

 assignments. Section 25.114(d)(13)(ii) requires "[aJnalyses of the proposed systems with respect to the
 limits in Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and 30A" of the International Telecommunication Union ("ITU")
 Radio Regulations."" This showing is intended to demonstrate how the proposed system will affect
 operating DBS systems and those systems that are subject to pending Region 2 modification proposals.
 Section 25.148(f) requires that "DBS operations must be in accordance with the sharing criteria and
 technical characteristics contained in Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations. Operation
of systems using differing technical characteristics may be permitted, with adequate technical showing,
and if a request has been made to the ITU to modify the appropriate Plans to include the system‘s
technical parameters.""‘ Further, as noted previously, the Part 100 Report and Order contemplated
reduced spacings.52 Thus, if an applicant can coordinate its proposal with other U.S. DBS operators and
secure agreement with U.S. or any other operators already having assignments in the Region 2 Plans or
with prior requests for Plan modifications, we believe our rules allow us to consider these applications
prior to completing the rulemaking proceeding.

         10. Section 25.156(d)(6) of the Commission‘s rules provides that a DBS application is entitled to
comparative consideration with one or more conflicting applications if they are mutually exclusive and
the application was filed by the "cut—off" date specified in a public notice.""       In this case, no cut—off date
was ever established and no other applications or petitions for a DBS satellite at 86.5° W.L. were received
by the Commission. We acknowledge that the Commission is seeking comment on licensing procedures
for both Region 2 Plan and non—Plan DBS satellite applications in the DBS Notice.""* However, the need
to determine processing procedures for DBS satellite applications does not prevent us from acting on the
EchoStar—86.5W Application at this time.          We have granted applications in the past, absent specific
licensing procedures when, as now, mutual exclusivity is not present among pending applications‘" and
the public might benefit from expeditious processing and delivery of new or expanded service offerings.""
Indeed, we used such an approach when granting earth station licenses to DBAC and Pegasus to use
Canadian DBS satellites to provide service in the United States."‘ Given the application filing

%° 25 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(13)(ii).
*! 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(f). Section 25.111(c) provides additional guidance regarding the filing of plan modifications
at the ITU. In particular, this rule indicates what U.S. applicants and licensees must provide to the Commission so
that it may file plan modifications on the licensee‘s/applicant‘s behalf. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.111(c).
* See supra para. 3.
" 47 C.F.R. § 25.156(d)(6).
** Although the Commission is considering expanding the streamlined satellite application processing rules (eg.,
first—come/first—served processing) to DBS, it may continue to consider pending applications under the existing Part
25 framework.
55 See Ashbacker Radio Corp. v. FCC, 326 U.S. 327 (1945). The Court held in Ashbacker "that where two bonafide
applications are mutually exclusive the grant of one without a hearing to both deprives the loser of the opportunity
which Congress chose to give him." Ashbacker, 326 U.S. at 333.
* See, eg., PANAMSAT LICENSEE CORP., Application for authority to construct, launch and operate a hybrid
international communications satellite, Order and Authorization, 14 FCC Red 2719 (1998).
*" See Digital Broadband Applications Corp., Consolidated Application for Authority to Operate U.S. Earth Stations
with a U.S.—Licensed Ku—Band FSS Satellite and Canadian—Licensed Nimiq and Nimiq 2 Satellites to Offer
Integrated Two—Way Broadband Video and Data Service Throughout the United States (Call Sign E0O20010), Order,
18 FCC Red 9455 (2003) ("DBAC Order"); Pegasus Development Corporation, Consolidated Applications for
Authority to Operate one U.S. Transmit/Receive Fixed Earth Station (Call Sign EQO10320) and 1,000,000 Receive—
Only Earth Stations (Call Sign E020022) with the Canadian—Licensed Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 Satellites to Offer Direct
Broadcast Satellite Service Throughout the United States, Order, 19 FCC Red 6080 (2004) ("Pegasus Order"). No
U.S. applications for satellites at the Canadian locations were pending when the DBAC and Pegasus applications
were under consideration. We granted both the DBAC and Pegasus applications, in part, because co—frequency

                                     Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06—2440

 requirements and rules regarding non—interference showings, we can process an application provided that
 it is complete and we find that grant would serve the public interest."*

          B.         Technical Qualifications

          11. Background. EchoStar proposes to position its EchoStar—86.5W satellite at the 86.5° W.L.
 orbital location, with + 0.05° longitudinal stationkeeping."" EchoStar will operate EchoStar—86.5W on 32,
 24 megahertz bandwidth service link channels in the 12.2 to 12.7 GHz Direct Broadcast Satellite Service
 (DBS) frequency band, and 32 corresponding feeder link channels in the 17.3 to 17.8 GHz frequency
 band." EchoStar—86.5W will have a shaped service—link beam covering the contiguous United States and
 Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands."" The feeder link beam of EchoStar—86.5W will be a
 spot beam that covers the EchoStar feeder link uplink sites at Cheyenne, WY and Gilbert, AZ." All 32
 service link channels will be provided to all areas served by EchoStar—86.5W. EchoStar—86.5W will have
 a maximum downlink effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of 56 dBW in high—power mode, or
 53.2 dBW in low—power mode." It will use circular polarization that is opposite in sense (i.e., left—hand
 instead of right—hand, and vice versa) from the standard Region 2 Plan polarizations." EchoStar states
 that EchoStar—86.5W will use tracking, telemetry, and command (TT&C) frequencies at the edges of the
 12.2 to 12.7 GHz and 17.3 to 17.8 GHz frequency bands for transfer—orbit and on—station operations."

        12. EchoStar believes that Telesat‘s concerns about a DBS satellite located at 86.5° W.L. can be
addressed through a coordination condition so long as the plans of Telesat and Bell ExpressVu do not
implicate the use of "triple—feed" antennas."" EchoStar says that Telesat‘s interference concerns
"underscore the need for the Commission to initiate a rulemaking" on DBS reduced spacing issues."
Telesat responds that it has been awarded a Canadian authorization to develop the 72.5° W.L. orbital
location, and that it might use "triple—feed" antennas, designed to receive DBS signals from satellites at
the 72.5°, 82°, and 91° W.L. orbital locations." Telesat also argues that EchoStar‘s application for a DBS
satellite at 86.5° W.L. should be dismissed as defective and unacceptable for filing because EchoStar has
not provided an adequate showing that its system could operate satisfactorily if all assignments in the
Broadcasting—Satellite Service (°‘BSS‘) and feeder link Plans were implemented."

       13. SES Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") points out that it has ITU date priority over
EchoStar to employ BSS frequencies at the 86.5° W.L. orbital location via two filings submitted by the

receive—only operations are not mutually exclusive and gateway stations that provide feeder links to/from the same
DBS satellite can operate at different frequencies or polarizations.
* See footnote 48.
* EchoStar Application, Exhibit A to Technical Annex at 1.
® EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 4.
©‘ EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 1.
* EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 2.
® EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 1.
* EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 3.
* EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 3 and Supplemental Technical Annex at 13.
* EchoStar Consolidated Reply at 1—2.
*‘ EchoStar Consolidated Reply at 2—3.
® Telesat Reply at 2—3

* Telesat Reply at 3—4.

                                      Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06—2440

 United Kingdom (USAT $3 and USAT $3 MOD A) on behalf of SES Americom‘s subsidiary SES
 Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited."" SES Americom asks that the Commission condition any EchoStar—86.5W
 grant such that EchoStar (a) is not entitled to interference protection from networks operating pursuant to
 prior ITU filings and (b) must coordinate with affected systems of other administrations that have ITU
 date priority."‘ EchoStar acknowledged these comments, but did not respond to them.""

               14. Discussion. Sections 25.114(d) and 25.148(f) of the Commission‘s rules permit applicants to
 propose DBS systems that differ from the parameters established in the Region 2 Plans. If an applicant
 can coordinate its proposal with other U.S. DBS operators and secure agreement with all other operators
 that have assignments in the Region 2 Plans or prior requests for Plan modifications, the Commission
 believes that it can grant its application prior to adoption of final rules in the DBS Notice proceeding."

               15. In considering the EchoStar Application, we must evaluate the proposed satellite‘s
 interference potential to other authorized DBS satellites and to the radiocommunications systems of other
 countries. In particular, we must determine whether the EchoStar—86.5W satellite will be operated in
 accordance with Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations                       Because the technical
parameters of EchoStar‘s DBS system vary from those set forth for U.S. assignments in the Region 2 BSS
plans and its associated feeder link Plan,"" the Commission must request modification of the Region 2
BSS Plan and its associated feeder link Plan for the EchoStar—86.5W satellite."" Annex 1 of Appendices
30 and 30A provide the methodology and criteria for determining whether a proposed satellite system
(i.e., a proposed modification to the Plan) might interfere with frequency assignments in accordance with
the Region 2 BSS Plan and its associated feeder link Plan, other satellite systems, or terrestrial services.‘""
If the limits in Annex 1 are exceeded, the system must be coordinated with the affected operator.

           16. Upon reviewing EchoStar‘s application, we find sufficient evidence to determine that
EchoStar—86.5W will not cause unacceptable interference to other U.S. DBS systems.                    In addition,
EchoStar has submitted analyses demonstrating EchoStar—86.5W‘s interference potential to
radiocommunications systems of other countries. The analyses indicate that a number of administrations,
including Canada, would be affected by the EchoStar—86.5W satellite." Therefore, the Commission, on
behalf of EchoStar, must seek the agreement of the affected administrations prior to EchoStar operating

"" SES Americom comments at 1—2. The Commission has not submitted the EchoStar Application to the ITU for
modification of the Region 2 BSS Plan because EchoStar has not prepared a cost recovery letter and the necessary
elements for an ITU filing. As noted below, EchoStar is required to submit this information within 30 days from the
release date of this decision, in order for this Order and Authorization to remain valid.
"‘ Id. at 3.
" EchoStar Consolidated Reply at 1, n. 1.
 See Spectrum Five, LLC, Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve the U.S. Market Using Broadcast Satellite
Service (BSS) Spectrum from the 114.5° W.L. Orbital Location, Order and Authorization, DA 06—2439, tel.
November 29, 2006.
"* The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations divide the world into three Regions.
Generally, Region 1 includes Africa, Europe, Northern and Western portions of Asia; Region 2 includes the
Americas and Greenland; and Region 3 includes Southern portions of Asia, Australia and the South Pacific. See
ITU Radio Regulations Article $5, Section I. Unless referring specifically to the Region 2 BSS Plan and its
associated feeder link Plan, in the United States the term "DBS" is used interchangeably with "BSS" with regard to
service in the 12.2—12.7 GHz band.
"" Some of these varying parameters include type of emission, size of receive dish antennas and the use of spot
"* See ITU Radio Regulations, Appendices 30 and 304.
‘‘ EchoStar Amendment at Appendix 2, A2—2.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 06—2440

 EchoStar—86.5W. Telesat asserts that a DBS satellite at 86.5° W.L. has the potential to seriously disrupt
 Telesat‘s and Bell ExpressVu‘s operations."" Telesat also states that its satellites have been designed to
 provide coverage of the United States, and have been approved by the Commission to provide DTH
 service within the United States." Telesat disputes EchoStar‘s suggestion that "through the proper design
 of the proposed satellite, including beam shaping and power roll—off, harmful interference to other nearby
 planned BSS systems can be avoided,""" saying such techniques "cannot be used in co—coverage
 coordination situations as is the case here. Indeed, to ensure adequate protection for the existing
 Canadian DBS operations at 82° and 91° W.L., very substantial reductions of the power levels on the
 proposed EchoStar satellite would appear to be the only way that the MSPACE triggers could be
         17. Any operations of EchoStar—86.5W will be subject to the provisions of Article 4.2 of
 Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Regulations. In addition, any operations of EchoStar—86.5W may
 continue even after launch of a satellite that would operate consistent with an entry in the ITU plan or
pursuant to an earlier filed modification, upon a showing of coordination with such satellite. Absent
 coordination, continued operation is still possible within the confines of Appendices 30 and 30A of the
 ITU Radio Regulations, provided that no other authorized operators are affected."" The conditions of this
 authorization address the commenters‘ concerns." In addition, until it has successfully coordinated with
affected operators, EchoStar must inform its customers that service from EchoStar—86.5W is subject to
coordination agreements with other operators, both foreign and domestic, and that EchoStar may be
required to discontinue or alter service (e.g., by replacement of subscriber antennas).

         18. To help effectuate coordination, EchoStar is required to submit to the Commission, within 30
days from the release date of this grant, all information required in order to modify the Appendix 30
Broadcasting—Satellite Service Plans and associated Appendix 30A feeder link Plans to incorporate the
characteristics of EchoStar—86.5W, in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations.84 EchoStar will be

"* Id. Telesat asserts that it and Bell ExpressVu would be faced with a situation of dual—feed subscriber earth station
antennas facing the 82° W.L. and 91° W.L. orbital locations, and due to the technology of these antennas and their
inability to selectively discriminate an intermediate interferer, technical coordination with EchoStar as required
under the ITU Radio Regulations is unlikely to be successful. (Telesat Opposition at 4).

* Id., citing Digital Broadband Applications Corp. (DBAC), Consolidated Application for Authority to Operate U.S.
Earth Stations with a U.S.—Licensed Ku—Band FSS Satellite and Canadian—Licensed Nimiq and Nimiq 2 Satellites to
Offer Integrated Two—Way Broadband Video and Data Service Throughout the United States Order, 18 FCC Red
9455 (2003). DBAC‘s authorization to access the Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 satellites was subsequently withdrawn. See
Satellite Communications Services Information, Public Notice, Report No. SES—00663 (released November 24,
2004). We note that we also granted Pegasus Development Corporation authority to access the Nimiq 1 and Nimiq
2 satellites. See Pegasus Development Corporation, Consolidated Applications for Authority to Operate One U.S.
Transmit/Receive Fixed Earth Station (Call Sign EO10320) and 1,000,000 Receive—Only Earth Stations (Call Sign
EQ20022) with the Canadian—Licensed Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 Satellites to Offer Direct Broadcast Satellite Service
Throughout the United States, Order, 19 FCC Red 6080 (2004) ("Pegasus Order").
* Telesat Opposition at 4, citing EchoStar Application at 5.
* Telesat Opposition at 5. MSPACE is a software package designed to determine the coordination requirements for
space networks in Appendices 30, 30A and 30B of the ITU Radio Regulations. For additional information regarding
MSPACE, see http://www.itu. int/ITU—R/space/plans/MSPACEg_files/SPS_v5_readme.html.
* In this context, an "affected" operator is one that is deemed affected in Annex 1 of Appendix 30 and 30A of the
ITU Regulations. See supra n. 16.
* See Telesat Opposition at 4—5; Telesat reply at 3—4; Bell ExpressVu Opposition 2; SES Americom comments at 3.
* This includes, but is not limited to, the submission of any information or analyses necessary for completing the
Plan modification process. See also 47 C.F.R. § 25.111(c).


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 06—2440

 held responsible for all cost recovery fees associated with these ITU filings." Upon receipt of this
 information and EchoStar‘s certification that it unconditionally accepts all cost recovery responsibilities,""
 the United States will submit to the ITU EchoStar‘s application to provide DBS/BSS at the 86.5° W.L.
 orbital location. EchoStar‘s failure to provide this information within 30 days of this grant will result in
 immediate cancellation of its construction authority by its own terms.

          C.       Geographic Service Rule

         19. Section 25.148(c) of the Commission‘s rules requires DBS licensees to provide DBS service
 to Alaska and Hawaii where such service is technically feasible from the authorized orbital location."‘
 EchoStar states that service to Alaska and Hawaii from EchoStar—86.5W is not technically feasible, due to
 the very low elevation angles of the 86.5° W.L. orbital location as seen from these states."" EchoStar
 states that the elevation angles from Hawaii to EchoStar—86.5W would be between 7 and 12 degrees
 above the horizon, and the elevation angles from Alaska would be at most 8 degrees above the horizon,
 with most of Alaska below the horizon as seen from EchoStar—86.5W.*" No parties commented on this
 issue. Given the very low elevation angles to the 86.5° W.L. orbital location from Alaska and Hawaii, it
 is very unlikely that service to these states from EchoStar—86.5W would be technically feasible.
 Therefore, we will not require EchoStar—86.5W to provide service to Alaska and Hawaii from the 86.5°
 W.L. orbital location. However, we take this opportunity to inform EchoStar that in the event that it seeks
any future authorization to move the EchoStar—86.5W DBS space station to a more western orbital
location, we may include a condition requiring provision of DBS services to Alaska and Hawaii from that
new orbital location, consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(c). Therefore we strongly encourage EchoStar to
consider a possible future requirement to serve Alaska and Hawaii, from a different orbital location, in the
design of this DBS space station.""

         D.       Orbital Debris Mitigation

        20. Section 25.114(d) of the Commission‘s rules requires applicants for space station
authorizations to submit a description of the design and operational strategies that it will use to mitigate
orbital debris, including a statement detailing post—mission disposal plans for space stations at the end of
their operating life."" In conjunction with adopting this rule, the Bureau released a Public Notice stating
that pending applications must be amended to include information requested in Section 25.114(d)." This
information addresses four specific elements of orbital debris mitigation: 1) spacecraft hardware and
design; 2) minimizing accidental explosions; 3) safe flight profiles; and 4) post—mission disposal.

         21. EchoStar submitted an amendment disclosing the orbital debris mitigation plans for the

* See Implementation of ITU Cost Recovery Charges for Satellite Network Filings, Public Notice, 16 FCC Red
18732 (2001).
* 14.
$ 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(c).
* EchoStar Application at 10—11 and Technical Annex at 5—6.
* EchoStar Application, Technical Annex at 5.
* This is consistent with the Commission‘s determination that for DBS operators to use the Section 25.118(e)
streamlined fleet management procedure, they must certify that they will meet, among other requirements, the
geographic service requirements in Section 25.148(c) of the Commission‘s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.118(e)(9).
* See 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d); Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Red 11567 (2004).
* Public Notice, International Bureau Satellite Division Information, Disclosure of Orbital Debris Mitigation Plans,
Including Amendment of Pending Applications, Report No. SPB—112, DA 05—2698 (Oct. 13, 2005) (October 2005
Orbital Debris Public Notice).


                                       Federal Communications Commission                            DA 06—2440

 EchoStar—86.5W satellite."         According to EchoStar, the EchoStar—86.5W satellite is still in the design
 process."* As a result, EchoStar states that it is not in a position to supply specific information concerning
 the four elements of orbital debris mitigation identified in Section 25.114(d) and in the October 2005
 Orbital Debris Public Notice. In particular, EchoStar states that it is unable to provide detailed
 information concerning end—of—life disposal and the amount of fuel that will be reserved, in kilograms, to
 effectuate such disposal."" We believe that a more detailed review of EchoStar‘s orbital debris mitigation
plans is warranted as system design progresses, and prior to grant of launch and operating authority.
Until such review can be completed, we are not in a position to conclude that the operation and disposal
of the EchoStar—86.5W satellite, or the launch that would lead to such operations and disposal, are in the
public interest. Accordingly, EchoStar must file, no later than December 29, 2008, an application to
modify its authorization, providing a complete and detailed orbital debris mitigation plan for the
EchoStar—86.5W satellite, including post—mission disposal of the spacecraft. Authority to launch and
operate the satellite, as specified in this Order, will be granted if the information submitted demonstrates
that EchoStar‘s orbital debris mitigation plans are consistent with our rules and subject to, as discussed
above, modification of the Region 2 Plans.""

          E.       Financial Qualifications

        22. In the First Space Station Reform Order, the Commission eliminated the financial
requirements then in place for space station applicants and replaced them with a bond requirement.""‘ In
accordance with this requirement, any entity awarded a license for a geostationary satellite must execute a
payment bond, payable to the U.S. Treasury, within 30 days of the date of the license grant."" This
requirement is intended to ensure that licensees are financially able and committed to implementing their
systems in a timely manner. The bond is payable upon failure to meet any of the implementation
milestones included in every license, where the licensee has not provided adequate justification for
extending the milestone. Licensees may reduce the amount of the bond upon meeting each milestone.
Once the licensee meets the last milestone, that is, it launches the satellite, it no longer has any bond
obligation. This requirement applies to both U.S.—licensed space stations and non—U.S.—licensed space
stations that seek to serve the U.S. market."
       23. The Commission excepted DBS and DARS licenses from the bond requirement at the time it
was adopted.‘"" Thus, we cannot impose the bond requirement, at this time, on DBS licensees.‘""
However, we note that in the DBS Notice, the Commission seeks comment on whether to expand the

* EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, IBFS File No. SAT—AMD—20051118—00244 (EchoStar—86.5W Orbital
Debris Amendment).
* EchoStar—86.5W Orbital Debris Amendment at Otbital Debris Mitigation Plan, 1.
* Id. at 3.
* See supra para. 17.
°" See Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and
Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10826, at para. 170 (2003) ("First Space Station
Reform Order").
* See 47 C.F.R. § 25.165.
* First Space Station Reform Order, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10875 at para. 309.
* First Space Station Reform Order, 18 ECC Red 10760, 10764—65 at n. 4 and Amendment of the Commission‘s
Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 02—34, 17 FCC Red
3847, 3859 at n.4 (2002) ("Space Station Reform NPRM or Notice").
‘‘ The previous financial qualification requirements (which included submission offinancial statements) have been
eliminated entirely by First Space Station Reform Order and therefore we cannot impose them on DBS licensees, or
any satellite licensee. See supra n. 115.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06—2440

 Space Station Licensing Reform licensing framework, including the bond requirement of Section 25.165,
 to DBS.‘" If the Commission adopts rules requiring DBS licensees to post a bond, we will modify
 EchoStar‘s authorization for the EchoStar—86.5W satellite accordingly.

          F.       General DBS Requirements

          24. EchoStar will be subject to the same service rules and obligations as existing DBS licensees.
 This includes the public service obligations detailed in Section 25.701 of the Commission‘s rules, the
 emergency alert system rules in Part 11 of the Commission‘s rules, and the spacecraft end—of—life disposal
 requirements in Section 25.283 of the Commission‘s rules.‘"" These rules apply to DBS, regardless of
 whether a licensee‘s satellites are part of the original Region 2 Plans, because the rules apply to all
 entities licensed to operate DBS satellites serving the United States in the 12.2—12.7 GHz DBS frequency
 band.‘""~ In addition, DBS licensees, including licensees of reduced spacing DBS satellites, that offer
 television broadcast channels to subscribers pursuant to the statutory copyright license must comply with
 all applicable statutory requirements and Commission rules related to such carriage.‘"" Therefore, to the
extent that EchoStar falls in this category with regard to the 86.5° satellite, it must comply with such rules
and requirements.

         G.       Due Diligence

        25. Section 25.148(b) of the Commission‘s rules establishes a milestone schedule for DBS
authorization holders to ensure that entities exercise due diligence in constructing their systems.‘"""
According to this schedule, authorization holders must complete contracting for all system satellites
within one year of grant; complete construction of the first satellite in the system within four years of
grant; and bring all satellites in the system into operation within six years of grant.‘"" We require that
EchoStar adhere to this milestone schedule. We also require that EchoStar complete its critical design
review (CDR) two years after this grant. The Commission has defined critical design review as "the stage
in the spacecraft implementation process at which the design and development phase ends and the
manufacturing phase starts."""" Although the Commission has not prescribed a particular method for
demonstrating that the CDR milestone has been met, evidence of compliance may include:

                  (1) evidence of a large payment of money, required by most construction contracts at the
                  time of the spacecraft CDR; (2) affidavits from independent manufacturers; and (3)
                  evidence that the licensee has ordered all the long lead items needed to begin physical

‘" See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.165 (establishing the bond requirement for satellite licensees) and 25.137(d)(4) (making the
bond requirement apply both to earth station applicants seeking access to foreign satellites and to non—U.S.—licensed
satellite operators seeking access to the United States market). See also DBS Notice, FCC 06—120, para. 26.
‘" See 47 C.FR. §§ 25.701, 25.283. In 2005, the Commission adopted revised emergency alert system ("EAS")
rules that now extend to DBS. See Review of the Emergency Alert System, EB Docket No. 04—296, First Report
and Order and Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, FCC 05—191 (rel. Nov. 10, 2005) and 47 C.F.R. Part 11.
!"* See, e.g., DBAC Order, 18 FCC Red 9455, 9469—70 at para. 39; Pegasus Order, 19 FCC Red 6080, 6092 at para.
9 See 17 U.S.C. §§ 119 & 122. See also 47 U.S.C. §§ 338 & 339; 47 C.F.R. § 76.66.
‘* See 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(b).
"" Id. By contrast, Section 25.164 of the Commission‘s rules establishes a milestone schedule for GSO satellite
system licensees, other than DBS and DARS satellite systems. Under this milestone schedule, one year after grant,
the grantee must enter into a binding, non—contingent construction contract; at two years, complete critical design
review; at three years begin construction of the first satellite; at five years, launch and operate the satellite. 47
C.FR. § 25.164.
‘9 Pires Space Station Reform Order, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10833 at para. 191.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06—2440

                   construction of the spacecraft.‘"

         26. In addition to these milestones, EchoStar must also file annual progress reports that illustrate
 the steps it has taken toward meeting its milestones. Progress reports will be due every June 30, with the
 first report due June 30, 2007, until the EchoStar—86.5W satellite has been launched and is operating.
 Submission of annual reports is consistent with the reporting requirements of other fixed satellite service
operators.""" We require the submission of these reports in order to ensure that EchoStar is taking all
necessary action to meet its milestones.

          H.      License Term

        27. Section 25.121(a) of our rules specifies that licenses for DBS space stations not licensed as
broadcast facilities will be issued for a period of 10 years, beginning on the date that the licensee certifies
to the Commission that the satellite has been successfully placed into orbit and has begun authorized
operations.‘"‘ Thus, the license term for EchoStar‘s satellite will be 10 years, effective from the date that
EchoStar—86.5W is located at the 86.5° W.L. orbital location and begins providing service to customers.

                                        IV.      ORDERING CLAUSES

         28. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 303(r), 308, 309, and 319 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 303(r), 308, 309, and 319 and Sections 0.261
and 25.113(f) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.261 and 25.113(f), the Application of EchoStar
Satellite L.L.C. for Application to Construct, Launch, and Operate A Direct Broadcast Satellite at the
86.5° W.L. Orbital Location, File No. SAT—LOA—20030609—00113 IS GRANTED IN PART, and
EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. IS AUTHORIZED to construct its satellite, EchoStar—86.5W, capable of using
channels 1—32 at the 86.5° W.L. orbit location in accordance with the terms, representations, and technical
specifications set forth in its application, subject to the following conditions:

                           a.       Any operations of EchoStar—86.5W shall be conducted in a manner that
                                    does not exceed the interference limits in Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and
                                    30A of the ITU Radio Regulations‘" within the service areas of any
                                    affected operators.‘"" Upon a showing to the Commission of successful
                                   coordination with any such affected operator (pursuant to Article 4.2 of
                                   Appendices 30 and 30A of the Radio Regulations), EchoStar may
                                   operate in a manner consistent with such coordination.

                          b.       EchoStar‘s operations on the EchoStar—86.5W satellite are subject to the
                                   provisions of Article 4.2 of Appendices 30 and 30A of the International
                                   Radio Regulations. Even after launch of a satellite that would operate
                                   pursuant to an entry in the ITU plan or pursuant to an earlier filed
                                   modification, EchoStar may continue operations on the EchoStar—86.5W
                                   satellite: (i) upon a showing of coordination with such satellite, or (ii) if
                                   such satellite is not affected by continued operations of the EchoStar—

109 Id.

0 See 47 C.FR. § 25.210(I). We note that in the DBS Notice, the Commission seeks comment on whether to
require all DBS operators to be subject to annual reporting requirements. See DBS Notice at para. 27.
1 47 C.F.R § 25.121(d)(1)(2004).

‘ In particular, EchoStar shall not exceed a 0.25 dB change in overall equivalent protection margin with respect to
the reference situation that existed for DBS satellites serving the U.S.
‘" In this context, an "affected" operator is one that is deemed affected in Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio


                                  Federal Communications Commission                            DA 06—2440

                                  86.5W satellite and associated earth stations. EchoStar‘s operations shall
                                  be in compliance with applicable current and future operational
                                  requirements as a result of coordination agreements reached with other
                                  satellite systems.

                                  EchoStar—86.5W‘s operations must comply with all rules applicable to
                                  other Commission DBS/DTH licensees (eg., the public interest
                                  obligations of 47 C.F.R. § 25.701, the emergency alert system rules in 47
                                  C.F.R. Part 11, and spacecraft end—of—life disposal requirements of 47
                                  C.FR. § 25.283).       In addition, to the extent that EchoStar offers
                                 television broadcast channels to subscribers pursuant to the statutory
                                 copyright license, it must comply with all applicable statutory
                                 requirements and Commission rules related to such carriage.

                                 EchoStar is required to submit to the Commission, within 30 days from
                                 the release date of this grant, all information required in order to modify
                                 the Appendix 30 Broadcasting—Satellite Service Plans and associated
                                 Appendix 30A feeder link Plans to incorporate the characteristics of
                                 EchoStar—86.5W, in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations.
                                 EchoStar will be held responsible for all cost recovery fees associated
                                 with these ITU filings.

                                 EchoStar must file, no later than December 29, 2008, an application to
                                 modify its authorization, specifying its end—of—life operations for the
                                 EchoStar—86.5W satellite. Authority to launch and operate the satellite,
                                 as specified in this Order, will be granted if the information submitted
                                 demonstrates that EchoStar‘s orbital debris mitigation plans are in the
                                 public interest.

                                 Until it has successfully coordinated with affected operators, EchoStar
                                 must inform its customers that service from EchoStar—86.5W is subject to
                                 coordination agreements with other operators, both foreign and domestic,
                                 and that EchoStar may be required to discontinue or alter service (e.g.,
                                 by replacement of subscriber antennas).

                                 EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. is afforded 30 days from the date of the release
                                 of this Order and Authorization to decline it, as conditioned. Failure to
                                 respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the
                                 authorization, as conditioned.

       29. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this grant is subject to any rules adopted in the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking Proceeding in IB Docket 06—160.

        30. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar must comply with the milestone schedule
required by Section 25.148(b) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(b): (1) Within one year of
grant: complete contracting for all system satellites. (2) Withinfour years of grant: complete construction
of the first satellite in the system. (3) Within six years of grant: all satellites in the system must be in
operation. In addition, EchoStar must complete its critical design review within two years of this grant.

         31. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar file must submit annual progress reports that
illustrate the steps it has taken toward meeting its milestones. Progress reports will be due every June 30,
with the first report due June 30, 2007, until the EchoStar—86.5W satellite has been launched and is


                               Federal Communications Commission                          DA 06—2440

        32. This Order and Authorization is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules
on delegations of authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                              ‘Acting Chief, International Bureau


Document Created: 2006-11-29 16:09:12
Document Modified: 2006-11-29 16:09:12

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