Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by DIRECTV



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20051118-00224 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


p|| ghu[u                                                                              ORIGINAL
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037—1122 | tel 202.663.8000 | fax 202.663.8007

                                          FILED/ACCEPTED                                             ;
                                                                                              Tony Lin
                                                                                       tel 202.663.8452
                                               OCT 1 6 2008        
                                        Federal Communications Commission
October 16, 2008                              Office of the Secretary

Via Courier
Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:      DIRECTV Enterprises LLC
                  File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166; SAT—AMD—20080321—00080;
                  SAT—AMD—20080114—00017; SAT—AMD—20051118—00224; SAT—
                  LOA—19970605—00051 (Call Sign $2244)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Pegasus Development DBS Corporation ("Pegasus") hereby submits this letter
in response to the October 6, 2008 letter of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC
("DIRECTV") regarding the above—referenced application to operate a 17/24 GHz
Broadcasting Satellite Service ("BSS") satellite at the 118.4°W orbital location.‘ On
September 26, 2008, Pegasus submitted a letter indicating that, contrary to the
Commission‘s rules, the operations of the proposed DIRECTV satellite at that
location would cause more interference to Pegasus‘ proposed satellite at 115.0°W
than if the DIRECTV satellite were located at precisely 119.0°W. Pegasus showed
that DIRECTV improperly considered atmospheric losses in its computation of power
flux—density ("PFD") and that DIRECTV incorrectly calculated the PFD using a 36
MHz transponder bandwidth, rather than a 30 MHz noise bandwidth. Properly
calculated, DIRECTV would need to reduce peak EIRP of its proposed satellite by
2.5 dB and not 0.1 dB, as DIRECTV suggests in its recent amendment. Nothing in
DIRECTV‘s October 6 Letter refutes Pegasus‘ conclusions. Accordingly, the
Commission should not grant DIRECTV‘s application unless DIRECTV further
amends its application.

\ See Letter from William Wiltshire to Marlene Dortch (October 6, 2008) ("October 6 Letter").                                                                       400958438v1

Marlene H. Dortch
October 16, 2008
Page 2

        In the October 6 Letter, DIRECTV concedes that Pegasus‘ methodology is a
legitimate way of calculating satellite PFD (October 6 Letter, at 2) but argues that it is
not a requirement of the FCC‘s rules. Id. at 1. DIRECTV further contends that its
own methodology is acceptable and indeed reflects the "industry standard." October
6 Letter, at 1, 4. As discussed below, DIRECTV‘s contentions are incorrect.

              PFD Calculations Should Not Include Atmospheric Losses

         The FCC made clear in its 17/24 GHz Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that it
proposed to extend and apply to the 17.3—17.8 GHz downlink band" the ITU‘s fixed
satellite service ("FSS") PFD limits under Article 21 of the ITU Radio Regulations,
which assumes free—space propagation conditions." No party to the proceeding
objected to the free—space propagation conditions.* Indeed, in the context of
discussing the provision of domestic services in the 17.7—17.8 GHz band, DIRECTV
itself supported applying the PFD limits established under Article 21 .5

  See, e.g., In the Matter of The Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rulesfor the Broadcasting—
  Satellite Service at the 17.3—17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7—17.8 GHz Frequency Band
  Internationally, and at the 24.75—25.25 GHz Frequency Bandfor Fixed Satellite Services Providing
  Feeder Links to the Broadcast—Satellite Service andfor the Satellite Services Operating Bi—
  directionally in the 17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Band, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 21 FCC Red
  7426, at | 55 (2006) ("17/24 GHz NPRM") ("We seek comment on whether the Commission should
  adopt pfd or other downlink power level values in the 17.3—17.7 GHz band . . . [and] whether the
  ITU‘s FSS pfd limits, with an upper limit of —115/dBW/MHz/m*, should be applied in the 17.3—17.7
  GHz band.") (citations omitted); id. at «[ 32 (proposing to extend Article 21 of the ITU Radio
  Regulations to the 17.7—17.8 GHz band).
  Article 21.16 of the ITU Radio Regulations provides: "The power flux—density at the Earth‘s surface
  produced by emissions from a space station, including emissions from a reflecting satellite, for all
  conditions and for all methods of modulation, shall not exceed the limit given in Table 21—4. The
  limit relates to the power flux—density which would be obtained under assumed free—space
  propagation conditions ... ."
  See, e.g., Intelsat Comments, at 10 ("[T}he same Article 21 FSS pfd limits should apply to the full
  17.3—17.8 GHz band.") (October 16, 2006); EchoStar Comments, Technical Annex, at 24—25
  {compliance with Article 21 should ensure protection to terrestrial fixed services) (October 16,
  DIRECTV Comments, at 34 ("There is very little chance that downlink transmissions from a 17/24
  GHz BSS satellite would cause interference to the much stronger transmissions of the terrestrial
  services operating in this portion of the band, particularly if the satellite downlink transmissions
                                                                                         (... continued)                                                                          400958438v1

Marlene H. Dortch
October 16, 2008
Page 3

        In its order authorizing the use of the 17.7—17.8 GHz band for international
service, the FCC specifically adopted the PFD limits of Article 21 and implicitly the
free—space propagation conditions." With respect to the 17.3—17.7 GHz band, the FCC
adopted one of the Article 21 PFD limits for the southeast U.S. region and lower PFD
limits for the other geographic regions of the country.‘ There is nothing in the 17/24
GHz Order or in the record of the proceeding, for that matter, to suggest that the FCC
intended for 17/24 GHz applicants to use anything other than the Article 21 free—
space propagation conditions in determining compliance with the PFD limits.

        DIRECTV‘s reliance on ITU—R P.618—8,° which discusses factors to consider
in evaluating actual system performance, is inapposite. The consideration of
atmospheric and other losses, which necessarily vary over time and location, would
be inappropriate for assessing compliance with a maximum PFD limit.

         DIRECTV‘s apparent contention that consideration of atmospheric losses for
calculating compliance with PFD limits is an "industry standard" (October 6 Letter, at
1, 4) is flatly rejected by the FCC‘s rules, which explicitly require a free—space
propagation assumption for essentially all other frequency bands." Moreover, a
review of the pending 17/24 GHz applications shows that Echostar, Intelsat, and

(... continued)

  meet the PFD limits already established in Article 21 of the ITU Radio Regulations for FSS systems
  operating in the 17.7—19.7 GHz band.") (October 16, 2008).
  See In the Matter of The Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rulesfor the Broadcasting—Satellite
  Service at the 17.3—17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7—17.8 GHz Frequency Band
  Internationally, and at the 24.75—25.25 GHz Frequency Bandfor Fixed Satellite Services Providing
  Feeder Links to the Broadcast—Satellite Service andfor the Satellite Services Operating Bi—
  directionally in the 17.3—17.8 GHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, 22 FCC Red 8842, at
  Appendix B (2007) ("17/24 GHz Order‘).
  See, eg., 17/14 GHz Order, at «102. Article 21 establishes a maximum PFD limit of
  —115dBW/m"/MHz for arrival angles between 0 and 5 degrees at 17.7 GHz.
  ITU—R P. 618—8 has been superseded by ITU—R P. 618—9.
  See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 25.208(a)—(v) ("These limits relate to the power flux density which would be
  obtained under assumed free—space propagation conditions."). .                                                                       400958438v1

Marlene H. Dortch
October 16, 2008
Page 4

Spectrum Five assumed free—space propagation conditions for purposes of calculating
compliance with PFD limits.‘"

        PFD Calculations Should be Based on Noise Bandwidth Rather Than
                                     Transponder Bandwidth

        The spectral power density of a transmitted digital signal is not uniformly
distributed over the transmission bandwidth. For this reason, the maximum spectral
power density around the center of the carrier should be used in computing the PFD.
This concept of noise bandwidth, which is well described in the literature (see, e.g.,
Philip F. Panter, Modulation, Noise, and Spectral Analysis, McGraw—Hill Book
Company, pages 139—140 (1965)), is used to account for the maximum spectral power
density in PFD calculations."‘ Calculating PFD based on noise bandwidth is,
therefore, more accurate than doing so based on total transponder bandwidth. The
emission designator value may be the same or less than the transponder bandwidth.
When they are the same, applicants basing PFD calculations on total transponder
bandwidth will underestimate PFD typically by approximately 0.8 dB compared to
the noise bandwidth calculation. As a result, the corresponding satellite EIRP used to
calculate PFD at the surface of the Earth is overestimated by the same amount. This
approach in proving the compliance with PFD limits may be acceptable in cases
where the PFD limits are met with a margin, such as is the case with the Pegasus
applications referenced in DIRECTV‘s letter.

     For these reasons, Pegasus requests that the Commission not grant
DIRECTV‘s application for a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite at 118.4°W unless DIRECTV

10 See, e.g., Intelsat Applications, File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080617—00123 to 00126, at Exhibit 8;
   Spectrum Five Application, File No. SAT—LOI—20080910—00178, at Technical Narrative p. 15.
   Echostar does not list the assumptions or provide the equations it uses to calculate satellite PFD in its
  applications, but Pegasus‘ PFD calculations for the Echostar satellites based on free—space
  propagation conditions and noise bandwidth are within a tenth of a dB or less of Echostar‘s provided
  PFD values. See Echostar Applications, File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080114—00018 to 00022, at
  Schedule S.
‘‘ Intelsat uses in exhibit 8 of its applications the term "carrier occupied bandwidth" and in exhibit 11
  the term "noise bandwidth," but the two values are identical.
* October 6 Letter, at 3 fu. 5. DIRECTV‘s contention that the use of transponder bandwidth is an
  industry standard is further belied by its own use of noise bandwidth in calculating its link budget.
 See DIRECTV Application, File No. SAT—AMD—20080114—00017, at Table A—1.                                                                           400958438v1

Marlene H. Dortch
October 16, 2008
Page 5

further amends its application, consistent with the comments Pegasus has provided in
this proceeding.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    g . Jacobs
                                    Tony Lin                                                       400958438v1

                            CERTIEFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Renee Williams, hereby certify that on this 16th day of October 2008 I served a
true copy of the foregoing by first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the

Andrea Kelly*                                 William M. Wiltshire
Federal Communications Commission             Michael D. Nilsson
445 12"" Street, S.W.                         Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
Washington, D.C. 20554                        1200 18"" Street, N.W.
                                              Washington, D.C. 20036
                                              Counselfor DIRECTVY Enterprises, LLC

                                             Rente Williams

*By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2008-10-21 11:46:41
Document Modified: 2008-10-21 11:46:41

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