Attachment DA 05-3170

DA 05-3170

ORDER submitted by IB/FCC

DA 05-3170


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20051116-00221 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            Federal Communications Commission                         DA 05—3170

                                             Before the
                              Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                     )
 Inmarsat Global Limited                              )   File Nos. SAT—PDR—20050926—00184
                                                      )            sar—Anb—20051116—00221
 Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Provide           )
 Mobile Satellite Serviceto the United Sttes          )
 Using the 2 GHz and Extended Ku—Bands                )

   Adopted: December 9, 2005                                      Released: December 9,2005
 By the Chict, International Bureau:
                                       L. INTRODUCTION

         1. In this Order, we dismissthe request ofInmarsatGlobal Limited (Inmarsat)for a
declaratory ruling that would reserve spectrum for a geostationary sateite, to be located at the
113° W.L. orbital location. The satelite would operate with service links in the 2 GHz Mobile
Satelite Service (MSS) frequency band, withfeeder links n the extended Ku—Band..
        2. In early 2005, three of the five 2 GHz MSS satllte operators that t thattime held 2
GHz MSS spectrum assignments surrendered their assignments~—Iridium LLC (ridium) on March
16, 2005, The Bocing Company (Bocing) on March 28, 2005, and Celsat America,Inc.(Celsat)
on April 12, 2005—leaving two satelite operators, ICO and TML, with spectrum reservations in
the 2 GHz MSS band." As a result, 12 ofthe 20 megaherteallocated for MSS in each direction in
the 2 GHz band was notat that time assigned to any system.
        3. On June 29, 2005, the Commission released two public notices® conceming the
possible reassignment or reallocation ofthis spectrum. Inmarsatfiled comments in the

! Specifeal, Inrarsat equests MSS spectrum in the 2000—2020 Mite (uplik)and 2160—2200 Mite
(downlinl),and feederlink and rcking, elemety and command ("TT&C‘) spectrum in the 13.8—14.0
Gite and 11.5—11.7 Gite frequency bands.
° Leter from Peter D. Shields, Counseo Tridiam to Seeretuy, FCG,(dated Mar.16,2005); Leer rom
Joseph P. Markoski and Bruce A. Oleat, CounselforThe Bocing Company,to Seerctay, PCC (dated Mar
28, 2005 Leter from David D. Ortm, Chsirman and ChiefExesutive Officer, Celsat, t Secretuy, FCC
(dited Ap12, 2005)
* Commission Invites Comments Concerning Use OF Portions Of Returned 2 GHte Mobile Satelte Service
Erequencies,Public Noice, TB Docket No,05—220, 20 FCC Red 12231 (2005), CommissionInvies
Comments Cancemming Us: OfPorions Of Retumed 2 GHiz Mobile Satelite Service Frequencies, Publc

                             Federal Communications Commission                          DA 053170

 proceeding, arguing that some 2 GHz MSS spectrum should be available for other systems. On
 September 26, 2005,it filed itequest for declaratory ruling. TMI and ICO opposed acceptance
 for filing of the request, and the prties filed a number ofpleadings conceming the question of
 acceptability fo filing." On December 9, 2005, the Commission released an Order addressing the
 record developed in response to the public notics." The Commission concluded that the public
 interest would be served by reserving the available spectum for use by TMI and 1CO, and
 declined to initate a processing round for additional2 GHe MSS systems
         4. The Commission may issue a declaratory ruling "terminating a controversy or
 removing uncertaint."" n light of the comprehensive ruling on the mater of returned spectrum
 contained in the Commission‘s Order, we conclude thatacceptance for fling of Inmarsat‘s
 application and iitation ofan addtional proceeding would be inconsistent with the
 determinations reached in that Order,and unnecessary in order t terminate a controversy or
 remove uncertainty. Therefore, we dismiss Inmarsat‘s request."
     5. Accordingly, TT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 1.2 ofthe Commission‘s rles, 47
CFR. §§ 1.2, Inmursat‘s requestfor declaratry ruling, File No. SAT—PDR—20050926—00184, as
amended by File No. SAT—AMD—20051116—00221, 18 DISMISSED.

                                          FEDERAL COMMUMICA®JONS COMMISSION

                                          Donald Abelson
                                          Chief, International Bureau

Notee, TB Docket No, 05—221,20 FCC Red 12234 (2009)
* See 1CO‘s Opposion t Pettion for Declaatory Ruling, filed October 6,2005; TM‘s Objection to
Acceptance ofApplication foFling, led October 6 2008 (Rled jointy with t affliated eni,
Terresa); Leterfom Gregory Staple and Jonathan D. Blake, counsel. respectively,for TMI and Terrestir,
to MarleneH. Dorich, Secetary, FCC, dated Octaber 12, 2005; Inmarsat‘s Consolidted Response, ied
October 17, 2005; TMIs Reply to Respanse, Aled October 24, 2005
* Use ofRetured Spectrum in the 2 Gie Mobile Satelite Servie Frequency Bands, Order, RCC 05204
(refased December9, 2005 )
*searcBRlg 12
7 Although the Commission‘s Order concermed only 2 GHfe MSS frequencie, we declneto conider
Inmarst‘s otherfrequency requests, since,in th absence ofvailableservicelink fequencis,a request
for feeder in frequenciesdoesnot allow for a viable MSS system. See Echostar Satellte LLC,
Menorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Red 7846,7853—54 421 (Sa. Div.In‘l Bur, 2004

Document Created: 2005-12-12 11:11:44
Document Modified: 2005-12-12 11:11:44

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