Attachment DA 05-3146

DA 05-3146

PUBLIC NOTICE submitted by IB, FCC

DA 05-3146


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20051116-00220 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


   Federa! Communications
   Commission                                                          e             en
   4as 12th St. S.W.                                               *         vnaciinrnatones
   Washinaton. D.C. 20564                                                          mevanaiam

                                                                              pa os316
                                                                            December 7, 2005

                      International Bureau Satelite Division Information
                         ORBITAL DEBRIS AMENDMENTS FILED

        On October 13, 2008,thSateite Divisionreleasd a Public Notice announcing the ffectve
date ofthe Commission‘s orbialdebris mitigation disclosureruls." The Public Notic also reminded
applicant thatthey mustamend, wthin 30 days oftheeffective date,all pendingrequests for
Commissionauthorization that entail submission otechnical information pursuant to Sction 25.114 to
include disclosure ofthsystem‘sorbtadebri mitigaon plans. The orbtl debri mitigaion disclosure
rules became effective on October 19, 2005,and amendmentsto pending appliations were duc by
November 18, 2008
        "The amendments Kisted below were Ailed i response t he Public Notice. This stingis for
informationalprposes only. No determination has been made whether thlsted documents are complte
and containall othe information required by the Commission‘s ules
Aupticant                                            CallSign           HES EiNumber
Spectrum Five LLC                                    S2cer             SAT—AMD—20081 to2.00209
Spectrum Five LLC                                    sacee             SAT—AMD—200s1102.00210
TelenoSuelit, Inc                                    rosoare           ses—AMD.2mst111—01864
SES Americo, Inc                                     Eosos07           ses—Aup—20st115.01576
5ES Americo, Inc                                     rosacs            ses—AMD200si118.01877
SES Americom, Inc                                    sast              sar—Anb—200stn1s—00218
SES Americom, Inc                                    s2lo              sar—Anb200st 11600219
PanAmSat Licensee Corp                               S2aco             sar—AnD—20081116—00220
Inmarsat GlobalLimited                               se                sar—AnD—200st116—00221
Star One SA                                          S2e77             sar—AntD—20051 1 18—00222
Star One SA                                          seore             sar—AnD 20081 118—00222
DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC                              smm               sar—AntD—20051118—00224
DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC                              se                sar—AntD—20081118—00225
DIRECTV Emerprises, LLC                              smm               sar—AniD 20081 118—00226
Northrop Grumman Space &    Mission Systems Corp.    52254             saT—AMD—20081118—00227
Northrop Grumman Space &    MissionSystems Corp.     82255             sAT—AMD—20081 118—00229
Northrop Grumman Space &    Mission Systems Corp.    52256             saT—AMD—20051118—00230
Northrop Grumman Space &    Mission Systems Corp.    52258             sar—Anp—200sti18—0231

 Piblc Notie, btematinal Bureau Satlite Diision Information Diclowre ofOrbital Debrisitgation Plan,
Incluting Amerdiment oPering Applicatons, DA 05—2598, Report No. SPB—112 (October13,2005)

Auolicant                                             Call Sign       IBES File Number
Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp.        52257           sar—Ant2005 tis.o0032
ORBIMAGE Inc                                          s2us            sar—AnD—20081 1 18—00234
"The Bocing Company                                   Eovor2s         ses—Ars—a00s1 118—01507
Indium Sulite LLC                                     s2to            sar—AnD—20081 18—00236
Intclsat North America LLC                            s2eu7           sar—Antb20051 118—00257
Intelsat North America LLC                            sacee           sar—AntD—200s1 18—00238
Intelsat North AmericaLC                              Szoot           sar—AntD—20081 18—00289
Intelsat North America LLC                            S2se0           sar—AnD—20081 1 18—00240
Intelsat North America LC                             s2eso           saT—AnD—20081 t is—o0241
Vimual Geosaellte LLC                                 sz3ee           sar—Antb—200s1 t18—00242
contacMEO Communications LLC                          sa346, saeso,   SAT—AMD.20stii8—0020
                                                      szeu1, Sova,
EchoStarSatellte Operating Corporation                eosorst         ses.AnD20081 11s—0601
EchoStar Stelite Operting Corporation                 Eoso196         ses.AniD20081 1is—01603
EchoStar Satllte Operating Corporation                sas             sar—Antp—200s1 t18—0004
EchoStar Satellte Operating Corporation               saur            SAT—AMD—20081 t18—00245
EchoStar Satllte Operating Corporation                s2im            sar—Antp—200s1 118—00216
EchoStar Satlfte Operating Corporation                saano           SAT—AMD—20081 t18—00247
EchoSar Satellte Operating Corporation                szeas           sar—An—20081118—0048
EchoSar Satellte Operating Corporation                s2c07           sar—ant—200s1118—0209
EchoStar Satelfte Operating Corporation               rozoaos         ses—An—200st 1101508
EchoSiar Satlite Operating Corporation                rowsts          ses—AMD—20051118—01899
Statos Communications, Inc                            Eosoas          ses—AMD—2001117—01890
Loral Synet Network ServieesIc. (Debtor—in—           Eosorso         ses—Amb—200s1118—01893
rmMscus,rie                                           gosoass         ses—Anp—200s1118—01602
        For more information concezningthis pblic notic, contct Stephen Duall, Attomey Advisor,at
(202)418—1103, oratStephen Duall@fic gov.


Document Created: 2005-12-15 17:29:46
Document Modified: 2005-12-15 17:29:46

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