Attachment opposition





This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040928-00192 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the                                         &
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                              AUG — 5 2005
                                      Washington, DC 20554                     o ideal Comnuncaton Comniason
                                                                                      Offee t Secminy
In the Matter of                               )    File No. SAT—LOA—19980702—00066
                                               )    File No. SAT—AMD—20001214—00171
                                               )    File No. SAT—AMD—20010302—00019
                                               )    File No. SAT—AMD—20031118—00335
                                               )    File No. SAT—AMD—20040209—00014
Application for Authority to Launch            )    File No. SAT—AMD—20040028—00192
and Operate a Replacement L—band               )    Call Sign 82358
Mobile Satellite Service Satellite             )                       C
actor® w                                       §                 Reoerved
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To: International Bureau                                        Plcy Brench
                     orrostrion to motion To srrike REBEY"®
               EchoStar Satellite LLC. ("EchoStar") hereby files this Opposition to Mobile
Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC‘s (‘MSV‘s") Motion to Strike Reply of EchoStar Satellte
               As set forth in the MSV Motion, the EchoStar Reply to MSV‘s Opposition to
EchoStar‘s Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration ("EchoStar Petiion®) was filed on
July 21, 2005." The EchoStar Petition for Clariication and/or Reconsideration was timely filed
in response to the Bureau‘s decision granting MSV a license to launch and operate a Mobile
Satellte Service (‘MS8") satellite." MSV argues that the actual deadline for filing the EchoStar
Reply was July 19, 2005, not July 21, 2005. Counsel for EchoStar acknowledges that ts Reply
     ! See MSV Motion to Strike Reply of EchoStar Satellite LL.C. (fled August 1, 2003)
(MSV Motion®).
       * See EchoStar Reply (July 21, 2005).
       * See In the Matter ofMobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, DA 05—1492 (rel. May
23, 2005) (CMSYOrder®).

was fled two days late due to a good faith miscalculation.. Because the two daydelay in filing
resulting from this innocent error did not give rise to any conceivable prejudice for MSV, there is
ample good cause for the Bureau to acceptthe EchoStar Reply and deny the MSV Motion.
                By Commission Rule 1.106(h), 47 C.F.R. § 1.106(h), EchoStar had seven (7) days
to file a reply after any opposition was filed to the EchoStar Petition." Commission Rule 1.4(g),
47 C.FR. § 1.4(g),states that ifiling period is "less than 7 days"" then intervening holidays
(which include weekends) are not included in the calculation ofthe filing deadline for the reply."
At the time when calculating the deadline for its reply, counsel for EchoStar inadvertently read
Commission Rule 1.4(g) as if it stated 7 days or less," as opposed to "less than 7 days." As a
result,in calculating the deadline for the EchoStar Reply, weekend days were excluded in the
calculation. This resulted in the calculation ofthe deadline of July 21, 2005, as opposed to the
correct deadline of July 19, 2005. Counsel for EchoStar firmly believed thatits Reply was
timely filed when submitted on July 21, 2005. Counsel for EchoStar only recognized its
miscalculation ofthe deadline upon reading the MSV Motion
               EchoStar recognizes that late—filed pleadings are not routinely accepted by the
Commission without good cause.® EchoStar respectfully submits that its miscalculation in this
matter was inadvertent, and not intended to somehow deceive MSV or the Bureau." Further, as a
result ofthe miscalculation by counsel,there has not been undue prejudice to MSV. The late—

       * See 47 C.FR. § 1.106(b).
       5 See 47 CER. § 1.4@)
       * See 47 CF.R. § 1.46(a).
        " See In the Matter ofLockheed Martin Corporation et al., 18 FCC Red. 16605, 1661 1
(2003) (dismissing a lte—filed reply where it appeared a party intentionally filed ts reply late,
intentionally did not seek leave to fila lte—filed pleading and did not serve the reply on parties
to the proceeding)

                                                                          action against msV —
filed pleading by EchoStar was not a pleading that initted adjudicatory
                                                      without EchoStar‘s Reply, a timely
the EchoStar Petition doing so was timely filed. Even
                                                                                 ission‘s Rules
Petition ofthe MSFOrder remains pending before the Bureau. Purther,the Comm
                                                                                   . As a result,
do not contemplate an additional pleading by MSV in response to EchoStar‘s Reply.
                                                                                        to fle a
the two day delay in filing EchoStar‘s Reply has not hindered or affected MSV‘s ability
pleading in this matter. In contrast, ejecting the EchoStar Reply would result in an incomplete
record in this matter."
             EchoStar respectfully requests that is lte—filed Reply be accepted by the Bureau
and the MSV Motion rejected.. Acceptance of EchoStars Reply will not unduly prejudice MSV
and will ensure a complete record in contemplation of the EchoStar Petition that has been timely


                                                   Respectfully submitted,
                                                   EchoStar Satellite LL.C.

David K. Moskowitz
                                                   Pantelis Michalopoulos
Senior Viee President and General Counsel          Philip L. Malet
EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.                          Mare A. Paul
9601 South Meridian Boulevard                      Steptoe & Johnson Lur
Englewood, CO 80112                                1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
(303) 723—1000                                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   (202) 429—3000

                                                   Counselfor EchoStar Satellite L.L C
August 5, 2005
         * Late—filed pleadings have been accepted for purpose of creating a complete record in a
proceeding. See,e, /n the Matter ofLoral Satellte, nc. and Loral Spacecom Corporation et
al, 19 FCC Red, 2404, 241 1 (2004) (accepting a late—filed petition filed with the International
Bureau in order to ereate a "full and complete factual record");see also /n the Marter of
Application of Verizon Hawaii,Inc. etal., 19 FCC Red. 24110, 24111 (2004) (Finding that the
Wireless Bureau has "discretion to accept late—filed pleadings to develop a complete record").


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Mare A. Paul, an attomey with the lawfirm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, hereby certify

that on this 5th day ofAugust, 2005, served a true copy of the foregoing "Opposition to Motion
to Strike Reply® by hand delivery (or s otherwise indicated) upon the following:

Donald Abelson                                   Naney J. Eskenazi®
International Bureau                             Viee President & Associate General Counsel
Room 6—C750                                      SES Americom, Inc.
Federal Communications Commission                Four Research Way
445 12" Street, S.W.                             Princeton, NJ 08540
Washington, DC 20554

Cassandra Thomas                                 Kalpak Gude*
Satellte Division                                Vice President & Associate General Counsel
International Bureau                             PanAmSat Corporation
Room 6—A666                                      1801 K Street, NW Suite 440
Federal Communications Commission                Washington, DC
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Fem Jarmulnck                                    Bruce D. Jacobs*
Satellte Division                                David S. Konczal
International Bureau                             Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Room 6—A523                                     2300 N Street, N.W.
Federal Communications Commission                Washington, DC 20037—1128
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
Robert Nelson                                   Jennifer A. Manner®
Satellte Division                               Viee President, Regulatory Affairs
International Bureau                            Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
Room 6—B554                                      1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Federal Communications Commission               Reston, Virginia 20191
445 12" Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20554

                                                   Mare A. Paul

* By First Class Mail, Postage Pre—paid

Document Created: 2005-08-11 12:37:10
Document Modified: 2005-08-11 12:37:10

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