Attachment comments


COMMENT submitted by DIRECTV, Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040928-00192 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554                        RECEIVED
                                                                                NOV — 8 2004
In the Matter of                              )                           dealCommuncatons Connision
                                              )                                  Offee ol Secutay

MoniveSarevure Ventures                       )      File No.
Supsipiary Luc                                )      SAT—AMD—20040928—00192
Amendment to Application for                  )
Authority to Launch and Operate a             )       Call Sign 82358
Replacement L—Band Mobile                     )
Satellte Service Satellite at 101° W.L.       )

                           COMMENTSOF DIRECTV, INC.

       DIRECTV, Inc.,on behalf ofitself and its affiiates (collectively, DIRECTV")
submits the following brief Comments in response to stationkeeping information filed by
Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV")." MSV requests stationkeeping
allowance at 101° W.L. twiceas wide as that allotted to any ofthe other six satelltes
operating at that location (including MSV‘s existing satellte) — and half ofthe area
allotted to all four DIRECTV satellites at that location — on the grounds that such an

allowance would help it conserve fuel. This consideration is, of course, true of all
satelltes, not just MSV‘s as—yet—unbuilt one.. Even assuming that relaxing the
stationkeeping requirements can in some cases be justified by the fuel savings achieved.
the very congested 101° W.L. orbital location is hardly an appropriate candidate for such

    S Mobile Stelite Ventures Subsidiry LLC, Amendment to Appliatin for Authorit to Launch
    and Operte a Replacement MSS Satlite at101° W.L., ile No. SAT—AMD—20040928—00192 (filed
    Sept. 28,2004) (‘Sept. Amendment). MSV‘sstaioncepinganlysis is found in the Amendments
    Technical Appendix t page S

a relaxation. Although DIRECTV is willing to work with MSV on spacing issues at 101° find an accommodation (ifpossible), it cannot support MSV‘s stationkecping
proposal at this time.
        By way of background, DIRECTV operates four satellites at the 101° W.L. orbital
location, where two other satelltes also now operate.". DIRECTV plans to launch another
satellte t this location next spring.® and it intends to launch additional satellitesthere in
the future. The 101° W.L. orbital location thus is, and will remain, one ofthe most
congested places in the U.S. orbital are. Moreaver, DIRECTV is constrained by
international agreement t locate all of ts DBS satellites at the nominal 101° W.L. orbital
location within a 0.4° "box" bounded by 100.8° W.L. and 101.2° W.L.
        MSV now seeks to operate a new, as—yet—undesigned satellte at this crowded
location with a stationkeeping tolerance of + 0.1°,rather than the +0.05° typically
contemplated by the Commission‘s rules.* In other words, MSV seeks to operate within
one halfof the "box‘"in which all DIRECTV satellites must operate. Asked to provide
"further information regarding the cost benefitsor other support for it [stationkeeping]
request," MSV argues that, because its new satelite will be similar to a Bocing 702 or
Eurostar 3000 satellit, "the altemnative of maintaining a + 0.05° East—West station
keeping box would severely penalize the replacement satellite by necessitating excessive
    ‘Thesatlites operting atthis nomina orbitlloction are DIRECTV 1, 12, and 45, as wellasthe
    AMC 4 and AMSC satlites
    See Public Noic, DA 04—3529 (rel. Nov 5 2006)(efectingauthorization of DIRECTV 8 DBSio«
    band hybrid stelitat 100.48" W.L).
    e Mobile Stelite VentresSubsidiy LLC, Amendmentto Application for Authority to Launch
    and Operte a Replacement MSStelit t 101° WL., Fle No. SAT—AMD—20040209—00014 filed
    Feb.9,2004)(‘Fcbruary Amendinent‘,. Forreasons unrlated t hese comments, the Interational
    Bureaufistdismissed this February Amendiment, thenreistated i. See Letrfrom Thomas . Tycz,
    Chiet Sitelite Divisin, Internationa! Bureauto Lon C. Levi, Viee President, Mobile Satelte
    Ventures Subsidiry LLC, DA 04—1095 (rel. Aprl23, 2004; Moble Steite Fentures Subsidary
    LLC, DA 02983 (rel.Sept 15, 2004)

fuel expenditures, resulting in either a significant decrease in satellite lifetime or a severe
reduction in the available mass for the communications payload.""
        DIRECTV is not without sympathy for MSV‘s argument that a wider
stationkeeping area would help it save fuel. This, however, is true ofall satellites. All
satellte operators,including DIRECTV, could save fuel with wider stationkeeping areas.
The Commission nonetheless typically requires narrow stationkeeping areas in order to
maximize the use of searceorbital resources and minimize the likelihood ofcolliion."
MSV has failed to demonstrate why it should be treated differently— and at the 101°
W.L. orbital location ofall places.
        The Commission, it is true, has deferred the issue ofwhether ts rules should
require MSS satellites to operate within the + 0.05° stationkecping tolerance required for
Fixed—Satellite Service ("FSS") satellites." Yet in proposing such a requirement, the
Commission postulated that FSS stationkeeping rules could be "usful as basic ‘riles of
the road? for the purpose of limiting the probability of collision with other large objects,

particular with respect to potential colliions between functional spacecraft at
geostationaryorbit"" If this is true anywhere, it is true at 101° W.L. Put another way,
the particularly challenging physical sharing environment at 101° W. is just about the
last orbitallocation where one would want to experiment with a wider stationkeeping
area — and is just about the last orbitallocation where such experimentation could be
justified on the generic grounds of fuel savings.

    Sept AmendmentatTechApp.5.
    Seear CrR 5252100
    Mitigation ofOrbitel Debris, 19 ECC Red. 11567,11586 (2004)(discusingextensionof
    sttiontecping requirements beyand Fixed—Satelite Serviceopertors).
    AMitgation ofOrbital Debris, Notice oProposed Rule Making, 17 ECC Red. 5865606 (2002).

       This does not mean that MSV‘s request cannot be accommodated — only that

MSV has failed to justifyits request for special treatment. As with any orbital location at
which it operates, DIRECTV is ready and willing to work with MSV on spacing issues at
the 101° W.L. slot. In addition, perhaps MSV and the Commission should consider

whether MSV would be better able to operate from a location slightly offsct from 101°
W.L. — ie outside of the congested 100.8° W.L.—101.2° W.L. "box" in which DIRECTV

must operate by international agreement. But,as the operator with the most existing and

proposed satelites that would be constrained by MSV*s request, DIRECTV cannot

support the request as currently styled and justified.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

James Butterworth
                                               Williom ishire
Senior Vice President                           Michael D. Nilsson
DIRECTV, Inc.                                   Hamus, Wicrsime & Grannis uur
2230 E. Imperial Highway                        1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
El Segundo, CA 90245                            Washington, DC 20036
                                                (202) 730—1300
                                                Counselfor DIRECTY, Inc

November 8, 2004

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       Ihereby certify that, on this 8° day of November, 2004, a copy of the foregoing
Comments of DIRECTV, Inc. was served by first class mail, postage prepaid, upon:

              Bruce D. Jacobs
              Shaw Pittman LLP
              2300 N Street, NW.
              Washington, DC 20037

Document Created: 2004-11-18 13:59:46
Document Modified: 2004-11-18 13:59:46

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