Attachment opposition





This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040719-00141 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554                       RECE]VED
                                                                             SEP 2 8 20
                                            )                          FedealConmunceton Camning
In the Matter of                            )                                Offee olSectny        n
contactMEO Communications, LLC              )           SAT—L0A—19971222.00202
                                            )           SAT—AMD—20040322—00057
Application for Authority to Launch         )           SAT—AMD—20040710—00141
And Operate a Geostationary and Non—        )
Geostationary Orbit Fixed Satellite         )
System in the Ka—Band                       )


               ContacMEO Communications, LLC ("@contact") hereby files ts
Opposition to the Petition to Deny of EchoStar Satellite LLC (‘EchoSter") and the
Consolidated Petition to Dismiss or Deny of SES Americom, Inc. (°‘SES Americom")
(ointly, "Petitioners") in the above—captioned proceeding. EchoStar‘s arguments in large
part amount to no more than a late—filed second petition for reconsideration ofthe
Satellte Division, International Bureau‘s (*Bureau‘s") summary denial of its Ka—band
applications." EchoStar essentilly argues that the Bureau erred by "dismissing" its

‘ Memorandum Opinion and Order, In the Matter ofEchoStar Satellite LLC,
Applicationsfor Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Geostationary Satellites In
the Pixed—Satellite Service Using the Ka and/or Extended Ku—Bands at the 83° WL,
113° W.L, and 121° W.L. Orbital Locations, DA 04—1167 (rel. Apr29. 2004) (‘Denial
Decision") (denying EchoStar‘s applications to use NGSO FSS Ka—band frequencies for
GSO FSS satellites, denying EchoStar‘s failure to show good cause for waiver ofthe
NGSO FSS spectrum designation, denying EchoStar‘s application to use the extended

applications for, among other things, failure to demonstrate that its proposed satellites
will not cause harmfulinterference to other systems.* It asserts that the technical
showings by @contact are equally inadequate and that the Bureau should reinstate its
applications or deny @contact‘s application." Finally, EchoStar appeals to the Bureau to
reinstate its applications because its applications are "similarly situated" to @contact‘s
                For ts part, SES Americom argues that @contact does not show that its
proposal stisfies the Ka—band segmentation plan." It also states that @contact cannot

rely on intemational EPFD limits to justify domestic use ofthe 19.7—20.2 GHz and 29.5—
30.0 GHz bands.° Finally, it asserts that @contact has not provided any justifiation for
warranting a different outcome from the Denial Decision"

Ku—band, denying EchoStar‘s application to operate Ka—band GSO satellites at 121° W.L.
and 83° WL., denying EchoStar‘s request for waiver of footnote NG 165 of 47 C.F.R.
Section 2.106, and denying applications ofEchoStar to operate hybrid GSO satelltes at
105° W.L. and $3° W.L),petition for reconsideration filed June 1, 2004.
*    EchoStarPetitionat 2, 4. See n6, infra.
* 1d, at4—6. Also, EchoStar once again asks the Commission to commence a
rulemaking petition redesignating the NGSO Ka—band spectrum for use by its GSO
satelltes. 14. at 8, Denial Decision at 5. The Bureau rejected EchoStar‘s attempt to seck
use of that spectrum for its GSO satellites by waiver Jd. at 8.
o    thar?s
5.   SES Americom Petition at 5—6.
* 1d. at6—48. The matter of NGSO interference into GSO satellites has been the subject
ofmany joint industry—government meetings, including those that were conducted under
the aegis ofJTG 4—9—11 in 1998. At CPM (2000) and then at WRC—2000, maximum
EPFD levels were adopted to assure that NGSO satelltes do not cause unacceptable
interference to GSO satellites, The objective was to establish an EPFD quantification of
acceptable interference, The Commission made it quite clear, contrary to SES

                 For the reasons discussed below, Petitioners® arguments are entirely
without merit. Accordingly, @contact‘s application should be processed and granted as
soon as possible."

Americom‘s argument, that it accepts EPFD limits adopted by the ITU—R to avoid
unacceptable interference into GSO satellites from NGSO satellites:

        The limits adopted by WRC—2000 were developed using the agreed
        upon criteria developed by the ITU—R. The JTG 4—9—11 (1) studied
        the characteristis of the GSO FSS systems to be protected, (2)
        defined protection criteria for GSO FSS systems, and (3) based on
        these parameters, determined the level ofinterference that could be
        accepted from NGSO FS systems. We find, based upon the
        technical work adopted by the WRC—2000 and the record developed
        in this proceeding, that the international consensus single—entry
        EPFD4o,, limits for 0.6, 1.2, 3, and 10 meter GSO FSS receive earth
        station antennas are appropriate for adoption domestically.

Amendment ofParts 2 and 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Permit Operation of
NGSO FSS Systems Co—Frequency with GSO and Terrestrial Services in the Ku—
Band Frequency Range and Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Authorize
Subsidiary Terrestiral Use ofthe 12.2—12.7 GHz Band by Direct Broadcast
Satellite Licensees and their Affliates, Report and Order, 16 ECC Red 4096, 4100
(2000) (emphasis added), 16 FCC Red 4096 (2000) at para. 77 [foomotes
omitted); see also, id. at 4100, 4109. Note that SES Americom does not contend
that the EPFD limits for 19.7—20.2 GHz and 29.5—30 GHz contained in Article 22
of the ITU Radio Regulations are not met by @contact‘s NGSO application.
@contact has shown that ts system will not cause unscceptable interference,
sufficient tojustifythe waiver it seeks touse the upper 500 MHz of the Ka—band
on a secondary basis.
70   14 a9.
5 See Letters to the Commission from TelAlaska (September 10, 2004) and Alaska
Telephone Association (September, 2004) urging expeditious Commission grant of
@contact‘s application, to provide the people ofAlaska the broadband services they


               EchoStar argues that its applications contained interference analyses
"nearly identical"to those submitted by @contact and that because ts applications were
denied then @contact‘s application should be similarly denied." SES Americom
similarly argues that denial of EchoStar‘s application requires similar treatment for
@contact‘s application. These arguments are without merit.

               EchoStar‘s applications, fled in August 2003, were accepted for filing and
appeared on public notice. During that time EchoStar might have augmented its technical
showings to demonstrate that it could avoid interfering with NGSO satellites, but it failed
to do so. The Bureau then applied its processing procedures, rules and policies to
correetly deny EchoStar‘s applications, concluding that "EchoStar did not submit a
technical showing demonstrating it could operate compatibly with NGSO FSS
systems.""" EchoSter‘s assertion that its applications were "dismissed" is simply not
correct. Rather,its applications were denied. Its only option now is t file new

applications that are compliant with the Bureau‘s requirement to demonstrate no harmful
interference to NGSO networks. Reinstatement, mure pro func or otherwise, may be a
remedy for improper dismissal butit is not the appropriate remedy for proper denial of an
application based on a full and complete record. In the event EchoStar were to refile, it
would need to provide a complete technical showing demonstrating thatits GSO satellites

*   EchoStar Petitionat 5.

!* Denial Decision at 8.

could operate on a secondary basis to NGSO systems in the 18.8—19.3 GHz and 28.6—29.1
GHz bands. In any event, EchoStar‘s applications are in this regard clearly not "nearly
identical" to @contact‘s application.

                EchoStar asserted in its applications that it would agree to "immediately
cease" operations in its Earth—to—space links upon notification ofharmful interference to
NGSO RSS operators."" Citing Commission precedents and policies,including the Space
Station Licensing Reform Order," the Bureau stated in its Denial Decision that EchoStar
failed to provide a showing that it can operate on a non—harmful interference basis to
primary NGSO FSS operations."" n its Petition, EchoStar again argues that its
willingness to immediately cease interference upon notifieation is sufficient to
demonstrate the necessary protection to NGSO systems, and that its applications are
therefore nearly identical to @contact‘s application. But the plain factis that EchoStar
has failed from the beginning to make the necessary technical showings, and at no time
did EchoStar cure the substantive defect that led to Bureau denial. Once again, therefore,
EchoStar‘s applications are not "nearly identical"to @contact‘s application.. In addition,
it is equally plain that EchoStar‘s rejected applications cannot serve as precedent for
action on @contact‘s application, as SES Americom suggests.

"‘—   Denial Decision at 6; EchoStar Applications at 15.
!*—   Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Pirst
Report and Order and Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking in IB Docket No. 02—34,
and First Report and Order in IB Docket No. 02—54, 18 FCC Red 10760 (2003) ("Space
Station Licensing Reform Order®).
"*— Denial Decision at 7.

                in its application, @contact demonstrated how it would avoid in—line and
other potential interference events to protect other NGSO systems, that during such
events it would cease transmitting and utiliceits other satelltes instead, including its own
HEO satelltes."" In stark contrast, EchoStar would cease providing service entirely
during such times. @contact demonstrated that it met the Commission‘s existing rules
and policies regarding protection of other NGSO satelltes from harmful interference but
the Bureau requested additional information with regard to reentrycasualty risk
assessment and 2—degree spacing, ° two showings that formerly were not clearly

*     @contact Amendment at $—9, Annexes. Such extensive and more rigorous showings
involving milestones, power limits, and waivers transcend the requirements for a true
GSO satellite proposal, demonstrating that @contact has proposed an operational NGSO
network using NGSO spectrum, not a GSO network, EchoStar‘s curious footnote in its
Petition that @contact‘s proposed GSO satellites would "preclude other GSO satellites
from operating on the same frequencies at the same orbital locations" is irrelevant to its
concomitant erroncous assertion that @contact proposes a GSO network. EchoStar
Petition at 5, n19. To the contrary, @contact, an NGSO applicant, would use NGSO
spectrum for all of its satellites, whereas GSO network satelltes atthe same orbital slots
could use NGSO spectrum only on a secondary basis. This also counters SES
Americom‘s argument regarding the Ka—band segmentation plan because @contact‘s
application is for a network of NGSO satelltes in HEO and GSO orbit that operate as a
unified NGSO system. It should be emphasized that @contact‘s system has been
designed to prevent any noticeable interference to other satellite systems, GSO and
NGSO. See @contact Amendment at 8, Technical Appendix. Indeed, t is due to the
adequacyof @contact‘s NGSO non—interference demonstrations that no other NGSO
applicant (SkyBridgeI1, LLC or Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems
Corporation (NGST)) submitted a petition against @contact in this proceeding. Further,
even as a "GSO® filing, the fact remains that @contact‘s proposalis fully compliant with
the Commission‘s two—degree spacing policy, allowing other GSO operators to make
secondary use of the non—GSO FSS primary bands at any other location.

‘*—   Leter from Chicf, Satellte Division, International Bureau, FCC, to
David M. Drucker, @contact, DA 04—1722, Jun. 16, 2004.

applicable to NGSO networks."" In response, @contact supplemented its application
with detailed technical showings, and its application was then found acceptable for
filing."" This is quite different from the record underlying EchoStar‘s applications for a
GSO network using NGSO frequencies.
                Accordinely, EchoStar‘s assertion that ts applications are "nearly
identical" to the application filed by @contact and that @contact‘s application should be
similarly denied is summarily without meri, procedurally, technically and legally. SES
Americom‘s argument regarding similar treatment is equally without merit


                EchoStar argues that an alternative to the Bureau‘s summary denial of its

applications is reinstatement and processing on a first—come, first—served basis."" But this

‘* @contact also provided further technical detail n support of its contingent request
for a waiver of the 28 GHz Band Plan to allow it to operate GSO satellites on a truly
secondary basis in the 18.8—19.3 GHz and 28.6—29.1 GHz bands.

‘"— Report No. SAT—00234 at 2, August 13, 2004. Similarly, EchoStar‘s request for a
rulemaking proceeding to change the frequencyassignments of the GSO FSS band is
more properly addressed in its ptition for reconsideration of the Burea‘s Denial
Decision. EchoStar Petition at 8—9.
‘*—   EehoStar Petition at 7—8. EchoStar‘s error was not a procedural omission of required
information from its applications, but itsfailure to demonstrate compliance with (or
justify a waiver of) the rules. EchoStar‘s subsidiary assertion regarding a major
amendment is inapposite because the subject application is for an NGSO system. As
@contact has described in detail iits Amendment, ts proposed system reduces the
overall required spectrum, reduces the total number of spacecraft, causes no interference
to other NGSO systems, meets EPFD standards, etc. @contact Amendment at 9—11. The
Commission has held on numerous occasions that a change in the orbital architecture of a
non—GSO satelltes system, which "will not increase the potential for harmful interference
to existing or planned systems,"is not a "mejor" amendment under Section 25.1 16 of the
rules. See, e.g., Orbital Communications Corporation, 9 FCC Red 6476, 6481 (1994); id.

is elearly not the proceeding in which to raisethis argument. In its Petition, EchoStar in
fact has offered no justification for denying @contect‘s application, only arguments
endeavoring to resurrect it own defective appliations — arguments misplaced in this
proceeding. As discussed carlier, EchoStar filed to demonstrate non—interference to

NGSO systems in is applications. It also failed to provide such a demonstration during
the entiety ofthe pleading cycle following public notice of its applications and pendency
of the Bureau‘s Denial Decision, when it was on notice ofthe need to doso."" Under
these circumstances, reinstatement is not an available remedy, letalone reinstatement
nune pro tunc. Inded, reinstatement of a defective application would lead to unending
uncertainty in the regulatory process, a result surely of litle benefit to the industryor the

public interest. Interestinely, even in its Petition EchoStar offers no demonstration that
its GSO system would be capable of avoiding harmful interference to NGSO systems
operating in the NGSO bands.
               Finally, as a procedural matter, there are no EchoStar applications
currently on file seeking to use the orbital slots @contact has specified in its NGSO
application because the Bureau denied EchoStar‘s applications for a GSO network based
on EchoStar‘s failure to demonstrate protection to NGSO systems."" Were EchoStar to
refile its applications with the appropriate non—interference showings, it would need to

‘? EehoStar Petition at 5 (claiming it needs an "opportunity® to correct its applications
despite pleadings filed by NGST and Hughes raising that very issue).
**   Contrary to EchoStar‘s characterization thatits denied applications and @contact‘s
application are "similarly—situated," as discussed earlier herein, the Bureau in the end did
not dismiss @contact‘s application but t did deny EchoStar‘s application. The
applications are anything but similazly situated. EchoStar Petiion at 7; Section 1,supre.

protect all NGSO system satellites from harmful interference. If the Commission were to
treat @contact‘s application as containing "GSO"satellites, any refiling ofEchoStar‘s
applications would put EchoSter behind @contact for use of the NGSO bands atthe
83° W.L. and 121° W.L. orbitallocations and thus require dismissal of the newly filed


                EchoStar‘s assertion that its applications are similar to @contact‘s
 application forms the basis of a series of arguments that fail procedurally, technically
 and legally.. Unlike EchoStar, @contact has demonstrated that ts NGSO system will
 not interfere with other systems. Por similar reasons, SES Americom‘s Petition should
 be denied. More importantly, nothing in EchoStar‘s or SES Americom‘s pleading
 provides any justification for denying @contact‘s application.

                                              Respectfully submitted,
                                              contactMEO Commnqications, LLC

                                      /       James M. Talens
                                              6017 Woodlcy Road
                                              MeLan, Virginia 22101
                                              Counselfor contactMEO
                                                    Communications, LLC
David M. Drucker, Manager
contactMEO Communications, LLC
2539 N. Highway 67
Sedalia, CO 80135

September 28, 2004

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, James M. Talens, do hereby certify that on this 28" day of September, 2004, copies of
the foregoing "Opposition to Petitions" were served on the following parties by hand
delivery or United States Postal Service (Indicated by *);

                                                    James M. Talens

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                        Pantelis Michalopoulos®
Federal Communications Commission                   Philip L. Malet
445 12" Street, S.W.                                Lee C. Milstein
Washington, DC 20554                                Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                                    1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Thomas S. Tyez                                      Washington, DC 20036
Satellte Division, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Peter A. Robrbach*
236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE                        Karis A. Hastings
Suite 110                                           Hogan & Hartson LLP.
Washington, DC 20002                                555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20004
Nancy J. Eskenazi®
Vice President &
  Assoc. General Counsel
Four Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
David K. Moskowite®
EchoStar Satellte LLC
9601 South Meridian Boulevard
Englewood, CO 80112

Document Created: 2004-10-06 17:26:17
Document Modified: 2004-10-06 17:26:17

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