Attachment da 05 1955

da 05 1955

ORDER submitted by FCC,IB

da 05 1955


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040428-00085 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                             wa os—19ss

                                             Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20584
In the matter of                                         )
                                                         )       File Nos. $AT—LOA—20040210—00015
EchoStar Satellite LLC                                   )                 SAT—AMD—20040428—00085
Application for Authority to Construct, Launch,         )        Call Sign: 52615
and Operate a Geostationary Satelite Using              )
the Extended Ku—band Frequencies in the                 )
Fixed—Satellite Service at the 101° W.L. Orbital        )

Adopted: July 6, 200                                              Released: July 6, 2005
By the Deputy Chief, Satellite Division, Intemational Bureau:
                                         L.      INTRODUCTION
        1. By this Order, we deny EchoStar Satellite LLC‘s (EchoStar) application to construct,
launch, and operate a satellite at the 101° W.L.. orbital location." As explained below, Mobile
Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV) has first—i—line status under the Commission‘s first—
come,first—served processing procedure? with regard tthe 101° W.L. orbital location
Therefore, pursuant to Section 25.158(b)G)(i)° of the Commission‘s Rules, we deny Echostar‘s

! Thi actiois wihout prejudict two separate Applications for Review filed by EchoStarStelite LLC
Applicaton for Review filed by ichaStarSatelfte LLC on January 26,2005 (chllengingtheTatenational
Burea‘s Dec. 27, 2004 Order, DA 04—1056,affming disnissl of EchoSar‘s101° W.L.extended Ku—band
amended applation, IBFS File Nos, SAT—LOA—20030827—00179 and SATAMD20031 126—00343,as not
substntally complete) and Application for Review fled by Echoar Stelite LLC on October15, 2004
(challenging th InerntionalBureau‘s September15,2004, decision, DA 0t2985,toreinstare MSV‘s amendinent
IBFS File No. SAT—AMD—20040209—0014, o s next genertion system application at 101° W.L. orbtl location}
See Amendment of the Commision‘s Space Sution Licensing Rules and Plicies, ArstReport and Order, 18 FCC
Red. 10760 at 10608 (2003) (*Firr Space Saion Reform Order")
* Mobile Satellte Ventres Subsidiy LLC, Order and Authorizaion, DA 05—1492 (rel. May 23, 2008) (raning
with conditions IBFS File Nos.SAT—LOA—19980702—00066, SAT—AMD—20001214—00171, SAT—AnD20010302—
e0015, SAt—AMD20031 118—00335, SAT—AMD2004020900014, and SAT—AMD20040528—00192) Csv—7
Order")perding Pettionfor Resonsidertion(Clafcation. We note thatboth MSV and EchoStar have fled
petitions regarding the MSV—/ Order. Pestion fo Claifcation and/orReconsidertion filed By EchoStar Satelite
LLLC. on June 22,2005; and PettionforClarieation or PatalReconsideation fled by Mobile Stelte Ventres
Subsidiry LLC on June 22, 2005, Ouractionhee is without prefudice to those pettions.
547 CR §25.158(D(G)() (orecluding granof GSO—lkeapplications ifthe proposed steliwill cause
harmfiinterference tany previously licensed opertions")

                                  Federal Communications Commission                               wa os—19ss

                                           It      BACKGROUND

        2. On February 10, 2004, EchoStar Satelite LLC (choStar), filed an application for
authority to construct, launch, and operate a geostationary (GSO) satelite in the Fixed—Satellite
Service (FSS) using allotted extended Ku—band frequencies (10.7—10.75 GHe and 11.2—1145
GHz downlink; 12.75—13.0 GHz and 13.15—13.2 GHz uplink)at the 101° W.L. orbital location.
Echostar‘s application was second—in—line to the MSV‘s 101° amended application.® EchoStar‘s
application was accepted for filing and placed on public notice on March 26, 2005." Comments
were filed by MSV and EchoStar.
       3. On May 23, 2005, MSV was granted authority to construct, Iaunch, and operate a
second—generation Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) satellte at the 101° W.L.. orbital location.®

                                            I1L,     DISCUSSION

        4.. In its Space Station Licensing Reform Order." the Commission adopted a first—come,
first—served procedure for geostationary satellite orbit (GSO)— like systems.." MSV currently
operates the AMSC—1 MSS satellit atthe 101° W.L. orbit location. As noted above, MSV filed
an application to launch and operate a second—generation satellite at that location using existing
Ku—band feeder link frequencies as well as additional frequencies."" On May 23, 2005, we
released the MSV—1 Order, granting MSV‘s application and authorizing it to Iaunch and operate
MSV—I1, a second—generation L—band MSS satelliteat the 101° W.L. orbit location."* The MSV—1
Order held that MSV had first—in—line status with respect to the additional Ku—band spectrum

* MSV—1 Ontet pra. 16 (MSV s first—inline for all o ts proposed 1000 megaherte offeedernk spectrum ($00
megahert in each direction) under the Commisionsfirs.come, firsserved polcy...").
* Policy Branch InformationSatelite Space Applications Accepted for Filing. Public Noric, Report No. SAT—
00203 (March 26, 200.
" The Comments and Reples file onthe amended application address whethershaing is posie.See Comments
Hiled by MSV on April 26, 2004;Response Fled by EchoStar on May 11,2004, Reply fled by MSV on June 11
204. As note in the MSV.I Order if the partics each an agreement onsharing. w will enertain a request hat
imvolves cofrequency operations. MSV—1 Order atnore 45. We will not, however,retin EchoGuar‘s amended
applieation based upon theasserion thatsharing may be possbleand an agreement wilbe reached to thatrfect in
the futur. We also otethat on June 17, 2005, MSV filed an ex parteter with th Interational Bureau
requesting that Echotar‘sapplicationb disnissedas mutuall exclusive with MSV‘s authorization at 101° W.L.
Leterto Donald Abelson, Chiet, ImermationalBurcau, Federal Communications Commissin from Jennfer A.
Mamer,Vie President, Regulatory Afirs, MobilSatlite Ventures, Subsidary, LLC,dred June 15, 2008;
HichoSta Ailed an ex pareleter on June 232008,respondingto MSV‘sJune 17, 2005 leter. Letter to Malene .
Dorich, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from Pantls Michalopoulos and PhitiL. Malet,
Counselto EchaStar Satelte L L C.dated Jane 23, 2005.
*MSV—1 Order.
* Firt Space Station Reform Order, 18 FCC Red a 10805.
" Th Commisiondefined GSO—lkesatelitesytems as GSO satelites designed to operate withdirectional
aniemas. 47 CER § 25.158 (4.
" While MSV had a replacement expectancy with regardto existing frequencies used on ts AMSC—1 satlite, the
additinalfrequencies MSV requested weresubjectto th fist—come, firt—served procesing procedure. MSV—1
Orderstpar. 16
" See note3, supra

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                ba os—195s

requested by MSV at the 101° W.L. orbital location. Consequently, pursuant to Section 25.158
ofthe Commission‘s rules, we must deny EchoStar‘s application to launch and operate a satellite
at the 101° W.L. orbital location using these same Ku—band fm{lucncics because it would cause
harmful interference to MSV‘s previously licensed operations."
                                        IV.       ORDERING CLAUSES

       5.. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.158(b)G)(i)" of the Commission‘s Rules,
EchoStar‘s application (IBFS File Nos. SAT—LOA—20040210—00015 as amended by SAT—AMD—
20040428—00085) Is DENIED.
        6. This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon adoption. Petitions for reconsideration under
Section 1,106 or applications for review under Section 1115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
C.RR. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the Public Notice announcing
that this action was taken.

                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                    Cassandra C. Thomas
                                                    Deputy Chief, Satellte Division
                                                    International Bureau

" FirsSpace Saion Reform Order,18 PCC Red at pra.113. ("We decidenot to keepsubscquenty Ailed
appliations on file.In other wards if an application reaches thefront of the queue that conlcts witha previously
gramed icense, we will deny th applcaton rathr han keepingthe application on ie in case thead applation
does not construct is sielite system)

Document Created: 2005-07-06 13:35:20
Document Modified: 2005-07-06 13:35:20

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