Attachment letter


REPLY submitted by contactMEO



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040322-00057 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                     6017 Woodley Road          RECEIVED
                                                     MeLean, VA 22101
                                                     May 12, 2005                 MAY 1 2 2005

DELIVE         RY:                                                          FadualConnunicaton Connissen
Ms. Marlene Dortch                                                              H\%TVSH"
Secretary                                                                               c
Federal Communications Commission                                              MAY 1 6 2005
445 12" Street, — S.W.                                                          Poi    ranch
Washington, DC 20554                                                         momaiongd Bureau
                                       Re:   Application of contactMEO Communications, LLC,
                                             File Nos. SAT—AMD—200040322—00057,
                                             Callsign S2346
Dear Ms. Dortch:

         contactMEO Communications, LLC (*@contact"), by its attomey, hereby responds to the
fetter of April 27, 2005 ("April 27 Letter®) from the Chief of the Enginecring Branch of the Satellte
Division of the Commission‘s International Bureau ("Bureau"). In its April 27 Lettr, the Bureau
notes thatthe orbital parameters of@contact‘s proposed system are identical to the orbital
parameters provided by Northrop Grumman Space & Mission System Corporation (°NGST")in its
NGSO FSS Ka—band system application. The Bureau, concerned about the possibility of in—orbit
coilisions between the HEO satellites of the two systems, requests a writen explanation of the
measures @contact intends to take to avoid such collisions. It further asks for information
regarding the steps that have been taken toward coordination between the two systems, as well a
the likelihood of successful coordination of physical operations.
        @contact intends t rely on coordination between the NGST and @contact systems to assure
thati—orbit collisions will not occur. The two parties had a number of technical discussions prior
to March2004 regarding the use of HEO satellites with essentially identical orbital parameters. It
was these discussions that led to the orbital parameters contained in the pending amended
applications of both @contact and NGST. These parameters were chosen to maximize use of the
available spectrum and allow both systems to operate on a full—time basis.

     OFeourse, @contact fully expects to continue to engage in coordination discussions with
NGST to ensure that the two systems* operations are physically compatible.. However,it should be
noted that the nature ofthe system designs should assure that there is no potential for in—orbit
collisions between any @contact and NGST HEO satellites." In any event, @contact and NGST
wili coordinate their systems® orbital parameters as necessary to ensure that the satelltes ofthe
second of the systems to launch will be spaced sufficiently from the satelites of th firs—launched
system to avoid in—orbit collisions.

! Details regarding technical data are contained in NGST‘s response to a lette similar to the
Bureau‘s April 27 Letter. To the extent necessary, these data are incorporated by reference.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
May 12, 2005

        @contact trusts that the foregoing satisfies the Bureau‘s requests in its April 27 Leter. If
there are any questions or ifany further information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact the
                                                     Respectfull    ubmmed

                                         Ja.mcsM Z
                                                     Attorneyfor contactMEO
                                                         Communications, LLC
ce:    Robert Nelson, IB
       Kal Krautkramer, IB

Document Created: 2005-05-18 16:14:28
Document Modified: 2005-05-18 16:14:28

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