Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040322-00057 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                                Washinglon, DC 20554

                                       April 27, 2005
James M. Talens, Esquire
6017 Woodicy Road
MeClean, VA 22101
                                               Re: contactMEO Communications, LLC
                                                   File Nos. SAT—AMD—20040322—00057
                                                   Call Sign $2346

Dear Mr. Talens:

        This leter requests additional information regarding contactMEO
Communications, LLC‘s (contactMEO) above referenced application for a NGSO FSS
system in the Ka—band. The orbital parameters ofcontactMEO‘s proposed system, as
specified in the technical appendix, are identical t the orbital parameters provided by
Northrop Grumman Space &            Mission System Corporation (Northrop) in its NGSO FSS
Ka—band system application." Please provide a writen explanation within 15 days ofthe
date of this letter as to what measures contactMEO intends to take, with respect to the
NGSO FSS component ofthese proposed satellte systems, in order to avoid in—orbit
collisions. If you are relying on coordination ofthe two systems, please indicate what
steps have been takn to contact Northrop, and to ascertain the likelihood of successful
coordination of physical operations.

        This information must be filed with the Commission‘s Secretary before May 12,
2005, with an electronic courtesy copy to Kal Krautkramer of my staf at or hand delivered. Please contact Kal Krautkramer at (202)
418—1335 if you have any questions.

                                                       Robert Nelson
                                                       Satellte Engineering Branch
ce:——   Todd M. Stansbury
        Wiley Rein & Ficlding
‘ contactMBO Communications,LLC application ile No. SAT—AMD—20040322—00057, Technical
Appendixat page 10and Northrop Grimman Space & Mission Systems Corporation aplication, SAT«
AMD:20040312:00030, Technical Apperdix, t page 16.

Document Created: 2005-04-27 14:47:35
Document Modified: 2005-04-27 14:47:35

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