Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by TelAlaska



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040322-00057 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


September 10, 2004                                RECENED & INSPECTED
                                                                                      Lo ca
Michael K. Powell, Chairman                           SEP 1 4 200
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW.                               FCC— MAILROOM                       (meeed
Washington, DC 20554
Re: ContactMEO Communications, LLC; File No. SAT—AMP&cefved                           Es
                                                                   SEP 2 0 z0n        Eyecom Cable
Dear Chairman Powells                                               Poly Branch
                                                                Intemational Bureay
TelAlaska Inc., a well—established Alaskan—owned family of companies                  ee
serving more than 25 Alaska communities, vigorously supports the
application of contactMEO Communications, LLC for authority to
establish and operate an advanced Ka—band satellite network as outlined in
File. No. SAT—AMD—20040322—0057
Our companies, which include Mukluk and Interior Telephone for local
service and NetWorks for advance service, have been challenged for more
than a decade to bring the education, safety, economic, and lifestyle
benefitsof affordable broadband to remote rural Alaska. We believe that
approval of this application could be a milestone in resolving the
impossible economic barrier to providing our customers with the
foundation for realizing the great promise of broadband service.
Companies like ours could build a business case for providing service in
small remote communities without depending solely on public funding.
We have experience and a relationship of trust and confidence with
contactMBEOCommunications and David Drucker. His company is
providing broadcast facilities and Intemet access services to TelAlaska in
such remote locations as Dutch Harbor, King Cove, and Sand Point on
Alaska‘s Aleutian Chain. He has proven an ability to serve our market and
to do so with absolute commitment and determination. Based upon our
experience with this company, TelAlaska is prepared to subscribe to
contactMBO‘s Ka—band services to augment our existing distributions
ContactMEO‘s current programis the most promising we have seen and
we believe the time has long passed to move forward if Alaska‘s needs are
to be met, and its great potential realized for the benefit of Alaskans, our          .I.E | Hlasha
state, and the nation:
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We are strongly supportive ofthis application and encouraged that there may be a means
for us to economically and technically serve the needs of remote rural communities,
especially those where no service is now available
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 254(b)3, guarantees remote high cost
areas of America the same access tothe Internet highway as other Americans who
literally have access to the word via a road system.. We urge you to grant Contact MBO‘s
application on an expeditious basis.

Juck Rhyner, President and Chief Executive Officer

Cc: Commissioner Kathleen Q. Aberathy
Commissioner Michael JH. Copps
Commissioner Kevin J. Marin
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelsetein
Donald Abelson, Chicf, International Bureau
Thomas S. Tyez, Chiet, Satellite Division:

Document Created: 2004-09-29 13:55:21
Document Modified: 2004-09-29 13:55:21

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