Attachment identification


LETTER submitted by SES Americom



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040319-00041 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               HOGAN & HARTSON

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   aon exarer                        November 1, 2004                        m. asn emawe
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    BY HAND DELIVERY                             RECEIVED
                                                  Nov —
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                               1 20              s
    Secretary                               Fedeal Conmnieaton Commuatn   Int‘l Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission             OflectSecntey           Nov a2
    445 12th Street, S.W.                                                        2 2004
    Washington, D.C. 20554                                                Front Offic
                  Re:   Identification of Satellites Co—Located with AMC—9,
                        File No. SAT—AMD—20040319—00041, Call Sign 82434

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  SES AMERICOM, Inc. (‘SES AMERICOM®), by its attorneys, hereby
   provides the report required pursuant to the above—referenced Commission
   authorization, granted September 3, 2004. Specifically, paragraph 10 of the terms
   and conditions of the authorization requires that SES AMERICOM provide a
   written statementidentifying satellites that will be located at or near the assigned
   orbital location of AMC—9 and describing the measures that will be taken to prevent
   in—orbit collisions.

                ‘The Commission has authorized the relocation ofAMC—9 to the
   83° W.L. orbital position. SES AMERICOM is not aware of any other FCC— or non—
   FCC—licensed spacecraft that are operational or planned to be deployed at or near
   83° W.L. whose station—keeping volume would overlap with that of AMC—9.
                 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘s Lincoln Laboratories
   advises SES AMERICOM regarding government spacecraft and other objects that
   approach or mightenter an assigned station—keeping volume of SES AMERICOM‘s
   operational spacecraft. SES AMERICOM coordinates either through Lincoln Labs
   or the other Commercial Satellite Operator with respect to any actions that are
   appropriate at those times to avoid anyrisk of collision.

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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 1, 2004
Page 2

               Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the
                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                          /R /Z %
                                        Karis A. Hastings
                                        Counsel for SES AMERICOM, Inc.
cc:   Karl Kensinger
      Robert Nelson
      Dianc Garfield

Document Created: 2004-11-09 15:23:43
Document Modified: 2004-11-09 15:23:43

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