Attachment DISMISS


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20040312-00031 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, UC 20554
    International Bureau

                                                                                                           DA 04-1387

                                                     May 18,2004

Mr. Peter Hadinger
Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation
1000 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209

                           Re:     Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation Proposed Ka-
                                   BandN-Band Hybrid Fixed Satellite Service Network:
                                       Application and Amendments to Application for Authority to Operate a
                                       Global Satellite System Employing Geostationary and Non-geostationary
                                       Satellites in the Fixed Satellite Service - File Nos.
                                          SAT-LOA-19970904-00080, SAT-AMD-19971222-00219, SAT-
                                          AMD-2003 1104-00324, SAT-AMD-20040312-00030 (S2254)
                                       Applications and Amendments to Applications For Authority to Operate a
                                       Geostationary Satellite in the Fixed Satellite Service - File Nos.
                                          SAT-LOA-19970904-00081, SAT-AMD-20040312-00032 (S2256)
                                          SAT-LOA-19970904-00082, SAT-AMD-20040312-00033 (S2257)
                                          SAT-LOA-19970904-00083, SAT-AMD-20040312-00034 (S2258)
                                          SAT-LOA-19970904-00084, SAT-AMD-20040312-00031 (S2255)

Dear Mr. Hadinger:

        On March 12,2004, Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation (Northrop Grumman)
filed amendments to pending satellite applications for authority to launch and operate non-geostationary satellite
orbit (NGSO) satellites and geostationary-orbit (GSO) satellites as part of a proposed Ka-BandN-Band hybrid
fixed satellite service (FSS) network, referred to as the Global EHF Satellite Network (GESN). Northrop
Grumman filed these amendments in response to the Commission's January 29,2004 Public Notice inviting
existing V-Band applicants to amend pending applications to conform to the Commission's revised V-Band

        Section 25.1 14(c) of the Commission's rules2requires all space station applicants, to submit all
applicable items of information listed in its subsections. In the First Space Station Reform Order,3 the

  See International Bureau Invites Applicants to Amend Pending V-BandApplications, DA 04-234, Report No. SPB-199
(rel. January 29, 2004).

'47 C.F.R. 4 25.1 14(c).
 Amendment of the Commission's Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and Further Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 02-34, 18 FCC Rcd 10760,10852 (para. 244) (2003) (First Space Station Reform
Order);International Bureau To Streamline Satellite And Earth Station Processing, Public Notice, Report No. SPB- 140,
October 28, 1998 (emphasizing the obligation to comply with 47 C.F.R. § 24.114(c) and stating that applications that did
not comply would be dismissed).

Commission affirmed the policies embodied in this rule by continuing to require applications to be substantially
complete when filed.4 As the Commission noted, the procedures and rules it adopted will enable the
Commission to establish satellite licensees’operating rights clearly and quickly, and as a result, allow licensees
to provide service to the public much sooner than might be possible under our previous licensing procedure^.^
Finding defective applications acceptable for filing is not consistent with the rules and policies adopted by the
Commission in the First Space Station Reform Order and only serves to create uncertainty and inefficiency in
the licensing process.

        Northrop Grumman states in the technical appendix6for each of the amendments it filed on March 12,
2004, that the technical information contained in the amendments “replaces, in its entirety, the technical
information” in the initial applications. However, in each case, Northrop Grumman failed to submit a two-
degree spacing interference analysis for its GSO FSS network operating in the 37.5-42.0 GHz and 47.2-50.2
GHz frequency bands (V-Band) as required by Section 25.140@)(2) of the Commission’s rules.’ Consequently,
the amendments as well as the underlying applications are defective with respect to the V-band portion of each
GSO FSS application under Section 25.1 14(b)8of the Commission’s rules, and must be returned pursuant to
Section 25.1 12(a).9

        Accordingly, we dismiss, to the extent indicated, the following amendments and underlying

              File No.               Location/              Proposed Spectrum                     Reason for Dismissal
                                     Call Sign
                                                                                               Incomplete: Interference
                                     119”W.L.     Up-Link: 47.2-50.2 GHz (Gateway): V-Band     study not provided. 47 CFR
                                     (~2255)      Down-Link: 37.5-42 GHz (Gateway): V-Band
SAT-LOA-19970904-00084                                                                         $9 25.114(b), 25.140(b)(2)
                                                                                               Incomplete: Interference
SAT-AMD-20040312-00032                89” W.L.    Up-Link: 47.2-50.2 GHz (Gateway): V-Band     study not provided. 47 CFR
                                      (5322.56)   Down-Link: 37.5-42 GHz (Gateway): V-Band
SAT-LOA-19970904-00081                                                                         Q Q 25.1 14(b), 25.140(b)(2)
                                                                                               Incomplete: Interference
SAT-AMD-20040312-00033                15” E.L.      Up-Link: 47.2-50.2 GHZ (Gateway): V-Band   study not provided. 47 CFR
SAT-LOA-19970904-00082                ( ~ 2 2 5 7 ) Down-Link 37.5-42 GHz (Gateway): V-Band    $6 25.114(b), 25.140@)(2)

 First Space Station Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10852 (para. 244), citing Space Station Reform NPRM, 17 FCC Rcd at
3875 (para. 84).
    First Space Station Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10765-66 (para. 4).
    See Page 1 in the Technical Appendix for Application File Numbers SAT-AMD-20040312-00030, SAT-AMD-20040312-
00031, SAT-AMD-20040312-00032, SAT-AMD-20040312-00033, and SAT-AMD-20040312-00034.
 47 C.F.R. 6 25.140(b)(2). See also Clarification of 47 C.F.R. 25.140(b)(2) Space Station Application Interference
Analysis, Public Notice In re Int’l Bureau Satellite Div. Info, 2003 WL 22850140 (F.C.C., Dec 03,2003) (NO. DA 03-

* 47 C.F.R. 6 25.1 14(b).
    47 C.F.R. 0 25.1 12(a).


                                                                                                   Incomplete: Interference
S A T - A M D - ~ O O12-00034
                      ~O~             1 16.50         Up-Link: 47.2-50.2 GHZ (Gateway): V-Band
                                                      Down-Link 37.5-42 GHz (Gateway): V-Band
                                                                                                   study not provided. 47 CFR
SAT-LOA-19970904-00083                 E.L.                                                        $8 25.1 14(b), 25.140(b)(2)

        We note, however, that the following amendments and underlying applications relating to orbit
locations 89" W.L. and 116" E.L., to the extent indicated, are complete and will be placed on Public Notice.

                               File No.                    Location/               Proposed Spectrum
                                                           Call Sign
                   SAT-LOA-19970904-0008 1                  89" W.L.    Up-Link:          28.35-28.6 GHz (Primary)
                                                                                          29.25-29.5 GHz (Primary)
                   SAT-AMD-20040312-00032                   (s2256) Down-Link:            18.3-18.8 GHz (Primary)
                   SAT-LOA-19970904-00083                    116.5" Up-Link               28.35-28.6 GHz (Primary)
                   SAT-AMD-20040312-00034                     E.L.                        29.25-30 GHz (Primary)
                                                            (~2258) Down-Link:            18.3-18.8 GHz (Primary)
                                                                                          19.7-20.2GHz (Primary)

         We also dismiss the amendments and underlying application filed by Northrop Grumman for NGSO
satellites that will operate in highly-elliptical orbits (HEO) and in GSO orbit locations at 119" W.L., 89" W.L., 15"
E.L., and 116.5' E.L. The orbital debris mitigation plan submitted by Northrop Grumman states that its HE0
satellites "will have their perigee altitude lowered to less than 250 km such that the satellite will re-enter the
atmosphere in less than 25 years.'''o Under the Commission rules, each NGSO FSS applicant must "submit a
casualty risk assessment if planned post-mission disposal involves atmospheric reentry of the spacecraft." 47
C.F.R. 25.145(~)(3).Northrop Grumman failed to include this risk assessment as part of its orbital debris
mitigation plan statement in each of the amendments or the underlying application. Because Northrop
Grumman has failed to include this risk assessment, we find the amendments and the underlying application
unacceptable for filing, and therefore dismiss, without prejudice to refiling, the following NGSO FSS
application and related amendments:

             File No.                Location                        Proposed Spectrum                    Reason for Dismissal
SAT-AMD-20040312-00030             3 proposed             Up-Link:     28.6-29.1 GHz (Primary)           Incomplete orbital debris
SAT-AMD-20031104-00324             NGSOmEO                             29.5-30 GHz (Secondary)           mitigation plan - failure
                                                                       47.2-50.2 GHZ (Gateway): V-Band   to provide casualty risk
SAT-AMD-19971222-00219                          and
                                                          Down-Link:   18.8-19.3 GHz (Primary)           assessment 47 CFR 5
SAT-LOA-19970904-00080              proposed                           19.7-20.2 GHz (Secondary)
                                   GSO satellites                      37.5-42 GHz (Gateway): V-Band     25.145(~)(3)

        We also note, however, that Northrop Grumman proposes to operate its GSO satellites using NGSO
spectrum, on a secondary, non-harmful interference basis to other NGSO satellite systems. Northrop
Grumman's proposed uplink band, 28.6-29.1 GHz is designated to NGSO FSS on a primary basis and GSO FSS
on a secondary basis.'' In considering requests to operate on a secondary basis, the Commission has always
required applicants to demonstrate that their proposed secondary operations are not likely to cause interference
to primary operations. Northrop Grumman did not submit any technical showing demonstrating that its
proposed GSO satellites can operate compatibly with other NGSO FSS systems.

lo   Northrop Grumman NGSO application, SAT-AMD-20040312-00030, FCC Form 3 12, Exhibit G.
   Stations operating in primary services are protected from interference from stations of secondary services. Stations
operating in the secondary service cannot cause harmful interference or claim protection from harmful interference from
stations of a primary service. 47 C.F.R. 4 2.104(d).


         Northrop Grumman also requested a waiver to operate GSO satellites in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band (space-
to-Earth). This spectrum is designated for NGSO FSS only. A request to waive this rule and operate GSO
satellites in this spectrum would have to, among other things, show that the proposed use would not undermine
the policy objective of the rule in question, which establishes a dedicated band for NGSO FSS use on a primary
basis to encourage the development of such systems. Also, the applicant must submit a technical showing
demonstrating that its proposed GSO satellites can operate compatibly with other NGSO FSS systems.
Northrop Grumman did not submit such showings. To date, no GSO applicant has demonstrated that it can
operate on a non-harmful interference basis to NGSO operations and, consequently, the Commission has not
authorized GSO FSS operations in spectrum designated for NGSO FSS services.12

        Accordingly, to the extent Northrop Grumman failed to submit information and did not request a
waiver, we find the applications, as amended, defective. Consequently, Application File Nos. SAT-AMD-
20040312-00030, SAT-AMD-20031104-00324, SAT-AMD-19971222-00219, SAT-LOA-19970904-00080,
SAT-AMD-20040312-00031, SAT-LOA-19970904-00084; SAT-AMD-20040312-00033, and SAT-LOA-
19970904-00082are dismissed in whole and Application File Nos. SAT-AMD-20040312-00032, SAT-LOA-
19970904-00081, SAT-AMD-20040312-00034, and SAT-LOA-19970904-00083 are dismissed in p a d 3 without
prejudice to refiling.14

                                                                                                S    T         W
                                                                                  Thomas S. Tycz
                                                                                  Satellite Division

cc:      Mr. Stephen D. Baruch
         Leventhal Senter & Lerman
         2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
         Washington, D.C. 20006

  See EchoStar Satellite LLC, Applications for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Geostationary Satellites in the
Fixed-Satellite Service using the Ka and/or Extended Ku-bands at the 83" W.L., 105' W.L., 113" W.L. and 121" W.L.
Orbital Locations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 04-1 167 (rel. April 29,2004), and cases cited therein.
  As noted, GSO applications and amendments for Ka-Band authorization at the 89" W.L. (SAT-LOA-19970904-00081,
SAT-AMD-20040312-00032) and 116.5" E.L.(SAT-LOA-19970904-00084,         SAT-AMD-20040312-00031) orbit locations
are not dismissed, and will be placed on public notice.
  Generally, applications returned to applicants for additional information will not require an additional fee when
resubmitted if the resubmitted application is identical to the returned application except for the missing information. See 47
C.F.R. 9 1.1109(d).


Document Created: 2004-05-18 11:03:50
Document Modified: 2004-05-18 11:03:50

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