Attachment O&A

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20031205-00347 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                                DA 05—50

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commision
                                       Washington, D.C. 20584

 In the Matter of                                  )
 Mobile Satellite Ventures                         )        File No. SAT—LOA—20030827—00174
 Subsidiary LLC                                    )        File No. SAT—AMD—20031205—00347
                                                   )        File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021
 Application for Authority to Launch               )        Call Sign 82487
 And Operate an L—band Mobile                      )
 Satellte Service Satelliteat 63.5°                )
 wiL                                               )
                                        Order and Authorization

 Adopted: January 10, 2005                                                    Released: January 10, 2005
 By the Chief, Intemational Bureau:

                                        1       INTRODUCTION
        1. By this Order, we authorize Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV) to
launch and operate an L—band‘ Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) satellite, known as MSV—2, at
63.5° W.L. to provide service within South America and between South America and the United
States." Grant of this application will allow MSV to expand its MSS offerings to include South
America, increasing competition in the global MSS markeiplace to the benefit of US.
                                        1.       BACKGROUND
       2. MSV is the successor to Motient Services, Inc. (Motient, formerly known as AMSC
Subsidiary Corporation)." It is authorized to operate the U.S—licensed L—band MSS satellit,

! The "L—band" ia general desigation fo requenciesfrom 1 to 2 GiHz. Inthis Order and Authorizarion, however,
the term "L—band" denotesonly the 1583—1559 itz and 16%6.5—1660.5 MHz frequency bands (upper L—band) and
the 1525—1544 MH and 16265—1645.5 Mfequency bands (ower L—band).
* MSV amended is pplicationto operateatthe 63.5° W.L. orbit location instead of the $2° W.L. orbt ocation
originally proposed. See Anendnent, File No. S47AMD—20031205—00347, MSV furter amended ts application
to make thfllowing changes to thetechnical parametersofthsatelite: () increase the ize of the L—band service
link antenna;(i) increase equivalent isoropically radited power (.p.) ofthe satelite;(i) increase the porental
mumber of Lband spot beame; and (i) modify the bascline air inerface protocol from GMR only to GMR—2
(satelite adaptation of GSM), S—dma2000 (stelte adapration of edma2000), and SW—CDMA (sutelite adaptaion
of W—CDMA)}. MSV sttes thatit has included revised nk badgetsto reflct the changes. According to MSV,
these changes will make th technicl parameters of ts proposed satelite for service to South America consistent
with the technical parameters of its proposed replacement satelite for service to North America. See MSV
Applicaion File No. SAT— AMD—20040227.00021 at 1—2
> AMSC is the only entiy the Commisson authorized to aunch and opertea U.S. MSS sytem operitingin the L~
band. In November 2001, the Commissionapproved tapplication ofMotint and TMI Communicationsand
Company, Limited Pariership (TML) to consolidte ther U.S.L—band MSS opertions in new company called

                                Federal Communications Commission                                DA 05—50

 AMSC—1.‘.It also holds a blanket license for mobile earth terminals (METs) that access both
 AMSC—1 and MSAT—1 (the Canadian—authorized L—band MSS satellite)" Through these
 facilities, MSV provides land, maritime, and acronautical MSS, including voice and data service,
 throughout the contigyous United States, Alaska, Hawail, the Virgin Islands, and coastal areas up
 to 200 miles offshore."
         3. MSV proposes to launch and operate its MSV—2 satellte to serve South America from
the 63.5° W.L. orbital location, utilizing the L—band frequencies at 1525—1559 MHz (space—to—
 Earth) and 1626.5—1660.5 MHz (Barth—to—space) for service links.. Italso proposes to operate
 feeder links, tracking, telemetry, and control (TT&C), and gateway—to—gateway communication
 links in the 10.7—10.95 GHZ and 11.2—11.45 GHz bands (space—to—Earth) and the 12.75—13.25
GHz band (Earth—to—space)." MSV proposes to use MSV—2 to provide basic voice and data MSS
and high—speed packet data MSS to South America, including public safety services." According
to MSV, permitting it to launch and operate MSV—2 will increase competition to consumers in
South America and will enable it to better compete in the global MSS marketplace. MSV notes
that Inmarsat,Irdium, and Globalstar are among the MSS providers that provide MSS in both
North and South America.

       4. Although MSV—2 will be placed in a geostationary satellite orbit (GSO), MSV
acknowledges that the L—band portion ofits satelite will provide MSS, and thus its satellte is
considered "non—gcostationary—satellte—orbit—like" (NGSO—like) for processing purposes.. This
means that its L—band request would be considered in a modified processing round. where
competing appliations are invited andconsidered concurrently, under the rules adopted in the
Space Station Licensing Reform Order." MSV states that ts application should not be subject to
a modified processing round because it proposes to provide service to South America using only
the L—band frequencies that the Commission has already coordinated and authorized for MSV‘s
North American system. To the extent deemed necessary, MSV requests a waiver of the
Mobile Satelite Ventires LP (MSV LP}. See Motiet Sevices Inc, TMI Communications and Company LP,and
Mobile Stelite Ventires LLC, Order and duthorizaion,16 FCC Red 20469 (it. Bu. 2001).
+ Amendment of Pat 2,22, 25 ofthe Commisson‘s Rulesto Allocte Spectrum forand to Establish Rules and
Polices Periaining to the Useof Frequencis a Land Mobile Satelite Srviceforthe Provisionof Various Common
Carier Sevices4 FCC Red 6041 (1989)
* AMSC Subsidiry Compontion 13 ECC Red 12316 (1999).
*MSV Applcation File No. SAT—LOA—2000827.00174 a 3.
" The term "Feede nk"refrs t fixed—stelit serviceradi inks caryingsignals in both directionsbetween a
MSS stelitand gateway earth stations. The gateway carth sations connectthe MSS system with other netvorks,
such as the public switched elephone network
* MSV states that it will provide generic network services such as asset trcking, voice mail Short Message
Serviees), cell broadcastservice(o,and mostother GSMICDMA supplementay servics,including support to Law
Enforeement Agencies. Cstomer supportfeatures, such asdirectory and operatorassstanc, redit card caling, and
emergency referalwll be provided asrequired. Mostnew sevicesto be provided by the ystem willbe bsed on
highapeed packetdata mades,eapable ofproviding mult—media ntrconnection to the Itemeto other public and
private dta networks, web surfing,telecommuting, ntesctive services, FTP, and other egional onational high—
qualiy dats muli—castingservies. See MSV Application File No SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 9.
* Amendment othe Commission‘s Space Sttion Licensing Rulesand Policies, Arst Report and Order and Further
Notce ofProposed Rulemaking, TB Docket No. 02—34, 18 ECC Red 10760, 10782.90, paras 48—67 (2003)(Space
Staron Licensing Reform Order}

                                Federal Communications Commission                               DA 05—50

 Commission‘s processing round requirement for its L—band operations.. In contrast, MSV states
 that ts proposed feeder links are considered "GSO—like" since feeder links, by definition, involve
 transmissions to and from the satelite via a fixed central "gateway" earth station. Accordingly,
 MSV argues that its feeder link request should be considered under the Commission‘s first—come,
 first.served. process applicable to "GSO—like" satellites." MSV also requests a waiver of
 footnote NG104 of Section 2.106 ofthe Commission‘s rules, which requires the 10.7—10.95 GHz
 and 11.2—11.45 GHz frequency bands to be used for international service only, so that it can use
 these frequencies for both domestic feeder links and TT&C.""
         5. MSV further requests a waiver of Section 25.165(a) of the Commission‘s rules,""
which requires the posting of a bond within 30 days of the grant of a satellite authorization.
MSV notes that it plans to provide public safety services which the Commission said in the
Space Station Licensing Reform Order could qualify for a waiver of the bond requirement. *
Finally, MSV requests a waiver of our station keeping rules set forth in Section 25.210(),!!
which requires that GSO space stations be maintained within 0.05° of their orbital longitude.""
We placed MSV‘s application on public notice and no comments were fled.
                                         ui.      DISCUSSION

        A.         Processing Procedure

         6.. In its Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the Commission established a modified
processing round procedure for "NGSOlike" satellte systems. The Commission defined NGSO—
like satellite systems as those in which the earth station has little or no directivity towards a
satellite so that the earth station must track the satellite in all directions, such as hand—held
satellite telephones.Based on this definition, we consider MSV—2‘s L—band service link as an
NGSO—like system for the purpose ofdetermining whether a processing round is required.
        7. Under a modified processing round framework, we place the first—filed application on
public nouce and invite parties to file other potentially competing applications by a specified out—
off date."" We consider all applications filed by the cut—off concurrently. The Commission then
issues licenses by dividing the available spectrum equally among the qualified applicants.""

" Space Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 ECC Red at10804—18, paas. 108—50.
" MSV Application File No. SAT—LOA—20030827—00174 at 23.
"arcr® 525.1650)
"MSV Application File No. SAT—AMD—20031205—00347 at , itng Space Station Reform Onder, 18 FCC Red at
10825, paa. 169.
"arcr® 5252100
©* see Mitiation of Orbial Dcbris, Second Report and Order, 1B Docket No. 02—54, 19 ECC Red 11567 (2004)
(Orkial Debris Order)
" Space Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 ECC Red at 1073, par. 21.
" Space Staion Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Red at10782—83, par. 48
" Space Surion Licensing Reform Onde, 18 FCC Red at 10782:43, par. 48. This is because omnidiectionl
antemas such as those used in NGSO systems and GSO MSS systems, cannot servethe same geographic areas in
the same frequencies without causing mutoal harmfilinterference. "The processing round approsch ths ensures

                               Federal Communications Commission                               DA 05—50

       8. MSV, however, is not secking a license to use any additional L—band spectrum.
Rather, MSV—2 will use the same L—band frequencies as those on which AMSC—1 is licensed.
When the Commission receives NGSO—like applications that seck to use the same frequencies
for which that applicant is already licensed, it processes that request immediately without
 instituting a modified processing round." We find that MSV‘s request to use MSV—2 to serve
South America does not warrant a different result. We will not initate a modified processing
round to award U.S.—L—band "South American" licenses in the same bands in which AMSC—I is
operating. As a practical matter, any NGSO—like satellite serving South America in the bands
licensed to AMSC—1 is likely to cause harmful interference to AMSC—I‘s North American
operations. This is because, in this case, the large North American and South American
coverage areas are in close proximity to each other and, indeed, are likely to overlap. Thus,
geographic separation is not sufficient to limit co—frequency interference between multiple
NGSO—like systems serving each of these areas. The Commission has said it will not consider
applications for new systems where the new system‘s operations would cause interference to
Hicensed systems."" Thus, we would not license another U.S. system to operate in the same
frequencies as AMSC—1. Further, if we do not allow MSV to expand its coverage into South
America, we would be preventing a U.S—licensed system from providing L—band service in this
region altogether. In addition, operations by MSV in South America can be self:eoordinated to
limit interference into MSV‘s North America service. Consequently, we will waive the modified
processing round requirement for NGSO—like systems in this situation and will award MSV
authority to construct and launch an NGSO—like satellite to serve South America in the L—band if
it is otherwise qualified.
         9. We agree with MSV that is request for Ku—band fixed—satellite service feeder links is
governed by the first—come first—served policy for GSO—like satellites set forth in First Space
Station Licensing Reform Order. There are no prior requests to use these Ku—band frequencies at
the 63.5° W.L. orbit location and there are no nearby satellites using these frequencies with
which MSV—2 might interfere.. Consequently, we will grant MSV license to operate on these
frequencis ifit is qualiied
        B.      Legal Qualifications

        10. In considering applications to launch and operate a new satellite system, we must
determine whether a grant will serve the public interest. In making this determination, we
consider whether the applicant is legally, technically and otherwise qualified to launch and
operate the satellite.. As the designated U.S. L—band licensee, the Commission has determined
that MSV possesses the requisite legal qualifications to hold a Commission license.

multiple competive systems. In contast, GSO—liksystems, which use directional antemnas, can provide co—
frequency,co—coverageservice at orbitl spacings of25. This, in isef allows for muliple systems.
© See, e , Applcation of EarthWatch, n., Order and Authorization, 12 FCC Red 21627 Catd Bur. 197) (Bureau
wrated applcationto add two NGSO steles to an authorized two—satlite NGSO system, where no additonal
frequencies were requested, asa modification o the ntal NGSO license).
® pace Staion Licensing Reform Order,18 ECC Red at10806,para. 113.

                                Federal Communications Commission                               DA 05—50

       €.         Technical Qualifications

               1. East—West Station Keeping Tolerance
         11.      MSV requests a waiver of Section 25.210() of the Commission‘s rules,"" which
requires that GSO space stations be maintained within 0.05° of their assigned orbital longitude in
the eastwest direction, unless specifically authorized by the Commission to operate with a
different longitudinal tolerance, and except as provided in Section 25.283(b) (end—oflife
disposal) of the Commission‘s rules." MSV secks to operate within 0.10° of its orbital
longitude.""     According to MSV, a waiver is justified because there are no nearby satellites to
which MSV—2‘s operations could cause interference."* In addition, MSV states that the costs of
complying with a £0.05° east—west station keeping tolerance (such as increased fuel to maintain a
tighter tolerance) outweigh any purported benefits."
         12. The Commission may grant a waiver for good cause shown."®. Waiver is appropriate
if (1) special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule, and (2) such deviation
would better serve the public interest than would strict adherence to the general rule.""
Generally, the Commission may grant a waiver of its rulesin a particular case only if the relief
requested would not undermine the policy objective of the ule in question, and would otherwise
serve the public interest.""       MSV states that a waiver is justified because there are no other
satelltes at that location to which it could cause interference. MSV‘s analysis, however, is
limited to those systems that are operating co—frequency with the MSV spacecraft and does not
include other spacecraft that are not co—frequeney, but that may be impacted by the extended
station keeping box. Without this additional information, we are not able to conclude that the
public interest justifies a waiver, given the potential impact on the operations of other satellites.
Accordingly, we deny MSV*s waiver request
           13. Although we deny MSV‘s request, we do so without prejudice to MSV requesting a
modification of its lcense to permit its satellte to be maintained within a 0.10° station keeping
box. In support of such a modification request, MSV should provide information regarding the
identty of known satellites located at, or planned to be located at the location proposed by MSV,
or assigned a location in the vicinity such that the station—keeping volume of the respective
satellites might overlap. MSV need not address every. filing. with. the Intemnational
Telecommunication Union (ITU) that meets these criteria, but should assess and address any
systems reflected in ITU filings that are in operation or that MSV believes may be progressing
toward launch, eg., by the system being listed on a launch vehicle manifest. In the event an
"arcrR. 5252100
" 47 CER. § 25283 (. See also Orbial Debris Order, 19 FCC Red 11567,
"MSV Appleation File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 41. We constru this request as on to maintain the
MSV stelite within 0.1° ofts assigned orbitl longitude, asassessed atth nodal poinofhe orbit.
°* MSV Applicaion File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 ar d1
"MSV Application File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 41—42.
®47 CER. § 13. See aso WATT Radiov. FCC, 418 R2d 1153 (D.C. Ci. 1969) (HAITRadio); NotheasCollar
   Co.v. RCG, 897 F2d 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (Norheast Celtar)
*"See Northast Celider,597 F.2d at166.
* see WATTRadio, 418 F2d at 1157

                                   Federal Communications Commission                              Da 05—50

overlap is indicated, MSV should identify the measures it would take to avoid in—orbit collisions
with such satelites."
             2. North—South Station Keeping Tolerance
           14. To save station keeping fuel, MSV requests authority to operate MSV—2 with an
initial north—south inclination®" of as much as six degrees."". This inclination would decrease
under the influence of gravitational forces of the sun and moon, and then would begin to
increase, thereby fluctuating between about one and six degrees during the expected life of the
satellite. MSV states that its satellte will operate consistent with the requirements for inclined
orbit satellites set forth in Section 25.280."" We will grant MSV‘s request. We note, however,
that granting this request creates a potentil for harmful interference between MSV—2s Ku—band
operations and Ku—band NGSO fixed—satellte service (FSS) satellites. Pursuant to TTU Radio
Regulations GSO satellites, such as MSV—2, are protected against interference from NGSO FSS
satellites operating in the same band provided that GSO satellite‘s north—south inclination is 4.5°
or less."" Thus, during those periods in which MSV—2 will operate at an inclination ofup to 4.5°,
MSV‘s network will be fully protected from interference from NGSO FSS networks."" During
the periods in which MSV—2 will operate at an inclination more than 4.59, its operations will not
be protected. We expect MSV to coordinate its operations at these higher inclinations with

* Regardiess of wheher MSV secks such moifiction, we are following our standard practice of requiring
submission of information regarding methods that willbe used to avoid colisions with other spacecrft operting
within the = 08° sttion keeping volume. See pars. S3 i.
" The incliation of an orbt is t angle between the orbial plane and the Earth‘s equtoril plane, measured
counterelockaise. A zero inciation orbit would mean the stelite is orbiting directly over the equator; an
inclinaton 090 degrees is a perfecty polarorbit
* MSV Appleation File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 ar 42
"arcrn 525280
"* See Article 22.51, Table 224A
" see Amendment of ts 2 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Permit Operation of NGSO FSS Systems Co—
frequeneyWith GSO and Temestial Systems in the Ku—Band Frequency Range, Arst Report and Order and
FurtherNotice ofProposedRulemaking, 16 ECC Red 4096 (2000), t 4143—44.

                                Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 05—50

Hicensed NGSO ESS operators. Absent a coordination agreement, we require MSVs operation at
inclinations between 4.5° and 6° to be on a non—interference basis."

             3. L—band Operations
                 a. Introduction

       15. MSV—2 will have separate antenna systems for the service and feeder links. The L—
band service link antenna will use a 24—meter reflector with approximately 400 spot beams for
coverage of the South America. It proposes to operate in the 1525—1559 MH downlink and
1626.5—1660.5 MHz uplink frequency bands, with mobile units operating in South America.
Under the Interational Table of Frequency Allocations, the 1525—1535 MHz band is allocated
on a co—primary basis to MSS and the Space Operation Service in Region 2."" The 1535—1559
MHz and 1626.5—1660 MHz bands are allocated on a primary basis to MSS. ‘The 1660—1660.5
MHz band is allocated on a co—primary basis to MSS and the Radio Astronomy Service.". In
addition to these co—primary allocations, there are a number of footnotes to the International
Table of Frequency Allocations that place additional constraints on MSV‘s operation in portions
of these bands.. We discuss these in tum
                b. Co—Primary Allocation for the Space Operations Service
        16. As noted, both the 1.5 GHz downlink band and 1.6 GHz uplink band are allocated on
a co—primary basis to MSS and the Space Operations Service in Region 2. Because, however,all
L—band user terminals will transmit from South America and no user terminals within the United
States will operate with MSV—2, we need not impose additional conditions on MSV—2 with
respect to the 1626.5—1660.5 MHz receive bands on the satellite. Rather, we remind MSV that
L—band terminals must operate in accordance with laws of the jurisdiction in which they will
operate. We also remind MSV that it must coordinate with existing Space Operations Service
stations in the 1525—1559 MHz band under the ITU Radio Regulations and that its operations are
not entitled to any protection from interference unti t has completed coordination.

                 c. Passive Research for Extraterrestrial Emissions
        17. Further, according to Footnote 5.341 of the ITU Radio Regulations, some countries
are conducting passive research in the 1525—1559 MHz band to search for intentional emissions
of extraterrestril origin." The use of the 1525—1559 MHz band by the mobile—satellte service is
subject to coordination under Article No. 9.11A of the ITU Radio Regulations."‘ Thus, we
require MSV to coordinate its MSS operations in good faith with passive research operations

" We also note that, tth extent MSV‘s planned operations i inclined orbitar impacted by deniao ts request
for waiver of the eas—west station keeping requirement, MSV will need toseek modifiction of ts authoriztion to
reflect any change in planned openations.
"* For the allocation of requenciesthe Interational Telecommunication Union (ITU) has divded the world into
three regions. Region includes Northand South America. See 47 CB.R. §2.104.
"4rcrR 210
© Intemational Footote 5.341 to Section 2.106 ofthe Commission‘sules, 47 CF.R. §2.106.
"* See Inermationl Footmote 5.354 t Section 2106 of the Commision‘s mles, 47 CER. §2.106

                                Federal Communications Commission                                DA 05—50

 being conducted by other countries. Further, any radio station authorization for. which
 coordination has not been completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as
 required to effect coordination of the frequency assignments of other administrations.""
                 d. Maritime and Acronautical Mobile—Satellite Distress Communications

         18. International Footote 5.353A ofthe ITU Radio Regulations states that MSS systems
operating in the 1530—1544 and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz frequency bands maynot interfere with
maritime mobile—satellite (MMSS) distress, urgency, and safety communications that are also
provided in these frequencies. Interational Footnote .353A protects MMSS distress, urgency,
and safety communications, such as Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by
providing priority access and realtime preemptive capability for GMDSS communications.
Domestically, to ensure MSS compliance with the provisions of Foomote US315, which is
similar to Intemational Footnote 5.353A, the Commission established priority access and
preemption standards and policies for the Mobile—Satelite Service in this band and incorporated
these standards into its rules. °*
         19. Further, mobile—satellite service operators must comply with Intemational Footnote
5.357A of the ITU Radio Regulations for operations in the 1545—1555 MHz and 1646.5—1656.5
MHz frequency bands and with Interational Footnote 5.362A" of the ITU Radio Regulations
for operations in the 1555—1559 MHz and 1656.5—1660.5 MHz bands. These foomotes provide
that the aeronautical mobile—satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S) shall have priority access and
immediate availability over all other MSS operations. AMS(R)S is a mobile satellite service
using mobile terminals on—board aireraft. This service can be used to support domestic and
interational air traffc, including air traffic control. The (R) indicates that the spectrum is used
for aeronutical communications related to the safety and regularity of flights primaily along
national and intemational civil air routes. Further, MSS systems operating on these bands may
not cause unacceptable interference to, or claim protection from, acronautical mobile—satelite
(R) service communications with priority 1 to 6 in Article 44 of the TTU Radio Regulations.""
        20. Although no METs in the United States will communicate with MSV—2, MSV must
still comply with the Commission‘s rules regarding priority access and real—time preemption
because MSV‘s Satellite Ground Station Subsystem (GSS) and Mobile Switching Center (MSC)
© See 47 CER §25.1110)
°* Estblising Rulesand Policiesfor the use ofSpectrim for Mobile Satelite Services in the Upper and Lower L—
Band, Report and Order,17 BGC Red 2704 (2002).
°* Inrerational Footrote .362A to Section2.106 ofthe Commission‘s ules sates: "In the United Sutesin the
unds 1553—1550 Mitz and 1656.5—1660. Mitz,the acronautcal mobilsutelite(R) serviceshall have priority
accessand immedite availailty,by pre—mption if necessary, over llother mobilesatlite communications
operating withina network. Mobilesatelitesystems shullnot cause unacceptabl nterference o,o caim
protetion from, seronsuticl mobile—satelit (R)service communications wth prionty 1 to in Aricle 44. Account
shallbe taken ofthepriony osfet—related communications n the other mabile—steliteservces." Similar
Janguage is containd in Footote US208 to Setion 2.106 ofthe Commisson‘s mles, 47 CF.R. §2.106.
"* Article 44.1 of he ITU‘s Radio Repulations sets the order o prioiy for communication in the acronauticl
mobile service and seronmutcal mobilesatelite srvice.. Priones 1—6 are as follows: 1) distess calls, distess
messages and distess tafti; 2) communications preceded by the urgency signal; 3) communications rcting to
1adio direcionfinding; 4) ight safty messages; 5) meteorolopical messagesand 6) lightregularity messages

                               Federal Communications Commission                                DA 0s—50

 will manage all satellite resources (%e., frequencies and power) and control the allocation of
 those resources to the mobile user terminals that use the satellite. ‘Thus, MSV will control the
 means of. preempting those mobile terminals operating with MSV—2 in South America.. MSV
 states that its satellte system will comply with all applicable requirements.. As with its current
 system, MSV will maintain a reserve pool o resources that will permit any additional demands
 of the AMS(R)S and GMDSS network to be met immediately. This AMS(R)S and GMDSS
 reserve pool will be maintained by retrieving resources from within the MSV network, We
 believe that the continuation of this practice, which has been successful on MSV‘s existing
 satellite, represents a. reasonable approach to mecting MSV‘s priority and. preemption
        21. MSV does not request authority for U.S. fixed—gateway earth stations. Gateway carth
stations Tocated in the United States will be licensed under separate application in accordance
with Part 25 of the Commission‘s rules. Nonetheless, in 1993, the National Telecommunications
and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Federal Aviation Administation (FAA) created
a minimum set of capabilities to ensure that fixed—gateway earth stations operating in the 1545—
1559 MHz and 1646.5—1660.5 MHz bands comply with Foomote US308 and ITU Radio
Regulation 5.357A and 5.362A." We will require that any U.S. fixed—gateway carth station
communicating via MSV—2 meet the minimum set of capabilities set forth in the "1993 NTIA
            ¢. Distress and Safety Communications
        22. MSV has requested authorty to use the 1544—1545 MHz and 1645.5—1646.5 MHz
band segments. According to Intemational Footnotes 5.356 and 5.375 of the Table of Frequency
Allocations, the use of these bands by the mobile—satellite service is imited to distress and safety
communications."" MSV proposes to use MSV—2 to provide basic voice and data MSS services
and high—speed packet data MSS services to South America. Although MSV‘s dispatch radio or
"push to talk" feature may be used for distress and safety communications, MSV has not
explained how it can limit transmissions in the 1544—1545/1645.5—1646.5 MHz bands to safety
and distress communications only.. Given the broad range of commercial services available on
the MSV system, we will not permit MSV—2 to operate in the 1544—1545/1645.5—1646.5 MHz
bands and potentially disrupt emergency communications in these bands.
              £. Coordination with other L—band MSS Systems

        23. In North America and nearby intemational airspace and maritimeareas, five satellte
systems, which all operate in geostationary—satellite orbit (GSO), currently provide service in the
L—band‘s 66 megahertz (33 megahertz in each transmission direction) MSS allocation. In 1996,
the operators of the five North American L—band systems signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU). The MoU specified that "[sJpectrum allocations to individual operators
will be reviewed annually on the basis of actual usage and short—term projections of future need."
Unlike most international coordinations that create permanent assignments of specific spectrum,

* See Lettr to Cheryl Trit, Chicf Common Carier Bureas, FCC, from Richard D. Parlow, Associate
Administator, Office of Spectrim Management, NTIA, and Gerald Markey, Manager, Spectrum Enginecring
Division, FAA, and atiachment to th leter (lan. 14, 1993)(/993 TLA Recommendations)
* Inerational Foototes5.356 and 5.375 o Section 2106 ofthe Commission‘srles, 47 CB.R. $2.106.

                                 Federal Communications Commission                               DA 05—50

 the operators‘ assignments can change from year to year based on their marketplace needs. While
 the most recent annual operator—to—operator agreement has not been renewed since 1999, the five
 parties have continued to coordinate their operations informally and have been operating
 interference—free. We remind MSV that any L—band operations in South America must be
 coordinated with other MSS systems, and until such time that coordination has been completed
 these operations will be on a non—harmfil interference basis to other lawfully operating satellte
 or radio facilites and will receive no protection from interference caused by those faciities.

         4. Ku—hand Operations

                  a. International Plan

         24. MSV‘s fixed—satellite service feeder link and TT&C operations will be conducted in
the 10.7—10.95/11,2—11.45/12.75—13.25 GHfrequency bands. Feeder link and TT&C operations
will be conducted from earth stations in the United States. According to International Footote
5.441 of the Table of Frequency Allocations,"" use of these bands by geostationary—satellite
systems in the fixed—satellte service shall be in accordance with the plan prescribed in Appendix
30B of the ITU Radio Regulations. The FSS plan does not provide for operation of a U.S.—
Hicensed satellte at 63.5° W.L.. The plan will have to be amended to take into account MSV—2‘s
operation at that location. Appendix 30B specifies a procedure for amending the plan to permit
additional FSS uses upon a showing of compatibilty with FSS allotments and assignments
pursuant to the plan. MSV has submitted an analysis based on the published TTU MSPACE—s
program"*and the ITU Appendix 30B Ku—band reference database."" This analysisindicates that
MSV‘s proposed Ku—band operations would have no excess interference impact on other FSS
systems implemented by other countries pursuant to Appendix 30B. If there is excess
interference, MSV believes that it can be satisfactorily resolved through coordination agreements
with affected administrations."*. We agree that such coordination seems feasible. ‘The operating
authority we grant here for MSV‘s Ku—band operation is contingent, however, upon issuance of a
favorable ITU finding pursuant to Appendix 30B, Article 6, and Section III of the ITU‘s Radio
                 b. Two—Degree Spacing
        25. The Commission‘s FSS satellite licensing policy is predicated upon two—degree
orbital spacing between geostationary satellites." This policy permits the maximum use of the

" ImermationalFootote 5.441 to Section 2.106 ofthe Commission‘s rles, 47 CFR. §2.106.
" TTU SottwarSuite, Space PlansSystem (SP5)Versio:2.12 (ncluding MSPACE) September 2002,
Interational Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) Tformatis Adminstation and
Publictions Department (LAP)
® Appendix 308 Ku—band reference database is ALOTHHAE made fom inputfile RS2SK_O20403xt and
RS3SK_080403 reafer recrding in the Liofsub—repional systems EUTELSAT EXB—30.SB, EXB—R6B, EXB—
83.5%, EXB—88.55,"WARC ORB 88 FSS Plan in the 12/10—11 GH band, APPENDIX 308 ASCHIFil,
hipo/hweein.intTTUR/space/planspJ0b/RS3SK.030403 zi.
" MSV Applicaton File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021, Appendix A,at 53.
® For more information egarding the Commission‘s two—degreespacing policy,see Licensing Space Station in the
Domestic Fixed—Satelite Sevice, Reportand Order, 48 F.R. 40233 (Sept.6, 1983).

                                 Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 05—50

 geostationary satellite orbit."* MSV has submitted the technical information specified in the
 Commission‘s rules."" Upon review of thi information, we find that MSV—2‘s FSS feeder link
 and TT&C operations are two—degree compliant and meet all other technical requirements.
       26. We note, however, that although there are no power—flux—density (PFD) limitsin the
 Commission‘s rulesfor emissions from a GSO satelite in MSV‘s proposed FSS downlink bands,
 the ITU has established PFD restrictions to prevent interference with terrestrial wireless
 services."" MSV‘s PFD specifications are consistent with these restrictions."
                  . Waiver of Footnote NG104

        27. Footnote NG104 of Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s rules states that use of the
 10.7—11.7 GHz and 12.75—13.25 GHe bands in the United States by the Fixed—Satellite Service in
the geostationary—satellte orbit shall be limited to intemational systems." MSV requests a
waiver of this rule for its feeder link and TT&C operations, which will be conducted from an
earth station in the United States. Inlight of the intemational nature of MSV‘s proposed service,
which involves both service links and feeder links to complete the communications link, a
waiver request of Footnote NG1O4 for feeder link operations is unnecessary.
        28. However, we grant MSV‘s request for waiver of Footnote NGIO4 for its TT&C
operations, which will be conducted in the 11.45 GHz and 13.25 GHz bands. MSV states that it
may co—locate new feeder link/TT&C earth stations with existing MSV earth stations already
operating in Reston, Virginia and Alexandia, Virginia. Comsearch®" has commenced a
coordination analysis on MSV‘s behalf t determine whether MSV‘s proposed TT&C operations
will interfere with co—primary fixed—service (FS) operations in those bands. This analysis has
identified a small number of potential interference cases that MSV believes can be resolved
through the use of shielding and other mitigation techniques and by coordination with the
affected operators.®" Moreover, two co—located TT&C earth stations should not significantly
increase the coordination burden on FS applicants. Thus, we grant MSV a waiver of Footnote
NGIO4 to allow it to provide TT&C in the 1145 GHz and 13.25 GHz bands to MSV—2 from
earth stations in Reston, Virginia and Alexandria, Virginia. MSV must still apply for license
modifications of those two earth stations to request authority to communicate with MSV—2 in the
11.45 GHz and 13.25 GHfrequency bands.

" See, eg, Assinment of Orbial Locationsto Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satlite Service, L1 ECC Red
13788, Order and Authorizatin,(199),at13790, Prir o the Commisson‘s adoption ofthe two—degrec spucing
policy, sitelites in the geostationary stelite orbit were ustally spaced three or four degrecs spart By adepting
roles that enabledstelite operators to plac thei space stations two degreesapar, the Commision was ableto
accommodate more geostaionary satlites
"" See 47 CFR§§ 25.114 and 25.210.
* See Section V of Aricle 21 of he TTU Radio Repulatons.
* MSV Applcation SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at43. ‘The Commision has etablshed identcal PFD limits for
dowalins in the adiacent 10.95—11.2 GHiz band. See47 CER. § 25.208().
47 CER §2.106, Feomore NGIOL
© Comsearch is a privately owned commercalfequency coontinator
®MSV Applicaton File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 26.

                                Federal Communications Commission                              DA 05—50

                 d. Protection of other services
         29. The Commission has allocated the 10.7—11.7 GHz band to FSS (space—to—Rarth) on a
 co—primary basis with the Terrestrial Fixed Service.©. The Commission has allocated the 12.75—
 13.25 GHz band to FSS (Earth—to—space) on a co—primary basis with the Terrestrial Fixed and
 Terrestrial Mobile Services." > MSV will have to comply with Section 25.203(c) of the
 Commission‘s rules, which sets forth coordination and other procedures designed to ensure that
there is no harmful interference between stations operating in co—primary services."" MSV states
that it will protect terrestrial fixed and terrestrial mobile services currently operating in the bands
through several measures. First, MSV states it will coordinate its feeder link stations with
terrestrial Fixed and Mobile systems as required by Section 25.203(c). In addition, MSV states it
will have a coordination study conducted on its earth stations to determine their suitability for
operation and will apply mitigation techniques to ensure adequate protection ofthe earth stations
and terrestrial systems. To ensure that ts feeder link operation will not impede implementation
of the Commission‘s spectrum—relocation policy for Fixed Service licensees currently operating
in the 18.3—19.3 GHz band, MSV states that it will demonstrate when applying for feeder link
earth station licenses that the proposed uplink operation would not interfere with, or require
protection from, the operation of any existing Fixed service station at its current site in the event
that the Fixed Service station‘s assigned frequencies were to be shifled pursuant to Section
101.85, Section 101.89, Section 101.91, or Section 101.95 ofthe Commission‘s rules."
         30. In addition to protecting Fixed and Mobile services, MSV says that it will protect
other services operating in the bands it will be using. Footnote US2S1 to Section 2.106 of the
Commission‘s rules states that the 12.75—13.25 band is allocated to the Space Research Service
(deep space) (space—to—Earth) for reception only at Goldstone, California."" MSV states that it
will take "all practicable steps" to ensure that is feeder link transmissions will not interfere with
the space research service at Goldstone, Califomnia.® Additionally, Footnote NGS3 of Section
2.106 of the Commission‘s rules reserves the 13.15—13.20 GHz band for television pickup and
Cable Television Relay Service (CARS) inside a 50 kilometer radius of the top 100 television
markets identified in Section 76.51 of the Commission‘s rules."" To avoid interference with these
services, MSV says it will not transmit in the 13.15—13.2125 GHz band from a site within 50
kilometers of a top 100 television market identified in ofthe Commission‘s rules.""
        31. Last, Footnote US211 of Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s rules states that space
station operators in the 10.7—11.7 GHz band should take all practicable steps to protect radio

947CR 52.106.
©arorm grs2m0
#ar c5s 10185, 101 89, 101.91, t0.95.
"47 CR §2.106,Foomote Usas1
* MSV Appliation ile No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021ar2s.
" 47 CFR. § 2.106,Footote NGS3. MSV states ht it understands that authorityfor uplink transmission in any
pottion ofthe 12.75—13.25 Gitz band for which MSV does not alteady have authority will be withheld pending
adeption of iles for cordination of such opention with Broadeast Auxilizy Service (BAS) and CARS mobile
pickup operatins. MSV Applicaion File No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 28.
® MSV Applicaion Fil No. SAT—AMD—20040227—00021 at 28

                                Federal Communications Commission                              Da 05—50

 astronomy observations from harmful interference in adjacent bands."". According to MSV, the
 National Science Foundation has explained that the protection level required at radio astronomy
 sites in the 10.6—10.7 GHz band is —160 dBWim‘."" MSV has agreed to equip its replacement
 satellites with a transmitter output filter to limit the emissions in the 10.6—10.7 GHz band at or
 below this level. Existing in—orbit satelites in this band employ such a filter as part of past
 agreements between the MSS and radioastronomy communities. Consequently, subject to this
 agreement, we allow MSV to operate its feeder links and TT&C functions in the 10.7—10.95 GHz
 and 11.2—11.45 GHz bands on a non—harmful interference basis to radio astronomy operations in
 adjacent bands.
         D.    Bond Requirement

         32. In its Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the Commission eliminated the financial
requirements then in place and replaced them with a bond requirement."" The bond requirement
is intended to ensure that licensees are financially able and committed to implementing their
Hicensed. systems in a timely manner. Under this requirement, any entity awarded a satellte
license must execute a performance bond, payable to the U.S. Treasury, within 30 days of the
date of the license grant. The bond is payable upon failure to meet any of the implementation
milestones included in every license, where adequate justification for extending that milestone is
not provided. Licensees may reduce the amount of the bond upon mesting each milestone.""
        33. MSV requests a waiver of the bond requirement because it intends to provide public
safety services on MSV—2, noting that it has a proven track record of providing critical public
safety services with its current MSS system. Specifically, MSV states that AMSC—1‘s unique
dispatch radio or "push—to—talk" feature has proven critical in times of emergency because it
allows communications to be broadcast to a large group of users simultancously, thercby
allowing coordination of rescue efforts. MSV states that it will expand this and other public
safety service offerings to South America on MSV—2.
        34. In its Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the Commission stated that it would
entertain requests for complete or partial waivers of this bond requirement, but limited its
discussion to waivers "for satellite operators proposing satellites designed to provide public
safety services." "* The Commission noted that it would consider things "such as public safety
intent in deciding whether a waiver is warranted.""" In assessing "public safety intent," the
Commission intended that the proposed satellite be wholly or partially designed for the specific
purpose ofproviding public safety services."

" 47 CER. §2.106, Feomore US211.
" Letter fom Lon Levin, Mobie Satlite Ventures to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretuy, Rederl Communications
Commission (May 12, 2000
" SpaceStaton Licensing Reform Orde, 18 ECC Red t 10822—24, pars. 161—65
"*Space SaionLicensing Reform Order, 18 ECC Red t 10826—27, par. 172.
"* Space Sation Licensing Reform Orde, 18 ECC Red t 10825, para.1690
"" Altough not drecly appliable to space sutions, the Communications Act, for purposes of allocting and
assipning spectrum between 746 megaberte and 806 megahort, defines "Public Safey Services" asservices "he
sole or principl purpase of which is to protect the sufity of life, health, or property, that are provided

                                 Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 05—50

        35. We look to the public interest benefit assessment contained in MSV‘s application to
determine whether it expresses the requisie "public safety intent." MSV states that "grant of this
application will serve the public interest by allowing MSV to better compete in the global MSS
marketplace and providing the benefits of competition and new public safety services to the
public in South America.""" We conclude that this statement of purpose falls short of the type of
public safety intent contemplated by the Commission. This statement indicates that MSV‘s
primary goal in launching and operating its proposed satellite is to compete on a global scale and
make its service more attractive to MSS users. MSV‘s "push to talk" feature does not justify a
waiver of the bond requirement. All MSS systems are inherently useful in providing public
safety service because the user terminals are small and transportable. MSV does not identify any
specific "safety" services besides the dispatch radio service. Thus, nothing in MSV‘s proposal to
provide basic voice and data and high—speed packet data mobile satellite services persuades us
that MSV has demonstrated "good cause" for waiving the bond requirement. We must now
determine the appropriate bond for MSV—2.
         36. In the Space Station Licensing Reform First Reconsideration Order,"                            the
Commission revised the bond requirements adopted in the Space Station Licensing Reform
Order. Specifically, the Commission reduced the bond amounts from $7.5 million to $5 million
for NGSO licensees, and from $5 million to $3 million for GSO licensees."". In addition, the
Commission determined that GSO MSS licensees should be subject to the GSO bond
requirements, even though they are considered "NGSO—like" for purposes of determining the
appropriate application review procedures."". Consequently, we require MSV to post a $3 million
bond within 30 days of the release date of this Order. If MSV does not submit this bond by the
required date, this authorization shall be null and void.

                                    IV.      ORDERING CLAUSES
        37. Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC‘s (MSV‘s) application File No. SAT—
LOA—20030827—00174, Call Sign $2487, as amended by SAT—AMD—20031205—00347 and SAT—
AMD—20040227—00021, 18 GRANTED, in part,and MSV is authorized to launch and operate its
MSV—2 satellite at 63.5° W.L. in the 1525—1544 MHe (space—to—Rarth), the 1545—1559 MHz
(space—to—Barth), the 1626.5—1645.5 MHz (Earth—to—space) and. the 1646.5—1660.5 MHz
frequency bands for. service links, and the 12.75—13.25 GHz (Earth—to—space), 10.7—10.95 GHz
and 1.2—11.45 GHz (space—to—Rarth) frequency bands for feeder links, in accordance with the
terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, this atachment and the

by...overnmental entiies or by nongovemmental. orpanizations that are authorized by a governmental entiy
whose primary mission is the provision of such services and thatare ot made commercially availableto the public
y the providec® 47 U.S.C.§ 238 (D(1)
" MSV Application File No. SAT—LOA—20030827—00174 at 3.
* Amendment of the Commissin‘s Space Suition Licensing Rulesand Poliies, Arst Onder on Aeconsideration and
Fifh Report and Order, TB Docket No 02:34, 19 FCC Red 12637 (2003) (Space Staion Licensing Reform First
Reconsideration Order)
" Spoce SutionLicensing Reform First ReconsiderationOrder, 19 ECC e at 13654, pars 43.
"Space SaionLicensing Reform First Reconsideration Order, 19 ECC Red at 13655,prs. 46.


                              Federal Communications Commission                       DA 05—50

 Commission‘s rules.

        38. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s request to operate in the 1544—1545/1645—
 1646.6 MHz band, which is limited to disress and safety communications, IS DENIED

        39. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thatin the absence of a coordination agreement, MSV‘s
 operation in the L—band will be on a non—harmful interference basis to other mobile—satellite
 service systems operating in the L—band. Consequently, MSV shall not cause harmful
 interference to any other lawfully operating L—band satellite or radio facility and shall cease
 operations upon written notification of such interference. MSV shall also inform the Commission
 in writing of such notification. Furthermore, MSV must notify all other operators in these
 frequency bands that it will be operating on a non—harmul interference basis.. MSV must also
notify its customers that its operations are on a non—harmful interference basis.

       40. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s operation in the upper L—band, 1545—1559
and 1646.5—1660.5 MHz bands, shall comply with the real—time access and priority preemption
requirements seforth in International Footnotes 5.357A and 5.362A, to protect AMS[RJS.
       41. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s operation in the lower L—band, 1530—1544
and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz bands shall comply with the real—time access and prionity preemption
requirements set forth in Intemational footnote 5.353A to protect the Global Maritime Distress
Satellte Service.

        42. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s use of the 12.75—13.25 GHz frequency
band shall comply with the terms of Foomote US251 to 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 to ensure that MSV—
2‘s Ku—band transmissions will not interfere with space research (deep space)(space—to—Rarth)
service at Goldstone, Califomia.
        43. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV may not transmit in the 13.15—13.2125 GHz
band from a site within 50 kilometers of a top 100 television market identified in Section 76.51
of the Commission‘s rules.

        44. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the authority for uplink transmission in any portion
of the 12.75—13.25 GHz band from any specified site not previously authorized will be withheld
pending adoption of rules for coordination of such operation with Broadeast Auxiliary Service
(BAS) and Cable Television Relay Service (CARS) mobile pickup operations.
        45, IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that Footnote NG1O4 to 47 C.F.R. §2.106 IS WAIVED
to allow MSV to provide TT&C in the 11.45 GHz and 13.25 GHz bands to MSV—2 from
gateway earth stations located Reston, Virginia and Alexandria, Virginia.
        46. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the suthorization for feeder link operation
conditionally granted herein pertains only to feeder link and tracking, telemetry, and control
transmission between a single GSO satellite at 63.5° W.L. and a maximum of two fixed carth
stations within the continental United States.
        47, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s authority to operate in the 10.7—10.95 GHz,
11.2—11.45 GHz and the 12.75—13.25 GHz bands is on a non—interference basis contingent upon
the issuance of an ITU finding permitting such additional use pursuant to Appendix 30B of the
ITU‘s Radio Regulations.

                              Federal Communications Commission                           Da 05—50

         48. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s use of the 10.7—10.95 GHz and 11.2—11.45
 GHz frequency bands shall comply with the terms of Footnote US211 to 47 CFR. § 2.106
 which urges applicants for airbome or space station assignments to take all practicable steps to
 protect radio astronomy observations in the adjacent bands from harmful interference, and, in
 accordance with the MSV agreement, limit emissions in the 10.6—10.7 GHz band to —160
 dBW/m‘ or less.
        49. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with co—primary Space
 Operations Service stations in the 1525—1559 MHz band and will not be entitled to protection
 from interference until it has completed coordination.

        50. IT 1S FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with those countries
conducting passive research in the 1525—1559 MHz band and will not be entitled to any
protection from interference from passive research radio. stations unless: it completes

       51. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with co—primary Terrestrial
Fixed Service providers in the 10.7—11.7 GHz band.

        52. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV shall coordinate with Terrestrial Fixed and
Terrestrial Mobile Services in the 12.75—13.25 GHz band.

       53, IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s request to waive Section 25.210() of the
Commission‘s rules to permit MSV to operate its MSV—2 satellite with an East—West station
keeping tolerance of+0.1° 1S DENIED without prejudice.
         54. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV must provide a written statement to the
Commission within 60 days of the date of this grant that identiies any known satelites located
at, or planned to be located at, MSV‘s assigned orbital location, or assigned in the vicinity ofthat
location such that the station keeping volume of the respective satelltes might overlap, and that
states the measures that will be taken to prevent in—orbit collisions with such satellites.. This
statement should address any licensed FCC systems, or any systems applied for and under
consideration by the FCC. The statement need not address every filing with the ITU that meets
these criteria, but should assess and address any systems reflected in TTU filings that are in
operation or that MSV believes may be progressing toward launch, e.g. by the appearance of the
system on a launch vehicle manifest. If MSV elects to rely on coordination with other operators
to prevent in—orbit collisions, it shall provide a statement as to the manner in which such
coordination will be effected.
        55. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s operation at inclinations between 4.5° and
6.0° shall be on a non—interference basis until it completes coordination with license NGSO FSS
       56. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that MSV‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.165(a) of
the Commission‘s rules 18 DENIED.

        57. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that MSV must construct, launch and place its
authorized satelite into operation in accordance with the technical parameters and terms and
conditions of this authorization by these specified time periods following the date of

                             Federal Communications Commission                          DA 05—50

       A:       Enter into a binding non—contingent contract to construct the licensed satellite
                system by January 11, 2005.
       B:       Complete the Critical Design Review of the licensed satellite system by January
                11, 2006.

               Begin the construction ofthe satellte by January 11, 2007
       D:      Launch and begin operations of the satellte by January 11, 2009.
               Licensee must file a bond with the Commission in the amount of $3,000,000.00,
               pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice, DA 03—2602, 18 FCC Red
               16283 (2003), within 30 days of the date of this GRANT.

       Failure to meet any of these dates shall ender this authorization NULL and VOID.

        58. MSV shall prepare the necessary information, as may be required, for submission to
the Intemnational Telecommunications Union (ITU) to initiate and complete the advance
publication, international coordination, due difigence, and notification process of this space
station, in accordance with the TTU Radio Regulations. MSV shall be held responsible for all
costrecovery fees associated with these ITU filings. We also note that no protection from
interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is guaranteed unless
coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or, with respect to individual
administrations, by successfilly. completing coordination agreements,         Any: radio. station
authorization for which coordination has not been completed may be subject to additional terms
and conditions as required to effect coordination of the frequency assignments of other
administrations. See 47 CFR. § 25.111(b).
       59. MSV is obliged to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing
procedures ofany countries it proposes to serve.
        60. IT 1 FURTHER ORDERED that the license term for the MSV—2 satellite, Call Sign:
$2487, is fifeen years and will begin to run on the date that MobilSatellite Ventures Subsidiary
LLC certifies to the Commission that the satellte has been successfully placed into orbit and its
operation fully conforms to the terms and conditions of this authorization.

         61. This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.FR. § 0.261, and is effective upon adoption. Petitions for reconsideration under
Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the Public Notice announcing
that this action was taken.

                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                      %fi: elsot                    e a/4
                       Chief, International Bureau

Document Created: 2005-01-10 15:02:58
Document Modified: 2005-01-10 15:02:58

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