Attachment reply

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20031118-00332 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


         Received                                                                   RECEIVED
                    s 208                    inelert 86.                             JAN —5 2005
                            Wasimwaton, D.C. 20554   Fadena Commnicaton Comniaron
                                                                                        oifcef Secniy
w         °0    _                                   ) File Nos. SAT—MOD—20031118—00333
Applications of                                     )            SAT—AMD—20031118—00332
Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC            )            SES—MOD—20031118—01879

        Inmarsat has asked the Commission to review the Bureau‘s grant of an ATC license to
MSV which, ifnot reversed:() will cause harmfulinterference into Inmarsat spacecraft by
authorizing a 402 increase in the number of ATC mobile terminals,(i) will "endanger"
Inmarsatsafety services, and "seriously degrade and obstruct" other Inmarsat services,‘ by
allowing a 6x increase in ATC base station power and thereby disrupting MSS service around
tens of thousands ofATC base stations, and (ii) shifls the burden to MSS, the primary service, to
resolve interference from ATC, the secondary service.
        In its Opposition, MSV confirms that its licensed ATC system will iferfere with nearby
Inmarsatterminals," and admits ts intention to deploy an ATC system capable ofserving fens of"
millions ofterrestrial users (MSV Opp. at S,15—16). MSV admitted in a meeting yesterday with
DOD and the FCC that it plans to deploy ATC transmitters on existing cellular and PCS tower
sites. MSV‘s confirmation about the expected scale ofits terrestril network makes even more
critical the Bureau‘s failure to enforee the requirement that ATC terminals constrain intererence

into MSS spacecraft by substantially reducing power when operating outdoors.
       MSV grossly mischaracterizes the Inmarsat—4 program and Inmarsat‘s BGAN service, by
falsely equating the transitional RBGAN service with theforthcoming BGAN service . Regional

! See 47 CFR 2.1 (definition of"harmful nterference")
* Inmarsat‘s Technical Annex, attached as Appendix A hereto, responds tothe Technical Appendix
in MSV‘s December 23, 2004 Opposition.
? A point—by—pointrebuttal of a number of MSV‘s distortions is attached as Exhibit 1.

 BGAN (or RBGAN) service is a developmental offering over a Thuraya satellite that does not
even see North America. BGAN is an entirely new and completely different broadband
MSS service. BGAN (i)uses new spacecraf, (i) employs completely different user terminal
technology, i) provides three times the transmission speeds, (iv) offers significantly enhanced
user functionalities, and (v) has new RF characteristcs, pricing and service offerings
        Ubiquity is a hallmark of MSS service. The new 1—4 network and BGAN service are
designed to meet the expectations of MSS users of service capabilty "anywhere and any time,"
as reflected in the record," and to provide the recognized public policy benefits of MSS to U.S
businesses and consumers nationwide.* Inmarsat has met the needs of MSS users for over 23
years, constantly improving its service, and developing a successful commercial business, and is
now able to launch a new MSS system optimized for high—speed data services to small mobile
terminals (rates of up to 432 kbps}.. This new system will, for the frst time, enable critical
broadband connections for mobile users, governmental, militry, public safety, humanitarian,
and commercial alike, "anywhere and any time." MSV,in sharp contrast,has apparently not
found a successful commercial formula for MSS, and therefore seeks to compete directly with
terrestrialcellular and PCS voice services

        Maximizing spectrum efficiency was a key design element of the 1—4 MSS network. The
spacecraft design reflects this, with 228 spot beams, and 13x the current level offrequency
reuse.® BGAN terminals similarly have been optimized for high—throughput data services, using

ms and MarineSat (Dec, 23, 2004); Letter from IMSO (Dec. 17, 2004);
Leter from Ofcom (Dec. 20, 2004); Letter rom Telenor (Dec. 20, 2004); Letter from Nera (Dec.
23, 2004); Letter from Satcom Direct (Dec. 8, 2004); Letter from GMPCS Personal
Communications (Dec. 20, 2004);Letter from Global Communications Solutions (Dec. 16, 2004);
Letter from AOS (Dec. 20, 2004); Letter from Glocom (Dec. 15, 2004)
* See In re Establishment ofPolicies and Services Rulesfor MSS in the 2 GHz Band, FCC 00—302 at
11 (rel. Aug, 25, 2000) (recognizing that MSS enhances comperition with errestril communications
services and provides important benefits to all U.S. consumers nationwide),
*1—4 spacecraft can share even more spectrum with MSV than before. The Commission should not
countenance MSV‘s warchousing of L—Band spectrum orallow MSV*s use ofa two—decade—old

a state—of:the art modulation scheme (16QAM with Turbo Coding) that maximizes performance
over the limited spectrum resource. This advanced system design supports a substantially arger
Inmarsat MSS customer base, including in the United States,"
        Now six years in the making, and developed in reliance on longstanding allocations
governing the L—Band and the February 2003 ATC rulemaking decision, the 1—4 system is a
reality. The first spacecraft is being shipped in less than a month for a launch from Florida on
March 10, 205. ‘The second spacecraft—planned to serve North America———is undergoing
testing, and is scheduled for launch in July of this year. The third spacecraft, to be maintained as
a ground spare untl the successful launch of the other two, is about to commence tests, and is

scheduled to be available for Iaunch by January 2006, when it could be placed into a number of
Jocations to serve the U.S.°
        To facilitate the deployment ofbroadband MSS data services, Inmarsat has developed
new, lightweight, and low—cost BGAN anternas, some as small as 5.5"x 8", and some with
"tracking" antennas never possible before in such a small and inexpensive MSS terminal."
Those smaller, more affordable, and more functional MSS terminals are particularly suited for

cars, trucks and aireraft that will operate in the vast parts of the US———including urban and
suburban areas———where there are simply no constraints on the location of ATC base stations.
        MSV argues that "market forces" somehow will obviate the potential for ATC
interference into MSS, because MSV asserts there will be no overlap between MSS and ATC

satelite design to serve as a barrier to more efficient MSS use of the L—Band. MSV‘s latest
replacement satellte design is at least 4—5 years away from ever being realized.
" MSV‘s estimate ofthe number of supportable 1—4 users has no basis and does not reflect reality.
* The need to take it account the locations ofthe 1—4 spacecraft is supported by the recognition that
the Commission‘s ATC interference analysis must consider all L~Band networks in the ITU quene.
In re MSY, DA 04—3553 (rel. Nov. 8, 2004) at 163.
* MSV‘s arguments that BGAN terminals will be the equivalent ofSS and thus not entiled to
interference protection therefore are misguided. MSV Opp. at n.27. Anticipating these new MSS
antenna technologies was the reason the Commission did nor exempt all BGAN terminals from E91 1
requirements. See MSS 911 Report and Order, 18 FCC Red 25340 (2003), at 128.

service areas. This is flatly contradicted by the record."" Moreover, even MSV does not dispute

that satelite service in urban areas is technically feasible, or that the Bureau was wrong when it

assumed that an MSS satellite signal will not be "usable" in the vicinity of an ATC base station.
        MSV‘s assertion that the urban usage ofMSS will be lower than the urban usage of DBS
or FSS because there is less MSS bandwidth available is nonsense and it misses the point. The
ESS and DBS experience demonstrates thatsatellite service is used in urban areas, particularly
where it offers important advantages. This is true for Inmarsat‘s —4 network, which offers the
significant advantage of ubiquitous coverage~——service any time, anywhere—and reliable, high—
speed connectivity thatis independent ofthe vulnerable local phone and power networks.
Indeed, MSV provides a litany ofexamples where first responders rely on MSS terminals in
urban environments for these very reasons. MSV Opp. at 13—14. Moreover,the pricing ofthe
transitional RBGAN service compares favorably to the roaming charges for GPRS, terrestrial
data service;"" BGAN service will be priced even lower.
        Thus,it is regulatory actions in the U.S—relaxations of ATC rules that will cause
harmful interference into MSS, and continued ORBIT Act imitations on "advanced services"~——
that threaten to constrain the growth of new Inmarsat land mobile services in the U.S.
        Admitting that its ATC network poses an interference threat to MSS, MSV tums to new
policy issues, urging the Commission to require that Inmarsat terminals be made like PCS or
cellular handsets, to overcome ATC interference. This radical suggestion ignores the realities
that () MSS satellite terminals are carefully designed to operate with low noise so they can be
sensitive enough to communicate with their "base station" located 22,300 miles away, (i) MSS
satelliteterminals are fundamentally different than PCS terminals, (ii) over 350,000 Inmarsat
terminals already have been commissioned at an estimated investment of over $3 Billion and

‘* See comments and leters cited in note 2.
"‘ See Exhibit 2.

cannot be retrofited, and (iv) t is disingenuous for MSV to assert that Inmarsatand ts
manufacturers in the 11" hour ofa 6—year, S1.5 Billion program can change system designs and
hardware on which they have proceeded in reliance on longstanding regulatory structures, and
the February 2003 ATC rulemaking order,in favor of an ATC system still on drawing board and
that may never be realized. While MSV must overcome significant financial, technical and other
implementation hurdles before ts ATC network becomes operational, the first 1—4 spacecraft will
be launched in the next rwo months. Ifthere are changes to be made in the way ATC is
accommodated in the L—Band, MSV has the fexibility to make those changes, not Inmarsat.""
       MSV eannot have its wish that the L—Band be treated like other MSS bands: (i there is a
shortage ofL—Band MSS spectrum, (i) the L—Band is shared on a co—channel basis (not
segmented), and (ii) billions have been invested in reliance on longstanding allocations
governing the L—Band. Once MSV acquires the TMI 2 GHz MSS license, MSV can deploy an
ATC system in the "ereenfield" at 2 GHz, without any of the constraints MSV complains ofin
the L—Band. 2 GHz is where MSV‘s experiment with a vastly different concept ofATC—with
tens of millions of users———should be conducted, not in the heavily utiized L—Band.
       For these reasons, the Commission must protect Inmarsat‘s 1—4 system from ATC
interference, and must reject MSV‘s proposal that Inmarsat,its distributors, manufacturers, and
users bear the burden of resolving ATC interference.. As demonstrated in the record of this
proceeding, the critical and sensitive nature of many uses of the Inmarsat system, and the seted
expectations that ubiquitous MSS service will continue to be available to serve those needs, must
be protected. Therefore, the Commission must follow its February 2003 ATC rulemaking order,
and ensure that ATC does not cause harmfulinterference o the Inmarsat MSS system.

"* Inmarsat has met with MSV to discuss the interference problems posed by MSV‘s ATC system.
But MSV has not made any concrete proposals, MSV‘stechnical analyses were not conclusive, and
MSV insisted on Inmarsat making system changes to accommodate MSV‘s ATC system


January 5, 200

MSV Misstatements: "BGAN service costs over one hundred times more than a faster
terrestral wireless service, ata whopping S1 /megabyte (compared with $0.08/megabyte for
existing terrestral service)." "There is simply no demand for expensive and unswieldy land—
transportable MSS terminals when wireline providers,terrestrial wireless providers and even
Fixed Satellite Service (‘FSS") operators offer the same service at significantly lower prices."
MSV ativ, 11, 12.
Eaets: BGAN service is not yet offered, and when it is offered, this 432 kbps broadband service
will be competitive with third generation terrestrial wireless networks (3G) in terms of both price
and service quality.. This cited rate is the average current retail price for the transitional
Regional BGAN service, which compares favorably with 3G (or 2.5G/GPRS) roaming charges
for terrestral wireless through providers such as Vodafone. See Exhibit 2. Wholesale Regional
BGAN airtime is being reduced in some geographic areas by over 40% as part of a program
where Inmarsat is seeking to replace a single global rate with pricing reflective ofthe local
competitive environment. BGAN service will be even less expensive.
MSV Misstatements; "BGAN equipment is priced at about $1600,is big and bulky, and
requires precise pointing and line ofsight to a satellite." MSV atiiv, 11.
Eaets: BGAN terminals have not yet even been introduced. Regional BGAN terminals are
available for ess than $500 as part of a 12 month service commitment. Inmarsat‘s BGAN
terminals will be as small and easy to cany, and will have ISDN, Bluetooth, USB, Ethemnet and
Wi—Fi connectivity. One ofthe smallest BGAN terminals will be about 5.5" by 8", and will
appear as follows.

Reviews of Regional BGAN terminals comment favorably on ease of use and set up, and
forthcoming BGAN terminals will be even casier to use:

   *   "It takes seconds [to set up} and seems foolproof. Once thisis done, and the BGAN has
       logged into the satellite network, you have a TCPP network connection — it‘s that
       simple." Jon Honeyball, Pumarsat Regional BGAN Satellite IP Modem, PC Pro,
       February 2003, at 195.

    * "It doesn‘t require a PhD to plug it init‘s justlike a voice modem, only it‘s a small box
      instead ofa wire." Lindsay Nicolle, Dish ofthe Day, INTERNET WoRLD February 2003 at
MSV Misstatements; "Even Inmarsat‘s CEO has predicted that Inmarsat will experience no
more than single—digit growth in the minimal expected BGAN penetration in the United States."
(MSV at 11, citing Communications Daily (August 25, 2004))
Eaets: This is a misrepresentation ofthis article, which describes the situation today, with
ORBIT restrctions in place: "Sukawaty said only 0.5% ofthe company‘s revenue (associated
with U.S. terminals for land—based services) would be impacted ifthe company were found not
compliant with the [Orbit] Act: ‘The immediate impactis fairly minimal, but we want to be
Hicensed for land—based services in the U.3."" (emphasis supplied). There is no reason to believe
the U.S. portion of Inmarsat‘s land mobile business will not increase significantly once BGAN is
introduced and related ORBIT Act restrctions are lifed. For the nine—month period ended
September 30, 2004, land mobile services accounted for 29.3% of Inmarsat‘s global revenues.


       Aftached is a summary of errestrial roaming charges for mobile internet access, as of
August 2004, almostall ranging from 8 to 17 Euros/mb ($10.80 to $22.95/mb).

    INTUG — international mobile roaming prices — GPRS — Olympics 2004                                             Page 1 of 2

               |                                          August 2004

     rN;TU G International mobile roaming
             in Greece
                                                          Prices for GPRS

NTUG > surveys > gsm > Obmpics 2004                                      there are also prices for SMG and voice

    Gountry                        1MB |Exchange
                       |Operator| ,U0d      Tute                           home
                                                                            enc |URL (only host shown)
    Spain              vodafone               5.00                                   Iutps/
    [Denmark           |sonofon               7.56          7.44]]         5625 itpo//www.sonofondi
    Ircland            [vodafone              £.00                   \            [nups/Parwwvodafonsie/
    uk                 vodafonc               8.84          0.66]|           5.88)]itpo//wwwvodafone.coutd
    Hungary        __|pannon _|               9.60|_25425]] 2441.40]ntpo/wwwpesmhw/
    [Netheriands       |itmobite              9.80]               J      [rtps//ww.—
    (Crostia           ___|fitmobile]]        9.91          7307320
    [Belgium           __|fproximus          10.00                       hy
    uk                 0;                    10.60          0.66]   7.05|itpiliwww,02.could!
    Singspore _]sinetel                  _[_10.80]                   I               Intpo/{
    Norway             ::fb““}c’             10.7           8.28]          90.00]mtp:/!
    Spain              telefonical]          _11.00                                  https/
    sweden             |iB,,                 11.00                                   Intp:/
    uk                 [cmobite              ][_11.28)]     ___0.60[        7.50}[iups/wwe.t—
    [Romania           |connex               maz]l          123][          14.01mtp/www.comenro/
[usa               Jatws                 [ _11.65]          1.72]          20.00[
[Austia             _ _|at                 11.s0                                 Intpo/inewal.neu
[Portueat          __|foptimus               _12.00]                                 Iitpo/{wwwoptimusp¥
    usA         emobile                      1222           1.23]|__15.00 [mttps/wwat—
    Switzeriand |sunrise                     13.10          1.54)[__ 20.12]/itps/
I                  I                     I          I                I           I

hitps//www.intugnet/surveys/gsm/olympics/gprs himl                                                                  usra0os

INTUG — intemational mobile roaming prices — GPRS — Olympics 2004                                Page 2 of2

 [Bclgium      mobistar        B31                             hittpo/fwerss.mobistarbe/
 [Austria      lone            13.50                 !
 (Germany Jitmobite |_13.80)                         |         —mobite
 [raly         wind                                            Intpo/fwereswindi¥
 [Austria      [cmobite                              \         [rtps//www.t—mobile. ay
 [NewZealand]{vodafone                     1.88]__       30.00}/nntps/‘
 Italy         m                                               Iitpo/fwves privattim i/
 xt 5°"®|smmartone                         9.68||        160.00Iitp:/wwwsmartone.comh/
[Austratia     __[vodafone |   17.47]      1.72)]        3000 [mnpiiiwwcwvodafone.comaw
 [Australia    Jtelstra        17a7        1.72]         30.00}
[France       ___\[bouygues|| _20.00|                |        Imtp://wwwservicevoyagebouysuestelecomfw
 France        t               24.00                          Iitpolheww.stt
 France        lorange         _|_25.00]                      [intpo/fwwrnorange.ff
All data are from public web sites. They confirmed the week ending 21 August 2004. The prices are for
Internet access and not special access or tothe "walled gardens® of the mobile network operators. Tariffs
used are for monthly subscription (business or the equivalent). The data presented here are intended only
for policy purposes and for not the selection ofoperators. Connex in Romania quotes its prices in US$

copyright © INTUG, 2004.                                     hitp:inwintug netsurveysigsm/alympics/gprs himi
This page is maintainad by the webmaster
Last updated 24 August 2004

hitps\www.intugnet/surveys/gsm/olympics/gprs himl                                                   usraoos

                                         Appendix A

                        Technical Annex — January 5, 2005

        In this technical annex we respond to the technical points raised in MSV‘s December 23
pleading, which are mainly contained in the Technical Appendix to that pleading." For clarity,
the numbering scheme in this technical annex corresponds o that in the MSV Technical
3:     Impact of Increased ATC Base Station EIRP and Relaxed ATC Base Station
       Overhead Antenna Gain Suppression on the Downlink Interference into Inmarsat
        MSV has once again failed to adequately address Inmarsat‘s concemns about the downlink
interference to Inmarsat‘s METs, which will degrade and obstruct Inmarsatservice by creating
tens of thousands of"no—g0" areas around ATC base stations where Inmarsatterminals will no
longer work, but where Inmarsat users expect to be able to receive interference—free service.
       A.—     Appropriate Propagation Model for Interference from ATC Base Stations to
               Inmarsat METs
         MSV asserts that a Walfisch—Ikegami model is the appropriate propagation model to use
in all cases when assessing the interference from ATC base stations to Inmarsat receivers.
Inmarsatdisagrees, as explained in its December 8 Application for Review, and believes that
there are many scenarios of ATC base station deployment where a free—space line—of—sight
propagation model is appropriate, and should be used to assess the required separation
distances * This is particularly true as MSV extends ts base stations outside of the "high—rise"
urban centers into "low— rise" urban and suburban areas — scenario that is inevitable given
MSV‘s stated desire to deploy ATC through the very same tower sites used to provide cellular
and PCS service.
       MSV also implies that Inmarsat is inconsistent insofar as its following two claims are

       (@      the relaxation in ATC base station EIRP limit will result in harmful interference
               into Inmarsat METs at relatively large distances from ATC base stations where
               there is line—ofsight between the base station and the Inmarsat MET.

       (b)     high levels ofblockage between ATC terminals and the ATC base station could
               force many MSV ATC terminals to ransmit at high EIRP levels and thereby

:      Opposiion afMSV to the Application for Review ofInmarsat, December 23, 2004
+      Inmarst‘s tionale fo thii filly explained i Secton 1.2 oftTechnical Amnex t Inmrsr‘s
       Applcation for Review, December8, 2004

                cause higher levels of interference to Inmarsatsatellites than the Commission has

        These two claims are not inconsistent atall. In reality both situations will occur. The
point is thatsituation (a) leads to worse downlink interference tInmarsat and of course occurs
closer to the center of an ATC cell (e., nearer to the base station). Situation (b) leads to worse
uplink interference t Inmarsat and is ikely to occur more when MSV‘s ATC MTs are located
towards the edge of an ATC cell, well away from the base station. Neither is an acceptable
situation and each will lead to harmful interference into the Inmarsat system
      Regardless of what propagation model is valid,it remains a fact that an 8 dB increase in
ATC base station EIRP will significantly increase the size ofthe harmful interference zones
around ATC base stations."
        B.      The Combined Effect of Relaxed ATC Base Station Overhead Antenna Gain
                Suppression and Increased ATC Base Station EIRP Limits on Interference
                to Inmarsat‘s Acronantical METs

         In the record ofthis proceeding Inmarsat has repeatedly voiced its serious concerns over
the harmful interference that would occur to Inmarsat receivers operating on aircraft, particularly
as those aireraft are at the critical tage of flight on take—off and landing flight paths. In its atest
pleading MSV states that Inmarsat‘s analysis of this interference mechanism for a single ATC
base station interfereris incorrect and that MSV‘s own analysis shows that an aireraft fying at
65 meters altitude maintains more than 6 dB margin against harmful interference as it passes
over an ATC base station. Further, MSV asserts that, as the horizontal distance between the
aireraft and the ATC base station increases, the interference margin increases rapidly.. As
demonstrated below, MSV‘s calculations are incorrect,and its presentation of the data is
        As an inital matter,and as Inmarsat has repeatedly expressed in the past, —50 dBm is the
wrong interference threshold to use for assessing ATC interference into acronautical receivers.
The ~50 dBm value was derived from the non—mandatory ARINC Characteristic 741 for the
LNA compression point. However, saturation ofthe LNA is not the limiting factor. Other
stages or components of the receiver chain down—stream from the LNA are likely to be
susceptible to saturation and intermodulation product generation at a significantly lower level. It
should be stressed that the ARINC Characteristics are not mandatory requirements. They are
voluntary avionics implementation guidelines developed by the Airlines Electronic Engincering
Committee (AEEC) primarily to foster equipment interchangeability among different suppliers.
‘The relevant interference threshold is derived from the mandatory interference susceptibility
requirement as presented in RTCA DO—210D, section, as Honeywell has explained and
as Inmarsat has expressed in previous pleadings." Moreaver,the FAA‘s Technical Standard
Order (TSO) C—132 (attached as Annex A) presents the minimum requirements for certification

*      Using the W—I LOS propagation modethe require separtiondistnce will doubl, and the are aifected
       inerease by fouimes, asa resiltofth 8 dB increase in ATC base sution EIRP. Usinga freespace in
       o—sigh modelth ditance willinerease by 2. imesand tharen affectd willincreas by 625 times
+      OppositionoIemarsat, March 25, 2004 at 48& Appendix C

of Inmarsat acronautical terminals and that TSO is entirely reliant on the RTCA requirements
Using the correct specification, the relevantinterference threshold level is 72 dBm, which will
result in a substantial increase in the calculated aireraft altitude and horizontal distances where
service to Inmarsat acronautical terminals will b disrupted by ATC interference. The terms of
MSV‘s ATC license, and the protectioncriteria in the ATC rules, must be modified totake into
account the correct interference criteria

       Turning to MSV‘s new analysis, MSV‘s results are summarized in its table which is
reproduced below:
    MSV‘s Analysis of AMS(RJ Receiver Trajectory over one ATC Base Station Emitting32 dBW ETRP
                  per Sector and using the Relazed Overhead Gain Suppression Pattern
            (AMS()S Receiver at 68 Meters Altitude; Base Station Located at %, ¥ = 00 k)
         x         5 Ti e               +2     +s      s es       os     es      s       22|    2s    k 1
         ¥         5[ 5| e              22     +s      s os       as     os      s       22|    ra    e k
  over Leverigem 5o 5o 50               50      5o      5o s      o      sn      5o      se     s|    40 5o
 Zog Ree So sn |—ons |—ora |—aa 7|     —aa 0   —ana    se s al   se l   se 7|   —ara|   sn 0   e 7|   w2 ma‘
     Magi e      ___|nest] 22} ts 7|   is o    i as}   a o sar   o ar   o 1e    i as    o wo   is m   2e na s
       From this table MSV concludes that when the aireraft is horizontally close to the ATC
base station (%e., within 300 meters) the margin is 6.87 dB, and that the margin increases to
18.51 dB for horizontal distances of4 km. Unfortunately, although MSV liss ts assumptions
used in this analysis, it does not provide the calculations that support these results. Inmarsat has
been unable to replicate these results, as explained further below.
       MSV‘s assurmptions used in its analysis are as follows:
       (2)     ATC base station antenna height is 30 meters above the ground;
       (b)     4 dB interference reduction due to voice activity;
       (€)     5.2 dB interference reduction due to power control;
       (d)     AMS(R)S antenna gain is 0 dBi;
       (€)     ATC base station down—tlt angle is 5%;
       (D      No shielding due to aireraft body;
       (&)     0 dB polarization discrimination.
         Using these assumptions, Inmarsat‘s interference calculations, for the simple case ofthe
aircraft immediately overhead the ATC base station, are as follows®
       ATC base station peak EIRP per sector
       Inmarat hs alsoanalyzed thinterferencefor allirerat brizontl poitonsrlative to the ATC base
       sttions, but is demonstatingthis one caleultion for claiy.

                =+32 dBW (Le., 8 dB increase over the value in the ATC rules)

        Gain suppression towards aireraft (at 2enith)
               =30 dB (ie., using the relaed overhead gain suppression mask)
        ATC base station EIRP per sector towards aircraft
                =+2 aBw

        Distance between ATC base station anterna and aireraft at zenith
                = 35 meters (Le., 65 meters altitude less ATC antenna height of30 m)
        Spreading loss from ATC base station antenna toaircraft
                = 10 log (4 135?) =41.87 dB

       Effective aperture of 0 dBi receive antenna at 1.5 GHz
                  G2*/ 4 x=0.003183 m
                  —25.0 dB—m‘
       Interfering signal power at Inmarsat receiver (per sector)
               =+2 — 41.87 —25.0 —4 — 5.2 = —74,07 dBW = ~44.07 dBm

        This shows there is a problem. The resulting interfering signal power is approximately 6
B higher than the assumed overload threshold, and therefore the margin is nesative 6 dB and
not positive 6.87 dB. This represents a significant difference from MSV‘s results. In fact the
altitude would need to be increased to 100 meters, using this same analysis with identical
assumptions as MSV, to get zero interference margin, and 182 meters altitude to get the positive
6.87 dB margin that MSV indicates.®
       Inmarsat ialso unable to confirm MSV‘s assertionthat ®... as the horizontal distance
between the aircraft and the ATC base station increases, the interference margin increases
rapidly ...". Because of the nature of the proposed ATC base station antenna overhead gain
suppression mask, the zenith situation is not the worst case in terms of interference margin, as
Inmarsat has shown repeatedly in the past. ‘The figure below shows the margin, relative to the
assumed interference threshold of —50 dBm, for a range of horizontal distances, and using the
same calculation methodology and assumptions as described above." Note that the margin is 6
dB at zero horizontal distance (as shown above), but the margin then becomes positive before
then going negative again, reaching a worst—case of —9.2 dB at around 425 meters from the base
station. Clearly this shows a result that is completely different from what MSV asserts. The
significance of this is that the worst—case interference is not when the aircraftisimmediately over

f      Tnmarsat ha usedtheassurmptions proposed by MSV for this analysi, which are ot thesame as
       Tnmarsat‘s own assumptionsused in the past
       ‘Theseresults have been obtsined by systematcally varying the horizonta distance from zero o 2400
       meters,and calcultingthe corresponding rangedistnce and hence spreading losforeach case In
       addiin, for each case th approprite ATC basestation antenna gain is calculatebased on the angular
       offict elativ o peak gain

the ATC base station, but when it is some distance (425 meters for the particular assumptions
used here) horizontally away from the base station.
        Thus, MSV‘s analysis is not only incorrect in the calculated values, but also appears
misleading in the way the results were presented in tabular form, where the true shape ofthe
margin curve has effectively been concealed by appropriate choice of horizontal spacing values
in the MSV table.



                      Horizontal Distance of Aircraft from Base Station Transmitter (m)

         MSV‘s analysis, as well as the analysis presented above, only takes account of the
interference from one sector of the ATC base station antenna.. Although this may be appropriate
for situations where the aireraft is a large distance horizontally from the base station, it certainly
is not the case when the aireraft is close to being overhead relative to the ATC base station. In
these situations the interfering power ofall sectors should be added together to assess the
interfering power to the Inmarsat receiver. In the case of an ATC base station with three sectors,
this would be a 4.77 dB increase in interference, or reduction in interference margin, resulting in
a 73% increase in the required separation distances relative to those calculated in this Technical

       Furthermore, itis highly questionable whether the voiceactivity interference power
reduction (4 dB) and the power control reduction (5.2 dB) are appropriate for the case ofa single
ATC base station. The Commission included these factors when assessing the impact ofa large
number (1000) of ATC base stations, based on the statistial effect of these mechanisms over a
large number ofchannels, and MSV has assumed that they apply equally well t the case of a
single ATC base station. The voice activity power reduction would be approximately zero for
data communications, which is a growing type oftraffic on mobile communications systems.
Similarly, when a base station is communicating with a disadvantaged ATC user, there will be
no power control reduction. These two factors amount to 9.2 dB, which is a 2.9 times increase in

the required separation distances to avoid harmful interference. This needs to be taken into
account when assessing the size of the zones around ATC base stations where ATC interference
will preclude or disruptInmarsat MSS service.
        .      MSV‘s Proposition that Inmarsat Overcome Downlink Interference by
               Changes to the Inmarsat Receivers, and by the Use of Power Control
         Admitting that its ATC network poses an interference threat to Inmarsat, MSV urges the
Commission to require that Inmarsat terminals be made like PCS or cellular handsets, s they
can overcome the effects of ATC interference. MSV proposes that simple dual conversion
heterodyne receivers are the solution to the problem. This suggestion ignores the following
       (i)     Satellte receivers are designed with great emphasis on minimizing front—end
               noise so that they can be highly sensitive to reeeive very weak signals from their
               "base station" located 22,300 miles away;

       (ii)    This low—noise requirement is fundamentallydifferent from PCS terminals which
               do not require such high sensitivity because they are able to use base station
               power control to combat interference;
       (ii)    Inmarsat‘s terminal manufacturers would be required to carry out lengthy research
               on new and innovative technologies for effectively dealing with the interference
               that Inmarsat terminals will be subject to when in the proximity ofthe high~
               powered ATC base stations, that do not comply with the February 2003 ATC

       (iv)    Thover 350,000 Inmarsatterminals that already have been commissioned at an
               estimated total investment of more than 53 billion cannot be retrofited;
       (¥)     ts far too late to suggest that Inmarsat change a system design on which it has
              proceeded in relianceon the February 2003 issuance of ATC rules by the
              Commission, in a proceeding that started almost four years ago in 2001.
       (vi)   In proposing that Inmarsat use power control to combat downlink interference
              into Inmarsat terminals, MSV, despite being an MSS operator, fils t
              acknowledge that the primary driver for the introduction ofa power control
              mechanism in MSS systems, and the way in which the downlink power control
              system operates. Downlink power control is used to minimize satellite power to
              the level actually required depending on the link characteristies. It cannot be used
              to overcome the high levels ofATC interference, including receiver saturation,
              that would occurin the vicinity of ATC base stations.
        In view of the above, and considering that ATC has not yet been implemented, it begs the
question ofwhy MSV is not willing to explore what it can do to modify its ATC implementation
to limit interference, for example, by the use of a MSS operation detection mechanism in the

neighborhood of ATC base stations, which can be used to limit, on a dynamic basis, the base
station transmitted power ofthe relevant sector in which the MSS terminal may be operating.

11.     Uplink Interference to Inmarsat Satellites
         The Commission‘s February 2003 ATC order assumed that the average equivalent
outdoor EIRP of all ATC terminals will be atleast 20 dB below maximum EIRP." There is
simply is no evidence that the MSV ATC system is consistent with this assumption. As a result,
there is no assurance that Inmarsat spacecraft will be protected from uplink interference from
ATG, as assumed in the February 2003 ATC Order. ‘This is demonstrated below
       MSV quotes its August 31, 2004 ex parte as evidence that it will achieve an interference
reduction factor of 20 dB due to power control. The key parameters ofMSV‘s GSM link budget
are shown below.
        [Required soiropic power atbase sation anena         aow      160
        Maximem MEiRP                                        aow       |_o
         imictral atiemuation margin                          «s       is
        [opnormal margin                                      as       7
         athloss to clledge (S% Po)                           as      iss
          ellradius with Cost 2317ata model                   im      10
        The EIRP at the cell edge (for 75% coverage) can be calculated to be —25 dBW from
these parameters. Also, based on the charaeteristics of the cell it can be estimated that the
average range taper is 3.6 dB. Hence, the MT EIRP required for 75% coverage within the cell is
~28.6 dBW. Finally, based on the lognormal margin assumed, the standard deviation of the
distrbution can be calculated as 10.4 dB. With this information we can produce the distribution
of EIRP levels in the cell. In doing this we take into account that the EIRP range is —30 dBW to
0 dBW. The EIRP distribution is shown in the following figure.

* Fledblityor Delivry of Communication by Mobil Satlite Service Providers n the 2 GHts Band, e L—Band,
and the 1.62.4 GHz Bands, 18 ECC Red 1962 (2003), Emate, 1B Docket Nos.O1—185 and 02—361 (rl. March 7,
2003), on reconsideration, PGC O3—162 (rl. uly3,2003) (be "ATC Order®)at 2152 (Appendix C2 §13.5)



                 so                      a           aso
                                                 wr eme com

       The average EIRP from this distrbution is ~17.5 dBW, ie. 2.5 dB above —20 dBW.

        1t should be noted that in this example we have used the maximum EIRP of0 dBW as
specified by MSV in its link budget. If the maximum EIRP instead were —4 dBW (due to an
average antenna gain of—4 dBi) there would be no significant difference. The minimum EIRP
would become —34 dBW, the distribution above would be shifted by 4 dB and, to comply with
the 20 dB power control margin, the required average EIRP would be —24 dBW. The main
difference in this case is that MSV would be required to reduce the size ofthe cell to maintain
the same link margin.
        In MSV‘s example link budget the average path loss at 1 km distance is given as 135 dB
compared to the free—space loss 0f 97 dB. Hence, the MSV link budgetincludes a 38 dB margin
with respect to free—space conditions, but does not satity the assumption that the average
equivalent outdoor EIRP ofall ATC terminals will be atleast 20 dB below maximum EIRP. ‘The
margins and average EIRP would vary depending on the specific characteristics ofthe cell and
depending on the design techniques that are employed by MSV, but t is clear from MSV‘s
example that significant care has to be taken to ensure that the average EIRP is kept at least 20
dB below maximum. Certainly, the need to control ATC emissions toward MSS spacecraft is
much greater than the need to simply "ba licensees from extending a base station‘s coverage
area to such an extent that a mobile terminal atthe edge ofthe area would have to transmit at
EIRP higher than —18 dBW merely to overcome free—space loss", which is the only significance
the Bureau places on the 18 dB structural attenation margin requirement. (MSV Order at 33)
       Based on the Bureau‘s interpretation of the 18B structural attenuation requirement,
MSV could deploy cellsthat require an MT to transmit at 18 dB below maximum EIRP only
when the MT is at the edige ofa cell and has line—of—sight to the base station. Under this
approach, all MTs that do not have line—of—sight to the base station would be allowed to increase
the EIRP above this evel. Such a result is antithetical to the interference calculations underlying

the February 2003 decision to authorize ATC on a secondary, non—harmfulinterference, basis.
As demonstrated in Inmarsat‘s Application for Review — this interpretation would result in an
average MT EIRP far sbove what was assumed in the Commission‘s original ATC interference
analysis, and it therefore cannot be reconciled with the February 2003 ATC decision.
       Although it is evident from the above discussion that a cell in an urban area that is
designed to require an MT EIRP 18 dB below maximum for ine—of—sight conditions atthe edge
ofthe cell would leave significant holes in the coverage, there may stll be cases where MSV
would decide thatit is in its best interest to do this. For example, this would be a method to
extend the size of cells atthe edge of ATC coverage areas. Most importantly, there are many
intermediate cases between the "minimalist" design required based on the Bureau‘s
interpretation of the structuralattenuation rule and the near—ideal coverage case shown in MSV‘s
Hink budget. MSV may well choose to deploy such intermediate cell designs, and i it does they
would eause much more interference to Inmarsat than the FCC intended. As even the near—ideal
case fails to meetthe intent of the rule to limit the average MT EIRP, there is little hope that
MSV will voluntarily go to the trouble needed to protect Inmarsat‘s satelltes. For these reasons,
Inmarsat continues to urge the Commission to ensure that the average MT EIRP ofthe MSV
ATC system is at least 20 dB below maximum EIRP.


                                    Department of Transportation                    TSO—C132
                                  Fodaral Aviation Administration
                                     Alrcrat Certfcation Sorvice                  Effectve
     V                                     Washington, DC                         Date: 3r25/04

              Technical Standard Order
Subject:      TS0—C132, Geosynchronous Orbit Acronautical Mobile Satellite Services Aircraft
              Earth Station Equipment
1.   PURPOSE. This Technical Standard Order (TSO) is for manufacturers of geosynchronous
orbit Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS) Aircraft Earth Station (AES) equipment
applying for a TSO authorization. In it, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tells you
what minimum performance standards (MPS) your AMSS AES equipment must meet for
approval and identification with the applicable TSO marking.
2. APPLICABILITY, This TSO affects new applications submitted after this TSO‘s effective
3.   REQUIREMENTS, New models of AMSS AES equipment identified and manufactured
on or after the effective date of this TSO must meet the MPS in RTCA Document No.
RTCAMDO—210D, "Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Geosynchronous
Orbit Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS) Avionics," Section 2.0, dated April 19,
2000 to include Change 1, dated December 14, 2000, and Change 2, dated November 28, 2001.
     a. Functionality. This TSO‘s standards apply to AMSS AES equipment that provides
direct worldwide communications between aircraft subnetworks and ground subnetworks using
aeronautical mobile satellites and their ground earth stations. AMSS will support both data and
voice communications between aireraft users and ground—based users, such as Air Route Traffic
Control Centers (ARTCCs) and aireraft operators. Communication services with AMSS
fimctions include four categories:_ Air Traffic Services (ATS), Airerat Operational Control
(A0C), Aeronautical Administrative Communications (AAC), and Acronautical Passenger
Communications (APC).
             NOTE: We may have more airworthiness requirements for installing
             AMSS AES equipment intended for ATS communications. Contact
             your local geographic Aireraft Certiication Office (ACO) for more
     b.. Eailure Condi       Classification. Failure of the function defined in
paragraphs 3 and 3a of this TSO is a minor failure condition. You must develop the
system to at leastthe design assurance level equal to this failure condition classification.
     c Environmental Qualification. Test the equipment according to RTCA Document No.
DO—160D, "Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airbome Equipment," dated
July 29, 1997 to include Change 1, dated December 14, 2000, Change 2, dated June 12, 2001,
and Change 3, dated December 5, 2002.
     d.. Software Qualifieation. 1fthe article includes a digital computer, develop the
software according to RTCA Document No. RTCA/DO—178B, "Software Considerations
in Airbome Systems and Equipment Certification," dated December 1, 1992.

TSO—C132                                                                                    305704

     e. Deviations. We have provisions for using altemmate or equivalent means of compliance
to the crieria in the MPS of this TSO. If you invoke these provisions, you must show that your
equipment maintains an equivalent level of safety. Apply for a deviation under
14 CFR § 21.609

    a. Mark at least one major component permanently and legibly with all the information in
14 CFR § 21.607(0), except for:
       (1) Section 21.607(d)(2). Use the name, type, and part number instead ofthe optional
model number, and
          (2) Section 21.607(d)G). Use the date of manufacture instead of the optional serial
    b.. In addition, mark the following permanently and legibly with at least the name ofthe
manufacturer, manufacturer‘s subassembly part number, and the TSO number:
        (1) Each component that is easily removable (without hand tools);
        (2) Bach interchangeable element, and
        (3) Each separate sub—assembly ofthe article that you determined maybe
    .. Ifthe component includes a digital computer, then the part number must include
hardware and software identification. Or, you can use a separate part number for hardware and
software. Either way, you must include a means for showing the modification status.
              NOTE: Similar software versions, approved to different software
              levels, must be differentiated by part number.
    .. When applicable,identify the equipment as an incomplete system or that the appliance
performs finctions beyond those described in paragraphs 3 and 3a of this TSO.
5.. APPLICATION DATA REQUIREMENTS. Under 14 CFR § 21.605(a)(2), you, as a
manufacturer—applicant, must give the FAA‘s ACO manager responsible for your facilities, one
copy each of the following technical data to support our design and production approval
     a. Operating instructions and equipmentlimitations, sufficient to describe the equipment‘s
operational capability
     b.. Installation procedures and limitations, sufficient to ensure that the AMSS AES
equipment, when installed according to the installation procedures, stll meets this TSO‘s
requirements. The limitations must identify any unique aspects ofthe installation. Finally,the
Himitations must include a note with the following statement:
             The conditions and tests for TSO approval ofthis article are minimum
             performance standards. Those installing this article, on or within a
              specific type or class of aireraft, must determine thatthe aircraft
              installation conditions are within the TSO standards. TSO articles
             must have separate approval for installation in an aireraft The article
             may be installed only according to 14 CFR part 43 or the applicable
              airworthiness requirements.

3725704                                                                                 Tso—Ci32

     . When applicable, identify the appliance as an incomplete system or a multi—use
system. Describe the functions that the appliance is intended to provide.
     d. Schematic drawings of the installation procedures.
     .. Wiring diagrams of the installation procedures.
     1. Listof the components, by part number, that make up the AMSS AES system complying
with the standards in this TSO. ‘You should include vendor part number cross—references, when
     g.. Instructions, covering periodic maintenance, calibration, and repair,for the continued
airworthiness of installed AMSS AES equipment. Instructions should include recommended
inspection intervals and service life
     h. Material and process specifications list.
     i. The quality control system description required by 14 CFR §§ 21.605(a)(3) and
21.143(a),including fimctional test specifications. These test each production article to ensure
compliance with this TSO.
     j Manufacturer‘s TSO qualification test report
     k. Nameplate drawing with the information required by paragraph 4 of this TSO.
     1. A list ofall drawings and processes, including revision level, to define the article‘s
design. For a minor change, you only need to make revisions to the drawing listavailable on
       m. An environmental qualifieations form as described in RTCA/DO—160D for each
component ofthe system.
     .. If the article includes a digital computer: a Plan for Software Aspects of Certification
(PSAC); Software Configuration Index; and Software Accomplishment Summary. We
recommend that you submit the PSAC carly in the software development process. Early
submittal allows us quickly to resolve issues, such as partitioning and determining software
6. MANUFACTURER DATA REQUIREMENTS, Besides the data to be furnished directly
to the FAA, a manufacturer must have available for review (by the responsible ACO) the
following technical date:
     .. The functional qualification specifications for qualifying each production article to
ensure compliance with this TSO.
     b. Equipment calibration procedures
         Corrective maintenance procedures within 12 months after TSO authorization.
  s m s mos

         Schematic drawings.
              Wiring diagrams.
              Material and process specifications.
              The results ofthe environmental qualification tests conducted per RTCA/DO—160D

TS0—C132                                                                                  375704

7. FURNISHED DATA REQUIREMENTS. With each article manufactured under this
TSO, provide the following:
        (1) One copy of the technical data and information specified in paragraphs Sa(1)
through (8) of this TSO. Add any other data or information necessary for the proper installation,
certifiation, and use, or for continued airworthiness, ofor both, ofthe AMSS AES equipment
        (2): One copy ofthe data and information in paragraphs Sa(11) through (13),if the
appliance performs functions beyond those described in paragraphs 3 and 3a of this TSO. You
must send these data to each person receiving one or more of the equipment for use
     2. _You can buy copies ofRTCA Document Nos. DO—210D, DO—160D, and DO—178B,
from RTCA, Inc.,1828 L Street, NW, Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone
(202) 833—9339, fax (202) 833—9434. You can also get copies through the RTCA website @
wirwertea ore
     b. You can buy copies of 14 CFR part 21, Subpart O, from the Superintendent of
Documents, Govemment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402—9325. Telephone
(202) 512—1800,fax (202) 512—2250. You can also get copies fromthe Government Printing
Office (GPO), electronic CFR Internet website @ wirwccess.spo.gou/ecf.
     .. You can get FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 20—110 or the most current revision, "Index of
Aviation Technical Standard Orders," and AC 20—115 or the most current revision, "Index of
Articles Certified under the Technical Standard Order System," from the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Utlization and Storage Section, M—443.2, Washington, DC 20500. Telephone
(301) 322—4477, fix (301) 386—5394. You can also get copies from the FAA‘s Regulatory and
Guidance Library (RGL) @ wwwairweb.faa.gounel. On the RGL webpage, select "Advisory

Susan J. M. Cabler

Susan J. M. Cabler
Acting Manager, Aireraft Enginecring Division
Aireraft Certification Service


        Lhereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
the engineering information contained in the foregoing submission,that Iam familiar with Part
25 ofthe Commission‘s ules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the enginecring
information submitted in this pleading, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my
knowledaeand belief.

                                                     [Ads fasers
                                                     Richard J. Barmett, PhD, BSc
                                                     Telecomm Strategies,Inc.
                                                     6404 Highland Drive
                                                     Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
                                                     (301) ase—s9s0

Dated: January 5, 2005

                                 CERtIrICATE or SERVICE
               1, Thomas A. Allen, hereby certify that on this Sth day of January, 2005, the
foregoing "Reply" was served by hand(*) or via first class mail, postage pre—paid, upon the

Michael K. Powell®                                  Donald Abelson*
Chairman                                            Chief
Federal Communications Commission                   International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW                                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                                445 12th Street, SW
                                                    Washington, DC 20554
Kathlcen Q. Abernathy*
Commissioner                                        Bryan Tramont*
Federal Communications Commission                   ChicfofStaff
445 12th Street, SW                                 Office ofChairman Powell
Washington, DC 20554                                Federal Communications Commission
                                                    445 12th Street, SW
Michael J. Copps®                                   Washington, DC 20554
Federal Communications Commission                   Shery!J. Wilkerson®
445 12th Street, SW                                 Legal Advisor
Washington, DC 20554                                Office of Chairman Powell
                                                    Federal Communications Commission
Kevin J. Martin®                                    445 12th Street, SW
Commissioner                                        Washington, DC 20554
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                                 Jennifer Manner®
Washington, DC 20554                                Senior Counsel
                                                    Office ofCommissioner Abemnathy
Jonathan S. Adelstein®                              Federal Communications Commission
Commissioner                                        445 12th Street, SW
Federal Communications Commission                   Washington, DC 20554
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                                Paul Margie®
                                                    Legal Advisor
Edmond J. Thomas®                                   Office ofCommissioner Copps
Chief                                               Federal Communications Commission
Office ofEngineering and Technology                 445 12th Street, SW
Federal Communications Commission                   Washington, DC 20554
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554


Sam Feder®                             Roderick K. Porter®
Legal Advisor                          Deputy Chief
Office of Commissioner Martin          International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                    445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554
Banry Ohlson*                          Steven Spacth*
Senior Legal Advisor                   Legal Adviser
Office ofCommissioner Adelstein        International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                    445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554
Bruce A. Franca®                       David Strickland*
Office of Engineering and Technology   Legal Adviser
Federal Communications Commission      International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW                    Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                   445 12th Street, SW
                                       Washington, DC 20554
Tra R. Keltz®
Office of Engineering and Technology   James L. Ball*
Federal Communications Commission      International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW                    Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                   445 12th Street, SW
                                       Washington, DC 20554
Alan Scrime*
Office of Engineering and Technology   William H. Bell*
Federal Communications Commission      International Bureau
445 12th Street,SW                     Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                   445 12th Street, SW
                                       Washington, DC 20554
Richard B. Engelman*
ChiefEngineer                          Chip Fleming*
International Bureau                   International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                    445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554
Thomas Tycz*                           Howard Griboft®
International Bureau                   International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                    445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554


Karl Kensinger®                     Billy Cain
Intemational Bureau                 Nera, Inc.
Pederal Communications Commission   4975 Preston Park Blvd.
445 12th Street, SW                 Suite 600
Washington, DC 20554                Plano, TX 75093

Paul Locke®                         Sue Robinson
Interational Bureau                 AOS, Inc.
Federal Communications Commission   17817 Davenport Road
445 12th Street, SW                 Suite 225
Washington, DC 20554                Dallas, TX 75252
Kathye Mediy®                       David Greenhill
Intemational Bureau                 Satcom Direct
Federal Communications Commission   1901 Highway AIA
445 12th Street, SW                 Satellite Beach, FL 32037
Washington, DC 20554
                                    J.D. Pan
Robert Nelson®                      Glocom, Inc.
InternationalBurcau                 20010 Century Blvd.
Federal Communications Commission   Germantown, MD 20874
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                Frank York
                                    Global Communications Solutions, Inc.
Sean O‘More*                        7640 Omnitech Place
International Burcau                Victor, NY 145649782
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                 Jerey W. Vonau
Washington, DC 20554                International Mobile Satellite Organization
                                    99 City Road
Cassandra Thomas®                   London, BCTY 1AX
Interational Bureau                 United Kingdom
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                 Alfied M. Mamlet
Washington, DC 20554                Philip L. Malet
                                    Mare A. Paul
John Muleta®                        Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Wircless Bureau                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Federal Communications Commission   Washington, DC 20036
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                Counselfor Stratos Mobile Networks (USA)
                                    LLC and MarineSat Communications
                                    Network, Inc.


Bob Phillips                          Lon C. Levin
Office of Communications              Vice President
Riverside House                       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2a Southwark Bridge Road              10802 Parkidge Boulevard
London SE1 9HA                        Reston, Virginia 20191
Jon Kicin                             Bruce D. Jacobs
GMPCS Personal Communications, Inc.   David Konczal
198 Halpine Road, Suite 1318          Shaw Pittman LLP
Rockyille, MD 20852                   2300 N Street, NW
                                      Washington, DC 20037
Bruce Henoch                
Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.
1101 Wootton Parlcway                 Counselfor Mobile Satellte Ventures LLC
10° Floor
Rocksille, MD 20852

                                      Thomas A. Allen


Document Created: 2005-01-07 15:19:06
Document Modified: 2005-01-07 15:19:06

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