Attachment REQUEST


REQUEST submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20031104-00323 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission

                                        Washington, DC 20554

                                               October 1, 2004
Jeffrey Olson, Esquire
Pail, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1615 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

                        Re:     Orbial Debris Mitigation: SkyBridge II LLC, Application for Authoriy to
                                Launch and operate the SkyBridge 1I Satelte System — File Nos. SAT—LOA—
                                19971222—00221; SAT—AMD—20031104—00323.

Dear Mr. Olson:
         "Thisleter requests additional information, pursuant to Section 25.1 1 1(a)othe Commission‘s Rules
regarding the orbital debris mitigation plan ofthe SkyBridas 11 satelite system. On July 19, 2004, SkyBridge
11 notified the Commission that it intends to employ a storage orbitfor disposalots proposed non—
gcostationary satelite orbit Ka—band satelites. SkyBride IL however, did not provide specificinformation
withrespect to the particular storage orbit.. Therefore, n order for the Commission to review the adequacy of
the SkyBridge II plan for stormge orbit disposal, we request the following information:
        1) A statement disclosing the anticipated intal alttudes (apogee and perigee) and orbital parameters
        of the storage orbit and an analysis of the sability of the storage orbit (e.2. a plot of apogee and
        perigee alttude ofthe storage orbit verses time, over a period ofmore than 100 years);
        2) An analysis, including all assumptions, ofthe amount of fuel, in kilograms, that would be required
        to accomplish the post—mission disposal and the amount of fuel SkyBridge 11 intends to reserve for
        this purpose;
        3) An analysis, including all assumptions, of fuel gauging uncertainty and a sttement of whether
        SkyBridee II has compensated for such uncertaint.

        in addition, SkyBridge 11 has provided the Commission with information conceming a number of
measures that it wll employ in order to mitigate orbital debris, however, SkyBridge 1I did not specifially
address theissve ofpotental callsions with large objects" Therefore, we request that SkyBridge 11 provide
the fllowing information:
        1) A statement as to whether SkBridge II has assessed and limited the probability of ts satelftes
        becoming a source ofdebris by collision wth large debris or other functioning sateltes;

! Letrto Marene . Dortch, Secretwy, FOG,from Jffey . Olson, Artomey for Skyidge 11 LLC (luly 19, 2004)
* Amendment to application, SAT—AMD—2003110t—0323, Extibit C to Form 312, "Orbial Debris Mitiatin."

         2) Please indicate whether there are any other NGSO constelltions, currenty in orbit or planned,
         with similar orbita characteristics(Le. apogee, perigee,inclination, or RAAN) such thatthe volumes
         in which the satelites will orbit substantially overlap. If there are, please provide an analysis ofthe
         potentialrisk of in—orbit callion and a description of any measures SkyBridgeII plans to take to
         avoid such collision;
         3) Please specify the tolerance, during the operational life of the satelite, to which the following
         orbital parameters will be maintained:
                 a. Apogce
                 b. Perigee
                 c. Incliation
                 d. RAAN
                 e Satellite phasing, for orbits with more than one satelt.

        We also notethat the SkyBridge I amendment states that "SkyBridge If wil... maintain:
stationkeeping to within 0.1°"> —It is unclear asto what parameterthis statement refers. We request that
SkyBridge II clarify this statement conceming is orbital configuration.
        In order for us to continue processing the Skyridge I space station application, we require thatthe
above information be provided by Ostober 15,2004. Ifyou have any questions you may ether contact Sankar
Persaud at (202) 418—2441 or by e—mail at or Karl Kensinger at (202) 418—244 1 or
by c—mail at


                                                          Thomas S. Tycr
                                                                              S   &
                                                          Satellte Division

" Amendment to application, SAT—AMD—2003110%—00323, Extibi C to Form 312, *Orbial Debris Miigation,"page 2.


Document Created: 2004-10-01 11:17:50
Document Modified: 2004-10-01 11:17:50

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