Attachment name change

name change


name change


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20031030-00317 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                    6017 Woodcy Road
                                                    MeLean, VA 22101
                                                    June 5, 2006      RECEIVED

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                            JUN ~5 2006
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW TW—A325                                         Fodea Communcatem Conniasbn
Washington, DC 20554                                                      Offerol Secminy
      Re:   File Nos. SAT—LOA—19971222—00222, SAT—LOA—20040322—
            00234353637, SAT—AMD—20040719—00141, SAT—AMD—20040322—
            00057, SAT—AMD—20031030—00317, SAT—MOD—20060511—00056, SAT—
            MOD—20060511—00057, SAT—MOD—20060511—00058, SAT—MOD—
            2006051 1—00059, SAT—MOD—20060511—00060; Callsigns $2346, S2683,
            $2682, $2680, S2681

Dear Ms. Dortch:

     contaciMEO Communications, LLC, liensee and applicant in the above—referenced
proceedings, hereby submits notice of a change in its name to ATCONTACT
COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Attached is a copy othe Colorado certification ofthat
change. Also, the CORES database has been updated.
     Please direct any questions concerning this notice to the undersigned.

                       Receiveq                     Yours trly,

                     JUN 0 5 2005
                      Poly Breench
                                             oy¥    James M. Talens
                                                    Counsel for
                                                    COMMUNICATIONS, LLC

ces Robert Nelson (via email)
    Fem Jarmulnck (via email)
    Kathleen Campbell (via email)

                                                                  Colorado Secretary of State
                                                                  Date and Time: 06/02/2006 11:50 AM
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Paper documents must be typeuriten or machineprined                                   m wnceroremeriseoner
                                         Articles ofAmendment
          filed pursuant t §7—90—301, t se and §7:40—200 ofthe Colorado Revised Sttutes (CR.5)
D number:                                   19971205188

1 Soig m                                   comm MuNications,
                                              icang ie rane ofi inind uty cmpan; imican
                                                               vane BHFORE e rane cang)

   (fapplatl)                               ATcontact communications, Lc
3. Us of Restrcted Words ay othae
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  stt dscamennarihcogpieatie                   D) Ansurmnee‘"easunliy‘,Amateal‘.or"surcy"
4. Other amendments, fany, aratached.
5. 1tthe limited Nabilty company‘s
   perid ofdaration asamended is
   lessthan porpotual, se the dte
   on which the peried ofduration
  Ifthlimited labilty company‘s periodof duration asamended is perpetual, mark this boxc
6. (Optional) Delayed effective due:
Causingthi documentto be dliverd o thescrstry ofsttefoAing shal constiute theaffimation or
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statates and that the individualin goodfath believe he fact stated in the document are trie and the
document complies wth therequirements ofhatPar, he consitent documents, and the organstatutes.

wmoue                                              Puctors                                         es inisams

This perjuy noticeapplis toeach indvidual who causesthis document tbedelivered o the secretry of
stte,whether or not such individual i named in the document as one who has caused it to be delivered.
7. Name(s) and addresss) ofthe
   individual(s) eausing thedocument
  to be deliveredfo filng:               Flynt                   Jackie
                                                   dag       o pog aalg ~mag
                                        400 Inverness Plowy.
                                        Sute 259 Om annatrarar Oe in nc
                                        _________ CO                             80112—5884
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     mnvontaites fretinmiaci
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woue                                             meenors                                    n imsams

Document Created: 2006-06-13 18:36:28
Document Modified: 2006-06-13 18:36:28

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