Attachment DA 06-864

DA 06-864


DA 06-864


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20031030-00317 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 06-864

                                              Before the
                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

contactMEO Communications, LLC                                    File Nos. SAT-LOA-19971222-00222
For Authority to Launch and Operate                                         SAT-AMD-20031030-00317
a Non-Geostationary Orbit Fixed-Satellite
System in the Ka-band Frequencies                                  Call Signs: S2346, S2680, S2681, S2682,

                                     ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

     Adopted: April 14,2006                                                    Released: April 14,2006

By the Chief, International Bureau:


          1.      By this Order, we grant contactMEO Communications, LLC (contactME0) authority for
a satellite system consisting of three non-geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO) satellites and four
geostationary satellite orbit (GSO) satellites to provide fixed-satellite service (FSS) in the Ka-band.2
Specifically, we authorize contactMEO to construct three NGSO FSS satellites capable of operating in the
18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency bands on a primary basis, in the 29.5-30.0 GHz frequency
band on a secondary basis, and in the 19.7-20.2 GHz frequency band on a non-conforming basis.’ We

  For administrative purposes, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20040322-00234/00235/00236/00237were generated by the
International Bureau’s File System (IBFS) to obtain Call Signs for each of contactMEO’s four proposed GSO
satellites. The Schedule S for these satellites is in File No. SAT-AMD-20040322-00057.
  In December 2003, the applicant @contact LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, submitted a notice of name
change -- to contactMEO Communications, LLC. Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC from James M. Talens,
Counsel for contactME0 Communications, LLC (filed December 2, 2003). The term “Ka-band” in this order refers
to the space-to-Earth (downlink) communications in the 17.7-20.2 GHz band and the corresponding Earth-to-space
(uplink) communications in the 27.5-30.0 GHz band.
’ For the purposes of this Order and Authorization, we use the terms “primary” and “secondary“ as the Commission
did when it adopted the Ka-band plan. See Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission’s rules
to Redesignate the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish
Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed-Satellite Services, Third Report and
Order, CC Docket No. 92-297, 12 FCC Rcd 22310 (1997) (Ka-band Third Report and Order). Thus, space stations
operating in primary services are protected against interference from stations of secondary services. Stations

                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-864

also authorize contactMEO to construct, launch, and operate four GSO FSS satellites in the 28.6-29.1
GHz frequency band on a secondary basis, and in the 18.8-19.3 GHz frequency band on a non-
conforming basis. This authorization gives contactMEO an opportunity to provide consumers access to a
variety of advanced broadband and interactive satellite communications services.

         2.       At this time, however, we do not authorize contactMEO to launch or operate its NGSO
satellites pending the development of additional information concerning contactMEO’s plans for end-of-
                                               ~ address issues relating to contactMEO’s proposed NGSO FSS
life disposal of its NGSO ~ p a c e c r a f t .We
operations in this Order so we will be in a position to act expeditiously upon its request for launch and
operating authority. In addition, we deny contactMEO’s request to conduct transfer orbit and emergency
mode telemetry, traclung and control operations in the C-band frequencies. We also deny contactMEO’s
request for a waiver of the bond requirement.

11.        BACKGROUND
        3.       In May 1997, the International Bureau licensed 13 GSO FSS and one NGSO FSS
applicant to operate satellite systems as part of the first Ka-band processing round.5 Consistent with the
Commission’s 1996 decision to divide the 27.5-30.0 GHz portion of the Ka-band among several services,
the Bureau authorized the GSO FSS systems in one range of Ka-band spectrum and the NGSO FSS
system in another.6 In October 1997, the Bureau established a second processing round for NGSO FSS
Ka-band systems7 In response to the Public Notice, six applications were filed. Four applicants
subsequently withdrew their applications.8 contactMEO is one of the two remaining applicants.’ In 1997,
the Commission also adopted its Ka-Band Third Report and Order establishing technical requirements,
licensing qualifications, and service rules for GSO FSS and NGSO FSS systems in the Ka-band.” At

(...continuedfrom previous page)
operating in the secondary service cannot cause harmfiul interference to or claim protection from harmful
interference from stations of a primary service. Co-primary services have equal rights to operate in particular
frequencies. Non-conforming services may be provided only on a non-harmful interference basis to any Federal,
non-Federal, or internationally authorized service and may not claim interference protection from those services or
any non-conforming services previously authorized on a non-harmful interference basis.
    See paragraph 47, below.
  Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Ka-band, Order, 13 FCC Rcd 1030 (Int’l Bur. 1997). See
also, Teledesic Corp., Order and Authorization, 12 FCC Rcd 3154 (Int’l Bur. 1997) (authorizing Teledesic Corp. to
launch and operate a NGSO FSS system in the Ka-band). Teledesic subsequently surrendered its authorization,
Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from Mark A. Grannis, Counsel to Teledesic (June 27, 2003).
 Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2,21, and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Redesignate the 27.5-29.5 GHz
Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for Local
Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, First Report and Order and Fourth Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Rcd 19005 (1996) (Ka-Band Plan Order).
 See Public Notice Satellite Policy Branch Information: Satellite Applications Accepted for filing in the Ka-band,
Cut-Off Established for Additional Applications in the 28.35-28.6 GHz, 29.1-30 GHz, 17.7 - 18.8 GHz, and 19.3 -
20.2 GHz Frequency Bands, Report No. SPB-106, 13 FCC Rcd 8020 (Int’l Bur. 1997).

 Motorola Global Communications, Inc., Hughes Communications, Inc., Lockheed Martin Corp., and SkyBridge 11,
 The other applicant is Northrop Grumman Space and Mission Systems Corporation, File Nos. SAT-LOA-
19970904-00080/84~SAT-LOA-19971222-00219; SAT-AMD-20031104-00324; SAT-AMD-20040312-00030/34;
lo Ka-Band Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 22310. In thls Order, the Commission observed that the 27.5-
30.0 GHz and 17.7-20.2 GHz band is allocated internationally and domestically for a number of different uses. To

                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-864

that time, the Commission deferred establishing principles by which multiple NGSO FSS systems could
share the NGSO-designated portion of the spectrum, but stated that all Ka-band NGSO FSS licensees are
expected to bear some portion of the technical and operational constraints necessary to accommodate
multiple "non-homogeneous" NGSO FSS systems. l 1

         4.      In July 2003, the Commission adopted a sharing method and established the parameters
for Ka-band NGSO FSS operations in the NGSO Report and Order." Under this sharing method, all Ka-
band NGSO FSS systems will have access to the entire NGSO-designated spectrum, except during in-line
interference events. When two NGSO non-Federal FSS systems cannot avoid an in-line interference
event, the operators must divide the available spectrum equally for the duration of the event.13 The NGSO
Report and Order also adopted a technical definition to support the sharing method, a default mechanism,
and various service rules.

         5.       Initially, contactMEO proposed to construct, launch and operate an NGSO FSS satellite
system consisting of 16 operational satellites, plus four orbiting spares, equally spaced in three planes in
10,400 kilometer circular medium earth orbit (MEO).I4 contactMEO proposed to use the 28.6-29.1 GHz
and 18.8-19.3 GHz frequency bands, which the Commission had designated for NGSO FSS systems. It
also proposed to use the 29.5-30.0 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz frequency bands on a non-interference basis,
spectrum the Commission designated to GSO FSS systems. In March 2004, contactME0 amended its
application to reduce the number of satellites from 16 to seven, and to change the orbital configuration to
use three satellites in highly elliptical orbits (HEO) and four Ka-band satellites in geostationary satellite
orbits.I5 As set forth in the amended application, contactMEO proposes to operate its three H E 0 satellites
in the 28.6-29.1 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 18.8-19.3 GHz (space-to-Earth) NGSO-designated frequency
bands, on a primary basis, and in the 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz GSO designated bands on a
"secondary, non-hannful interference basis." contactMEO proposes to place its GSO satellites at four
orbit locations, 83" W.L., 121" W.L., 34" E.L. and 130" E.L., using the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1

(...continued from previous page)
address these different uses, a band plan was adopted that divides the bands in to several segments, each of which
were designated for primary use for LMDS, GSO FSS, NGSO FSS, or MSS feeder link operations. Id. at 22366.
I'   Ka-band Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 22325.
'' Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit, Fixed Satellite Service in
the Ka-band, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14708 (2003) (NGSO Report and Order). See also Establishment of
Policies and Service Rules for the Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit, Fixed-Satellite Service in the Ka-band, Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, 17 FCC Rcd 2807 (2002) (NGSO N P W .
l3   NGSO Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14717.
   contactME0 NGSO FSS Application, File No. SAT-LOA-19971222-00222 (contactME0 Application) at 2.
Subsequent to filing its application, contactME0 filed additional information to clarify, support or correct the
application: Erratum, filed February 18, 1998; Second Erratum to Application, filed June 11, 1999; Supplement to
Application filed May 21, 1999; Correction of Ownershp Information, filed June 19, 1998. In October 2003,
contactMEO amended this application to provide an orbital debris mitigation plan. contactMEO LLC, SAT-AMD-
20031030-00317 (filed October 30, 2003) (contactME0 October Amendment). We also note that contactMEO filed
supplementaryinformation with the International TelecommunicationUnion (ITU) in response to an ITU request for
information to be used in developing software to prove compliance with certain power limits. See Letter from
Kathryn O'Brien, Chief, Strategic Analysis and Negotiations Division, International Bureau, FCC, to The Director,
Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union, (Sept. 25, 2002) (cover submission on
@contact) (@contact. 2002 CW176 Filing); March 26, 2002 ITU-BR Circular letter CW176.
  contactMEO CommunicationsLLC, Application for Authority to Launch and Operate a Non-GeostationaryOrbit
Fixed Satellite System in the Ka-Band, File No. SAT-AMD-20040322-00057,Filed March 22, 2004 (contactME0
March Amendment).


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-864

GHz NGSO-designated frequency bands on a “secondary, non-harmful interference basis.”16 In addition,
contactMEO requests waivers of several Commission rules, including the performance bond requirement,
and authority to operate its transfer orbit and emergency mode telemetry, tracking, and control (TT&C)
functions in the 3650-3700 MHz and 6425-6525 MHz frequencies. contactMEO suggests that we treat its
proposed seven-satellite system as an NGSO constellation.l 7

        6.       On May 18, 2004, the International Bureau’s Satellite Division dismissed the amended
application as incomplete on two grounds.18First, the NGSO portion of the application did not comply
with section 25.145(~)(3) of the Commission’s rules. This rule requires NGSO applicants to submit a
casualty risk assessment if, as contactMEO proposed, “planned post-mission disposal involves
atmospheric reentry of the spacecraft.”’’ Second, contactMEO failed to submit the required interference
analysis demonstrating that its proposed GSO FSS satellites were compatible with the Commission’s two-
degree orbital spacing environment.20 The Satellite Division also noted that contactMEO had requested a
waiver to operate GSO FSS satellites in spectrum designated for NGSO FSS use only, and cautioned
contactMEO that it had failed to demonstrate that its proposed GSO FSS satellites could operate
compatibly with NGSO FSS systems in this spectrum.*’

         7.      Subsequently, the Satellite Division determined that the Commission’s rules regarding
the casualty risk assessment and two-degree interference analysis were subject to reasonable but
conflicting interpretations.22Consequently, the Bureau issued Public Notices to clarify these
 requirement^.^^ In the Notices, the Bureau stated that it would dismiss applications that do not contain
this information on a going-forward basis, but that it would afford pending applicants an opportunity to
amend their applications to comply with the clarified requirements. Thus, the Division reinstated
contactMEO’s application, on its own motion, and gave contactMEO an opportunity to file an
amendment.24In response, contactMEO submitted a two-degree interference analysis and a revised
orbital debris mitigation plan and casualty risk asse~sment.~’  contactMEO also submitted additional
technical information to support its claim that the contactMEO GSO FSS satellites will not cause
interference to the NGSO FSS satellites of other non-Federal systems. In response to a Division request,
it also submitted information regarding its efforts to avoid in-orbit collisions with a similar system

     contactME0 March Amendment, at 16, 17.
     contactME0 March Amendment, at 5 .
  Letter to David M. Drucker, Manager, contactMEO Communications, LLC, from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite
Division, FCC, dated May 18, 2004, 19 FCC 8867 (Sat. Div., Int’l Bur. 2004) (May 18 Letter).
I9 47 C.F.R.     9 25.145(~)(3). See Communications LLC, Amended Application, File No. SAT-AMD-20031030-
003 17.
2o   47 C.F.R. 5 25.140(b)(2).
21 May    18 Letter, at 2.
  Letter to David M. Drucker, Manager, contactMEO Communications, LLC from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite
Division, FCC, dated June 16, 2004, 19 FCC Rcd 8867 (Sat. Div., Int’l Bur. 2004) (June 16 Letter).
   Public Notice, International Bureau Satellite Division Information, Report No. SPB-208, Orbital Debris
Mitigation: Clarification of 47 C.F.R. sections 25.143(b), 25.145(~)(3),25.146(i)(4) and 25.2 17(d) Regarding
Casualty Risk Assessment for Satellite Atmospheric Reentry, 19 FCC Rcd 10714 (Int’l Bur., Sat. Div., 2004)
(Orbital Debris Public Notice); Public Notice, International Bureau Satellite Division Information: Clarification of
47 CFR 9 25.140(B)(2), Space Station Application Interference Analysis, Report No. SPB-207, 19 FCC Rcd 10652
(Int’l Bur., Sat. Div., 2004). See also Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05-
1492 (Int’l Bur. May 23,2005) paras. 10-11.
 June 16 Letter.
25   contactMEO Communications, LLC, File No. SAT-AMD-20040719-00141 (contuctME0 Jury Amendment).


                                        Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-864

proposed by Northrop Grumman Space & Mission System Corporation.26 Thereafter, the Commission’s
orbital debris mitigation disclosure rules became effe~tive.~’
                                                             contactMEO amended its application to
provide additional technical information in accordance with the new rules.28

         8.       In August 2004, we placed contactMEO’s application, as amended, on Public Notice.29
The Alaska Telephone Association, a trade association composed of rural local exchange carriers,
comments that granting contactMEO’s application will facilitate access to affordable broadband service to
rural Ala~kans.~’   EchoStar Satellite LLC (Echostar) and SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom) filed
petitions opposing contactMEO’s application. EchoStar argues that because we permitted contactMEO to
provide additional technical showings in support of its application instead of dismissing it, that we should
have done the same with applications EchoStar filed proposing similar GSO FSS operation^.^'
Alternatively, EchoStar suggests that the Bureau should grant its petition for reconsideration of the
dismissal of its applications, reinstate them, and process the applications in accordance with the
Commission’s “first-come, first-served’’ policy.32 Under this policy, according to Echostar, Echostar’s
applications are first-in-time and thus have processing priority over contactMEO’s application, which
seeks to use two of the orbital locations that EchoStar requested in the same frequency band.33

           9.       EchoStar further states that the Commission should grant a Petition for Rulemaking it
filed to redesignate the NGSO FSS spectrum in the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz bands for both
GSO and NGSO operations, and to develop sharing criteria.34 EchoStar claims that addressing
GSO/NGSO sharing issues would avoid future disputes and would effectively manage available

  Letter to Marlene Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from James M. Talens, Attorney for
contactMEO Communications,LLC, dated May 12, 2005.
*’Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004).    See also, Public Notice,
International Bureau Satellite Division Information, Disclosure of Orbital Debris Mitigation Plans, Including
Amendment of Pending Applications, Report No. SPB-112 (Oct. 13, 2005) (October Orbital Debris Public Notice)
28   contactMEO Communications LLC, File No. SAT-AMD-20051118-00243,filed Nov. 18, 2005 (contactME0
November amendment).
29 Policy Branch Information, Satellite Applications Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No. SAT-00234
(August 13, 2004). In March 1999, we invited comment on the initial NGSO FSS applications. Public Notice, Ka-
Band Satellite Applications Accepted For Filing, Report No. SAT-00012 (March 16, 1999). Several parties
commented on contactMEO’s original proposal. In general, these filings related to contactMEO’s technical showing
and its financial qualifications waiver, issues resolved or rendered moot by subsequent filings by contactMEO
and/or changes in our rules. We note, however, that SkyBridge 11, LLC, a former Ka-band NGSO FSS applicant,
asserted that contactMEO’s application should be denied for failing to satisfy section 706 of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. 0 157. This section directs the Commission to “encourage the
deployment, on a reasonable and timely basis of advanced telecommunications capability for all Americans.” We
find that contactMEO’s proposed system provides the Commission with the opportunity to further this goal. In
addition, GE Americom, Inc. (now SES Americom), filed a petition to defer all NGSO FSS applications in the Ka-
band until co-frequency sharing issues between GSO and NGSO FSS systems are resolved. The conditions in this
authorization address these concerns.
  Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from James Rowe, Executive Director, Alaska Telephone
Association, dated May 12, 2004.
3’   Petition to Deny of EchoStar Satellite LLC, at 6 (Filed Sept. 13,2004) (Echostar Petition to Deny).
32   Echostar Petition to Deny, at 7.
     EchoStar Petition to Deny, at 7.
     EchoStar Petition to Deny, at 9.


                                        Federal Communications Commission                             DA 06-864


         10.    SES Americom asserts that contactMEO’s proposal conflicts with the Commission’s 28
GHz band plan, and that contactMEO has not justified a waiver of the plan.36 Until the Commission
determines whether, and under what conditions NGSO FSS systems can operate in GSO Ka-band
spectrum on a secondary basis, SES Americom states that we cannot consider contactMEO’s
appli~ation.~’SES Americom also rejects contactMEO’s assertion that its GSO FSS satellites should be
treated as NGSO satellites for purposes of its system, calling it a “creative attempt” to change the nature
of the GSO spacecraft or orbits.38

         11.      contactMEO responds that the Bureau denied Echostar’s applications not because it was
incomplete, but because EchoStar did not make the required technical showing that its proposed system
would not interfere with NGSO FSS systems. contactMEO states that, in contrast, it demonstrated a
method by which its proposed system can protect NGSO FSS systems. EchoStar filed a reply, reiterating
its request to be treated similarly to c0ntactME0.~’

111.       DISCUSSION

A.         contactMEO’s System Proposal

          12.     contactMEO proposes a satellite system consisting of two components, an NGSO
component using three HE0 satellites, and a GSO component using one satellite at four different orbital
locations. Although contactMEO refers to its system as a “NGSO system,” and requests us to treat it as
such, we will not do so. The operations of GSO FSS satellites are inherently different from NGSO FSS
satellite operations. For this reason, Part 25 of the Commission’s rules governing satellite operations
contains separate sets of technical requirements for NGSO FSS and GSO FSS satellites and the Ka-band
plan contains separate designations for NGSO and GSO satellites. Consequently, we will consider the
NGSO and GSO portions of contactMEO’s applications separately.

B.         Processing Framework

        13.      When contactMEO filed its initial application, it was included in a processing round -- a
licensing procedure by which applications proposing operations in a particular frequency band were
grouped and processed together. Under this process, if an application was deemed acceptable for filing,
the Bureau released a public notice announcing a “cut off’ date for other interested parties to file
applications to be considered concurrently. In 2003, the Commission revised the space station licensing
process and adopted a “first come, first served” procedure for GSO-like applications, and a modified
processing round approach for NGSO applications, which enables the Commission to act on applications

     EchoStar Petition to Deny, at 9.
  Consolidated Petition to Dismiss or Deny of SES Americom, Inc., Filed September 13, 2004. (SES Americom
Petition). SES Americom’s petition also addresses an application filed by Northrop Grumman Space & Mission
Systems Corporation for authority to operate a system composed of HE0 and GSO satellites in the V-band and Ka-
     SES Americom Petition, at 7.
     SES Americom Petition, at 10.
     EchoStar Satellite LLC, Consolidated Reply to Oppositions to Petitions to Deny, Filed October 8,2004 (EchoStar


                                     Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

with greater effi~iency.~’However, the Commission decided not to apply the new processing rules to
certain applications pending at that time, such as those in the Ka-band NGSO processing round. This is
because the Commission was in the process of considering sharing rules for Ka-band NGSO licensees,
and completing that rulemalung proceeding would lead to the best-suited licensing method for those Ka-
band NGSO applications without delaying grant of the license^.^' Therefore, we continue to process the
NGSO portion of contactMEO’s applications as part of the second Ka-band NGSO FSS processing round.

           14.   contactMEO amended its application proposing to add GSO FSS satellites to its system
in March 2004, after the Commission reformed its processing procedures. Under the Commission’s rules,
GSO FSS satellite applications are considered under a “first come, first served” procedure, in which we
grant the application if it is not inconsistent with any other licensed satellite or previously filed
application, and the applicant is qualified to hold a satellite license. Consequently, we will process
contactMEO’s GSO FSS applications under the first come, first served procedure.

C.         Qualifications

         15.     All applicants requesting authority to launch and operate a satellite space station must
present information sufficient to establish their legal, technical, and financial qualifications to hold a
Commission license. The regulations set forth in Part 25 of the Commission’s rules govern FSS
applicants and licensees.

           1.      Legal and Financial

        16.      We find that nothing in the record raises concerns about contactMEO’s legal
qualifications to hold a Commission license. In its First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the
Commission eliminated the financial requirements then in place and replaced them with a bond
requirement, discussed below.42

           2.       Technical Qualifications

                    a. The Ka-Band Plan

                            i. Ka-band Uplink
         17.      The Commission completed its proceeding involving the 27.5-30.0 GHz frequency band
in 1996. At that time, the Commission segmented the band and designated specified portions for
terrestrial operations, feeder link operations for mobile-satellite service (MSS) systems, service link
operations for GSO FSS systems, and service link operations for NGSO FSS systems.43Significantly,the
Commission adopted discrete designations for NGSO FSS systems and GSO FSS systems, while
adopting shared designations for other services. As relevant here, the Commission designated the 28.35-
28.6 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz frequency bands to GSO FSS (Earth-to-space) on a primary basis, with
NGSO FSS services (Earth-to-space)permitted on a secondary                 It also designated the 28.6-29.1

   Amendment of Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Mitigation of Orbital Debris, First
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in IB Docket No. 02-34, and First Report and Order
in ZB Docket No. 02-54, 18 FCC Rcd 10760 (2003) (First Space Station Licensing Reform Order).
4‘   First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10866-67.
     First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10826. See also 47 C.F.R. 6 25.165.
43   Ka-band Plan Order, 11 FCC Rcd 19005 (1996).
     Ka-band Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 223 10.


                                       Federal Communications Commission                                               DA 06-864

GHz frequency band to NGSO FSS (Earth-to-space) on a primary basis.45 In adopting the band plan, the
Commission stated that “[tlhe plan ... designates co-frequency sharing in band segments where the
Commission and the parties have concluded it is technically feasible.”46 The uplink plan is depicted as

                Frequency Band         28.35-28.6 GHz            28.6-29.1 GHz 29.25-29.5 GHz                    29.5-30.0 GHz
                (Total)                (250 megahertz)           (500 megahertz) (250 megahertz)                 (500 megahertz)

                                       GSO FSS
                                       NGSO FSS
                                                             1   NGSO FSS
                                                                                   1   GSO FSS                   GSO FSS
                                                                                                                 NGSO FSS

                           ii. Ka-band Downlink
         18.     Similarly, the Commission adopted rules for non-Federal users involving the space-to-
Earth (downlink) FSS allocation at 18.3-20.2 GHz, which designated the 18.58-18.8 GHz frequency band
for exclusive use by GSO FSS, and the 18.8-19.3 GHz downlink segment for primary NGSO FSS use.47
The Commission originally permitted NGSO FSS systems to operate service downlinks in the 17.7-18.8
GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz frequency bands on a secondary basis to GSO FSS systems. In the 18 GHz
Order, however, the Commission eliminated the secondary NGSO designation after concluding that
“secondary use of the 18 GHz band is not viable because it would unreasonably inhibit ubiquitous
deployment of these services and limit the use of spectrum by primary users of the bands.”48 The
Commission confirmed this conclusion on reconsideration, stating that removing secondary operations
lessens the potential for harmful interference to the primary services and avoids disruptions that could
occur to users of secondary services. 49 The downlink plan is depicted as follows:5o

                Frequency Band         18.3-18.58 GHz            18.58-18.8 GHz            18.8-19.3 GHz         19.7-20.2 GHz
                (Total)                (280 megahertz)           (220 megahertz)           (500 megahertz)       (500 megahertz)
                                   I                     I                             I                     I
                Non-Government     I GSO FSS             I GSOFSS                      I NGSOFSS             1 GSOFSS

        19.    In addition Federal GSO and NGSO systems operate throughout the 17.8-20.2 GHz
frequency band. These federal systems operate in accordance with the power flux-density (pfd) limits

     Ka-Band Plan Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 10930.
     Ka-band Plan Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 19024.
  Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations in the 17.7-
20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8 GHz
and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for the Broadcast Satellite Service Use, Report and Order, 15 FCC Rcd
13430,13432 (2000) (18 GHz Order).
48   18 GHz Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 13457.
  Redefinition of the 17.7-19.7GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations in the 17.7-20.2
GHz and the 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8GHz and
24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast Satellite Service Use, First Order on Reconsideration, 16 FCC
Rcd 19808, 19821 (2001).
     Federal GSO FSS and non-GSO FSS networks are authorized and operating on a primary basis in the band 17.8-
21.2 GHz.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-864

contained in the current International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations.” Non-Federal
systems must be coordinated with these Federal systems in accordance with footnote US 334 to the Table
of allocation^.^^ As set forth in the NGSO Report and Order, each NGSO FSS licensee must complete
coordination with all other operational NGSO FSS licensees and with Federal FSS systems, prior to the
launch of its first satellite.53

                   b. NGSO Component

                            i.     Spectrum Issues

         20.     contactMEO proposes to use the NGSO-designated primary spectrum in the 18.8-19.3
GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency bands for its communications links between earth stations and its
HE0 satellite^.'^ These operations are consistent with the Ka-band plan. Upon grant of contactMEO’s
launch and operating authority, contactME0 must coordinate with Federal systems in the 18.8-19.3 GHz
band in accordance with footnote US 334 to the Table of Frequency allocation^.^^ contactMEO must also
comply with the applicable pfd limits in section 25.208(e) of the Commission’s rules, and International
TelecommunicationUnion (ITU) Article 2 1.16 (Table 2 1-4).56contactMEO must complete coordination
with all Federal FSS systems and other operational NGSO FSS licensees prior to launch of its first
satellite. Although contactMEO states its system design will avoid in-line interference events, it must
nonetheless comply with the spectrum sharing method adopted in the NGSO Report and Order when
circumstances arise.57

          21.      In addition, contactMEO requests a waiver of the Ka-band plan to operate its HE0
satellites on a non-interference basis in the 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz frequency bands, spectrum
designated for primary GSO FSS use.58 contactMEO asserts that its H E 0 satellites will meet the
equivalent power flux-density (epfd) limits in Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations, and that its
downlink epfd levels are at least 15 db lower than the values in Article 22. Consequently, contactMEO
states that its system will not cause unacceptable interference to GSO FSS networks and that it will not
claim protection from GSO FSS operations in these bands.59

5’See18 GHz Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 13473. The power flux-density limits in the 18.3-18.6 GHz band are -1 15/-105
dE3 (W/mz) in any one megahertz band, depending on the angle of arrival. There are currently no power flux-density
limits in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band. See Letter from William T. Hatch, National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, to Dale Hatfield, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC (March 29, 2000).
52   47 C.F.R. 5 2.106, US 334.
    NGSO Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14722. See also 47 C.F.R. 9 2.106, US 334. A licensee may initiate
coordination under US 334 by submitting a letter request to the Commission. A system is deemed operational when
at least one of its satellites reaches its intended orbit and initiates transmission and reception of radio signals.
54   contactME0 March Amendment, at 6.
55   47 C.F.R. 8 2.106, US 334.
  Id. See also 47 C.F.R. 5 25.208(e), ITU Radio Regulations, Article 21.16 (Table 21-4), and First Space Station
Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10784.
” NGSO Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14714; 47 C.F.R. 6 25.261. As set forth in Part 25 of our rules,
contactMEO must also request authority for Earth-to-space transmissions in an Earth station application. 47 C.F.R.
5 25.1 15. In the 18 GHz Order, the Commission authorized earth station blanket licensing for NGSOFSS systems
in the bands in which NGSO/FSS is designated primary status, specifically the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz
frequency bands. 18 GHz Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 13432.
     contactMEO March Amendment, at 1.
59   contactME0 March Amendment, at 17.

                                     Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

        22.      SES Americom disagrees that a waiver of the Commission’s band plan is warranted
based on contactMEO’s compliance with Article 22’s epfd limits. SES Americom states the Commission
has not considered or adopted the ITU’s international epfd limits and that contactME0 has not justified
the use of these limits domestically.60

         23.     In the 29.5-30.0 GHz uplink band, NGSO FSS operators may operate on a secondary
basis to GSO FSS systems. Because contactMEO proposes NGSO FSS operations on a secondary basis
in this band, no waiver is required. As a secondary user, however, contactMEO’s operations shall not
cause harmful interference to primary GSO FSS operations, nor can it claim protection from harmful
interference from GSO FSS operations. In considering requests to operate on a secondary basis, the
Commission has always required applicants to demonstrate that their proposed secondary operations are
not likely to cause interference to primary operations.6’ To do otherwise would create an unacceptable
likelihood of disruption to primary services.

         24.      Based on our review of contactMEO’s technical showing, it appears that contactMEO’s
NGSO FSS operations should not interfere with GSO FSS operations. contactMEO’s technical
demonstration used computer simulation software developed in accordance with specifications outlined in
ITU-R Recommendation S. 1503 and demonstrated that the maximum uplink epfd limits calculated for its
H E 0 satellites satisfy Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations.62 According to Article 22.51 of the ITU
Radio Regulations, if the associated epfd limits are met, the ITU maintains the NGSO FSS satellite
system has fulfilled its obligations under Article 22.2 with respect to any GSO FSS network and that any
interference by the NGSO FSS system into the GSO FSS network is a ~ c e p t a b l e .While
                                                                                     ~ ~ we have not
adopted the ITU limits domestically we conclude contactMEO’s compliance with these limits provides a
sufficient basis to grant contactMEO’s request to use the 29.5-30.0 GHz frequency band on a secondary

         25.      Non-Federal use of the 19.7-20.2 GHz downlink band is designated for GSO FSS
services only, with no secondary designation for NGSO FSS. contactMEO therefore requested a waiver
for its H E 0 satellites to use this portion of the band. Waivers may be granted for good cause shown.64 A
waiver is appropriate if (1) special circumstances warrant a deviation &om the general rule, and (2) such
deviation would better serve the public interest than would stnct adherence to the rule.6s Generally, the
Commission may grant a waiver of its rules in a particular case if the relief requested would not
undermine the policy objective of the rule in question, and would otherwise serve the public interest.66
Further, in considering requests for non-conforming spectrum uses, the Commission has indicated it

     SES Americom Petition, at 6.
6‘   Qualcomm, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Authorization, 4 FCC Rcd 1543 (1989) (authorizing
LMSS on a secondary basis in the 14GHz band and on a non-conformingbasis in the 12 GHz band).
62 contactME0 March Amendment, at 63, Attachment D. contactMEO’s calculation assumed five NGSO users
operating in the same frequency channel within GSO 1.55 degrees beam. The maximum uplink epfd levels are:
0.7m: -176.2 dB (W/m2/40 H z ) ; 1.2 m: -185.73 dB (W/m2/40 KHz). Id. Commission staff verified the
information with the corresponding limits, defined in Article 22 of the International Telecommunication Union
Radio Regulations.
63 Article 22.2 states that non-geostationary satellite systems shall not cause unacceptable interference to
geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service and the broadcasting-satellite service operating in
accordance with these Regulations. ITU Radio Regulation, Article 22, No. 22.2 (WRC-97).
 47 C.F.R. 5 1.3. See also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969) (WAZTRadio);Northeast
Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (Northeast Cellular).
     See Northeast Cellular, 897 F.2d at 1166.
66   See WAITRadio. 418 F.2d at 1157.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                              DA 06-864

would generally grant such waivers “when there is little potential for interference into any service
authorized under the Table of Frequency Allocations and when the non-conforming operator accepts any
interference from authorized services.”67

         26.     contactME0, relying on its computer simulation software, demonstrates that the
operations of its HE0 satellites in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band meet the epfd limits in Article 22, Tables 22-
1C and 22-4B. U.S. licensed satellites must satisfy the ITU limits if there is a possibility of interference
with a non-U.S. licensed system. As noted above, the ITU considers a NGSO FSS system that meets
these epfd limits to have fulfilled its obligations under Article 22.2 with respect to any GSO FSS network,
and any interference by the NGSO FSS system into the GSO FSS network is acceptable.68In light of the
ITU rules and our verification of contactMEO’s software calculations, we find that contactMEO’s
operations should not affect any of the primary non-Federal services in the band.69 Therefore, we grant
contactMEO’s waiver request and authorize contactMEO to operate on a non-conforming, no interference
basis in the 19.7-20.2 GHz frequency band. contactMEO will be required to comply with any service-
band-specific service rules that the Commission may adopt in the frequency band.

         27.     contactMEO must also coordinate with Federal GSO and NGSO FSS systems in this
frequency band in accordance with footnote US 334 to the Table of Frequency Allocations. contactMEO
must complete coordination with Federal FSS systems prior to the launch of its first satellite. As a non-
conforming user, contactMEO’s operations will be on a non-harmful interference basis, and contactMEO
will not be protected from interference from other non-Federal GSO FSS, and Federal GSO and NGSO
FSS operations in this band. In addition, as a non-conforming user, contactMEO shall not cause harmful
interference to any authorized Federal GSO or NGSO FSS system, and shall immediately cease
operations upon notification of such harmful interference resulting from its operations. Coordination is
required with specific earth stations in a geostationary-satellite network in the fixed-satellite service,
either within the U.S. for domestic service or any points outside the U.S. for international service, under
ITU Article 9, No. 9.7A. We note that the ITU has adopted recommendations for GSO FSS operators in
identifying the source of interference in excess of the operational epfd limits.70 It has also adopted
methodologies to measure epfd levels to verify compliance with the operational epfd limits.71We will
also require contactMEO to provide ephemeris data for their NGSO satellites, when ~ p e r a t i o n a l . ~ ~
Consequently, we find that granting the waiver will not undermine the objective of the rule to protect
primary services and will serve the public interest by allowing contactMEO to offer consumers a range of
broadband and interactive services.

                           ii.   Inter-Satellite Links

           28.     contactMEO also proposes to use inter-satellite links (ISLs) for its NGSO satellites in

   Fugro-Chance, Inc., Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Rcd 2860 (Int’l Bur. 1995) (authorizing non-conforming
MSS in the C-Band); Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc., Order and Authorization, 11 FCC Rcd 13952, 13956
(Int’l Bur. 1996).
68The exception is GSO FSS networks with sensitive receiving earth stations with very large antennas, which are
coordinated with non-GSO FSS systems under ITU Article 9, 9.7A.
   Although the Commission eliminated secondary designations in this band to “lesse[n] the potential for harmful
interference to primary services,” contactMEO’s proposed operations do not raise the concerns at issue when the
Commission eliminated the secondary designations. See paragraph 18, above.
’O   Recommendation ITU-R S.1527, Article 22 Table 22-4B.
7’   Recommendation ITU-R S.1558.
72   NGSO Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14720.

                                        Federal Communications Commission                              DA 06-864

either the 59-64 GHz or 54.25-58.2 GHz freq~encies.~~     The 59-64 GHz band is not available for non-
Federal ISL use. Furthermore, the 54.25-58.2 GHz frequencies are limited to GSO ISL use only.
Consequently, we deny this portion of contactMEO's application, without prejudice to contactMEO
reapplying to use ISLs in a band appropriate for NGSO FSS satellites. In the alternative, contactMEO
suggests the use of optical ISLs, although it does not propose any specific frequencies. Under these
circumstances, no further action is necessary at this time.74

                              iii. Coverage Requirement

         29.      In the Ka-band Third Report and Order, the Commission adopted NGSO coverage
requirements. Specifically, the rules state that Ka-band NGSO FSS systems must be capable of serving
locations as far north as 70 degrees latitude and as far south as 55 degrees latitude for at least 75 percent of
every 24-hour period.75 These systems must also be capable of providing FSS on a continuous basis
throughout the 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.76 We find that contactMEO's proposal
meets this coverage r e q ~ i r e m e n t . ~ ~

                                   iv. Replacement Satellites

         30.      In the NGSO Report and Order, the Commission adopted a blanket licensing system that
covers all construction and launches necessary to implement the constellation and maintain it until the end
of the license term, including replacement satellites needed due to launch or operational failure, or the
retirement of satellites prior to the end of the license period.78 As a result, contactMEO's authorization
covers all construction of its NGSO FSS satellites necessary to implement the constellation and to
maintain it until the end of the license period. As set forth in the NGSO Report and Order, any
replacement satellites that contactMEO launches before the end of the constellation's license term must
be technically identical to those in service, including the same frequency bands and orbital parameters,
and may not result in a net increase in the number of satellites in the authorized orbital plane or add an
orbital plane.79

                     C.       GSO Component

                              i.        Spectrum Issues

         3 1.    contactMEO proposes to operate its four GSO satellites at the 83" W.L., 121" W.L., 34"
 E.L., and 130" E.L. orbit locations, using the 28.6-29.1 GHz (uplink) and 18.8-19.3 GHz (downlink)
 bands on a non-harmful interference basis to primary NGSO FSS operations. No other applications have

 73   contactME0 Application, at 36.
 74 The Commission's Table of Frequency Allocations addresses frequencies between 9 KHz and 400 GHz. 47
 C.F.R. $ 2.102. Optical frequencies are above 400 GHz. The ITU Radio Regulations do not include any allocations
 above 275 GHz. However, footnote 5.565 of the Radio Regulations Table of Frequency Allocations lists a number
 of potential uses of these frequencies and urges consideration of the uses until such time a table of allocations is
 developed in those bands.
 75   Ka Band Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 22323. See also 47 C.F.R. Q 25.145(~)(1).
 76   47 C.F.R. $ 25.145(~)(2).
      contactME0 Application, at 19.
 78   NGSO Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14726.
 79   47 C.F.R $9 25.145(h) and (i).

                                     Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

been filed for authority to operate Ka-band GSO satellites at these orbit locations. contactMEO again
requests waivers of the band plan to allow this proposed use.8o contactMEO states its GSO FSS satellites
will comply with applicable pfd limits in section 25.208(e) of the Commission’s rules and ITU Article
2 1.16 (Table 21       contactME0 also states that the GSO satellites will reduce the need for other NGSO
FSS satellite systems to reduce spectrum when in-line with a contactMEO NGSO FSS satellite because
contactMEO would switch operations to a GSO FSS satellite during in-line events.** contactMEO states
that a waiver under these circumstances will advance the public interest, and will not undermine the
purpose of the rule establishing 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz band for NGSO FSS use.

         32.     SES Americom and EchoStar assert that we should deny this request in light of the
Satellite Division’s denial of Echostar’s applications to use GSO satellites in NGSO FSS primary
spectrum.83 SES Americom states that contactMEO has failed to justify a different outcome. SES
Americom notes that the mechanism proposed by contactMEO to protect NGSO FSS systems is no
different from Echostar’s pr~posal.’~

          33.     The 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency band contains a secondary designation for GSO FSS
systems. Consequently, we need not address contactMEO’s request for a waiver to operate in this uplink
spectrum on a secondary basis. We will permit the contactMEO GSO FSS satellites to operate in this
band if these operations will not interfere with primary FSS operations. Technical studies to develop
interference criteria have not been completed. We recognize that without established NGSO FSS
interference protection criteria, satellite operators cannot fully assess the impact of proposed GSO FSS
operations on NGSO FSS operations. 85 Nevertheless, contactMEO has provided a quantitative
demonstration of how its GSO FSS satellites will protect non-Federal NGSO FSS systems in both the
28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz frequency bands. contactMEO’s analysis included potential
interference from its GSO FSS satellites into the HE0 satellite design proposed by Northrop Grumman
Space & Mission Systems Corporation (NGST). It also included an analysis of the low-Earth orbit
satellite system proposed by SkyBridge 11, which was subsequently withdrawn.86 contactMEO analyzed
the potential interference between each of these systems in terms of the Interference-to-Noise Ratio, IO/No
assuming a minimum topocentric line of sight angular separation of ten degrees. Based on the worse case
scenarios, contactMEO calculated a 10/Noof -30.2 dB with respect to the NGST system, and an IO/Noof -
15 dB with respect to the SkyBridge I1 system. This corresponds to a ATE of 0.10% and 3.16%,
respectively. These values are well below the 6% threshold that triggers coordination between satellite
systems where the ITU Radio Regulations require coordination. Thus, we conclude that the contactMEO
satellite system will not cause harmful interference to the NGST system nor would it have to the
SkyBridge I1 system. Furthermore, neither SES Americom nor EchoStar has provided any technical
analyses to disprove contactMEO’s demonstration. Thus, we have no reason to believe that
contactMEO’s study is invalid. We also have contactMEO’s commitment that transmissions from their
GSO FSS satellites operating in the NGSO FSS primary frequency bands will cease when there is a

     contactME0 March Amendment, at 17.
     Id. See also First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10784.
82 Id.
     SES Americom Petition, at 8.
84   SES Americom Petition, at 9.
     See Astrolink International, LLC, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 20124,20127 (Int’l Bur. 2001).
86contactMEO July Amendment, at Annex 3. SkyBridge I1 LLC withdrew its Ka-band NGSO FSS application on
October 21, 2004. Public Notice, Policy Branch Information, Report No. SAT-00252, 19 FCC Rcd 20950 (Int’l
Bur. 2004).


                                    Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

potential for interference to a NGSO FSS system operating in these fieq~encies.’~
                                                                                Based on this
information, we will permit contactMEO to operate in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band on a secondary basis. We
condition this authority, however, on contactMEO complying with any interference criteria that may be
adopted by the Commission.

         34.     With respect to contactMEO’s proposed downlink GSO FSS operations, section 2.106 of
the Commission’s rules prohibits GSO FSS use of the 18.8-19.3 GHz band.” In considering whether it
should designate GSO FSS services as a secondary service in this primary NGSO FSS band, the
Commission stated that a secondary designation would only be feasible if GSO FSS stations could
operate without impacting NGSO FSS operations. The Commission concluded this is possible if the
NGSO receiver avoided pointing at the geostationary orbit, but noted that the NGSO designation for the
18.8-19.3 GHz band does not restrict NGSO systems from pointing at the geostationary orbit.89The
Commission further noted that this pointing flexibility increases the capacity of NGSO FSS satellites,
since fewer NGSO FSS satellites are required if a larger part of the sky is available for service.” The
Commission stated it would not constrain NGSO pointing flexibility to facilitate sharing with non-
conforming GSO operations. Thus, the Commission did not designate a secondary GSO FSS service in
the 18.8-19.3 GHz band.” In this instance, however, contactMEO’s HE0 orbital characteristics are such
that the HE0 receive earth stations will never point toward the geostationary arc. Furthermore,
contactMEO’s technical analysis, discussed above, demonstrates that its GSO downlinks would not cause
harmful interference to either of the two non-Federal NGSO FSS systems then on file.92 Therefore, we
grant contactMEO a waiver of section 2.106 to provide GSO FSS service in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band. We
require contactMEO to accept interference from all primary operations, including Federal GSO and
NGSO systems, and secondary operations in this band, and to terminate operations if it causes harmful
interference to any of these ~ervices?~ contactMEO must also coordinate with Federal GSO and NGSO
FSS systems in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band in accordance with footnote US 334 to the Table of Frequency

         35.     Contrary to Echostar’s assertions, its applications are not similarly situated with
contactMEO’s. While both entities requested a waiver of the Ka-band plan to operate GSO satellites in
NGSO-designated spectrum, EchoStar -- in contrast to contactMEO -- did not provide a technical analysis
to support its waiver request. Generally, the Commission requires applicants proposing non-conforming
operations to demonstrate that their proposed operations will not cause interference to into allocated
services. Instead, EchoStar asserted that it did not need to provide a technical analysis because it would
terminate operations upon notification that its GSO operations were posing a “concrete risk of harmful
interference” to NGSO operation^.^^ It also asserted that a waiver was justified because the NGSO-

87 contactME0 July Amendment, at    8.
88   47 C.F.R. 9 2.106, NG 165.
  Commission’s statement included the 28.6-29.1 GHz band. The band plan, however, authorizes GSO FSS
operations on a secondary basis in this band. Ka-band Third Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 22321. Secondary
operations in this uplink band are permitted because generally, the chances for interference from GSO FSS to NGSO
FSS services are less likely than in the downlink band given the differing altitudes and orbit periods of these
systems. Geostationary satellites orbit 22,300 miles above the Earth in the plane of the Earth’s equator. Non-
geostationary satellites typically operate at lower altitudes, and the orbit period is less than 24 hours.
90   18 GHz Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 13459.
91   Id.
92   See paragraph 33, above.
93   See, e.g., The Boeing Company, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 22645 (Int’l Bur., OET 2001).
  See e.g., EchoStar Satellite Corporation, Application for Authority to Construct, Launch, and Operate a
Geostationary Satellite Using Ka-band Frequencies at 121O W.L., File No. SAT-LOA-20030827-00180, at 15

                                      Federal Communications Commission                                DA 06-864

designated band, which was not being used, would otherwise remain fallow.95 The Division rejected
these assertions, citing several pending applications proposing NGSO operations in this band (including
contactMEO's) and noting that EchoStar had not justified a departure from the Commission's policy to
ensure that allocated services do not receive any interference from non-conforming services.96 In
contrast, contactMEO's application included an undisputed technical showing of non-interference. While
contactMEO submitted this showing in an amendment to its initial application, this information was in the
record when the Division reviewed the merits of contactMEO's pr~posal.~'

                             ii.    Two-Degree Spacing

        36.      The Commission's two-degree spacing policy, established in 1983, was designed to
maximize the number of satellites in orbit by ensuring that satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit can
operate without causing harmful interference to other GSO FSS satellites located as close as two-degrees
away in longitude on the GSO plane.98In the Ka-Band Third Report and Order, the Commission
extended its two-degree spacing policy to GSO FSS space stations in the Ka-band.99

         37.       contactMEO indicates that its system design is consistent with operations in a two-degree
spacing environment.'00 We will apply the two-degree-spacing requirement currently applied to GSO-
like satellites in the C-band, Ku-band, and Ka-band satellites to GSO-like proposed satellites in the 18.8-
19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency bands."' Applying this requirement assures that satellites in
these bands will be designed to allow other satellites to operate in this band as close as two-degrees away.
This decision does not preclude us from considering other service rules, or implementing a rulemalung
proceeding. Rather, when we issue licenses in new frequency bands that comply with our two-degree-
spacing requirements, we will do so subject to any band-specific service rules, or rules for earth station
coordination in shared bands, that we may adopt in the future. Because there are no authorized co-
frequency GSO FSS satellites within two-degrees of contactMEO's proposed orbital locations,
contactMEO conducted a two-degree compatibility analysis using the technical characteristics of its own

(...continued from previous page)
(Echostar Application), denied in EchoStar Satellite LLC, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 7846
(Sat. Div., Int'l Bur. 2004) (EchoStar Order).
     EchoStar Application, at 16.
96   EchoStar Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 7853.
     The Bureau had previously dismissed the contactMEO application as incomplete on grounds unrelated to the
waiver request. Subsequently, the Division found that contactMEO's and several other applicants' failures to submit
a two-degree analysis were based on a reasonable but incorrect interpretation of the Commission's rules. The
Division therefore issued a Public Notice clarifying the rules and provided pending applicants with an opportunity to
amend their applications to supply the needed information. It also reinstated three applications it dismissed on this
ground, including contactMEO's. See also Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order, 19 FCC Rcd 18133
(Sat. Div., Int'l Bur. 2004), and Letter to Peter Hadinger, Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems
Corporation, from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite Division, FCC (dated June 16, 2004). At that time, contactMEO
submitted the revised technical showing.
   Licensing of Spuce Stations in the Domestic Fixed-Satellite Service, 54 Rad. Reg. 2d (P&F) 577, 589 (1983)
("Two-Degree Spacing Order").
99   47 C.F.R. 0 25.140(b)(2).
      contactME0 July Amendment, Annex 1.
    47 C.F.R. 0 25.217. We note, however, that the power flux density (PFD) limits applicable to the C-band, Ku-
band, and Ka-band are not included in our default service rules for GSO-like satellites. Instead, licensees will be
required to comply with the applicable PFD limits established in the ITU Radio Regulations for the frequency band
in which they plan to operate.


                                       Federal Communications Commission                             DA 06-864

satellites.Io2Further, contactMEO provided a review of the potential degradation due to frequency
sharing between a contactMEO satellite at 83" W.L. and a hypothetical satellite at 85" W.L. This
representative analysis shows that contactMEO's GSO FSS satellites are compatible with a two-degree
orbital spacing environment. Our review of contactMEO's application and technical analyses finds
nothing to the contrary.'03 contactMEO must meet all Part 25 rules governing system operations,
including section 25.202 and section 25.21O.Io4Further, contactMEO must meet the current Ka-band
power flux-density limits ("pfd") of sections 25.208(e) of the Commission's rules and ITU Article 21.16
(Table 21-4).'0s

                              iii.   Orbital Location Assignments

          38.     We grant contactMEO's request to operate its four GSO FSS satellites, one each at the
83" W.L., 121" W.L., 34" E.L. and 130" E.L. orbital locations. This request is consistent with our rule
limiting the number of pending applications to five GSO-like space stations, and one NGSO-like system
in the same frequency band.Io6 Further, the requested orbital locations are available for assignment.
EchoStar opposed contactMEO's application, in part, because EchoStar had previously applied to operate
satellites at two of the orbital locations contactMEO requests and in the same frequency bands. As noted,
the Division denied these applications. In seeking to have its applications reinstated, EchoStar asserts
that its applications are similarly situated with contactMEO's application and thus the applications are
mutually exclusive with respect to the NGSO Ka-band frequencies at the 83" W.L. and 121" W.L.
orbital locations.

         39.      As noted, the Division denied Echostar's applications to operate four GSO FSS satellites
using NGSO spectrum in the Ka-band because EchoStar failed to submit a technical showing
demonstrating that its proposed satellites would not cause interference to NGSO FSS systems in those
frequency bands, or that a waiver of our rules was justified."' Thus, contrary to Echostar's assertions,
its applications are not similarly situated nor would they be mutually exclusive with contactMEO's

                    d.      Tracking, Telemetry and Command Function

         40.     contactMEO represents that its Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) functions for
both its NGSO and GSO satellites will be provided in the NGSO Ka-band during normal operation with
high gain antennas. For transfer orbit and emergency operations, contactMEO requests a waiver of
section 25.202(g) of the rules to allow TT&C operations for these functions in the C-band.'"
Specifically, contactMEO proposes to use 2 megahertz of spectrum for uplink TT&C operations in the
6425-6525 MHz band, and 2 megahertz of spectrum for downlink operations in the 3650-3700 MHz

lo* By doing so, contactMEO indirectly conducted a two-degree compatibility analysis with respect to a GSO FSS
satellite proposed by NGST, for the 119"W.L. location, and which has similar characteristics.
IO3   contactME0 July Amendment, Annex 1.
    47 C.F.R. 8 25.202 (frequencies, frequency tolerances, and emission limitations) and section 25.210 (technical
requirements for space stations in the Fixed-Satellite Service).
     47 C.F.R. 9 25.208(e) and Article 21.16 (Table 21-4) of the ITU Radio Regulations. See also First Space
Station Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10784.
IO6   47 C.F.R. 9 25.159.
   EchoStar Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 7851, 7853. EchoStar filed a Petition for Reconsideration of the Division's
decision denying its applications. EchoStar Satellite LLC, Petition for Reconsideration, filed June 1, 2004. This
request remains pending.
      contactMEO March Amendment, at 16.

                                        Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

band.”’ contactMEO asserts that a waiver is appropriate because the beam widths available in the C-
band are much wider and thus increase the likelihood of success for operations during the injection phase
of each satellite’s life and in the event of an emergency.II0 contactMEO states these operations would be
limited in duration and subject to coordination with other extended C-band operators where possible.”’

         41.      Section 25.202(g) of the Commission’s rules requires FSS systems to operate their TT&C
links in the same frequency bands in which they are providing service.”* The rule further provides that
frequencies, polarization, and coding shall be selected to minimize interference into other satellite
networks and within their own satellite system. contactMEO’s request to operate TT&C frequencies in
the C-band is inconsistent with section 25.202(g) of the Commission’s rules. The purpose of the rule is to
simplify the coordination process among satellites at adjacent orbit location by limiting the number of
potentially affected operators to only those operators performing TT&C functions in the service bands. It
also allows operators to maximize the efficiency of a system’s TT&C operation^."^ contactMEO’s
waiver request fails to address the underlying purpose of the rule or demonstrate that a waiver is in the
public interest. contactMEO’s proposed use of C-band frequencies for emergency mode operations
would not be limited in duration, as contactMEO asserts. To be effective for emergency use requires the
frequencies to be set aside for use at any time for the life of the spacecraft, effectively precluding or
conflicting with the use of the spectrum by other operators on a long term basis. Thus, we deny
contactMEO’s request for a waiver of section 25.202(g). Accordingly, contactMEO must, within 30 days
of this Order, file a modification application specifying the exact Ka-band frequencies for these T”&C
operations in accordance with section 25.202(g).

                       e.   Orbital Debris Mitigation

         42.      Section 25.1 14(d) of the Commission’s rules requires applicants for space station
authorizations to submit a description of the design and operational strategies that it will use to mitigate
orbital debris, including a statement detailing post-mission disposal plans for space stations at the end of
their operating life.Il4 This information addresses four specific elements of orbital debris mitigation: 1)
spacecraft hardware and design; 2) minimizing accidental explosions; 3) safe flight profiles; and 4) post-
mission disposal. contactMEO submitted an amendment addressing each of these elements for its GSO
and NGSO satellite^."^

        43.     In its orbital debris mitigation plan, contactMEO represents that it will incorporate
vehicle design and operational techniques to minimize orbital debris.’I6 It states that its system design
       contactME0 March Amendment, Technical Appendix, at 7.
‘lo    contactME0 March Amendment, at 16.
‘‘I    contactME0 March Amendment, at 16.
       47 C.F.R.   0   25.202(g) (telemetry, traclung and telecommand functions for U.S. domestic satellites shall be
conducted at either or both edges of the allocated band(s)).
‘ I 3 Amendment of the Commission’s rules with Regard to the 3650-3700 MHz Government Transfer Band, First
Report and Order and Second Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 15 FCC Rcd 20488, 20538 (2000) (the rule
effectively “limits FSS operators to operating TT&C llnks in the same frequency bands as their FSS Operations”).
I I4
   47 C.F.R. 0 25.114(d).contactMEOincluded an orbital debris mitigation plan in its amended application filed
March 2004. It also submitted additional information in response to a Public Notice clarifying information that must
be included in an applicants casualty risk assessment if the planned post-mission disposal involves atmospheric
reentry of the spacecraft. See Orbital Debris Public Notice, 19 FCC Rcd 10714; contactME0 July Amendment.
contactMEO also submitted a further amendment in response to the October Orbital Debris Public Notice.
‘I5    contactME0 November Amendment.
‘I6    contactME0 July Amendment, Annex 2; contactME0 November Amendment, at 2.


                                      Federal Communications Commission                          DA 06-864

will minimize the possibility of collision between satellites and other known objects. Further,
contactMEO claims that it will coordinate with NASA, U.S. Space Command, and other U.S.
Government agencies to minimize the risk of collision with government ~pacecraft."~       In addition,
contactMEO states that critical components of its system will be designed to minimize vulnerability to
high-speed particles and untracked debris that may result in loss of satellite control."'

         44.     As a general matter, although the risk of collision between the satellites is extremely low,
the Commission has indicated that in cases in which orbital parameters for proposed satellite systems are
similar to those of other operating systems, such that the two systems may have an increased risk of
physical collision, further review may be warranted."' In April 2005, the Division asked contactMEO
and NGST to provide written explanations regarding measures they will take to avoid in-orbit collisions
between the NGSO satellites in their constellations which have similar orbital parameters.I2' In response,
contactMEO and NGST stated that operational conditions, i.e., initial orbital parameters, and ongoing
coordination will ensure that the two systems' operations are physically compatible.I2'

         45.      Concerning safe flight profiles for its GSO satellites, contactMEO states it has assessed
and limited the probability of spacecraft becoming a source of debris by collisions with large debris or
other operational space stations.IZ2contactMEO asserts that its GSO satellites will be located at 121O
W.L., 83" W.L., 34" E.L., and 130" E.L., and that it has analyzed other GSO satellites that could be
within the station keeping volume of its satellites. With respect to the 121" and 83" W.L. orbit locations,
at which contactMEO identified other satellites that may have overlapping station keeping volumes,
contactMEO indicates it will accommodate co-location by "flying at non-zero inclination and
e~centricity."'~~ contactMEO also indicates that ''sufficient fuel will be loaded on the [contactMEO]
satellite to maintain the differing inclination to within 0.1

         46.      At end of mission of its HE0 satellites, contactMEO plans to de-orbit its HE0 satellites
through controlled re-entry by using a series of maneuver bums. contactMEO states that the deorbit
process will be designed to assure that the satellite is stable and under control throughout the
contactMEO has identified an open area in the southern Pacific Ocean as the projected geographic region
of the debris field.'26contactMEO also states that authorities for shipping lanes and airline routes in the
area of the debris field will be notified of the event. contactMEO represents that it will prepare additional
debris assessment reports during program de~elopment.'~~

'I7    contuctME0 October Amendment, at 2.
       contactME0 November Amendment, at 2.
I I9
       See e.g., Orbital Debris Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 11588.
   Letter to David Drucker, Manager, contactMEO Communications, LLC from Robert Nelson, Chef, Satellite
Engineering Branch (April 27, 2005). See also Letter to Peter Hadinger, Northrop Grumman Space & Missions
Systems Corp., from Robert Nelson, Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch (April 27, 2005).
Izl Letter to Marlene Dortch, Secretary FCC, from James M. Talens, Attorney for contactMEO Communications,
LLC (May 12, 2005); Letter to Marlene Dortch, Secretary FCC, from Stephen D. Baruch, Attorney for Northrop
Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation (May 12, 2005).
       contuctME0 November Amendment, at 3.
       contuctME0 November Amendment, at 4.
       contactME0 November Amendment, at 4.
       contuctME0 July Amendment, Annex 2; contactME0 November Amendment, at 12.
       contactMEO J u b Amendment, Annex 2.
12'    contactME0 November Amendment, at 12.


                                       Federal Communications Commission                          DA 06-864

         47.      This case is the first in which we have addressed a system’s plans to dispose of satellites
using controlled atmospheric reentry at end-of-life. According to contactME0, its system is still in the
design process. Given the stage of development for its HE0 NGSO constellation, contactMEO’s
application does not provide more detailed information Concerning end-of-life operations, such as detailed
operational plans, methods for coordination with relevant government agencies, and insurance
arrangements. We believe that a more detailed review of these issues is warranted as system design
progresses, and prior to authorization of launch and operating authority. Until such a review can be
completed, we are not in a position to conclude that either the disposal of contactMEO’s satellites, or the
launch that would necessitate disposal, are in the public interest. Accordingly, we will require
contactMEO to file, no later than 30 days following completion of the Critical Design Review milestone
for its NGSO satellites, an application to modify its license, specifying its end-of-life operations. This
application should provide detailed information concerning all aspects of the proposed disposal plan.
Because the United States is potentially strictly liable for any damage caused on the surface of the Earth
by re-entering contactMEO satellites, we would anticipate that such a plan would involve insurance
policies listing the United States as an additional insured party. Authority to launch and operate the
satellites, as specified in this Order, will be granted if the information submitted demonstrates that
contactMEO’s end-of-life disposal plans are in the public interest.

D.      License Conditions

            1.      Milestone Schedule

         48. To ensure that licensees remain able and committed to implementing their planned satellites
and do not hold scarce orbitkpectrum resources to the exclusion of other entrants, the Commission
imposes milestone schedules on each licensed satellite. If a licensee fails to meet any of these milestones,
the license becomes null and void. These milestones are set forth in section 25.164 of the Commission’s
rules, and are slightly different for GSO satellites and NGSO satellite constellations.128

         49.      Licensees of satellite systems that include both GSO and NGSO components are required
to construct the GSO portions of their system within the GSO milestones and the NGSO portion of their
system within the NGSO milestone^.'^^ Licensees of NGSO systems must meet five milestones: (1)
enter into a binding non-contingent contract to construct the satellite system within one year of licensing;
(2) complete critical design review of the licensed system within two years of licensing; (3) begin
construction of the first satellite in the licensed system withn two years, six months of licensing; (4)
launch and operate the first satellite within three years, six months; (5) bring all of the satellites licensed
in the system into operation within six years of li~ensing.’~’Licensees of GSO satellites must meet four
milestones: 1) enter into a binding non-contingent contract to construct the licensed satellite(s) within
one year of licensing; 2) complete critical design review within two years of licensing; 3) begin
construction of the satellite(s) within three years; and 4) launch and operate the satellite(s) within five
years of 1i~ensing.I~’In addition, licensees must submit certifications of milestone compliance within 10
days following each milestone specified herein. These milestones are incorporated as a condition of
contactMEO’s license. Failure to comply with a milestone, file a certification of compliance, or filing a
certification of non-compliance will result in automatic cancellation of contactMEO’s authorization with

12’   47 C.F.R. $ 25.164(a) and (b).
129 Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Order on Reconsideration
and Fifth Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 12637, 12655 (2004) (Space Station Licensing Reform Order, First Order
on Reconsideration).
I3O   47 C.F.R. $ 25.164(b).
13’   47 C.F.R. $ 25.164(a).


                                     Federal Communications Commission                            DA 06-864

no further action required on the Commission’s part.

            2.       License Term

         50.     The license term for both GSO and NGSO satellites is 15 years, For GSO satellites, the
term begins on the date the licensee certifies to the Commission that the satellite has been placed in orbit
and its operations conform to the conditions in its authorizations. For NGSO satellite systems, the term
commences when the licensee certifies to the Commission that its initial satellite has been placed in orbit
and is operating in compliance with its auth~rization.’~~ Consequently, the time at which the license term
begins to run will likely vary for contactMEO’sNGSO and GSO components.

            3.       Reporting Requirements

            5 1. contactMEO must follow the Part 25 rules for reporting requirements for FSS systems,
including an annual report describing the status of satellite construction and anticipated launch date, and a
detailed description of the use made of each transponder on its in-orbit ~atel1ites.I~~
                                                                                      contactMEO must file
this report on June 30 of each year, containing information current as of May 3 1 of that year.

            4.       International Coordination

         52.      In general, we will follow the applicable advance publication, coordination, due diligence
and notification procedures as set forth in the ITU Radio Regulations in coordinating contactMEO’s
satellites with other affected administrations. No protection from interference caused by radio stations
authorized by other administrations is guaranteed unless coordination procedures are timely completed or,
with respect to individual administrations,by successfully completing coordination agreements. In order
to do so, we require that contactMEO provide the Commission with the international coordination
information specified in our             contactMEO will be responsible for all cost recovery fees
associated with any ITU filings on behalf of its system.

            5.       Bond

         53.     In the First Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the Commission eliminated the
financial requirements then in place and replaced them with a bond req~irement.’~’    The bond
requirement is intended to deter speculative space applications and ensure that satellites are timely
launched and service is provided to customers. Under this new requirement, entities awarded a license for
a NGSO-like satellite must execute a $5 million performance bond, and entities awarded a GSO-like
license must execute a $3 million performance bond, payable to the U.S. Treasury, within 30 days of the
date the license is granted.’36Licensees of satellite systems with both GSO and NGSO satellites, where
both components are operating in the same frequency band, are required to post a $5 million bond.137The
bond is payable upon failure to meet any implementation milestone in the license, unless an adequate

13’   47 C.F.R. 0 25.121.
133   47 C.F.R. 0 25.210(1).
134   47 C.F.R. 9 25.1 1l(b).
      Space Station License Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10824. See also 47 C.F.R. 9 25.165
   In the Space Station Licensing Reform Order, the initial bond requirement for NGSO-like satellites was $7.5
million, and $5 million for GSO-llke satellites. On reconsideration, the Commission reduced these amounts to $5
million and $3 million respectively. Space Station Licensing Reform Order, First Order on Reconsideration, 19
FCC Rcd at 12654. See also 47 C.F.R. 0 25.165(a).
137   47 C.F.R. 0 25.165(a)(3).


                                      Federal Communications Commission                                      DA 06-864

justification for extending the license is ~ r 0 v i d e d . IIn
                                                               ~ ~its First Space Station Licensing Reform Order,
the Commission stated that it would entertain requests for complete or partial waivers of this bond
requirement, but limited its discussion to waivers "for satellite operators proposing satellites designed to
provide public safety services." The Commission noted that it would consider things "such as public
safety intent in deciding whether a waiver is ~ a r r a n t e d . " ' ~ ~

           54.          contactMEO seeks a complete waiver of this requirement, but asks for a partial waiver in
the a l t e r n a t i ~ e . 'contactMEO
                              ~~          asserts that a waiver is warranted because it currently provides satellite
public safety services, by way of leased capacity, and proposes to continue these services as a core
element of its Ka-band satellite business plan. contactMEO states that it provides broadcast, streaming
and data services using fiber, microwave and satellite technologies from its earth station in Colorado,
including IP services to rural locations such as Alaska, as well as IP connectivity and multimedia
streaming to Antar~tica.'~~          It further represents that the focus of its services is on public safety. As an
example, contactMEO states that the National Science Foundation uses its services for IP connectivity
which has been used in emergency situations.I4* contactMEO's satellite services are also used by
TelAlaska, a telephone service provider to remote Alaskan communities, for IP connectivity. Other
services in Alaska include: a 1) lifeline internet service; 2) communication services for a library network;
3) telephone and data services; and 4) internet backbone services.'43 With its Ka-band authorization,
contactMEO states it will offer bandwidth services in remote areas of North America and elsewhere, at a
reduced price, with target customers including hospitals, universities, governments, schools, and
charitable organizations. Thus, contactMEO claims that its services will support public safety and
emergency services locally and regionally. In granting a waiver, contactMEO states, the Commission
will eliminate an unnecessary financial barrier to implementing important public safety services in the
United States.

         55.      Although contactMEO proposes to provide public safety services with its proposed
satellite service, it states that its primary goal is to offer broadband services to unserved and underserved
areas of the world for telemedicine, education, and economic de~elopment.'~~          While these are laudable
goals, these services are not principally or solely for public safety services.      Consequently, we find that
contactMEO has failed to demonstrate good cause for a full or partial waiver.

        56.   In addition, we reject contactMEO's claim that the bond should be waived because the
Commission's concern about speculation in satellite applications is not present in this case due to the fact
that contactMEO continues to pursue its application even though it has been pending for a number of

      47 C.F.R. 9 25.165(c).
      Space Station License Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 10825.
I4O   contactME0 March Amendment, Attachment A.
14'   contactME0 March Amendment, Attachment A, at 4.
      contactME0 March Amendment, Attachment A, at 5.
      contacth4EO March Amendment, Attachment A, at 6.
144   contactMEOMarch Amendment, at 11, 14.
14' In addressing t h s issue, the International Bureau has referred to the definition of "public safety services" set forth
in section 338 of the Communications Act of 1934. See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and
Authorization, DA 05-50 (Rel. Jan. 10,2005). For purposes of allocating spectrum between 746 megahertz and 806
megahertz, the Act defines public safety services as services "the sole or principal purpose of whch is to protect the
safety of life, health, or property, that are provided by ... governmental entities or by nongovernmental
organizations that are authorized by a governmental entity whose primary mission is the provision of such services
and that are not make commercially available to the public by the provider." 47 C.F.R. 9 338 (Q(1).


                                    Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

years.'46 contactMEO also made this assertion before the Commission in its reconsideration of the First
Space Station Licensing Reform Order. In the Reconsideration Order, the Commission lowered the bond
requirement but affirmed its necessity as a means to ensure that licensees remain committed and capable
of implementing their systems once they receive 1i~enses.l~'

         57.     As a result, we require contactMEO to post a bond for its licensed system. Pursuant to
section 25.165, satellite systems with GSO and NGSO components operating in the same fi-equencies are
subject to a $5 million bond req~irement.'~~  Accordingly, contactMEO must post a bond for $5 million
within 30 days of the grant of this license. Failure to do so will render the authorizations for the entire
system - both the GSO and NGSO components - null and void.

           6.      Application Fees

        58.      contactMEO filed its GSO satellite applications in the form of an amendment to its
NGSO system application. As noted above, however, we considered contactMEOs GSO satellite
requests separately from its NGSO satellite requests because GSO and NGSO satellites are subject to
different rules and technical requirements. GSO and NGSO satellites are also subject to different
application fees.'49 Consistent with these distinctions, we assign each GSO satellite and the NGSO
constellation different call signs and license them with separate conditions. In addition, we conclude that
contactMEO should have filed a separate application for each of its four GSO satellites instead of filing
an amendment to its NGSO application. Accordingly, as a condition to contactMEO's GSO satellite
licenses, we require contactMEO to submit the GSO satellite application fees for its four satellites that
would have been due in March 2004, a total of $393,170, within 30 days of the release date of this
Order.Is0 Failure to do so will render the four GSO authorizationsnull and void.


         59.    Upon review of contactMEO's application, as amended, we find that contactMEO
Communications, LLC is qualified to be a Commission licensee and that, pursuant to section 309 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. $309, grant of this application will serve the public
interest, convenience, and necessity.

        60.   Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, that Application File Nos. SAT-LOA-19971222-00222,
SAT-LOA-20040322-00234,00235,00236,00237, as amended by File Nos. SAT-AMD-20031030-
003 17, SAT-AMD-20040322-00057, SAT-AMD-200400719-00141,and SAT-AMD-20051118-00243,
ARE GRANTED to the extent indicated herein, and subject to the conditions specified in this Order.

        61.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC is authorized to
construct three NGSO FSS satellites (Call Sign S2346) capable of using the 28.6-29.1 GHz (uplink) and
18.8-19.3 GHz (downlink) frequency bands on a primary basis, and to use the 29.5-30.0 GHz (uplink)

      contactME0 March Amendment, Attachment A, at 9.
      Space Station Licensing Reform Order, First Order on Reconsideration, 19 FCC Rcd at 12663.
14'   47 C.F.R. 0 25.165. See Space Station Licensing Reform Order, First Order on Reconsideration, 19 FCC Rcd at
   As implemented in 47 C.F.R. $ 1.1107(9)& (lo), the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989, Pub. L 101-239,47
U.S.C. 9 158, contains separate application fees for NGSO licenses (per system of techmcally identical satellites)
and GSO licenses (per satellite).
  The application fee per GSO satellite at the time contactMEO filed its amended application in March 2004 was
$98,645. Thus, the fee for four GSO satellites was $394,580. Because contactME0 already paid a $1,410
amendment application fee, we require contactMEO to submit the balance of $393,170.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                             DA 06-864

frequency band on a secondary basis. This authorization is subject to the technical specifications in
contactMEO Communications, LLC's application, the Commission's rules, unless waived herein, and the
terms and conditions in this Order.

         62.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC's request for a
waiver of the Ka-Band Plan is GRANTED, and contactMEO is authorized to construct three NGSO FSS

         63.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC must submit,
prior to May 30,2008, an application to modify its authorization for construction specifying its end-of-
life operations for its NGSO FSS satellites. Upon grant of this application, contactMEO will be
authorized to launch and operate its NGSO FSS satellites as specified in this Order. Coordination with all
Federal FSS systems and other operational NGSO FSS licensees must be completed prior to launch of
contactMEO's first NGSO FSS satellite.

         64.      IT IS FURTHERED ORDERED, that upon Commission approval of contactMEO's
modification application specifying its end-of-life operations, contactMEO will be authorized to operate
its NGSO FSS satellites in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band for its downlinks on a non-conforming basis. As a
non-conforming user, contactMEO must accept any interference from any non-Federal or Federal station
authorized to use the 19.7.-20.2 GHz band. In addition, contactMEO shall not cause harmful interference
to any authorized space station operating in compliance with the Table of Allocations and the Ka-band
plan, or authorized Federal FSS GSO or NGSO system. contactMEO shall immediately cease operations
upon notification of such harmful interference resulting from its operations. contactMEO
Communications, LLC's NGSO FSS satellite operations are subject to the sharing method with non-
Federal systems specified in the Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Non-Geostationary
Satellite Orbit, Fixed Satellite Service in the Ka-band, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14708 (2003), and
to completing coordination with Federal systems under 47 C.F.R. 9 2.106, US 334 .

         65.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC is authorized to
construct, launch, and operate four GSO FSS satellites, one each at the following locations: 83" W.L.
(Call Sign S2680); 121" W.L. (Call Sign S2681); 34" E.L. (Call Sign S2682); and 130" E.L. (Call Sign
S2683), subject to the technical specifications in its application, the Commission's rules, unless waived
herein, and the terms and conditions in this Order.

        66.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC may operate its
GSO FSS satellites in the 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency (uplink) band on a secondary basis, and in the 18.8-
19.3 GHz band on a non-conforming basis. As a non-conforming user, contactMEO Communications
must accept any interference from any non-Federal or Federal station authorized to use the 18.8-19.3 GHz
frequency (downlink) band. In addition, contactMEO shall not cause harmful interference to any
authorized non-Federal space station operating in compliance with the Table of Allocations and the Ka-
band plan, or authorized Federal FSS GSO or NGSO system, and shall immediately cease operations
upon notification of such harmful interference resulting from its operations.

         67.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC's request to
waive 47 C.F.R. 9 25.202(g) to allow Traclung, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) operations for transfer
orbits and on-orbit emergency modes in the 3650-3700 MHz band for its downlinks and 6425-6525 MHz
band for its uplinks, is DENIED. contactMEO Communications LLC must, within 30 days of this Order,
file a modification application specifylng the exact Ka-band frequencies for these TT&C operations in
accordance with 47 C.F.R. 4 25.202(g).

         68.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC's authorization
shall become NULL and VOID with no further action on the Commission's part in the event its space
stations are not constructed, launched, and placed into operation in accordance with the technical

                                 Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-864

parameters and terms and conditions of this authorization by the following dates:

NGSO FSS Satellite Milestones:

          Milestone                                                                     Deadline

          Enter Non-contingent Satellite Manufacturing Contract                      April 15,2007
          Complete Critical Design Review                                         April 15,2008
          Begin Physical Construction of First Satellite                            October 15,2008
          Complete Construction and Launch First Satellite in System                October 15,2009
          Certify Entire System Operational                                          April 15,2012

GSO FSS Satellite Milestones:

          Milestone                                                                     Deadline

          Enter Non-contingent Satellite Manufacturing Contract                      April 15,2007
          Complete Critical Design Review                                         April 15,2008
          Begin Physical Construction of All Satellites                              April 15,2009
          Certify Entire System Operational                                      April 15,2011

        69.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC must coordinate
  its Ka-band downlink operations with U.S. Federal systems, including Federal operations to earth
  stations in foreign countries, in accordance with footnote US 334 to the Table of Frequency
  Allocations, 47 C.F.R. 5 2.106. In addition to meeting the terms of the coordination agreement, the
  non-conforming contactMEO GSO operations at 18.8-19.3 GHz and NGSO operations at 19.7-20.2
  GHz, shall not cause h d l interference to, nor claim protection from, present and future Federal, non-
  Federal, International GSO and NGSO systems or any non-conforming services previously authorized
  on a non-harmful interference basis.

       70.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC shall operate its
  GSO FSS satellites in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band consistent with the power flux-density requirements of
  47 C.F.R 4 25.208(e) and ITU Article 21 (Table 21-4).

       7 1.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC shall operate its
  NGSO FSS satellites in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band consistent with the power flux-density requirements of
  47 C.F.R. Q 25.208(e) and ITU Article 21 (Table 21-4).

        72.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC shall operate its
  NGSO FSS satellites in the 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5 -30.0 GHz bands consistent with the equivalent
  power flux-density requirements of ITU Article 22 (Tables 22-1C, 22-2), and in the 19.7-20.2 GHz
  band consistent with the operational equivalent power flux-density requirements of ITU Article 22
  (Table 22-4B).

          73. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC's NGSO FSS
satellite system in the 19.7-20.2GHz band shall coordinate with specific earth stations in geostationary-
satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service, either within the U.S. for domestic service or any points
outside the U.S. for international service, under No. 9.7A of Article 9 of the ITU Radio Regulations.

                                 Federal Communications Commission                             DA 06-864

       74.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the license term for the GSO FSS space stations and
the NGSO FSS space stations is fifteen years, as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 0 25.121.

          75.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC shall, in
accordance with 47 C.F.R 0 25.11 l(b), prepare the necessary information for submission to the ITU to
initiate and complete the advance publication, international coordination, due diligence, and notification
process of this satellite system, in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. contactMEO
Communications LLC shall be held responsible for all cost recovery fees associated with these ITU
filings. No protection fiom interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is
guaranteed unless coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or, with respect to
individual administrations, by successfully completing coordination agreements. Any radio station
authorization for which coordination has not been completed may be subject to additional terms and
conditions as required to effect coordination of the frequency assignments of other administrations.

        76.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC shall maintain an
electronic web site bulletin board to list the satellite ephemeris data, for each satellite in the NGSO
constellation, using the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) two-line orbital
element format. The orbital elements shall be updated at least once every three days.

         77.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC’s request for a
full or partial waiver of the Commission’s bond requirement, 47 C.F.R 9 25.165, is DENIED.
contactMEO Communications LLC must file a performance bond with the Commission in the amount of
$5 million, pursuant to the procedures set forth section 25.165 of the Commission’s rules, within 30 days
of the grant of this Order and Authorization.

        78.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that contactMEO Communications, LLC must submit
applications fees for its GSO FSS satellites in the amount of $393,170.00 within 30 days of the grant of
this Order and Authorization.

        79.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that contactMEO Communications, LLC is afforded thirty
days from the date of the release of this order and authorization to decline this authorization as
conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization
as conditioned.

        80.     This Order is issued pursuant to section 0.261 of the Commission’s rule on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. 4 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         Donald Abelson
                                         International Bureau


Document Created: 2006-04-25 12:52:30
Document Modified: 2006-04-25 12:52:30

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