Attachment NYS exparte convo w

NYS exparte convo w


Ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20030606-00112 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



    wit                         Wiley Rein & F1eldmg LLP
                                                    Qfiefli@@f                                  ExX PARTE OR LATE FILED
                                                  Mag q                    F‘fECE   ~
                                                      17 2004                    IVED                           Tricia Paoletta
    1776 K STREET NW
    WASHINGTON, DC 20006
                                                     '}"éfié‘;’;cfu          gEB 2 7 Z                           202.719.7532
    PHONE    202.719.7000       February 27,2(]()2}3"0;3 !Bureay                            004       
    FAX      202.719.7049
                                                                     FEDERAL COMMuNIGAT1O
                                                                           OFFICE OF tyz eeggsgfxmssm     p        .
    Virginia Office
    7925 JONES BRANCH DRIVE                                                                                 8CEI
    SUITE 6200
                                Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                       ved
    McLEAN, VA 22102            Federal Communications Commission                                         MAR 1 0 2004
    PHONE    703.905.2800       236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
    FAX      703.905.2820   >
                                Washington, DC 20002                                                    l Pfi?i?y zl;agch
                                                                                                        nternational Bureau                 Re:     Notice of Oral Ex Parte Presentations
                                        Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.
                                        Petition for Waiver (filed Mar. 29, 2002);
                                        File Nos. SAT—AMD—20030606—00112; SAT—MOD—20020329—00245

                                Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                On February 26, 2004, Patricia Paoletta, counsel to New York Satellite (NYS"),
                                had a conversation with Don Abelson, Chief, International Bureau on the status of
                                the milestone extension request of NYS‘ subsidiary, Final Analysis Communication
                                Services, Inc ("FACS"). Ms. Paoletta reiterated NYS* concern about the reduced
                                spectrum that could be licensed to FACS, as a non—geostationary system, underthe
                                Commission‘s new satellite system processing rules, were FACS to lose its existing
                                license and be required to file a new application.

                                As the new processing rules appear to provide, FACS would only be entitled to a
                                third of the spectrum it is currently licensed to use. The FCC originally recognized
                                when it granted FACS its license that it had insufficient spectrum, and that it would
                                be entitled to any spectrum allocated at future World Radiocommunication
                                Conferences (WRC). FACS has expended significant resources in the effort to
                                achieve a global allocation at WRC—03, as well as substantial resources supporting
                                studies to implement the WRC—03 allocation. For these and other unique
                                circumstances justifying an extension in the public interest, NYS reiterates its
                                interest in an extension of FACS‘ milestones.


                                §                           §22z—_
                                                                                                           No. of Gopies ree‘d g_)_
                                Tricia Paoletta                                                            List ABCDE

 Wiley Rein & Fielding ur

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
February 27, 2004
Page 2

co:   Bryan Tramont
      Sheryl Wilkerson
      Sam Feder
      Jennifer Manner
      Paul Margie
      Barry Ohlson
      Don Abelson
      Jackie Ruff
      Rod Porter
      Tom Tycz
      Cassandra Thomas
      Karl Kensinger
      Mark Young
      Bob Nelson
      Joann Lucanik

Document Created: 2012-11-09 16:12:38
Document Modified: 2012-11-09 16:12:38

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