Attachment MOO


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20030606-00112 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                                DA 04-0759

                                             Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                          )
Intelsat LLC                                              1
                                                          )      SAT-MOD-20030723-00 136
Request for Extension of                                  )      SAT-Am-2003 1215-0035 7
Milestone Dates for the INTELSAT                          )      Call Sign S2414
10-02 (INTELSAT Alpha-2) Satellite                        1

                                MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER

    Adopted: March 22,2004                                           Released: March 22,2004

By the Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau:

                                         I.       INTRODUCTION

         1.      By this Order, we grant Intelsat LLC’s (Intelsat) request for an extension of milestones
for the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite. Specifically, we extend the milestone to complete construction of the
INTELSAT 10-02 satellite to March 2004, and extend the launch milestone to July 2004. These
extensions will allow Intelsat to correct unforeseen technical problems with the spacecraft, as well as
overcome unexpected testing and launch delays with the satellite, while continuing to serve its customers
from its existing in-orbit satellite.

                                          11.      BACKGROUND

         2.      In August 2000, the Commission granted Intelsat authority to operate 17 in-orbit C-band
and Ku-band satellites then owned and operated by the International Telecommunications Satellite
Organization.’ The Commission also granted Intelsat authority to construct, launch, and operate 10
satellites. At that time, the Commission implemented a construction completion and launch milestone
schedule based on a schedule proposed by Intelsat.2 The INTELSAT 10-02 satellite (formerly named
MTELSAT Alpha-2), one of the planned satellites, was given a construction completion milestone date
of September 2003 and a launch milestone date of November 2003.3 The INTELSAT 10-02 satellite is a

        See Application of Intelsat LLC for Authority to Operate, and to Further Construct, Launch, and Operate
C-band and Ku-band Satellites that Form a Global CommunicationsSystem in Geostationary Orbit, Memorandum
Opinion Order and Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd 15460,recon. denied, 15 FCC Rcd 25234 (2000),further
proceedings, 16 FCC Rcd 12280 (2001) (Intelsat LLC Orders). The term “C-band” refers here to the 3625 - 4200
MHz and 5850 - 6425 MHz frequency bands; the term “Ku-band”refers to the 10.95 - 1 1.20 GHz, 11.45 - 11.70
GHz, 12.5-12.75GHz, and 13.75 - 14.5 GHz frequency bands.
         Intelsat LLC Orders, 15 FCC Rcd at 155 19 (7 156).
         Id. at 15518-19

                                     Federal Communications Commission                                     DA 04-0759

replacement satellite for the operational INTELSAT 707 satellite at l o W.L.4

         3.      In July 2003, Intelsat filed a modification application to extend the construction
completion date and launch milestone date for the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite at the 1’ W.L. orbital
10cation.~ Intelsat requested the construction completion milestone date and launch milestone date be
extended to January 2004 and March 2004, respectively.6 In December 2003, Intelsat filed an amendment
to its application, requesting additional time to complete construction and launch the ~atellite.~
now seeks to extend the construction completion date to March 2004 and extend the launch completion
date to July 2004.8

         4.      Intelsat states that a brief extension of the milestone schedule is necessary due to
unanticipated manufacturing, testing and launch date delays beyond Intelsat’s control.’ Intelsat explains
that since the INTELSAT 10-02 is the first model satellite of its kind (Eurostar 3000) manufactured and
tested by EADS Astrium, no prior reference was available when the manufacturer originally established
the program duration.” Once construction commenced, multiple technical and testing delays arose.
Intelsat provided specific examples of problems and technical difficulties requiring re-design and re-
testing of various components. Intelsat represents that as of July 23, 2003, the construction of the
INTELSAT 10-02 satellite was approximately 85 percent complete.” In addition, Intelsat’s extension
requests include co ies of photographs of the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite, demonstrating that construction
is well underway.” Intelsat further asserts that since the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite is a replacement
satellite for the existing INTELSAT 707 satellite currently operating at 1” W.L., the short delays in
construction and launch will not result in the warehousing of orbital location^.'^ Both requests were
placed on Public Notice16 and no comments were received in response to the Notice.

         Id. at Appendix A, Tables 1 and 2.
         Intelsat LLC Request for Extension of Milestone Dates for INTELSAT 10-02 (INTELSATALPHA-2),
File No. SAT-MOD-20030723-00136,Call Sign S24 14, (July 23,2003) (Intelsat Original Milestone Extension
Application). Intelsat also requests a corresponding extension for the scheduled “in-service”date, which is six to eight
weeks after a successful launch.
         See Intelsat Original Milestone Extension Application at 15.
     Amendment to Intelsat LLC Request for Extension of Milestone Dates for INTELSAT 10-02 (INTELSAT
ALPHA-2), File No. SAT-AMD-20031215-00357, Call Sign S2414, (December 15, 2003) (Intelsat Amended
Milestone Extension Application).
         See Intelsat Amended Milestone Extension Application at 14.
         See Id. at Attachment A.
         Id. at 16.
        Public Notice, Policy Branch Information, Report No. SAT-00170 (October 10, 2003). Public Notice,
Policy Branch Information, Report No. SAT-00 182 (December 23,2003).


                                    Federal CommunicationsCommission                                  DA 04-0759

                                              111.   DISCUSSION

         5.       Milestones are necessary to ensure that licensees build their systems in a timely manner
and that orbital resources and spectrum are not being held by licensees unable or unwilling to proceed
with their plans.” It is in the public interest to ensure that licensees proceed expeditiously in completing
construction of their systems and commencing service and not blocking entry by other qualified service
providers. Therefore, the Commission has strictly enforced its milestone schedules.18 As a general rule,
we grant milestone extensions only when the delay is due to circumstances beyond the control of the
licen~ee.’~   For example, unanticipated technical problems encountered during physical construction of
the satellite may justify a milestone extension?’ The situation presented by Intelsat is consistent with this
circumstance. In addition, Intelsat has demonstrated that construction is well underway and progressing.

         6.       The INTELSAT 10-02 satellite is the first of its kind manufactured and tested by the
manufacturer EADS-Astrium. As a result, Intelsat provided detailed examples of unanticipated technical
problems arising from testing the new equipment which led to the redesign, reworking and retesting of
various components. For example, the communications module, C-band hemi-zone antenna and solar
array were all delivered approximately one year later than the original delivery date due to technical
difficulties that arose during production.21 Intelsat also provided detailed information regarding the
progress of the satellite construction, emphasizing its intention to complete construction and launch the
satellite within the timeframe requested. At the time of the original milestone extension filing, the
INTELSAT 10-02 spacecraft was undergoing system level thermal vacuum tests. Intelsat provides
photographs showing the spacecraft as it was being prepared to go into the Thermal Vacuum chamber.22

         7.       Additionally, Intelsat describes further unanticipated problems that arose after it filed the
original milestone extension application that justify a longer extension. Specifically, Intelsat explains that
the satellite’s manufacturer, EADS-Astrium, has experienced additional delays in testing the INTELSAT
10-02 satellite due to scheduling conflicts with another satellite the company is ~nanufacturing.~~      Since
the other satellite, Eutelsat W3A, is scheduled to launch prior to the launch of INTELSAT 10-02, Intelsat
represents that Astrium has prioritized the completion of the Eutelsat W3A satellite resulting in further
delays in completing the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite.24 In addition, Intelsat states that its launch provider,
International Launch Services (ILS), has assigned Intelsat a new launch window of May 15-June 14.26

         8.       We find that the circumstances that Intelsat has described in its applications are
        Columbia Communications Corp., Application for Amendment to Pending Application to Extend
Milestones, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 15566 (Int’l Bur. 2000).
         Advanced CommunicationsCorporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 10 FCC Rcd 13337 (Int’l Bur.
         47 C.F.R $25.1 17(e); Columbia Communications C o p , 15 FCC Rcd at 15571.
          See, e.g., Earthwatch Incorporated, Order and Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd 18725 (Sat & Radiocom. Div.,
Int’l Bur. 2000); AMSC Subsidiary Corp., Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Rcd 3791 (Sat. & Radiocorn. Div.,
Int’l Bur. 1995); Loral SpaceCom Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 21851 (Satellite
Div., Int’l Bur. 2003).
         See Intelsat Original Milestone Extension Application at 15.
         See Id. at Attachment A.
         See Intelsat Amended Milestone Extension Application at 15.
         Since the time Intelsat submitted its amendment, the Eutelsat W3A satellite has been launched.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                            DA 04-0759

unforeseeable and beyond Intelsat’s control and therefore justify an extension of the milestone dates.
Under the circumstances presented, it would not be in the public interest to cancel the license of a
company that has completed construction of approximately 85 percent of its satellite and provided a
concrete plan for completing construction and launching a satellite within the next several months. For
these reasons, we find that extending the construction completion milestone and the launch milestone
dates will serve the public interest.

                           IV.        CONCLUSION AND ORDERING CLAUSES

         9.      We find that granting Intelsat’s application, as amended, will help ensure the successful
launch and operation of the INTELSAT 10-02 satellite and serve the public interest by providing effective
use of the limited orbit spectrum resource.

       10.   Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, that the Requests for Extension of Milestone Dates for
the INTELSAT 10-02 (INTELSAT Alpha-2) Satellite, filed by Intelsat LLC, File Nos. SAT-MOD-
20030723-00136 and SAT-AMD-20031215-00357, Call Sign S2414, are GRANTED.

        11.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Table in paragraph 156 of the Intelsat LLC
Orders’, is modified with respect to the entry for the ALPHA-2 satellite as follows, and the INTELSAT
10-02 satellite must be constructed and launched by the following dates in accordance with the technical
parameters and terms of its authorization, as modified, or its authorization is null and void:

       I Satellite *                1 Finish Construction                 I   Launch **

        INTELSAT 10-02                March 30,2004                           July 30,2004

        12.     Intelsat is afforded 30 days from the date of this Order to decline this authorization as
conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute a formal acceptance of the authorization
as conditioned.

        13.      This Order is issued pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 9 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                   Satellite Division
                                                   International Bureau

        See Intelsat LLC Orders, 15 FCC Rcd at 155 19, (7 156).


Document Created: 2004-04-04 13:38:30
Document Modified: 2004-04-04 13:38:30

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