Attachment Petition to deny Peg

Petition to deny Peg


petition to deny


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20010607-00050 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                             HEVCEIV EL

                                                                                JUL — 5 2001
                                                                          ravIAAL COMMUNICATIONS Commesti#N
                                        BEFORE THE                              ornCE or mhe SECRETARY
                                 WAsfim@;pN, D.C. 20554                                 D UP U CATE

In the Matter of                      * 10 s      )
                             3                   ) SAT—AMD—20010607—00050
KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC           Xizy».__)
                                          afpBreng SAT—LOA—19980312—00018

                                    PETITION TO DENY
       Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus") hereby urges the Commission to dismiss

or deny the above—referenced request of KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC ("KaStarCom").‘

KaStarCom should not be permitted to amend its second—round application from one that

proposed non—CONUS operations to one proposing full—CONUS operations. In any event,

consistent with Commission policy, KaStarCom (and its affiliate) should not be permitted to hold

assignments for more than two CONUS orbital locations.


       On December 22, 1997, KaStarCom filed an application to provide satellite services in

the second Ka—band processing round." In the Application, KaStarCom proposed to construct

and launch two satellites at 52°E and 175°W. See Application, at 1. These slots would permit

KaStarCom to provide satellite services to various Pacific Rim and European countries. Id.

       KaStarCom‘s principal owners are David Drucker and Walter Segaloff, who, along with

various family members and related trusts, control in the aggregate a total of approximately 22%

‘ Pegasus is an applicant in the second processing round for Ka—band licenses. See SAT—LOA—
19980403—00025 through 00029 (April 3, 1998).
* See SAT—LOA—19980312—00018 (March 12, 1998) ("Application").

of the voting stock of WB Holdings 1, LLC ("Wildblue" or "WB"), a first—round licensee

authorized to construct and launch satellites at 73°W and 109.2°W." In conjunction with

Wildblue, KaStarCom proposed to deploy a combined satellite system that "would provide

coverage to nearly all significant portions of the planet and serve the public interest by providing

additional competition for global satellite service." See Application, at 2. In its Application,

KaStarCom argued, inter alia, that, despite common ownership with Wildblue, the Bureau

should waive Section 25.140(f) of the Commission‘s rules, limiting the number of unused orbital

slots for any one applicant, because KaStarCom and Wildblue would be deploying satellites in

entirely different portions of the geostationary orbital arc.*

        With respect to the orbital locations KaStarCom proposed to use, no other second—round

applicant requested 175°W. Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed") requested the use of

52°E; no applicant requested the neighboring 50°E orbital slot. In March 1999, the Bureau

placed all the second—round applications on public notice and, subsequently, urged the

applicants to resolve any mutually exclusive requests voluntarily.

* Through a series of transfers and name changes, Wildblue is the current holder of the license
originally assigned to "KaStar Satellite Communications Corporation." At the time of the
Application, Wildblue and KaStarCom were owned and controlled by the same parties. See
Application, Exhibit D—2, at 1; see also Request for Pro Forma Assignment of License of KaStar
73 Acquisition, LLC to WB Holdings 1 LLC, SAT—ASG—20010108—00004, Exhibit A, at 1
(January 8, 2001).
* See Application, Exhibit D—2, at 1.
° See Report No. SAT—00012 (March 16, 1999).

        Since filing its application, KaStarCom has decided to seek wholly new orbital

assignments, specifically the CONUS orbital slots at 73°W, 109.2"W,6 and 111°W.‘ This

proposal conflicts with those of other second—round applicants which, unlike KaStarCom,

initially applied for CONUS orbital locations. For example, DirectCom, a second—round

applicant which originally requested CONUS orbital locations at 93°W and 103 cw,$ proposed

that it be assigned, inter alia, the 500 MHz available at 109.2°w.°

       On June 7, 2001, in responée to a Bureau request, KaStarCom submitted a letter stating,

inter alia, its "preference" for spectrum and orbital locations.‘" In the letter, KaStarCom

requested an orbital assignment at 111°W and the 500 MHz available at both 73°W and

109.2°W. Id. KaStarCom also noted that it "envisions that, as licensees of co—located Ka—band

satellites at 73° W.L. and 109.2° W.L., WB and KaStarCom would jointly construct and own a

© There is 500 MHz available at both 73°W and 109.2°W. The other 500 MHz at these locations
is licensed to KaStarCom‘s affiliate, Wildblue. See SAT—LOA—19950712—00085 (July 12, 1995);
SAT—LOA—19950928—00108 (September 28, 1995).
" See Letter to Magalie Roman Salas from CAI Data Systems, Inc., Pacific Century Group, Inc.,
TRW, Inc., Celsat America, Inc., Hughes Communications, Inc., Lockheed Martin Corporation,
and KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC (August 11, 2000) ("Majority Plan"). The Majority Plan
was subsequently revised to include PanAmSat Corporation. See Letter to Magalie Salas from
CAI Data Systems, Inc., Pacific Century Group, Inc., TRW, Inc., Celsat America, Inc., Hughes
Communications, Inc., Lockheed Martin Corporation, PanAmSat Corporation, and KaStarCom
World Satellite, LLC (November 1, 2000).
8 On the Friday afternoon before the Monday cut—off date for second—round applications, the
Bureau issued an order, inter alia, assigning the 93°W and 103°W orbital locations to Loral and
PanAmSat, respectively. See Assignment ofOrbital Locations to Space Stations in the Ka—band,
12 FCC Red 22004 (December 19, 1997). Pegasus has filed a Petition for Reconsideration
challenging the Order explaining the reassignments. See Pegasus Development Corporation,
Petition for Reconsideration, DA 01—949 (May 17, 2001).
° See New Entrant Plan.
 See Letter to Magalie Roman Salas from Stephen E. Coran (June 7, 2001).

single satellite at each such location."‘‘ The Bureau placed the letter on public notice and invited

comments on an expedited schedule. See Report No. SAT—00072 (June 19, 2001).


        By its June 7 letter, KaStarCom effectively seeks to amend its 1997 application. The

orbital locations KaStarCom originally requested are available. However, KaStarCom has

evidenced no interest in accepting those non—CONUS orbital locations. Instead, it now seeks to

add another satellite and, together with its affiliate Wildblue, to obtain assignments for full use of

three CONUS orbital locations.

        Under the Commission‘s rules, "[any application will be considered to be a newly filed

application if it is amended by a major amendment after a "cut—off" date applicable to the

application." 47 C.F.R. §25.116(c). "An amendment will be deemed to be a major amendment

... [i]f the amendment increases the potential for interference, or changes the ... orbital locations

to be used."" KaStarCom‘s amendment does both. It specifically requests a change in orbital

locations from the uncongested portion of the geostationary orbital are to the already crowded

CONUS—arc °—a distinction that KaStarCom itself has argued is significant under the

Commission‘s rules.‘* The amendment also increases the potential for interference with

operations of other second—round applicants, which, unlike KaStarCom, originally requested

4 Id. at 1.
247 C.F.R. §25.116(b).
} Although the Commission has consistently held that for assignment purposes requests for the
same orbital locations do not result in mutual exclusivity, it has recognized the differences of
orbital locations in different portions of the geostationary orbital arc. See e.g., In the Matter of
Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, 3
FCC Red 6972, at 3 (1988).

assignments in the CONUS—arc and proposed alternative orbital assignments only to resolve

frequency and orbital conflicts. In contrast, KaStarCom‘s orbital request does not "resolve[]

frequency conflicts with authorized stations or other pending applications [without] creat[ing]

new or increased frequency conflicts," and is, thus, not exempt from the Commission‘s major

modification rules.""

        The cut—off date for second—round applications expired in December 1997. Thus, the

Bureau should consider the amendment a major modification and process the newly filed

application in the next Ka—band processing round.""

        The Bureau should also deny the amendment because it would permit KaStarCom and its

affiliate Wildblue to have full use of three CONUS orbital locations, one more than generally

permissible under Commission policy."

4 See Application, Exhibit D—2, at 1.
547 C.F.R.§25.116(c)(1). Similarly, the amendmentis not exempt under Section §25.116(c)(4)
because it "create[s] new or increased frequency conflicts," and because KaStarCom has not
shown that the amendment is "demonstrably necessitated by events which the applicant could
not have reasonably foreseen." 47 C.F.R. §25.116(c)(4).
‘© KaStarCom‘s proposal is also a major amendment because it requests to operate an additional
satellite at an orbital location and on frequencies not originally requested. See Volunteers in
Technical Assistance, 12 FCC Red 13995 (1997) (proposal to add an additional satellite to
operate on frequencies not originally requested is a major amendment).
‘" See e.g., Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation, 3 FCC Red 6737, at 6 (1988); see also
Letter to Thomas S. Tycz from Bruce D. Jacobs (May 9, 2001). KaStarCom‘s request for three
orbital locations also appears to violate Section 25.140(e). See 47 C.F.R. §25.140(e) (limiting
initial assignments to two orbital locations).


       For the foregoing reasons, Pegasus Development Corporation urges the Bureau to deny

the amendment of KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          PEGASUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION

                                                 B      . Jacobs
                                                 Tony Lin
                                                 SHAW PITTMAN LLP
                                                 2300 N Street, N.W.
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20037
                                                 (202) 663—8000

                                          Its Attorneys

Dated: July 5, 2001

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petition to Deny was sent by
first—class mail or hand delivery (*) this 5th day of July 2001, to the following:

*The Honorable Michael K. Powell                    *Adam Krinsky
Chairman                                            Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner
Federal Communications Commission                   Tristani
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—B201               Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                              445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20554
*Commissioner Michael J. Copps
Federal Communications Commission                  *Donald Abelson
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—B115              Chief, International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                   445 Twelfth Street, S.W. .
*Commissioner Gloria Tristani                      Washington, D.C. 20554
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—C302              *Thomas S. Tycz
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication
                                                   Division, International Bureau
*Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy                Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—A¥A302            Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                   *Fern Jarmulnek
*Peter A. Tenhula                                  Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
Senior Legal Advisor to Chairman Powell            Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                           Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                   *Alyssa Roberts
*Jordan Goldstein                                  Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau
Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner Copps         Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                           Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                   *Jennifer Gilsenan
*Bryan Tramont                                     Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau
Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner               Federal Communications Commission
Abernathy                                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Federal Communications Commission                  Washington, D.C. 20554
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                                                *Selina Khan
*Jay Whaley                                     Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau
Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau   Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission               445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                *Kal Krautkramer
*Mark Young                                     Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau
Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau   Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission               445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554

*Cassandra Thomas                               Stephen E. Coran
Deputy Chief                                    Rini, Coran & Lancellotta, P.C.
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division       1350 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Federal Communications Commission               Suite 900
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Washington, D.C. 20036—1701
Washington, D.C. 20554                          Counselfor KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC

                                                           isa Sorum

Document Created: 2017-02-07 15:02:28
Document Modified: 2017-02-07 15:02:28

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