Attachment july 5 2001 letter.p

july 5 2001 letter.p

OTHER submitted by TRW

July 5 2001 letter


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20010607-00050 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                        LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.
                                         surre 600
                                     2000 K STREET. N.W.                                             TELEPHONE
                                                                                                    (202) 429—8970
                               WasHincton, D.C. 20006—1809
                                                                                                    (202) 203—7783
                                            July 5, 2001              JUL — § 2001              NWMW LSL—LAW.COM

                                                                FewiRAL ConanunCatione Dumnestany
                                                                      OFRICE Of THE SECRETARY


Ms. Magalie R. Salas                                                JIi $ n
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re:       Application of KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC
                         (FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20010607—00050)

Dear Ms, Salas:

               This letter is written on behalf of TRW Inc. ("TRW*") in response to the
Commission‘s June 19, 2001 Public Notice with respect to the above—referenced
application of KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC ("KaStarCom""). In its application,
KaStarCom states that its preferred orbital locations for assignment in the second Ka—
band processing round are 73° W.L. (500 MHz of additional spectrum) and 109.2° W.L.
(500 MHz of additional spectrum), and 111° W.L. (new authorization for 1000 MHz).

               TRW has no objection to the assignment to KaStarCom ofthe orbital
locations and spectrum for which it has expressed a preference. Indeed, TRW believes
that adoption of an orbital assignment plan for the second Ka—band round that includes
these assignments to KaStarCom would be consistent with the public interest, and would.
assist in the resolution of assignment issues in the round.

               TRW does have a particular interest, however, with respect to one aspect
of KaStarCom‘s request. TRW is an applicantin the current Ka—band round for the
113° W.L. orbital location, two degrees from KaStarCom‘s preferred location at
111° W.L. In the event that KaStarCom is granted use of the 111° W.L. slot, it must be
prepared to coordinate its use with other operators in this portion of the orbital arc, so that
the short spacing proposed between 109.2° W.L. and 111° W.L. does not unreasonably
impinge upon the use of the 113° W.L. location. So long as this requirementis
acknowledged at the outset, assignment of the 111° W.L. slot to KaStar should facilitate

Magalic R. Salas    LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.
July 5, 2001
Page — 2 —

successful coordination by placing the short—spaced orbital locations at 109.2° W.L. and
111° W.L. in the hands of the same licensee.

              Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please contact the
undersigned counsel.

                                                        I     ctfully submitted,

                                                        Stephen D.{Baru
                                                        David S. Koi
                                                            Counsel to TRWInc.

ce:    Stephen E. Coran, Esq.
       Donald Abelson
       Thomas Tycez
       Cassandra Thomas
       Fern Jarmulnek
       Jennifer Gilsenan
       Mark Young
       Selina Khan

Document Created: 2017-02-07 15:01:12
Document Modified: 2017-02-07 15:01:12

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