Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by CAI Data



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19990930-00093 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


          McGuireWoods LLP
           Washington Square
1050 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
                   Suite 1200

         To 0eon1709
  Washington, DC 20036—5317
                                                                          Inti BureaU
                                                                                   1 2003

                                MeGUIREWOODsS                              uL 2         6
                                                                          Front Office
               July 17, 2003                                                                RECEIVED
               Via Hand Delive                                  R@Ce"
                     SelglllBivisian                                      Ved                JUL 1 7 2003
             —Ms—Mariene=Dortch                                JU                                           :
               Office of the Secretary                              L 2 5 2003       FEDERAL ComMunNications commIssion
               Federal Communications Commission               Policy B                     OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
               445 12th Street, S.W.                       Internationalgure
               Washington, D.C. 20554                                     reay

               Re:       CAl Data Systems, Inc.‘s Response to Pegasus Development Corporation‘s
                         Request for Ka—band Orbital Reassignment to 87 Degrees W.L., File Nos. 88—SAT—
                         P/LA—97; 32—SAT—AMEND—98; IBFS Nos. SAT—LOA—19970702—00057; SAT—AMD—
                         19971219—00199; SAT—AMD—19990930—00093

               Dear Ms. Dortch:

                       CAl Data Systems, Inc. ("CAl Data") hereby opposes Pegasus Development
               Corporation‘s ("Pegasus") recent request for reassignment of its Ka—band authorization at 117
               degrees W.L. to the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location.‘ Furthermore, CAl Data affirms its request
               that the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission" or "FCC") reassign its Ka—band
               authorization at 125 degrees W.L. to the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location.

                         For more than two years prior to Pegasus‘ recent request for reassignment, CAl Data
               has consistently requested that the Commission assign it the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location.
               Having expected Motorola Inc.‘s ("Motorola") orbital locations to become available for second—
               round applicants, CAl Data requested that the FCC assign the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location
               to CAl Data." As anticipated, the Commission rendered a decision declaring Motorola‘s
               Millenium license, which included the orbital locations 75 degrees W.L, 77 degrees W.L., 87
               degrees W.L., and 91 degrees W.L., null and void." Subsequently CAl affirmed its request for
               reassignment of its 125 degrees W.L. orbital location to the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location.*

               1       See Letter from Bruce D. Jacobs and Tony Lin, counsel for Pegasus, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC
               Secretary (July 10, 2003).
               £       See Letter from James U. Troup, counsel for CAl Data, to Magalie Roman Salas, FCC Secretary,
               gJune 8, 2001).
                       In the Matter of Application of Motorola, Inc. and Teledesic, LLC for Consent to Assignment of
               Authority to Launch and Operate the Millenium Geostationary Fixed—Satellite Service System; Request of
               Teledesic for Exemption from the Cut—Off Rule for Pending Applications for Authority to Launch and
               Operate Geostationary and Non—Geostationary Fixed Satellite Systems; Petition of Motorola, Inc. and
               Teledesic LLC for Extension of Time Allowed for Commencement of Construction, Memorandum and
               Order, 17 FCC Red 16543 (2002).
               *       Letter from James U. Troup, counsel for CAl Data, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC Secretary,
               (September 16, 2002).

July 17, 2003
Page 2

         In addition to CAl Data‘s long—standing request to be assigned the 87 degrees W .L.
orbital location, it would also be more equitable and in the public interest to assign the 87
degrees W.L. orbital location to CAl Data rather than to Pegasus. As part of the second—round
assignments, the Commission granted Pegasus authority to operate at five orbital locations: 117
degrees W.L; 107 degrees W.L.; 43 degrees W.L.; 28 degrees E.L.; and, 107.5 degrees E.L."
In fact, Pegasus was granted the largest number of Ka—band orbital locations as part of the
second—round assignments.© On the other hand, CAl Data, was granted one Ka—band orbital
location at 125 degrees W.L.‘ CAIl Data‘s entire business plan is dependent on the one orbital
location, whereas Pegasus, with its five orbital locations, has greater flexibility to develop its
proposed services.

        Furthermore, Pegasus already has two orbital locations (117 degrees W.L. and 107
degrees W.L.) that provide superior coverage of the continental United States compared to the
one far western orbital location (125 degrees W.L.) assigned to CAl Data. It would promote
competition and better serve the public interest to assign the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location to
the party—CAI Data—that has not only one assigned orbital location, but one that is inferior in
coverage compared to the two orbital locations assigned to the other party—Pegasus. The very
viability of CAl Data‘s entire business plan is significantly improved by reassigning it the 87
degrees W.L. orbital location, whereas assigning it to Pegasus might only enhance its ability to
supplement an already existing service. The public interest would be better served by ensuring
that a truly new entrant to the satellite business, CAl Data, is able to effectively compete to
provide new and innovative services to the public.

        CAl Data, therefore, requests that the Commission grant its request for reassignment of
the 87 degrees W.L. orbital location and reject Pegasus similar request. Should you have any
questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                                          Very truly yours,

                                                          James U. Troup
                                                          Adrian B. Copiz

                                                          Counsel for CAl Data Systems, Inc.

5       In the Matter of Pegasus Development Corporation; Application for Authority to Construct,
Launch, and Operate a Ka—Band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service, 16 FCC Red 14378
(2001). CAl Data also notes that Pegasus, in its recent letter to the FCC, only mentions two of the five
orbital locations for which it was granted authority (117 degrees W.L. and 107 degrees W.L.). See also In
the Matter of Second Round Assignment of Geostationary Satellite Orbit Locations to Fixed Satellite
Service Space Stations in the Ka—Band, 17 FCC Red 14400 (2002) (listing the five Ka—band orbital
Locations for which Pegasus holds authorization).
7       1d.

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Monica Gibson—Moore, a secretary with the law firm of McGuireWoods, LLP hereby
certify that I have this 17th day of July, 2003 caused copies of the foregoing letter to be delivered
by hand (*) or served by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the following:

Don Abelson*                                          Peter Rohrbach
Chief, International Bureau                           Karis Hastings
Federal Communications Commission                     Hogan & Hartson, LLP
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                              Columbia Square
Washington, DC 20554                                  555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
                                                      Washington, DC 20004—1109
Jennifer Gilsenan*                                    Counselfor SES Americom
Satellite Division
International Bureau                                  Bruce D. Jacobs
Federal Communications Commission                     Tony Lin
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                              ShawPittman LLP
Washington, DC 20554                                  2300 N Street, NW.
                                                      Washington, DC 20037
Robert Horvath                                        Counselfor Pegasus Development Corp.
Astrolink Holding LLC
6701 Democracy Blvd.                                  Pantelis Michalopoulos
Bethesda, MD 20817                                    Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
                                                      1330 Connecticut Ave., NW.
Brian D. Weimer                                       Washington, DC 20036—1795
Skadden Arps Slater Meagher & Flom LLP                Counselfor EchoStar Communications
1440 New York Avenue, N.W.                            Corporation and VisionStar, Inc.
Washington, DC 20005
Counselfor Celsat America, Inc.                       Stephen Coran
                                                      Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Gary Epstein                                          1501 M Street, NW, Suite 700
John Janka                                            Washington, DC 20005
Latham & Watkins                                      Counselfor KaStarcom World Satellite,
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.                           LLC
Washington, DC 20554
Counselfor Hughes Network Systems, Inc.               Robert Mazer
                                                      Vinson & Elkins, LLP
Stephen Bell                                          1445 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Jennifer McCarthy                                     Suite 700
Willkie Farr & Gallagher                              Washington, DC 20004—1008
1875 K Street, NW.                                    Counselfor NetSat 28 Company, LLC
Washington, DC 20006—1238
Counselfor Loral Space &
Communications, Ltd.

William Wiltshire
Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis, LLP
1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20036
Counselfor Wildblue Communications, Inc.   QJ\          ?    V’

                                           Monica bsonMoor

Document Created: 2019-04-18 10:19:08
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 10:19:08

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