Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by SkyBridge LLC



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19990108-00004 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                October 21, 2004                            mentasaont

           By Hand
           Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
           Federal Communications Commission
           445 12th St, S.W.
           Washington, DC 20554
                   Re:—   Orbital Debris Mitigation; SkyBridge LL.C., Application
                          for Authority to Launch and Operate the SkyBridge
                          Satellite System — File Nos. SAT—LOA—19970228—00021;
                          SAT—AMD—19970703—00058; SAT—AMD—19980630—00056;
                          SAT—AMD—19990108—00004; SAT—AMD—20020917—00167;
                          SAT—AMD—20040719—00135; Call Sign $2241.
           Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          This letter is written on behalf of SkyBridge L.L.C. (‘SkyBridge"),in
           response to: (1) a letter from Thomas Tyez to the undersigned, dated October 1, 2004
           (the "FCC Letter®);" and (2) subsequent telephone conversations with the Commission
           staff regarding the PCC Letter.
                          The FCC Letter requested that SkyBridge provide, by October 15, 2004,
           additional information regarding ts orbital debris mitigation plan for tSkyBridge
           satellte system. However, as the result of conversations with the Commission staff,
           SkyBridge came to understand that tinformation requested neednot be provided until
           30 days after the effective date ofthe new, generally applicable rules governing

               Leter from Thomas 5. Tyez,Chie, Stelite Division, to Jeffey Olson, Fle Nos. SAT—LOA—
               1s9ro22#.00021; SAT—AND—1o97070s—0005s; SAT—AMD—19900620—00056;SAAMD—
               19900108—00004; SAT—AMD—20020017—00167; SAT—AMD—20040719—00135, daed October1,
               2004 (the "FCC Lener®)


Document Created: 2004-11-09 15:53:04
Document Modified: 2004-11-09 15:53:04

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