Attachment LETTER


LETTER submitted by SkyBridge LLC



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19990108-00004 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, wharton 8 carrison LLP                                                     cnevecmugms
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                                                               RECEIVED                          Mestrestes
senere ameer coos neshess                                        oct 1 4 200                     W1tonannone
wnrens oeermcssuce                                         FadealCommunicaton Comeianion         ».::;;m:..:,:.: o
  200.225—7481                                                    Oflert Stemay

                                                 October 14, 2004                                Mesramment

           By Hand                                                                   R
           Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                           sce'VBd
           Secretary                                                                9CT 1 $ 3
           Federal Communications Commission                                                      904
           445 12th St, S.W.                                                    ,,..;"0.;.13%
           Washington, DC 20554                                                              a
                    Re:     Orbital Debris Mitigation; SkyBridge LL.C., Application
                            for Authority to Launch and Operate the SkyBridge
                            Satellte System — File Nos. SAT—LOA—19970228—00021;
                            SAT—AMD—19970703—00058; SAT—AMD—19980630—00056;
                            SAT—AMD—19990108—00004; SAT—AMD—20020917—00167;
                            SAT—AMD—20040719—00135; Call Sign $2241.
           Dear Ms. Dortch:

                           This letter is written on behalf of SkyBridge L.C.C. ("SkyBridge"), in
           response to a letter from Thomas Tyez to the undersigned, dated October 1, 2004 (the
           "FCC Letter®)." The FCC Letter requested SkyBridge to provide, by October 15, 2004,
           additional information regarding its orbital debris mitigation plan for the SkyBridge
           satellitesystem. However, we understand from the Commission staffthat the
           information requested need not be provided until 30 days after the effective date of the
           new, generally applicable rules govering disclosure of orbital debris mitigation plans,®
           a date which has not yet been established." Based on this understanding, SkyBridge
                 Leterfrom Thomas . Tyer, ChieStelite Divisin, t Jefi Oln, Fil Nos.SAT—LOA«
                 1sora22s.00021; SAT—AMD—19970703—0005s; SAT—AMD—19980630—00056; SAT—AMD—
                 19990108—00004; SAT—AMD—20020917—00167; SAT—AMD—20040719—00135, dated October1,
                 2004 (he "FCC Lener")
                 e n e Mater of Mitiation ofOrbal Debris Second Report and Onlr,IB Dockst No.02—54,
                 FCC 04—130, J 21, 2004 (th"Orktal Debris 2nd R&O®)
                 See Orbial Debris 2nd R&O,¥20;Eatum, 1B Docket No.02—54, DA 04—2613, Aug 24, 20044 1

PAUL weiss. RIFKIND, WhaARToN a carRisoN Lir
     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch

     opts to await final implementation ofthe new rules to provide the requested
                    Ifthere are any questions regarding this matter, please contact the
                                               Respectfilly submitted,

                                               Jeffrey H. Olson
                                               Diane C. Gaylor
                                               Artorneysfor ShyBridge LLC.
     ces      Thomas Tycz
              Sankar Persaud
              Karl Kensinger


Document Created: 2004-10-20 12:52:11
Document Modified: 2004-10-20 12:52:11

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