Attachment REQUEST


LETTER submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19990108-00004 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                    )                Federal Communications Commission
                    J                         Washington, DC 20554
       C                                               Y
  inomatona Burnu

                                                  October 1, 2004
Jeffiey Olson, Esquire
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1615 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

                            Re:     Orbial Debris Mitigation: SkyBridge LLC., Application for Authority to
                                    Launch and operate the SkyBridge Satellte System — File Nos, SAT—LOA—
                                    19970228—00021; SAT—AMD—19970703—00058; SAT—AMD—19980630—
                                    go0sé; SAT—AMD—19990108—00004; SAT—AMD—20020917—00167; SAT—
                                    AMD—20040719—00135; Call Sign $2241.

Dear Mr.Olson:
         "This leter requests additional information, pursuantto Section 25.1 1(a)ofthe Commission‘s Rules
regarding the orbital debris mitigation plan ofhe Skyridge satelte system. SkyBridge has provided the
Commission with information concerning a number ofmeasures that it will employ in order to mitigate
orbital debris, however, SkyBridge did not specifically addressthe issue ofpotential collsions wit large
objects." Therefore, we request that SkyBridge provide the following information:
        1) A statement as to whether SkyBridge has assessed and limited the probabilty of its satelites
        becoming a source ofdebris by collision with large debris or other functioning satllites
        2) Please indicate whether there are any other NGSO constelltions, currently in orbit or planned,
        with similar orbital charaetersts (Le. spogee, perigee, inclination, or RAAN) such that the volumes
        in which the satelites will orbit substantilly overlap. If there are, please provide an analysis of the
        potentialrisk oin—orbit collision and a description ofany measures SkyBridge plans to take to avoid
        such collsion;
        3) Please specify the tolerance, during the operational life of the satelte, to which the following
        orbital parameters willbe maintained:
                    a. Apogee
                    b. Perigee
                    ¢. Incliation
                    4. RAAN
                    . Satllte phasing, fo orbits with more than one satelite.

! Amendmentto application, SAT—AMD—20020917—00167, Exhibi C to Form 312, °Orbital Debris Mitigation:"

         We also note that the SkyBridge amendment statesthat "SkyBridge will ... maintain sttionkecping
to within 0.1°72 tis unclea as to what parameter this statement refers. We request that SkyBridee clarify
this statement concerming is orbital configuration.
        In order for us t continue processing the SkyBrides space station application, we require that the
above information be provided by October 15,2004. IFyou have any questions you may either contact Sankar
Persaud at (202) 418—2441 or by e—mail at Sankar.Persand@ec.cov or Karl Kensinger at (202) 418—2441 or
by e—mail at

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                                                     Qms%S. Tycz
                                                          Sarelfite Division

* Amendment to appleation, SAT—AMD—20020917—00167, Exhbit C to Form 312, "Orbial Dcbris Mitigation," page 8.

Document Created: 2004-10-01 11:20:07
Document Modified: 2004-10-01 11:20:07

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