Attachment surrender


LETTER submitted by SkyBridge



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19980630-00056 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


pauL, weiss. RIFKIND. wharton & carrison Ltr

serrner 1. uson

Eomciientonstnnis con
                                                      August 17, 2005

          Via Electronic Mail and Hand DetivlfCBIVed
          Honorable Kevin Martin       AUG 2 5 2005                                           HHSthe
          Chairman                                                                            Nreindhiem
          Federal Communications Commxssi%mijgaunECEWED                                       eptsenionft
          445 12th Street,SW.                                        AVG 1 7 2005
          Washington, DC 20554
                              .                               FedealCommunicatens Comnisson
                  Re:    SkyBridgeLLC.                               ofiect Sermy
                         Call Sign $2241

          Dear Mr. Chairman

                          Transmitted herewith on behalfof SkyBridge LL.C. (‘SkyBridge") is a
          letter dated August 17, 2005 from Gérard Dosogne, President and CEO of SkyBridge. By
          this letter, SkyBridge respectfully declines to accept the authorization granted in
          SkyBridge LL.C., DA 05—2037, released July 18, 2005. A copy ofMr. Dosogne‘s leter is
          being filed with the Secretary‘s Office and the Intemational Bureau.
                         If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact the

                                                   i]efi&y          hson
                                                      Attomey for
                                                      SkyBridge LLC

          ec:     Donald Abelson
                                                                           ies nsxr—Lon—100mmz    zs00e
                    Chicf, International Bureau                            wes no  sv r— Av p19 900 70ts
                  Cassandra Thomas                                                          D
                                                                           wnes no sar—An 100 a000¢
                    Acting Chie, Satelite Division                         ues o sar—Anip ni00167
                                                                           1e No sxr—anauann
                  Emily Willeford, Esq.                                    es o. sxr—Ampo 19—00138
                    Legal Advisor to the Chairman               —
                  Marlene H. Dortch


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 Thus, while SkyBridge is greatly appreciatve of all of the effors of the Commission‘s stafl over he
 post sight years, SkyBridge regrats tht it must decinethe subject outhorization

  Presiddnt and CEO

  «: Donald Abelson,
       ChiefInteraional Bureau
     Cossondra Thomas, Acing,
       ChiofSotelite Division
     Emily Wileford, Exq
       Legol Advisor to the Chairman

a72                   SkyBidgo 1P 11600 Solie Mao Dr. 9" Flor, Reton, VA 20190.
                                To (ro3) esn ast2 roc: 709) 660 3450

Document Created: 2005-08-25 11:23:08
Document Modified: 2005-08-25 11:23:08

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