Attachment affidavit





This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19980318-00021 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                    Soums, Sevorms & Drarser LLB
                                                                                    1201 Pennoani Avenus, N
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                                              July 27, 2004

                                                                              VIA HAND DELIVERY

   Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, S.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20054

          Re:     The Bocing Company
                  Authority for Use ofthe 1990—2025/2165—2200 MHz and
                  Associated Frequency Bands for a Mobile—Satellite System
                  FCC File Nos. 79—.SAT—P/LA—97(16), 90—SAT—AMEND—98(20),
                  IBFS Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—00149, SAT—AMD—19980318—00021,
                  SAT—AMD—20001103—00159, SAT—MOD—20020726—00113,
                  SAT—MOD—200307] 1—00128 and SAT—AMD—20030827—00241
   Dear Ms, Dortch:

          The Bocing Company (‘Bocing"), through its attomeys and pursuant to Section
  25.143(e)(3) of the Commission‘s rules,‘ hereby provides in the accompanying affidavit the
  required certification that it has satisfied the third milestone for its 2 GHz MSS license by
  beginning physical construction on its geosynchronous 2 GHz MSS satellite on or before July
  17, 204. The technical design of the satellite under construction reflects the authorization that
  the Commission issued to Bocing on June 24, 2003."

        On July 11, 2003, Bocing filed an application to modify the technical design of ts 2 GHz
  MSS spacceraft." Bocing also filed an amendment t its modification application on August 27,

  ! Seear ce325 143(00) 2000)
  * See The Boting Compary, For Modifcation of Auhority For Use of the 1990—20252163—2200 MHiz and
  Associated Frequency Bondsfr a Mobile—Satlite System, DA 03—2073 (June 24, 2003)(‘June 24,2003 Order‘)
  * See The Bocing Company, Application For Modfcation ofAuthoriy For Use ofe 1990—2025/2165—2200 Mtiz
  and Associated Frequency Bonds For a MobileSatelite System, FCC File No. SAT—MOD—20030711—00128 (Tily

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                                                                                Soums, Snvnens & DramseLLP.

Secretary Dortch                                                                    July 27, 2004
Page 2
2003 in which it requested authority to use additional spectrum for feeder links:*. On July 13,
2004, Bocing filed a second amendment to its application, which withdrew all of proposed
technical changes to the design of the spacecraft and most of the proposed operational and
terrestrial design changes to the network" As a result, the Commission‘s June 24, 2003 Order
reflectsthe identical spacecraft design that Bocing is using in the construction process.
        Nonctheless, Bocing has taken the precaution of requesting several waivers of the
Commission‘s rules that may be necessary to permit construction of the spacecraft that was
authorized by the Commission in its June 24, 2003 Order. These waivers include (1) a request
for waiver of Bocing‘s Critical Design Review (*CDR") milestone because the satellte design
used in the CDR process was different than the satellite design that was included in the
Commission‘s June 24, 2003 Order and was also different than the satellite design that Bocing is
using in the construction process and (2) a waiver of the Commission‘s policy that system
modifications requiring Commission authorization should be filed well in advance of the
licensee‘s CDR milestone, absent unusual circumstances. Bocing‘s request for waivers was
properly included in the amendment that Bocing filed on July 13, 2004.
       Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

                                              Bruce A.Olcott
                                              Counsel for The Bocing Company


* See The Boeing Company, Amendment to Application For Modifction of Authority For Use of the 1990—
20252165—2200 Mz and Associated Frequency Bands For a MobileSatelite System, FCC File No. SAT—AMD
2oos027—00241 (Aug 27,2003)
* See The Boeing Company, Amendment to Application For Modifation of Authority For Use of the 1990.
20252165—2200 Mz and Associared Frequercy Bands For a MobileSatelite System, FCC File No. SAT—AMD
20040713—00122 (laly 13, 2004).


                                The Bocing Company
                       2 GHz MSS Milestone Compliance

As required by Section 25.143(e)(3) of the Commission‘s rules, Ihereby certify that on or
before July 17, 2004, The Bocing Company (‘Bocing"), through its wholly owned
subsidiary, Bocing Satellite Systems, Inc., satisfied the third milestone requirement forits
2 GHz Mobile—Satellite Service ("MSS") license by beginning physical construction of its
2 GHz MSS geosynchronous satellite.

                                                 Bocing Satellite Systems, Inc.
                                                 The Bocing Company
                                                 P.0. Box 92919
                                                 w wss2—z103
                                                 Los Angeles, CA 90009—2919

July 26, 2004

Document Created: 2004-09-28 11:18:32
Document Modified: 2004-09-28 11:18:32

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