Attachment 2003ex parte ltr dec

2003ex parte ltr dec


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19980318-00021 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                          SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
                                                                                                          1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                                                                          P.O. Box 407
 SwIRE           LEGAL                                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20044—0407

SANDE];{S        CcOoUNnsEL                                                                               Office: +1.202.626.6600
                 WORLDWIDE                                                                                Fax: +1.202.626.6780

                                                                                                                         (202) 626—6634
                                                    December 19, 2003

   VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                      RECEEVE

   Marlene H. Dortch                                                        DEC 1 9 2003
   Secretary                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIOAN
   Federal Communications Commission                                        DFFICE OF THE SECRETARY            int Bursau
   445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                                       IATT BUHieSt
   Washington, D.C. 20054                                                                                       DEC 2 2 2003

                                                                                                                FrontsU Office
                                                                                                                [hodit   Ctl®
           Re:       Application for Authority of The Boeing Company
                     For Modification of Authority for Use of the 1990—2025/2165—2200
                     MHz and Associated Frequency Bands for a Mobile—Satellite System
                     FCC File Nos. 79—SAT—P/LA—97(16), 90—SAT—AMEND—98(20);
                     IBFS Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—00149, SAT—AMD—19980318—00021,
                     SAT—AMD—20001103—00159 and SAT—MOD—20020726—00113,
                     SAT—MOD—20030711—00128, SAT—AMD—20030827—00241

   Dear Secretary Dortch:

           On December 4, 2003, representatives of The Boeing Company ("Boeing") met with
   representatives of the International Bureau, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the
   Office of Engineering and Technology in order to discuss Boeing‘s July 11, 2003 application to
   modify its 2 GHz MSS license, along with Boeing‘s amendment to that application, which was
   filed on August 27, 2003. During the meeting, three technical questions were raised regarding
   Boeing‘s pending application and amendment. Boeing provides this letter to respond to these

   Feeder Link Spectrum Requirements

           The first question addresses Boeing‘s request for authority to operate its 2 GHz MSS
   network using additional spectrum for feeder links in the Planned Ku—band. Specifically,
   Boeing‘s amendment requests authority to use an additional 355 MHz of paired feeder link
   spectrum, giving Boeing access to a total of 480 MHz of paired feeder link spectrum in the
   Planned Ku—band. Boeing was asked to provide operating scenarios for its 2 GHz MSS network
   that would demonstrate Boeing‘s need for 480 MHz of paired feeder link spectrum. Boeing was
   also asked whether the Commission had previously granted authority to a MSS licensee to use
   480 MHz or more of paired spectrum for feeder link operations.

        CINCINNATT * CLEVELAND + CoLumBus + HoustoN * Los AncELEs + Mramt + NEW YoRrK * Pato Arto + PHOENIX * SAN FRancisco
        TamPa * Tysons CoRNER * WasHinGton DC + Rio pe JanEro | Bratistava * BRussELS * BUbpaPEsT * Kyiv * LonDon * MaDpRID
              Miran + Moscow * PraguE | BEying + Hong Kong » TarEI + Toxvyo | AssociatED OrFicEs: BUCHAREST * DUBLIN


                                                                                      SQUIRE, SANDERS & DempsEy L.L.P.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                                    December 19, 2003
Page 2

        Boeing is requesting access to 480 MHz of paired feeder link spectrum in the Planned
Ku—band in order to accommodate the anticipated operating conditions of Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS
network.     As indicated in Boeing‘s amendment, the increased spectrum requirement is
attributable to several factors, including:

         —     a decrease in the cell size of the service link from 0.7° to 0.24°;
         —     use of a four—cell frequency re—use pattern, rather than a seven—cell pattern;
         —     the Commission‘s assignment to Boeing of 5 MHz of paired service link spectrum;
               rather than its previous assignment of 3.5 MHz of spectrum;
         —     a need to enable redundancy between Boeing‘s gateway stations, thus potentially
               reducing spectrum re—use between the two gateways; and
         —     anticipated spectrum sharing agreements with other 2 GHz MSS licensees permitting
               the secondary use of their service link spectrum.

       In order to illustrate Boeing‘s increased feeder link spectrum needs, Boeing is providing
below two operating scenarios that require the use of at least 480 MHz of paired feeder link
spectrum. Boeing, however, emphasizes that although these examples illustrate configurations in
which Boeing is likely to operate its 2 GHz MSS network, it would be inappropriate to limit
Boeing‘s authorization by restricting Boeing to the operating scenarios provided below. Boeing
has designed its satellite with the flexibility to operate in a variety of configurations in order to
respond quickly to the evolving needs of its customers.

       The following analysis assumes the use of up to 20 MHz of paired spectrum for
spacecraft telemetry, tracking and control. The remaining 460 MHz of paired communications
spectrum could be employed as follows:

             Parameter                             Scenario A Scenario B
             2 GHz authorized bandwidth                5.0        5.0                 MHz
     +       2 GHz use of other operator‘s segment     5.0        5.0                 MHz
     =       2 GHz spectrum (concurrent use)          10.0       10.0                 MHz

     +       Cell re—use pattern                          4             4
     x       Number of cells                            392           500
     =        Total feeder link requirement             980          1250             MHz

     +       Ku—band polarization re—use factor           2             2
     +       Gateway spectrum re—use factor               1.07          1.36
     =        Feeder link spectrum requirement          460           460             MHz

      The above examples illustrate two conditions under which the spectrum requested may be
utilized by Boeing during the operation of its network. Alternative scenarios could involve other
variations of the above parameters including use of 15 MHz of paired service link spectrum, a

                                                                                         SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                                      December 19, 2003
Page 3

change in the number of user cells (up to a maximum of approximately 500 cells), and variations
in the amount of frequency re—use between Boeing‘s two proposed gateway facilities.

        Finally, Boeing observes that the Commussion recently authorized Celsat to use 500 MHz
of paired feeder link spectrum in the Ka—band.‘ Boeing believes that the Commission‘s decision
regarding Celsat provides precedent for Boeing‘s request.

Satellite De—orbit Plan

        The second question addresses the end—of—life strategy for Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS satellite.
Boeing was asked whether its proposed use of a large, 22 meter spacecraft service link antenna
will alter the appropriate de—orbit altitude for Boeing‘s spacecraft. Boeing was also asked to
determine what de—orbit altitude would be appropriate for its satellite using a formula developed
by the Inter—Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee ("IADC"). Finally, if the IADC
formula results in a higher de—orbit altitude than the one planned for by Boeing, Boeing was
asked to explain why its proposed de—orbit altitude is adequate.

        On March 18, 2002, Boeing filed with the Commission a revised end—of—life strategy for
its 2 GHz MSS spacecraft. The strategy stated that, following the conclusion of the useful life of
Boeing‘s satellite, Boeing would maneuver the spacecraft to a storage orbit that is consistent
with ITU—R Recommendation $.1003 (1993), as currently in force, which calls for a storage orbit
with a perigee that is at least 300 kilometers above a normal GSO operational orbit.

        As the Commiussion is aware, on July 11, 2003, Boeing filed an application to modify its
license to make certain technical changes to its spacecraft, including the use of a 22 meter
service link antenna. Boeing‘s March 18, 2002 end—of—life strategy remains adequate and
appropriate for its spacecraft, even after incorporating the technical changes proposed in its July
11, 2003 modification application.

        Boeing calculated the recommended de—orbit altitude for its spacecraft using the IADC
formula. The formula takes into account spacecraft characteristics that may affect the longer—
term stability of the end—of—life orbit, such as the mass and effective surface area of the
spacecraft. The IADC formula indicates that the appropriate de—orbit altitude for Boeing‘s
spacecraft would be approximately 280 kilometers.

        Boeing calculations take into account Boeing‘s use of a 22 meter spacecraft antenna.
Boeing determined that its 22 meter spacecraft antenna probably had little impact on the outcome
of the IADC analysis because Boeing‘s antenna, which is designed with an open mesh structure,
has a small effective area and therefore produces minimal resistance to solar radiation pressure.
Boeing, however, acknowledges that the overall combination of Boeing‘s use of a large antenna,

‘ See Celsat America, Inc., Modification of License to Authorize Geostationary—Satellite Orbit Mobile—Satellite
Service Feeder Link Operations in the Ka—Band, Order and Authorization, DA 01—1682, 25 (Int‘l Bur., Aug. 3,

                                                                                             SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                                           December 19, 2003
Page 4

a large spacecraft body and large solar arrays will result in significant solar radiation resistance,
which contribute significantly to the IADC recommendation of a 280 kilometer de—orbit altitude.

Satellite Longitudinal Station Keeping

         The third question addresses Boeing‘s proposal to operate its 2 GHz MSS spacecraft
using a 0.1° longitudinal (East—West) station keeping tolerance. Boeing was asked to calculate
the impact on the operational life of Boeing‘s spacecraft if Boeing were required to operate the
satellite using a 0.05° longitudinal station keeping tolerance. Boeing was also asked to explain
the basis for the impact on the operational life of its satellite.

         Boeing has determined that the use of a 0.05° longitudinal station keeping tolerance for
Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS satellite would result in as much as a six—fold increase in the amount of
onboard propellant that would be consumed to maintain the spacecraft in its assigned orbit. As a
result, the anticipated 12 year useful life of Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS spacecraft would be reduced
by approximately 50 percent." The severe negative impact of a 0.05° longitudinal station
keeping tolerance results from the significant area—to—mass ratio of Boeing‘s spacecraft and its
use of a slightly inclined orbit.

        It is common industry practice to operate geosynchronous MSS satellites in a slightly
inclined orbit. Consistent with this approach, Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS spacecraft was designed to
operate with an initial North/South inclination of as much as six degrees. The method in which
this orbit is initialized eliminates the need for North/South station keeping maneuvers during the
operational life of the spacecraft, reducing the need for onboard propellant.

       The inclination also creates an analemma latitude and longitude deviation, which
manifests as a "figure—8" ground track, crossing the equatorial plane twice per day. This
longitude variation due to inclination becomes an added component to the longitudinal station
keeping tolerance, even near the equator.

        Additionally, the use of a large spacecraft antenna, body and solar arrays creates
significantly greater solar radiation forces, which increase the required eccentricity of the orbit
and, with it, the diurnal longitude variation due to eccentricity.  The eccentricity contribution is
the largest component of longitudinal deviation during an East/West station keeping cycle for
Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS satellite.

      As noted above, use of a 0.05° longitudinal station keeping tolerance for Boeing‘s 2 GHz
MSS satellite would increase greatly the use of onboard propellant for station keeping

> Even though Boeing anticipates that a 0.05° longitude station keeping tolerance would result in as much as a six—
fold increase in the consumption of onboard propellant, Boeing expects that the reduction in the anticipated useful
life of Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS satellite will be limited to 50 percent. This is because Boeing designed its satellite to
have some fuel remaining after operating for 12 years using a longitudinal station keeping tolerance of 0.1°.

                                                                               SquIrE, SANDERS & DEMpPsEY L.L.P.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                             December 19, 2003
Page 5

maneuvers, potentially reducing by half the anticipated 12 year useful life of the spacecraft. The
substantial increase in propellant usage that would be required is due to a significant increase in
the longitudinal station keeping delta velocity requirement.

        The increase arises from a change in the eccentricity control strategy from a one
maneuver station keeping to a two maneuver station keeping strategy, with each of the resulting
two maneuvers being much larger than the maneuver that would be necessary in the one
maneuver strategy. In fact, the two maneuver strategy for a 0.05° station keeping box could
result in as much as a six—fold increase in the amount of propellant that would be consumed to
maintain Boeing‘s 2 GHz MSS satellite in its assigned orbit. The use of a two maneuver station
keeping strategy would also increase the operating complexity of the satellite because of the need
for more frequent maneuvers and the need for increased precision in order to ensure that the
larger maneuvers do not have unintended consequences on the assigned orbit of the satellite.

         Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let us know if you have any questions.


                                              Jo§seph PJ Markoski
                                              Bruce A. Olcott
                                              Counsel for The Boeing Company

co:      Marylou Cahir
         Thomas Tycz
         Karl Kensinger
         Robert Nelson
         John Martin
         William Bell
         Sankar Persaud

Document Created: 2014-12-22 15:21:30
Document Modified: 2014-12-22 15:21:30

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