Attachment 2002IB request for a

2002IB request for a

LETTER submitted by IB,FCC

July 18 2002 Commission ltr


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19980318-00021 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau

       July 18, 2002
       Mr. David A. Nall
       Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
       1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
       P.O. Box 407
       Washington, DC 20044

       Re: The Boeing Company, File Nos. 179—SAT—P/LA (16); 90—SAT—AMEND—98(20), IBFS Nos.
       SAT—LOA—19970926—00149; SAT—AMD—19980318—00021; SAT—AMD—20001103—00159.

       Dear Mr. Nall:

       On July 17, 2001, the International Bureau ("Bureau") authorized The Boeing Company
       ("Boeing") to construct, launch and operate a satellite system to provide mobile—satellite service
       ("MSS") in the 2 GHz band.‘ In this Order, we assigned implementation milestones for the
       construction, launch, and operation of the satellite system. The license provides that failure to
       meet any of the implementation milestones will render the satellite authorization null and void.
       Boeing is also required to file a certification with the Commission within 10 days following each

       To satisfy the first construction implementation milestone for 2 GHz MSS licenses, the
       Commission required the execution of a non—contingent construction contract by July 17, 2002
       The "non—contingent" requirement contemplates that there will be neither significant delays
       between the execution of the constructlon contract and the actual commencement of constructlon,
       nor conditions precedent to construction."

       In order for the Commission to determine whether Boeing has complied with this milestone
       condition of its license, please submit a copy of the signed executed contract that satisfies
       Boeing‘s obligations under the first milestone and verifies that Boeing‘s satellites will be built
       within the time frame specified in Boeing‘s license. This submission should also include a copy

       ‘ The Boeing Company, Application Concerning Use of the 1990—2025/2165—2200 MHz and Associated
       Frequency Bands for a Mobile—Satellite System, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 13691 (Int‘l Bur.
       2001)(DA 01—1631).              '
       * Id. at [ 44.
       3 See PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Application for Authority to Construct, Launch, and Operate a Ka—Band
       Communications Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service at Orbital Locations 58° W.L. and 125°
       W.L., Memorandum Oplmon and Order, 15 FCC Red 18720 (Int‘l Bur. 2000) aff‘d, 16 FCC Red 11534

_ of the Statement of Work as well as technical specifications. This information must be filed with
 the Commission‘s Secretary by July 29, 2002, with a hand delivered courtesy copy to Howard
 Griboff of my staff. Failure to provide this information by this date shall render Boeing‘s 2 GHz
 MSS license null and void. Please contact Howard Griboff at (202) 418—0657 if you have any


                                                  Cassandra C. Thomas
                                                  Deputy Chief, Satellite Division

Document Created: 2013-10-24 15:27:32
Document Modified: 2013-10-24 15:27:32

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