Attachment 2003Northrop March 5

2003Northrop March 5

LETTER submitted by Northrop

March 5 2003 letter surrendering licenses


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19971222-00229 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PC

                                                March 5, 2003

 STEPHEN D. BARUCH                                                                                                 E—MAIL
    (202) 416—6782                                                                                     SBARUCH@LSL—LAW.COM

                                                                         3                                      DIRECT FAX
                                                                        H EC E ' vED                            (202) 429—4626

 Ms. Marlene Dortch                                                      MAR —5 2003
 Secretary                                                         FEDERAL commun      a02.
 Federal Communications Commission                                      OFHCE’(‘)‘:MT}%ZZ?‘;;%M'S&OM
 445 12 Street, SW
 Washington DC 20554

                     Re:     Northrop Grumman Space Technology & Mission Systems Corp.
                             (a unit of Northrop Grumman Corporation) Second Round Ka—
                             band GSO FSS System (FCC File No. SAT—AMD—19971222—
Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In an order released August 3, 2001 (see TRW Inc., 16 FCC Red 14407 (Int‘l. Bur.
2001), the Commission granted TRW Inc. an authorization to construct, launch and operate a
four—satellite Ka—band GSO FSS system. On September 3, 2002, in accordance with Section
25.161(a) of the Commission‘s Rules, TRW Inc. ("TRW") certified to the Commission that it
had met its initial system implementation milestone for its 116.5° E.L. satellite. Following a
Commission—authorized transfer of control and subsequent name change, effected in
December 2002, TRW is now known as Northrop Grumman Space Technology & Mission
Systems Corp. ("NGST").

          On December 18, 2002, pursuant to a second follow—on inquiry from the Commission
relating to the September 2002 milestone certification TRW made regarding its 116.5° E.L.
satellite, TRW requested additional time to prepare a response to the Commission‘s latest
inquiry. It informed the Commission that the delay was necessitated by the ongoing process
of integrating operations and planning activities of the former TRW into the new structure of
Northrop Grumman Corporation pursuant to the companies‘ December 11, 2002 merger.

         Part of that process has now been completed. In view of the rapidly approaching
implementation deadlines established in the Radio Regulations of the International
Telecommunication Union, the completion by NGST of a comprehensive evaluation of the
short—term business prospects of its proposed system, and the anticipated dramatic reductions
in the length of the period between application for and licensing of space stations that are
promised by the Commission‘s proposed revisions to its space station licensing rules in the
rulemaking proceeding in IB Docket No. 02—34, NGST has now determined to surrender its
licenses for the four—satellite Ka—band GSO system.

                           2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809

                       TELEPHONE 202.429.8970   FAX 202.293.7783    WWWLSL—LAW.COM

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 March 5, 2003
 Page — 2 —

          NGST emphasizes that it is taking this action only to address the immediate—term
prospects it sees for its authorized broadband satellite system at Ka—band. First as TRW, and
now as part of Northrop Grumman, NGST has been committed to the scientific and
commercial aspects of space for more than 40 years. During this time, it has produced,
integrated, and tested more than 130 communications payloads and subsystems; developed
more than 200 advanced space instruments; and integrated more than 550 experiments into
their host spacecraft. It has no intention of deviating from its historical commitment now. In
this regard, NGST intends to continue to play an active role in the development and
advancement of Commission and U.S. satellite, advanced technology, and spectrum policies.
Specifically, NGST intends to continue to prosecute its pending applications for a 40/50 GHz
satellite system comprised of geostationary and non—geostationary orbit satellites (File Nos.
SAT—LOA—19970904—00080 through —00084), as well as its pending application for a Ka—
band non—geostationary orbit satellite system (File No. SAT—AMD—19971222—00219). NGST
also emphasizes that a return to Ka—band geostationary licensure, either through the filing of
a new application or through the resubmission of an amendmentto its pending 40/50 GHz
application, remains a strong possibility. This possibility would be significantly abetted by a
Commission decision to replace the current filing—round—based space station licensing process
with a reformed procedure that better accommodates applications that are driven by actual
customer demand.

        The decision to surrender its licenses at Ka—band is not one NGST makes lightly.
NGST thanks the Commission in general, and the International Bureau in particular, for the
support it has received during the long application phase of the Ka—band Second Round
licensing proceeding. NGST looks forward to the continuation of its good relationship in the
years to come.

                                             . Respectfully   submitted,

                                              Stephen D. Baruch
                                              Attorney for Northrop Grumman Space
                                              Technology & Mission Systems Corp.

cce (by e—mail):   Donald Abelson
                   Tom Tycez
                   Jennifer Gilsenan
                   Fern Jarmulnek

Document Created: 2014-12-22 14:21:49
Document Modified: 2014-12-22 14:21:49

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