Attachment REQUEST


REQUEST submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19971222-00204 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                           September 22, 2004


John P. Stem, Esg.
Loral Space & Communications, Ltd.
1755 Jefferson Davis Highnay
Sute 1007
Arlington, VA 22202
                                                 Re: Loral Orion, Inc. Debtor—in—Possession, IBFS File
                                                 Nos. SAT—LOA—19951109—00185/186; SAT—AMD
                                                 19991222—00204/216 (Loral Cyberstar, Ic., Call Signs
                                                 so218, so210.
Dear Mr.Stem:
        On August 3, 2001, the International Bureau (Bureau) granted Loral CyberSta, In., now Loral
Orion, Ic., Debtor—in—Possession (Loral),a leense to Iaunch and operate two satelites in the
geosttionary—satelite orbi tprovide fixed—satelteservice in a portion ofthe Ka—band." In the
suthorization, the Bureau alsoassigned implementation milestones forthe construction, launch, and
operation of the satelite system. Thelcense provides tatfilure to meet any of the implementation
milestones will render the satelte authorization null and void. The fistimplementation milestone
requires Loral to commence construction o ts frst satellte by August 2002, and is second satelite by
August 20032

        To satisfy the construction commencement milestone for satellt lcenses, the Commission
requires the execution of a non—contingent construction contract. The "non—contingent" requirement
contemplates that there will be nether significant delays between the execution ofthe construction
contract and the actual commencement of construction, nor conditions precedent to construction."
      in October 2003, the Bureau determined that Loral had satified ts first construction
commencement milestone by executinga non—contingent construction contract for thsatelite at 139°

‘ Leral CyberStar, Inc, Order andAuthorzation, 16 FCC Red 14346 (2001)(Loral Order). Loral was intlly
assigned to the 147° W.L and 15° W.L. orbtl locations.. Loral subsequenty requested and was granted a
reassignment from 147° WL to the 139° EL. orbitalloction. See Secand Round Assignment of Geostationary
Satlite Orbt Locations to Fixed Steit Service Space Stitions in the Ka—band, Order,17 FCC Red 14000
* Loral Order,16 PCC Red at 14353
See PanAmSat Licensee Corp, Application for Authority to Consirct, Launch,and Operatea Ka—Band
Communications Satelfte System in th Fixed—Satelte Servie at Orbial Locations 58° W.L.and 125° WL,
Memorandim Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Red 18720 (It‘IBur. 2000) f4, 16 FCC Red 11534 2001)

   L* In ordefor the Commission to determine whether Loralis in compliance with the requirement to
commence construction of ts remaining satelite by August 2003, please submit a copy of the contract(s)
that satstis this obligation. Th submission mustinclude a signed copy ofthe contrac, the statement of
work, and all technical exhibits. The documentation must verify that the construction of Loral‘s
remaining satelite has commenced and will be built within the time frame specified in Loral‘sKense. If
any standatll ostop work agreements relating to the contract have been executed, copies ofthese
documents and any related correspondence must be submitted as well. This information must be filed
with the Commission‘s Secretary by October 8, 2004
         Failure to provide thisinformation by this date shall render Loral‘s Ka—band license for the
satellte at15° W.L. null and void. Please contact Alyssa Roberts at(202) 418—7276 if you have any

                                                         Fem Jarmulnck
                                                         Deputy Chief
                                                         Satellite Division

IntertionalBurcau Satelite DivisionInformation:   Second Round Ka—band Licensee Compliance with
Consiuction Implementation Milestone and Surrendeoficense, Public Norke, Report No. SPB—194, DA 03—3426
(October 29,2003)

Document Created: 2004-09-24 15:17:22
Document Modified: 2004-09-24 15:17:22

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