Attachment submitting copy of m

submitting copy of m

LETTER submitted by Final Analysis

Submission March 26 letter to Chief IB


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19971030-00175 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ccr
                                              A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                            1200 19"" STREET, N.W.

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   LOS ANGELES, CA                                                                                                (202) ©sE—9792
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MANILA, THE PHILIPPINES                           Apr]l 3.       2000                    Re(\ o
     MUMBAL, INDIA                                           *                              Jell,ed

                                                                                        4PR c
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     Ms. Magalie R. Salas                                                        ’Flte,!gt;tgolicy Bra
     Secretary                                                                           ‘What Burg:uch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20054

               Re:      Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. — Application for Clarification
                        and Review of Non—Voice Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service
                        ("NVNG MSS") License, 13 FCC Red 6618 (1988);
                        (File No. 7—SAT—AMEND—98)

     Dear Ms. Salas:

     Attached hereto, on behalf of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final Analysis"), is
     a copy of a letter dated March 26, 2000 to Mr. Donald Abelson, Chief of the International
     Bureau, by Richard F. Ambrose, Vice President of Space Systems for Raytheon. Kindly place a
     copy of the letter, along with this cover note, in the file for the above referenced—matter.

     Mr. Ambroses‘s letter describes Raytheon‘s recent agreement to become a strategic equity
     partner responsible for the ground segment of Final Analysis‘s NVNG MSS system. Raytheon is
     recognized as a world leader in the design and implementation of reliable satellite command and
     control systems, and therefore will play a critical role in ensuring the reliability of Final
     Analysis‘s system. Most importantly, Raytheon‘s decision to make a significant equity
     investment in Final Analysis was supported by exhaustive due diligence of Final Analysis‘s
     system design and business plan.

     We believe that this speaks volumes, about Raytheon‘s confidence in Final Analysis‘s business,
     its agreement that Final Analysis‘s proposed constellation modifications are necessary and
     appropriate to meet market requirements, and its endorsement of the position Final Analysis has
     taken in its pending Application for Clarification and Review.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas
April 3, 2000
Page Two

In fact, all of the following highly esteemed companies have expressly agreed that Final
Analysis‘s system will not cause additional potential interference to other commercial and
government users:

e     Raytheon Space Systems

e     General Dynamics Information Systems;‘

e     Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems; *

e     ITT Corporation;"

e     W.L. Pritchard & Co.;"

e     Mitretek."

The commercial licensees themselves, including Orbital Communications Corporation
("ORBCOMM"), E—SAT, Inc. and Volunteers in Technical Assistance, have indicated they have
no objections to Final Analysis‘s Application for Clarification and Review.° Leo One
Worldwide, Inc. ("Leo One") is the only licensee with objections remaining, but has raised no
issues not considered by the other licensees.

‘ See, Letter dated January 11, 1999 from James I. Finley, President of General Dynamics Information
Systems to Regina Keeney, Chief of the International Bureau.
‘ See, Consolidated Engineering Statement attached to Final Analysis‘s June 2, 1998 Reply to Leo One‘s
May 20, 1998 Opposition in this proceeding.
* 1d.
° Mitretek, which was hired by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to perform a study,
independently concluded that any increase in potential interference due to the expansion of Final
Analysis‘s constellation likely would be infinitesimal and insignificant. See, Letter dated November 16,
 1999 from Aileen A. Pisciotta, Counsel to Final Analysis, to Donald Abelson, Chief, International
° ORBCOMM has one issue remaining, which is not unique to Final Analysis. ORBCOMM considers
itself as a first round licensee to have priority in coordination with respect to all second round NVNG
MSS licensees.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas
April 3, 2000
Page Three

Consequently, we urge the Commussion to find that approval of Final Analysis‘s requested
modifications is in the public interest.                        .

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Aileen A. Pisciotta
                                    Counsel for Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.

ce: Attached Service List

    nay.heon                                                                              Raytheon Command, Control,
                                                                                          Communication and
                                                                                          Information Systems
                                                                                          16800 East CentreTech Parkway
                                                                                          Aurora, Colorado
                                                                                          80011—9046 USA

26 March 2000                                                                   R
Mr. Donald Abelson                                                                             Ved
Chief, International Bureau                                                    -AP}? 3
Federal Communications Commission                                                            2000
445 12th Street, S.W.                                                     Satelite p.,,
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                     tematiopC¥Brano

               Re:      Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., Application for
                        Clarification and Review of Non—Voice Non—Geostationary Mobile
                        Satellite Service ("NVNG MSS") Order and Authorization, 13 FCC
                        Red 6618 (1998)

Dear Mr. Abelson:

The Space Systems unit of Raytheon Company ("Raytheon") is very pleased to inform you that
it recently concluded an agreement with Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final
Analysis") and General Dynamics Information Systems ("General Dynamics") to become a
strategic partner in the design and implementation of Final Analysis‘ NVNG MSS system that _
includes an equity position. Raytheon is writing this letter to share information that may be
helpful to the Commission in resolving some of the issues currently pending concerning Final
Analysis‘ license.

Specifically, under the agreement, Raytheon will complete the design and construction of Final
Analysis‘ ground segment, including the global network control center, network operations
centers, RF ground stations, satellite control centers and the terrestrial backbone infrastructure.
Raytheon also will implement standardized accounting and billing systems that will support the
wholesale and retail operations of Final Analysis‘ national service providers and value added

Raytheon was selected by Final Analysis and General Dynamics as the ground segment partner
because it is a recognized global leader in the provision of reliable, cost—effective satellite
command and control system solutions. Consequently, the reliability and control of the Final
Analysis system will be significantly enhanced by the combination of the ground segment
designed by Raytheon and the other fail safe measures for the space segment mentioned in the
letter dated January 11, 1999, from James I. Finley, President of General Dynamics Information
Systems to Regina Keeney, then Chief of the International Bureau. This should ensure the
Commission that, on an absolute scale, the probability of failure of the Final Analysis system and
the possibility of any harmful interference to any other users of the same spectrum due to any
failure of the Final Analysis system is extremely low.

Mr. Donald Abelson
Federal Communications Commission, International Bureau
Page Two

Perhaps most significantly,in addition to providing the ground segment, Raytheon has made an
equity investment in Final Analysis. Raytheon‘s dual responsibility as a ground contractor and
an investor, strengthen our interest in seeing Final Analysis succeed. We firmly believe that
Final Analysis requires approval of the requested amendment to bring their services to market
and meet end customer requirements that drive satellite capacity and geographic coverage.

Making the commitment to FACS has required that Raytheon conduct comprehensive and
exhaustive analysis of Final Analysis‘ business plan, technology and market approach. In the
course of our analysis we noted, among other things, that other industry leaders, including
Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems, ITT Corporation, and W.L. Pritchard & Co.,
Inc., along with General Dynamics, have placed statements on the record concluding that Final
Analysis‘ proposed system will not cause harmful interference to other.commercial licensees and
actually reduces the potential for interference to government users in shared bands. Our RF
Ground Station design parameters also aid in mitigating the potential for interference.

I am convinced that Final Analysis is poised to be a leader in the NVNG MSS industry, and we
are very excited to be part of the Final Analysis team. To permit Final Analysis and its partners
to bring this worthy system to market on a timely basis, we respectfully urge you to act
expeditiously to approve Final Analysis‘ pending license request.

Sincerely yours,

LA 5x 24
Richard F. Ambrose
Vice President, Space Systems

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Aileen A. Pisciotta, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Letter
to Ms. Magalie R. Salas, on behalf of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., was
delivered by hand or regular mail this 3rd day of April 2000, to the individuals on the following

Mr. Donald Abelson*                                 Mr. Thomas Tyez, Chief*
Chief, International Bureau                         Satellite and RadioCommunications Div.
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 12¢" Street, S.W.                               445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                              Washington, D.C. 20554

Chairman William E. Kennard*                        Mr. Harold Ng, Chief*
Federal Communications Commission                   Satellite Engineering Branch
Portals — Room A302                                 Satellite and RadioCommunication Division
445 12" Street, S.W.                                International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                              Federal Communications Commission
                                                    445 12"" Street, S.W.
Commuissioner Gloria Tristani*                      Washington, D.C. 20554
Federal Communications Commission
Portals — Room C302                                 Ms. Cassandra Thomas*
445 12"" Street, S.W.                               Deputy Chief, International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                              Federal Communications Commission
                                                    445 12‘" Street, S.W.
Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott—Roth*             Washington, D.C. 20554
Federal Communications Commission
Portals — Room B201                                 Ms. Alexandra Field*
445 12"" Street, S.W.                               International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                              Federal Communications Commission.
                                                    445 12" Street, S.W.
Commissioner Susan Ness*                            Washington, D.C. 20554
Federal Communications Commission
Portals — Room B115                                 Mr. Alex Roytblat*
445 12"" Street, S.W.                               Satellite and RadioCommunication Div.
Washington, D.C. 20554                              International Bureau
                                                    Federal Communications Commission
Commissioner Michael K. Powell]*                    445 12"" Street, S.W.
Federal Communications Commission                   Washington, D.C. 20554
Portals — Room A204
445 12"" Street, S.W.                               Mr. Mark Young*
Washington, D.C. 20554                              International Bureau
                                                    Federal Communications Commission
                                                    445 12"" Street, S.W.
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

Robert A. Mazer, Esq.                    Henry Goldberg, Esq.
Vinson & Elkins                          Joseph Godles, Esq.
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.           Mary Dent, Esq.
Washington, D.C. 20004—1008              Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
   Counsel for Leo One Worldwide, Inc.   1229 19th Street, N.W.
                                         Washington, D.C. 20036
Leslie Taylor, Esq.
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.           Steve Goodman, Esq.
6800 Carlynn Court                       Halprin, Temple, Goodman & Maher
Bethesda, MD 20817—4302                  555 12"" Street, N.W.
   Counsel for E—Sat                     Suite 950 North
                                         Washington, DC 20004
                                            Counsel for ORBCOMM

                                         Aileen A. Pisciotta

* Via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2012-11-15 13:43:32
Document Modified: 2012-11-15 13:43:32

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