Attachment hughes june 14 lette

hughes june 14 lette

AMENDMENT submitted by HCG



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19960614-00085 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                0 RIGiNRL
                                                   LATHAM & WATKINS
                                                        ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                     New Jersey orfice
    PAUL R. WATKINS (1899—1973)                                                                             ONE NEWARK CENTER
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                                                  wASHINGTON, D.C. 20004—2505                          TeLerHone (201) ea9—1234
          CHICAGO OFFICE                             TELEPHONE (202) 637—2200                                taRid01 ecp.z298
                                                                                                              NEW vORK OFFICE
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        LOS ANGELES OFFICE                               June 147 1996                                       SAN DIEGO OFFICE
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                                                                                  JUN 1 9 1996
        £7 RHaNp                                                                 Satelite Potioy Branch *=*¥ *
                                                                                 international Bureau
        Federal Communications Commission                                                                    *JUN 1 4 1996
        1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
        Washington, D.C.           20554                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                            OFFICE OF SECRETARY
        Attention:            Fern J. Jarmulnek, Chief
                              Satellite Policy Branch
                              Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
                              International Bureau                                 \’55‘ SAT‘W EB Db _afi

                            Re:       Amendments to Request of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for
                                      Authority To Use Capacity on the Brasilsat A1 Satellite

                                      EXPEDITED ACTION REQUESTED

        Dear Ms. Jarmulnek:

                       Enclosed on behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") are an
        original and four copies of (i) an amendment to HCG‘s pending April 16, 1996 request for
        further special temporary authority to use capacity on the C band Brasilsat A1 satellite for
        U.S. service, and (ii) an amendment to HCG‘s pending September 28, 1995 Application for
        Interim Authority with respect to Brasilsat, File No. 152—SAT—95.

                      In light of the urgent need for C band capacity to serve the United States, and
       the additional circumstances set forth in the amendments, HCG requests grant of a further
        STA on an expedited basis, and in no event later than July 18, 1996. As set forth more fully
        in the enclosed documents, the purpose of these amendments is to request authority to utilize


      Federal Communications Commission
      June 14, 1996
      Page 2

      capacity on Brasilsat from 79° W.L., instead of the 63° W.L. location specified in the
      underlying requests.

                      Because the Commission‘s rules do not specify a filing fee for the enclosed
      amendments, we are filing these amendments in Washington. For timing reasons, we are
      filing a facsimile copy of the signature pages. We will substitute the original signature pages

                      Please contact me if you have any questions.

                                                          Very truly yours,

                                                          Jo    . Janka

      ce:    Kathleen Campbell
             FCC, Laurel, Maryland
             Henry Goldberg (counsel for Pa         at)

                                                                                               4 1996
                                      Before the                                      JBN 3
                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                    pepepy cOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554                            OFFIGE OF SECRETARY

In the Matter of the Application of                                                          Received

                                                                              nd 0 1996
HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY, INC.                                File No.:

For Interim Authority To Use Capacity on the
                                                                M   —s&r
                                                                      O  And0
Brasilsat A1 Satellite                                                                   Satellite Policy Branch
                                                                                          Imternational Bureau


               Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") hereby amends its pending

application in the above—captioned proceeding.

               On September 28, 1995, HCG filed an application for interim authority to use

capacity on the C band Brasilsat A1 fixed—service communications satellite, at the 63° W.L.

orbital location, for the temporary provision of service on a non—common carrier basis as

part of HCG‘s U.S. satellite system.‘ HCG further requested that the Commission allow

all U.S. earth station licensees to communicate with the Brasilsat A1 satellite during the

period of HCG‘s interim authority pursuant to the ALSAT designation in their licenses. In

its application, HCG demonstrated why grant of the requested authority for a two—year period

would greatly serve the public interest by making immediately available much—needed C band

capacity to serve the United States. HCG‘s application remains pending.

               In addition, in light of the urgent need for C band capacity, on September 28,

1995, HCG requested Special Temporary Authority to use capacity on Brasilsat A1 while

¥      See FCC File No. 152—SAT—AITC—95.

HCG‘s underlying application was being processed. The Commission orally granted an STA

on October 17, 1995 and confirmed that grant in writing on February 13, 1996.4          On

April 16, 1996, HCG filed for a six—month extension of its existing STA.

               By this amendment, HCG still proposes to utilize Brasilsat A1 to relieve the

current shortage of C band capacity, but HCG now proposes to serve the U.S. from the 79°

W.L. location, instead of the 63° W.L. location, as originally requested.* As the

Commission is well aware, the U.S. satellite industry continues to experience a severe

shortage of C band capacity. In1994 and 1995, the industry removed almost 200 C band

transponders from service. Moreover, HCG‘s entire C band capacity———even the just—

launched Galaxy IX———is fully committed, as is the C band capacity of the other domestic FSS

operators. Until the launch of other new satellites just authorized in the C/Ku band FSS

satellite processing round, this shortage of capacity will continue and could worsen,

particularly since it is not clear when additional U.S. C band capacity will next be launched.

Use of the Brazilian capacity for U.S. service provides a partial interim solution to this


               HCG now proposes to use Brasilsat A1 at 79° W.L. instead of 63° W.L.

Although HCG has diligently attempted to market capacity at 63° W.L., HCG‘s customers

have been unable to successfully’utilize Brasilsat A1 at that location for two main reasons:

2¥     See letter dated February 13, 1996 from Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication
       Division, International Bureau, to counsel to HCG.

¥      In light of the continuing urgent need for C band capacity to serve the United States,
       and the additional circumstances set forth below, HCG simultaneously is modifying its
       pending request for renewed special temporary authority to provide for the use of
       transponders on Brasilsat A1 satellite at 79° W.L., instead of 63° W.L.


(i) the 63° W.L. location does not provide good elevation angles for earth stations located on

the west coast, and (ii) many existing U.S. earth stations are installed in a manner that does

not allow them to be steered so they can "see" locations as far east as 63° W.L. The 79°

W.L. location is the nearest available alternate orbital location that is suitable for many of

HCG‘s customers.                                      |

                HCG acknowledges that the Commission has authorized GE Americom to

launch GE—5 into the 79° W.L. location,* and that Brasilsat A1 will need to cease

operations at 79° W.L. when GE is ready to occupy that location. By the terms of its lease

of capacity on Brasilsat A1 from EMBRATEL, HCG is able to ensure that if a U.S. satellite

should be located at 79° W.L., EMBRATEL will move Brasilsat A1 to another orbital

position or take other appropriate action to ensure that the U.S. satellite at 79° W.L. will not

be subject to any unacceptable interference from Brasilsat A1. In addition, as the user of

capacity on Brasilsat A1, HCG stands ready to coordinate in good faith the operations of

Brasilsat A1 at 79° W.L. with adjacent satellites to avoid the occurrence of harmful


                For the foregoing reasons, and the reasons stated in HCG‘s September 28,

1995 application, the Commission should grant HCG interim authority to use capacity on the

C band Brasilsat A1 FSS satellite, at the 79° W.L. location, for a period of two years for

the temporary provision of service on a non—common carrier basis as part of HCG‘s U.S.

satellite system. The Commission further should allow all U.S. licensed earth stations

4/     See Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Domestic
       Fixed—Satellite Service, DA 96—713 (released May 7, 1996).

L4 qhuign   qnnaaddiry   o   hi
                                                               nsl . .. JUN_1496 _ 10:09 No .027 P.03

                 to communicate with the Brasileat Al satellite during the perlod of HCG‘s interim authority

                 pursuant to the ATNAT designation in their lHicenses.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     HUGKHES         ZOMMUNICATIONS GALAXY, INC.

                                                     By:             Q L.—-—&
                                                           Carl A, Brown
                                                           Senior Vice Presidept

                 June 14, 1996

HCI GALAXY SERVICES                        ID :                                    JUN 1496                 10:09 No .027
                                                                                                                          P .04
                                Whfi)n.   UV.                  (S B p V Ved#   WV   d on Wz We e   d h aned +t h SV w wovi ie +
PKUM   bfilfi.hM   a   KAlRLNMG


                                HCG certifies that ucithc HCCG, nor its parent company, Hughes

          Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), gor any of the officers or directors of HCG or HCL, is

           subject to a denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section §$301 of

           the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

                                                    HUGHES COMMLINICATIONS$ GALAXY, INC.

                                                    By:         Zd/(__
                                                          Carl A. Brown                      0
                                                          Senjior Vice President

          June 14, 1996

Document Created: 2016-11-10 16:32:21
Document Modified: 2016-11-10 16:32:21

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