Attachment reply comments of GE

reply comments of GE

REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by GE Americom

reply comments


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19960614-00085 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the                              ¢
                     Washington, D.C. 20554                                           "E,

In the Matter of Application by                      )
For Interim Authority to Use Capacity on the         )          668  5:
Brasilsat A—1 Satellite                              )          oEP 10 1996

                                                             Satelite Poliey Branch
             GE American Communications, Inc. ((GE Americom"), by its attorneys,

hereby submits its reply regarding the proposed amendment of Hughes

Communications Galaxy, Inc. (‘HCG") to the above—captioned Application. In light

of additional information that has been provided by HCG, GE Americom has no

objection to granting HCG interim authority to use Brasilsat A1 at the 79° W.L.

location, provided that such authority is limited to the lesser of two years or until

launch of the U.S. satellite authorized for that location.

             In our comments, GE Americom indicated that we do not oppose HC@G‘s

request provided that its authority to operate Brasilsat A1 at 79° W.L. is conditional

and fully protects GE Americom‘s rights to that orbital position. Because the

assurances provided by HCG in the application were ambiguous, we asked that the

Commission grant HCG‘s request only if HCG clearly stated that Brasilsat A1 will

either be moved from the 79° W.L. position or decommissioned upon launch of the

U.S. satellite assigned to that orbital location. In addition, we noted that the

Commission should take action to ensure that the Brazilians were aware that

permitting Brasilsat A1 to move to 79° would be strictly temporary and would not

create any Brazilian rights to that location.

             In response to GE Americom‘s comments, HCG expressly committed

that "once the U.S. satellite assigned to 79° W.L. is launched and ready to use that

location, HCG will cause the Brasilsat A1 satellite either to be moved out of the

79° W.L. position or to cease transmissions."! HCG also attached documents from

EMBRATEL and from the Brazilian Communications Ministry. The letters confirm

that these parties are aware of U.S. rights to the 79° W.L. location. Furthermore,

the letters expressly acknowledge that consistent with its agreement with HCG,

EMBRATEL will move Brasilsat A1 from the 79° W.L. orbital position when a U.S.

satellite is launched into that position.* These statements satisfy GE Americom‘s

concern that U.S. rights to the 79° W.L. location be protected.

             We note, however, that HCG has requested authority to use

Brasilsat A1 at 79° W.L. for two years. That period is acceptable only provided that

launch of an authorized U.S. satellite into the 79° W.L. location does not occur

within that time frame. HCG must be required to effect a move of Brasilsat A1 as

1   Letter of John P. Janka and Donald A. Fishman to Fern J. Jarmulnek dated
August 29, 1996 at 2.

2   See Letter of Luiz Francisco T. Perrone of EMBRATEL to Thomas S. Tycz dated
June 26, 1996; Letter from Brazilian Ministry of Communications to Thomas S.
Tycez dated July 10, 1996.

soon as an authorized U.S. satellite is launched into that position, should that occur

within the requested two years.

               The Commission has already recognized this in acting on HCG‘s STA

request. The STA letter explicitly orders HCG to "terminate operations on

Brasilsat A1 immediately upon launch of the U.S. satellite regularly assigned to 79°

W.L."3 The same language should be included in any grant of HCG‘s application for

interim authority. Based on the further representations of HCG and the associated

attachments, GE Americom has no objection to HCG‘s request provided that it is so


                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       GE AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                gani         it   m
                                       By: /            /J /
Philip V. Otero                             Peter A. Rohrbach
Vice President and                          Karis A. Hastings
General Counsel                             Hogan & Hartson LLP.
GE American Communications, Inc.            555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Four Research Way                           Washington, D.C. 20004
Princeton, NJ 08540                         (202) 637—5600

September 6, 1996

3   Letter of Thomas S. Tyez to Teresa D. Baer dated July 17, 1996 at 2.

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I hereby certify that on this 6th day of September, 1996, a copy of the

foregoing Reply Comments of GE American Communications, Inc. was served by

first class mail, postage prepaid addressed to the following:

                    Thomas Tycz, Chief */
                    Satellite and Radiocommunication
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street, N.W., Room 811
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Fern J. Jarmulnek */
                   Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
                   Satellite & Radiocommunication
                   International Bureau
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   2000 M Street, N.W. Suite 500
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Kathleen Campbell */
                   Satellite & Radiocommunication
                   International Bureau
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   2000 M Street, N.W. Suite 590
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                   John P. Janka
                   Latham & Watkins
                   1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
                   Suite 1300
                   Washington, DC 20004—2505

*/ Via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2016-11-10 16:29:35
Document Modified: 2016-11-10 16:29:35

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