Attachment amendment to applica

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19960612-00084 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                       FCCIMELLON JUN 17 1996
                                                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                    Approved by OMB
                                                                                      FCC REMITIANCE ADVICE                                                           Bmpires 22897

                                                                                                 pagE Nno. _ 1 or
                                                                                                        SPECIAL USB_

            (Iimu‘l instructions carefully BEEFORE proceeding.)
                                                                                                        127—sSatamol 4
                                                                PAYOR INFORMATIO
(1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                Did you have a number prior to this? Enterit.                                          AOUNT/PAID(dollars and cents)

Lo Ls 1111 s [sT olsIa L7                                 [       _1     _{   [   [     OJ        [   [ [              $                          1150                  °_ on
(3) PAYOR NAME‘(If}_:aying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on
                                                                               your card)                                              ] UN 2 7 1996

  Diqital Satellite Broadcasting Corporatinn                                                                                             &
(4) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                                                                                                        alollite Policy Br.

                                                                                                                           . C
  120 Lakeside Avenue                                                                                                        ks                         —
  suite 310                                                                                                                                                               *
(6) orty                                                                                                   (7) STATE                 (8) ZIP CODE
  Seattle                                                                                                     WA                        98122—A578
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                           (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A)
       206)         328—0
                                                                       ITEM #1 INFORMATION

  Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation                                                                                     &       Hhc          Noi   uncitls           FoTca h

(12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       (18A) ZIP CODE                      (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE               (15A) QUANTITY                 (16A) rEE puE® FoR
                                                                                                                                                            PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                             /              IN BLOCK 14    ;
                                                                                        C              W     Y                                              $ 1,150,.00
(17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                       (18A) FCC CODE 2

(19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                           (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                     (21A) CITWSTATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                                                                       ITEM #2 INFORMATION

(12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       (13B) ZIP CODE                        (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE             (llsB) QUANTITY                 (16B) rEE DUE FOR
                                                                                                                                                             PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                                             IN BLOCK 14
(17B) FCC CODE 1                                                                             (18B) FCC CODE 2

(19B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                           (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                      (21}) CITYSTATE OR COUNTRY CODE

secopit card pavuent wrorvuino~ mm
(22)                        MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:
[] Mastercard                                                                                     EXPIRATION DATE:
        4                                                                                                                   Month              Year
[j Visa
                                                                                                      AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                       DATE
(23) T hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard
       for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.                                  1¥

                                                              See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                                    FC(). FORM 159

      | Satellite
- Corporation

                June 12, 1996

                Federal Communications Commission
                Satellite & Radiocomm. Div.
                P.O. Box 358160
                Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5160

                         Re:    Amendment to Application, File Nos. 28—DSS—LA—93, 12/13—DSS—P—93

                To whom it may concern:

                Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation (DSBC) hereby amends its pending application
                to reflect minor changes in the ownership, officers and Board of Directors of the
                corporation. These changes are reflected in the attached FCC Form 430 of which an
                original and nine copies are enclosed. Attached is a check for $1,150.00, fee code CWY.

                Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.


                Douglas J. Minster
                Vice President


                                   120 Lakeside Avenue, Svite 310 « Seattle, WA 98122 + (206) 324—2181 « Fax (206}328—0015
                                 1667 K Street N.W., Suite 801 + Woshington, D.C. 20006 + (202) 466—3044 « Fox (202) 466—3055

    FCC 430                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                          Approved by ovG
                                                                            Washington, OC 20554                '                          3060—0 105
                                                                                                                                         Expres 2/28/96

                                                                LICENSEE QUALFICATION REPORT                                               us      g
                                                                                                                             See reverse side for information
                                                                                                                             regarding public burden statement.

     A.    The ‘Filer" of this report is defined to include: (1) An applicant, where this report is submitted in connection with applications for common
           carrier and satellite radio authority as required for such applications; or (2) A licensee or permittes, where ths report & requred by the
           Commusion‘s Rules to be submitted on an annual basis.
    B.    Submit an original and one copy {sign original only) to the Fedsral Communications Commnigsion, Washington, NC 20554. If more than one radio
          service is lsted in Iitem 6, submit an additional copy for each such additional service. !f this report is being submitted in connection with an
          application for radio authority, attach it to that application.
    c.    Do not submit a fee with this report.                                        _

     1. Business Name and Address (Number, Street, State and ZIP                                      2. (Area Code) Telephone Number:
          Code) of Filer‘s Principal Office:                                                           (206)        328—0808
    Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation                                                        3. If this report supercedes a previously
     120 Lakeside Avenue, Ste.s 310    .                                                                 filed report, specify its date:
    Seattle, WA 98122—6578                  —
                                                                                                        8 /16/93
    4. Filer is (check one):                                                                          5. Under the laws of what State (or other
       {] individual                      [       Partnership           kJ         Corporation            Jurlsdiction) is the Filer organized?

          [] Other (Specify):                                                                    |       Delaware
    6. List the common carrler and satellite radio services in which Filer has applied or is a current licensee
       or permittee:                                                                  .
          Private Satellite carrier.

    7(a) Has the Filer or any party to this application had any FCC station license or  ~                                           qy                 N
         permit revoked or had any application for permit, license or renewal denled by                                                   es               o
            this Commisslon?           If "YES", attach as Exhibit l a statement giving call sign and file nvlbor
            of liceinse or permit revoked and relating     cireumstances.
      (b) Has any court t finally
                           finally a adjudged the Fller, or any person
                                                                 e     directly
                                                                            t or Indirectly                                         C ves          ¥ No
          controlling the Filer, guillty of unlawfully monopolizing or attempting unlawfully
          to monopolize radio communication, directly or Indirectly, through control of
            manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement, or other
            means of unfair methods of competition? i "YES", attech as Exhibit I! a statement relating
            the facts.
      (c) Has the Fller, or any party to this application, or any person directly or Indirectly v[_'_]Yes                                          K) No
          controlling the Fller ever been convicted of a felony by any state or Federal
            Court?       it "YES", attach as Exhibit Hl o statement         relating the facts

      (d) is the Filer, or any person directly or Indirectly controlling the Filer, presently                                       {ves               No
          a party in any matter referred to iItems 7(b) and 7(c)? If "VES", attach as
            Exhibit N a statement relating the facts.

    8. is the Fller, directly or Indirectly, through stock ownership, contract or otherwise,                                        DYe$           [ No
       currently interested In the ownership or control of any other radio stations
       licensed by this Commission? if 'YES’. submit as Exhibit Y¥ the name of each such licensee and
          the licensee‘s relation to the Filer.
t   If Filer is an individual (sole proprietorship) or partnership, answer the following and I:tem 11:
    9(a) Full Legal Name and Residentlal Address                                     (b) is Individual or each member
         {Number, Street, State and ZIP Code) of                               +         of a partnership a citizen of
           Individual or Partners:                                                         the United States?            —          [ Y¥es        [ No
                                                                                     (c) is individual or any member of a
                                                                                         partnership a representative of an
                                                                                        allen or of a foreign government? ]Yes                     [] No
                                                                                                                                       FCC 430 — Page 1
                                                                                                                                                March 1993

 If Fller Is a corporation, answer the following and !tern 11:
  10(a) Attach as Exhibit VI the names, addresses, and citlzenship of those stockholders owning of record
         and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer‘s voting stock and the percentages so held. in the
         case of fiduclary control, Indicate the beneficlary(les) or class of beneficlaries.
         See Exhibit VI
   (b) List below, or attach as Exhlbit Vil the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the

       See Exhibit VII

   {c) is the Fller directly or Indirectly controlled by any other corporation?
       If "YES", attach as Exhibit Vill a statemaent {including organizational disgrams where appropriate) which fully        &] Yes      C] No
       and completely identifies the nature and extent of control. Include the following: (1) the address and primary
       business ef the controlling corporation and any intermaediate subsidiaries; (2) the names, addresses, and
       citizenship of those steckholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling cerporation‘s  veting steck;
       (8) the approximate percentage of total veling   stock held by euch such stockholder; and (4¢) the names and
       addresses fo the president and directors of the controlling corporation.

      See Exhibit VIII

   {d) is any officer or director of the Filer an alien?                                                                      ]Yes       K No
   {e) is Is more
               more than than one—fifth
                               one      o of the capital
                                                  ap       stock o of the e Filer
                                                         stock                 Fl er owned
                                                                                      owned of record or                      CJ¥esj      & No
       voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign government or representa—
       tive(s) thereof, or by a corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?

  {f) is the Filer directly or Indirectly controlled: {(1) by any other corporation of which
      any officer or more than one—~fourth of the directors are allens, or (2) by any                                         L] ¥es     K No
      foreign corporation or corporation of which more than one—fourth of the capital
      stock Is owned or voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign
      government or representatives thereotf.                                      .

  (g) If any answer to questions (d), (e) or (f) is "YES", attach as Exhiblt IX a statement identifying the
      allens or foreign entities, their nationality, their relationship to the Filer, and the percentage of stock
      they own or vote.
                                                     11. CERTFICATION
This report constitutes a material part of any application              which cross—references      it, and alil statements made in the at—
tached exhibits are a materlal part thereof. The ownership information contained in this report does not constitute an ap—
plication for, or Commission approvali ‘of, any transfer of control or assignment of radlo facilities. The undersigned, in—
dividually and for the Fller, hereby certifies that the statements made herein are true, complete and correct to the best
of Filer‘s knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

snsAT               ; *
                                     ymiepmiio 12|
                                    Digital Satellite
                                                                                                      oo e m
                                                                                                      Douglas J. Minster
                                          Broadcasting Corporakion
REVOCATION OF ANY STATION        —                               T
LIcEense or constRruction    T~gnature
PERMIT (U.S. Code,                                                 .    .
Title 47, Section 3 12{aX1).    [ 6«7[;,,,/ %;é:,_             Vice President

The solicitation of personal information requested in this form is to determine if you are qualified to become or remain a licensee in a common
carriee or satellite radio service pursuant to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. No authorization can be granted unless all information
requested is provided. Your response is required to obtain the requested authorization or retain an authorization.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estrated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing irstruc—
tions, ssarching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send:
comments regarding ths burden estimate or any other aspect of this coliection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to
Federal Communications Commission, Office of Managing Drector, Washington, DC 20554, and to Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork
Reduction Project (3060—0105), Washington, OC 20503.
FCC 430 — Page 2
March 1993

FCC Form 430
June 12, 1996

                                        EXHIBIT VI


Name & Address                                       Percentage of Stock Ownership

DSBC Founders Corporation                                         57%
120 Lakeside Ave.
Suite 310
Seattle, WA 98122—6578

Cleartel Satellite Communications, Inc.                           33%
1232 22"" Street, N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20037

CL Investment Partnership II, LP                                   10%
3 East 54th Street
17th Floor
NY, NY 10022

All of the above are United States entities.

FCC Form 430
June 12, 1996

                                 EXHIBIT VHI

                       OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF DSBC

Name & Address                                 Title

Joseph N. Walter                               Chairman/Treasurer
120 Lakeside Ave.
Suite 310
Seattle, WA 98122—6578

William M. Caldwell, IV                        President/Director
11925 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 313
Los Angeles CA 90025

Douglas J. Minster                             Vice President &
1667 K Street, NW.                             Secretary/Director
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20006

Theodore Ammon                                 Director
3 East 54th Street
17th Floor
NY, NY 10022

Ulysses G. Auger, II                           Director
1232 22"" Street, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20037

Vernon L. Fotheringham                         Director
500 108th Avenue, N.E.
Suite 2600
Bellevue, WA 98004

W. Theodore Pierson, Jr.                       Director
1667 K Street, NW.
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20006

FCC Form 430
June 12, 1996
                                      EXHIBIT VIH

                        NATURE AND EXTENT OF CONTROL
                        OF DSBC BY OTHER CORPORATION

       DSBC is 57% owned and controlled by DSBC Founders Corporation (Founders)
which is chartered in the State of Delaware and is qualified to do business in Washington

1. Address and Primary Business

    120 Lakeside Ave.
   Suite 310
   Seattle, WA 98122—6578

   The primary business of Founders is the ownership of DSBC.

2—4. Name, Address, Citizenship of Stockholders Holding 10% or More of the Voting
     Stock of Founders

   Name & Address                               Stock Ownership            Title

   Vernon L. Fotheringham                             28.7%                Chairman
   500 108th Avenue, N.E.
   Suite 2600
   Bellevue, WA 98004

   Joseph N. Walter                                   28.7%                President/
   120 Lakeside Ave.                                                       Director
   Suite 310
   Seattle, WA 98122—6578

   W. Theodore Pierson, Jr.                           15.2%                Vice
   1667 K Street, NW.                                                      President/
   Suite 801                                                               Director
   Washington, D.C. 20006

   Richard L. Anglin, Jr.                             24.4%                Director
   3558 Voyager Circle                      ’
   Del Mar Heights, CA 92130—1852

   All of the above are United States citizens.

Document Created: 2016-11-03 14:19:37
Document Modified: 2016-11-03 14:19:37

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