Attachment Withdrawal Letter

Withdrawal Letter

LETTER submitted by PanAmSat

Withdrawal Letter


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19960411-00053 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


8-SAT-PILA-96; SAT-LOA199510 12-00166
106-SAT-AMEND-%; SAT-AMD-19960411-00053
22-SAT-AMEND-98; SAT-AMD-19971119-00186                                                                RECEIVED
Call Sign S2213
                                                                                                          AUG    -8       2003
                                                                                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                                       August 7,2003                                      Office of SecreterY

        BY HAND

        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                                 Inti Bureau
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 12th Street, S.W.
                                                                                                     AUG 9 2 2003
        Washington, DC 20554                                                                         Front O f f i c e
                             Re:       PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
                                       File No. SAT-AMD-19990323
                                       Withdrawal of C-band Application

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

              PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") hereby withdraws the above-referenced
        application to construct, launch, and operate a satellite (PAS-12) in the 4/6 GHz band
        ("C-band) at 83 W.L. as part of its international communications satellite system.1

                For a variety of reasons, including fundamental changes that the Commission

          See Application of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a Hybrid Satellite
        in its Separate International Communications Satellite System, File No. 8-SAT-P/LA-% (Oct. 10,1995). In
        1999,PanAmSat amended its application by c h a n p g PAS12 from a C/Ku-band hybrid satellite to a C-
        band o d y satellite. See Amendment to Application jb Authority to Launch and Operate PAS-12, File No. 8-
        SAT-P/LA-% (March 23,1999). The Commission subsequently changed the file number to the number
        referenced above.

                                                      PanAmSat Corporation
                      20 WESTPORT       WILTON, CONNECTICUT 06897   USA   T E L   -   FAX

Ms.Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 7,2003
Page 2

has made to its space station licensing rules and policies,2 PanAmSat has decided to
withdraw the above-referenced C-band appli~ation.~

                                                 Respectfully submitted,
                                                                   1             .    .
                                                                             /    /

                                                 James B. Frownfelter
                                                 Executive Vice President
                                                   and Chief Operating Officer

2 See Amendment of the Commission's Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking IB Docket No. 02-34,FCC 03-102,Tfl229-33, 275-84(rel. May 19,
3 Under separate cover, PanAmSat is filing a request for a refund of the filing fee associated with tlxs

Document Created: 2003-08-22 11:47:03
Document Modified: 2003-08-22 11:47:03

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