Attachment 95-PanAmSat 95-PanAm

95-PanAmSat 95-PanAm


Withdrawal of Opposition


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19950321-00048 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                & PanAmSat

                                                            June 22, 1995

Mr. Scott Harris
Chief, International Bureau                                                            His 4 >
Federal Communications Commission                                                     JUN 2 3 1995
200 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554

Dear Mr. Harris:

Pursuant to discussions between PanAmSat Licensee Corporation ("PanAmSat") and Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") under your auspices, PanAmSat hereby withdraws its opposition
to a conditional grant of the pending applications filed by Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. and
listed in Attachment A hereto ("HCG" and "HCG Applications"), on the express understanding that, on
even date herewith, HCG (i) withdraws its opposition to the PanAmSat applications listed in Attachment
B, hereto, and (11) requests that the Commission condition the grant of the HCG Applications upon the
outcome of the pending rulemaking proceeding regarding the regulatory policies governing domestic
fixed satellites and separate international satellite systems (IB Docket No. 95—41) (the "Rulemaking").

Additionally, PanAmSat represents to the Commission that it will not take any action that would
materially and adversely affect the issuance of grants of the HCG Applications conditioned on the
outcome of the Rulemaking, including minor amendments to such applications and requests for waiver
of the construction permit requirement specified in Section 319(d) of the Communications Act.
PanAmSat also represents that it will not take any action to induce any subsidiary, affiliate, or third party
to take any action forbidden to PanAmSat as described in the preceding sentence. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, these representations shall not preclude PanAmSat from taking any position or making any
argument in the Rulemaking regarding HCG or issues raised by the HCG Applications.

Accordingly, PanAmSat hereby requests that its petitions and other filings regarding the HCG
Applications be dismissed with prejudice and that the HCG Applications be granted upon the express
condition that they are contingent on the outcome of the Rulemaking.

PanAmSat appreciates your and the Bureau‘s participation in the above process.

                                                            Very truly yours,

                                                            PANAMSAT LICENSEE CORPORATION

                                                                          James"W. Cuminale
                                                                          General Counsel

Attachment                                        PanAmSat Corporation
         ONE PICKWICK PLAZA + GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT Cas30 + USA + TELEPHONE 1/203/62276664 + FAX 1/203/622,/9163

                            ATTACHMENT A


                               Galaxy NHM(H)

Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for Modification of Its
Authority To Construct, Launch, and Operate Its Hybrid (Combined C and Ku
Band) Galaxy HM(H) Domestic Communications Satellite, FCC File Nos. 33—
DSS—ML—94, CSS—94—014—MP/ML (filed April 25, 1994).

Minor Amendment to Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
for Modification of Its Authority To Construct, Launch, and Operate Its
Hybrid (Combined C and Ku Band) Galaxy HM(H) Domestic Communications
Satellite, FCC File No. 93—SAT—AMEND—95 (filed March 21, 1995).

Request of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for Minor Modification of
Its Authority To Construct, Launch, and Operate Its Hybrid (Combined C and
Ku Band) Galaxy HMI(H) Domestic Communications Satellite, FCC File No. 96—
SAT—ML—95 (filed March 21, 1995).

                                 laxy   VIII(I

Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for Authority To
Construct and Launch One Separate International Fixed—Communications
Satellite, and To Operate That Satellite in Geostationary Orbit as Part of Its
Satellite System, FCC File Nos. 47—DSS—P/LA—94, CSS—94—018 (filed July 15,

Request for Section 319(d) Waiver To Begin Construction of the Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. Galaxy VIIMI(I) International Fixed—
Communications Satellite (filed April 14, 1995).

                ATTACHMENT B

 ATELLITE            FILE
PAS—2R               CSS—94—006, 91—SAT—MP/LA—95
PAS—5                CSS—91—004
PAS—6       |        CSS—91—005, 92—SAT—ML—95
PAS—8                CSS—94—016, 114—SAT—AMEND—95

PAS—9                CSS—94—015, 117—SAT—AMEND—95

Document Created: 2014-07-21 17:31:37
Document Modified: 2014-07-21 17:31:37

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