Attachment 2002Teledesic respon

2002Teledesic respon

OTHER submitted by Teledesic



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19941230-00099 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  BEFORE THE
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                               7&\?;/’,% —
                                 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                M4
                                                                                             E/ m}fi      —   C   _!.4/

                  §                                                             "ap,            15 200(
In the Matter o                               ;                                    Orrine an "aTjoks,
                                                                                  | CE on 71152%?7_‘3&5MBgiy,
                                                                                               "Wep          uy
Teledesic LLC Application for Authority       ) File Nos.     22—DSS—P/LA—94                         .
To Construct, Launch, and Operate a           )               43-SAT-AMEND-95_,‘_—~::4“ —~
Ka—Band Satellite system in the Fixed         )               |27—SAT—AMEND—95C%
Satellite Service                             )               195—SAT—ML—97

                            RESPONSE OF TELEDESIC LLC
                          TO OBJECTION OF @CONTACT LLC

       Teledesic LLC hereby responds to the Objection of @contact LLC, filed with the

Commission on March 5, 2002. Most of the Objection consists of rambling attacks on

Teledesic‘s modification proceeding and desultory references to milestone extension cases, but

neither is at all relevant here. @contact‘s only relevant claim is that Teledesic‘s January 2002

construction contract does not satisfy its January 2002 construction commencement milestone

becadse the contract is for Teledesic‘s modified design rather than its currently licensed 288

satellite constellation. @contact‘s claim is contrary to both law and policy.

       Before turning to what is actually at issue, it is important to be clear about what is not at

issue. First, this is not a case about milestone extension requests. Teledesic satisfied its January

2002 milestone, and therefore has no need to seek an extension. Second, this is not a case

about whether Teledesic intends to replace its 288—satellite design with a 30—satellite design.

Teledesic has made that intention a matter of public record. Third, this is not a case about the

merits of Teledesic‘s pending modification application. Whatever @contact wishes to say

about the proposed modification, there is a separate proceeding in which to say it. The sole

question under consideration here is whether Teledesic‘s current construction contract

satisfies its January 2002 milestone. As demonstrated in more detail below, it unquestionably



         At bottom, @contact‘s one and only legal argument is that Teledesic‘s obligation to

"operate in accordance with the technical parameters and terms and conditions of [its]

authorization" was somehow incorporated into Teledesic‘s construction milestone. This strained

reading of the text is directly contradicted by the Commission‘s prior cases.

         The Commission has held that a construction contract does satisfy the

construction commencement milestone even though it conforms to a proposed

modification rather than a licensed design. in Tempo Enterprises, Inc., et al., the

Commission found that a licensee which sought an extension of its construction

commencement milestone had been mistaken in its assumption that it could not fulfill this

requirement by entering into a contract with a satellite contractor because its modified design

had not yet been approved by the Commission.‘ Rather than advising the licensee to simply

enter into a contract based on the terms of its existing authorization, as proposed by @contact

in the instant case, Commission staff advised the licensee to submit a contract that

conformed to the technical parameters of its pending modification application.

        Any permittee which anticipates changes in facilities during the course of
        construction can provide for those changes in the construction contract, but
        construction must begin at some point. .. . [AJny such contingencies
        involving the final configuration of the spacecraft(s) and the consequent final
        cost need not prevent the satisfaction of the due diligence requirement. ...
        Other present and future permittees are on notice [ ] that this clarification of
        this point eliminates this reason for failing to comply.

     In re Applications of Tempo Enterprises, Inc., et al, 1 F.C.C. Red. 20, 20 (1986).


            In Tempo, the Commission ultimately found that the late—filed contract premised on the

    still—unapproved technical parameters fulfilled the milestone, but the decision refutes @contact‘s

    argument even more thoroughly than that. The Commission also observed in Tempo that the

    licensee‘s willingness to sign the contract in question immediately upon receiving the

    Commission‘s informal advice had so dramatically enhanced the licensee‘s credibility that it was

willing to treat this due diligence demonstration as if it had been timely.‘ The instant case

    presents a much simpler one for the Commission. Teledesic has submitted a timely and

complete construction contract which fulfills its construction commencement milestone.

    Rather than serving as a reason for doubting Teledesic‘s commitment to its constellation,

Teledesic‘s decision to assume the risk associated with proceeding with a still—pending

modification application demonstrates its confidence in the nature of this new design from both

a regulatory and a commercial perspective.

           Subsequent decisions likewise repudiate @contact‘s reading of the construction

milestone. Both of the current satellite DARS licensees, Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. and XM

Radio Inc., filed modification applications aimed at changing the technical parameters of their

systems during the construction process.‘ In the more remarkable of the two stories, Sirius,

which had been authorized to construct, launch, and operate two geostationary satellites in

October 1997, sought to modify its space station license in December 1998 to use a three—

‘ 20—21 6.
3       See Application of CD Radio, Inc. to Modify Authorization, File No. SAT—MOD—19981211—00099, December 11,
        1998; Application ofXM Radio Inc. to Modify Authorization, File No. SAT—MOD—20000131—00051, January 31,

    satellite, non—geostationary orbit system.‘ Six months pfior to submitting this modification

    application, Sirius amended its 1993 contract with SpaceSystems/Loral and changed the

technical specifications for the construction of its satellites to conform to its new system

design.‘ Thus, for nearly three years before its modification application was granted and at the

time of its two construction commencement milestones in October 1998 and October 1999,

Sirius was building its new three—satellite constellation, which was reflected in this amended

contract. Indeed, Sirius launched all three of its non—geostationary satellites before its

modification application was approved with the full knowledge and consent of the International

Bureaix pursuant to a series of grants of special temporary authority.‘ Had @contact‘s theory

on enforcement of the construction commencement milestone been enforced by the

Commission, it could not have allowed, much less encouraged Sirius to depart so radically from

the technical specifications of its license. Indeed, had @contact‘s theory that licensees are

effectively enjoined from updating their contracts to reflect a pending modification previously

prevailed at the Commission, satellite DARS might never have gotten off the ground or would

4       In the Matter of Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. for Minor Modification of License to Construct, Launch, and Operate a Non—
        Geostationary Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service System, Order and Authorization, 16 F.C.C. Red. 5419 (Int‘l
        Bur. 2001). Sirius requested authority to make the following system design changes: 1) to increase the
        number of satellites from two to three, plus a ground spare; (2) to place three satellites into inclined and
        elliptical (non—geostationary) satellite orbits; and (3) to use the 4/6 GHz frequency band on a non—harmful
        interfering basis for telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C). Its modified system would thus rely on fewer
       terrestrial repeaters and offer more channels within the existing spectrum assignment. Id. at 5421 [ 5.

5      Amended and Restated Contract between C.D. Radio, Inc. and SpaceSystems Loral for On—Orbit Delivery of DARS
       Satellites, dated June 30, 1998 included with the 10Q Report submitted by CD Radio, Inc. to the U.S.
       Securities and Exchange Commission on November 18, 1998.

       All three launches proceeded with the full knowledge and support of the Commission prior to the grant of
       Sirius‘s modification application in March of 2001. "Sirius Satellite Radio Announces Successful Launch of
       Satellite," June 30, 2000 press release regarding launch of Sirius—1 available at; "Sirius
       Launches Second Satellite," September 5, 2000 press release regarding the launch of Sirius—2 available at; "Sirius Radio Completes Satellite Constellation," November 30, 2000 press release
       regarding the launch of Sirius—3 available at See Letters granting special temporary
       authority to Sirius from Tom Tycz, Chief, Satellite Radiocommunication Division, to Robert Briskman dated
       December 20, 1999, April 12, 2000, and August 3 1, 2000.

    have been seriously delayed while Sirius awaited resolution éf its modification application.

    Moreover, Sirius would have had to enter into non—contingent contracts by October 1998 and

    October 1999 for the construction of two geostationary satellites that it had no intention of


            @contact does not cite a single case in its Objection supporting its contention that

Teledesic was required to submit a contract for its 288—satellite design rather than one that

conforms to the modified design currently on file with the Commission. For reasons that are

unclear, @contact attempts to compare the instant case with the Commission‘s decision to

revoke Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.‘s "Big LEO" license for its failure to "enter into a

binding contract for construction of the satellites in question.‘"" This is indeed puzzling given

that the cited order involves neither review of compliance with the first construction

commencement milestone nor conformity of the satellites with the technical parameters of

MCHI‘s license. The International Bureau was actually reviewing whether MCHI had fulfilled its

second construction milestone — to begin construction of all of the remaining satellites in its

constellation. The reference to "the satellites in question" was not included as part of an

analysis of whether MCHI‘s satellites were consistent with the technical design approved in its

license but in a paragraph analyzing the adequacy of its contractual commitments. In sharp

contrast to Teledesic‘s contract with Alenia, which includes major financial commitments by

Teledesic at each stage of the construction process and a very clear schedule requiring

adherence to Teledesic‘s schedule for launch and operation of those satellites, the Commission

found that MCHI‘s contract with Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. did not constitute a binding

"       @contact Objection at 7—8 citing MCHI Revocation Order, 16 F.C.C. Red. 11766, ([ 10 (Int‘l Bur. 2001).

    construction contract." Thus, neither the MCHI revocation order nor any other authority cited

    by @contact supports its legal theory that the Commission requires demonstration of a

contract that conforms with all of the technical specifications of the satellite license.


             Even if the precedent l?efuting @contact‘s theory did not exist or could be ignored,

@contact‘s proposed application of the commencement milestone would quite simply lead to

disastrous public policy. First, such a narrow reading of the construction commencement

milestone would divorce enforcement of the milestones from the larger public policy purposes

for which they are imposed. Milestones are included in satellite licenses to ensure that

licensees move forward with system deployment in a timely fashion rather than warehousing

their spectrum.‘ This is their only point. Specifically, there is no basis for arguing that

milestones are intended to ensure that Iicensees‘ construct their system without any deviation

from the technical specifications included in their licenses. Indeed, distorting the milestones in

this manner would largely undo what the Commission rightly did when it eliminated the
               &           &       +          10
construction permit requirement.

8        1d. at 11768.

°        See, e.g., Morning Star Satellite Company, LLC., 16 F.C.C. Red. 11550 (2001); see also In the Matter ofAmendment
         of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, FCC 02—45 [101, 2002 FCC LEXIS 1033 (February
         28, 2002).

_        See In the Matter of Streamlining the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations for Satellite and Licensing Procedures, 1 1
         F.C.C. Red. 21581 (1996). The Commission‘s decision to eliminate the construction permit requirement was
         explicitly premised on providing space station applicants with "increased flexibility in long—term planning and
         delivery of services." Id. at 21583 «[ 6. Noting that "the process of constructing and obtaining a license for a
         new satellite often takes years," the Commission determined that eliminating this obligation would allow new
         services to be delivered to the public as quickly as possible upon completion of the licensing process. 1d.

        Second, @contact‘s proposed construction would appear to require licensees to waste

precious capital on project designs that have clearly been superseded as a matter of public

record. @contact apparently wants Teledesic to keep spending money on a 288—satellite

design that neither Teledesic nor anyone else intends to build. Although @contact may be

comfortable urging a policy that effectively requires operators seeking to improve their designs

to build two constellations at the same time — one that makes sense and one that doesn‘t — it is

difficult to imagine that other licensees would agree. No rational prospective satellite operator

that has any chance of succeeding in this highly competitive industry is going to begin to build its

business by throwing money away in this fashion.

        Finally, were the Commission to adopt @contact‘s interpretation of the construction

commencement milestone, it would mean the end not just of Teledesi;‘s modification (at which

it is aimed) but the majority of satellite modifications. Given the Commission‘s frequent

affirmations that licensees should be free to incorporate the latest technical innovations by way

of system modifications,‘"‘ it would be irrational for the Commission to construe its milestones

in such a way as to make modifications essentially impossible. @contact‘s reading of this

milestone would thus eviscerate the Commission‘s embrac»e of flexibility in system development

and design by preventing licensees from fully committing their time and resources to moving

forward with the construction process.

"   See eg., Sirius Modification Order, 16 F.C.C. Red. at 5429 4| 28; In the Matter ofXM Radio Inc. for Minor
    Modification of License to Construct, Launch, and Operate a Non—Geostationary Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
    System, Order and Authorization, 16 F.C.C. Red. 5603, 5606 «[ 8 (Int‘l Bur. 2001); Earthwatch Incorporated, 16
    F.C.C. Red. 15985, 15985 «[ 1 (Int‘l Bur. 2001); Loral Space & Communications, Ltd., 15 F.C.C. Red. 6868, 6870
    4| 6 (Int‘l Bur. 1999).


        Teledesic‘s license required the company to sign a non—contingent construction contract

for two satellites by the end of januar)Z, 2002. As evidenced by its submission to the

 International Bureau on February 8, 2002, Telede;ic fulfilled this obligation by signing a contract

with Alenia Spazio S.p.A on January 18, 2002 that became effective on January 30, 2002.

Teledesic therefore respectfully requests the Commission to deny the Objection filed by

@contact and to acknowledge that Teledesic has satisfied its January 2002 construction

commencement milestone.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                   TELEDESIC LLC

                                                   Leltd flufifi—g
                                                   Mark A. Grannis /
                                                   Kelly S. McGinn
                                                   HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
                                                    1200 Eighteenth Street NW
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   202—730—1 300

                                                   Its Attorneys

Dated: March 15, 2002

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Lee Mullins, hereby certify that the foregoing "Response of Teledesic LLC to

@contact‘s Objection" was served on the following by first—class U.S. mail postage prepaid on

this 15" day of March, 2002:

                               Todd Stansbury
                               Jennifer Hindin
                               Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                                1776 K Street, N.W.
                               WashingtonD.C. 20006—2304
                               Counsel for @contact LLC

                                        Lee Mullins

Document Created: 2014-12-23 17:21:10
Document Modified: 2014-12-23 17:21:10

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