Attachment amendment


AMENDMENT submitted by Celsat



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19941125-00089 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Celsat America, Inc.
                                  14270 Domingo Count
                                  Reno, Nevada 89511

                                            July 27, 2004

Marlene H. Dortch
Foderal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
                       Re:    Celsat Amerioa,Inc.
Dear Ms. Dorich:
       Thisleter serves to certify that Celsat America, Inc. (*Celsat")has met the third
milestone se forth in its 2 GHz Mobile Satelfite Servie (‘MSS®) linse, s modified by
Celsas Ko—band feederlink Hcense."
       The FCC granted Celsat a 2 GHz MSS license on July 17, 2001 Subsequenty,
the FCC granted Celsta Ka—band cense for feeder links for Celsa‘s 2 GHz MSS
system on August 3, 20012 The Ka—band License modifed the milestones as set forth in
the 2 GHz MSS License.. The third milestone for the Celsatsatllte system is July 17,
2004, by which time Celsat must have begun physical constrction ofll satelites in its
       Several days before the third milestone date, Celsat and Loral executed an
amendment to thir existing satllte manufacturing contractt relect the revised terms
oftheir business relationship asa result ofLorals continued bankruprey.* In addition,
!        See FCC File Nos. 2627728—D55—P—94, 36—SAT—AMEND—95, 65/66(67—SAT—
         AMEND.96, 192—SAT—AMEND—97, 88—SAT—AMEND—98; and IBFS Nos. SAT—
         A/O—19940408—00016717/18, SAT—AMD—19941125—00089, SAT—AMD
         19960124—00007/819, SAT—AMD—19970025—00124, SAT—AMD—19980113—
         00009, SAT—AMD—20001103—00153.
*        geeOrder and Authorization, DA O1—1632 (the 2 GHz MSS License").
>        See Order and Authorization, DA 01—1682 (the "Ka—band License").
*        See Amendment Number 1,dated July 12, 2004, to Contract, dated July 14, 2002,
         between Celsat America, Inc. and Space Systems/Loral, Inc.(*Contract

     Celsa iled a modifieation application with the Commission on July 17, 2004 seeking to
     ) reinguish the 83 degrees W.L. orbital slo, (i) waiveandor extend Celsa‘s fourth
     milestone (launch ofthe stelite) while retaining thefinal date by which Celsat must
     cerify that is entire satelite system is operational, and (ii)make minor changes to the
     technical parameters of ts stelite>
        The attached leterfrom Celsats manufacturing company, Loral, certifiesthat
 constraction ofthe Celsatstelite commenced on July 17, 2004 in accordance with the
 terms ofContract Amendment Number 1. Accordingly, Celsathas metthe third
 constraction milestone as required by the 2 GHz MSS License and the Ko—band License.

                                                 D1 30 t
                                                 David D. Oten
                                                 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                                Celsat America, Inc.

           Amendment Number 1. A copy ofthis amendment will be supplied to the
           Commission under separate cover no later than August 11, 2004.
3.         See File No. SAT—MOD—20040717:00134. This modification applitation has not
           yet been placed on Public Notice.

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 umm erverrumm

 2825 Fabian Wey. Ms ce«
 Palo Ato, CA ae302—4004

 22 Juty 2004

 Mr.David D. Otten
 Chairman and CEO
 Celsat America, Ic.
 532 South Gertrida Avenne
 Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Subject:        CELSAT Satelite Program—"Surtof Construction"

Dear Mr. Otten:
Pursuant to Articl 2 of Contract Amendment Number 1 dated 12 July 2004, this is to
confirm that Start of Construction has accurred on 17 July 2004 in accordance with
Aricle 2.2.18 of Exhibit A, Statement of Work, dated 12 July 2004.
space sysTEMSAoRAL mc.

fR. oA. Hal
Senior Vice President and
Chief Finzncial Officer

Document Created: 2004-09-28 11:11:56
Document Modified: 2004-09-28 11:11:56

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